About This Particular Macintosh 6.04 - eDisk

About This Particular Macintosh 6.04 - eDisk

About This Particular Macintosh 6.04 - eDisk

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Process Manager is a far easier way to see which applications are running, and in somerespects even outshines the Windows Taskbar. As you launch and quit applications, ProcessManager keeps track of what’s available and shows the results as a list of icons that offer thesame functionality as the Finder menu and then some. In addition to switching betweenapplications with a click of the mouse, you can also hide them, quit them, get info, activatesharing, and more from a popup menu. Processes can be filtered from the list, a handy featureif your screen saver is an application (rather than a control panel or extension) thatalways needs to be active, but doesn’t really need your attention.Trash It 3.6Author: SkidPerfect SoftwareWeb: http://www.skidperfect.com/csm/Price: freeFile Size: 10KEmptying the trash is another task that’s more difficult than ithas to be. Normally, the Finder has certain rules for which files can be deleted andwhich ones can’t. In the un-deletable category you’ll find things like locked files,“busy” files (meaning that an application is currently using them, and wouldn’tappreciate your deleting them), and active applications. If the Finder thinks a file is somehowin use, you won’t be able to delete it until after you restart.Trash It, on the other hand, is far less fussy. It will delete whatever you drag onto it with narya peep or “Are you sure…” warning. <strong>This</strong> comes in handy when you know better than theFinder (or at least think you do) about which files can be safely deleted. Trash It gives you thepower to override the Finder’s usual rules, and for that reason can be very dangerous if youaren’t careful. Entire volumes can be deleted, even the active System Folder.Jeremy’s CSMs 2.1Author: Jeremy KezerWeb: http://www.kezer.net/csm.htmlPrice: $15File Size: 345KIf you really want to make the most of your Control Strip, Jeremy’sCSMs are the place to go. <strong>This</strong> package of 16 modules both improves onsome of Apple’s offerings and offers unique additions to them. The following is aATPM <strong>6.04</strong> ← 76 →Stuff: Shareware Roundup

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