About This Particular Macintosh 6.04 - eDisk

About This Particular Macintosh 6.04 - eDisk About This Particular Macintosh 6.04 - eDisk

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Columns: Networking Guru (VII)How ToBecome a Network Guruin 10 Easy StepsBY MATTHEW GLIDDENmglidden@atpm.comPart VII: Mixed Networks Make StrangeBedfellowsAs computers invade our homes in increasing numbers, many people find themselves usingmore than one computer platform. In my home, for example, there’s a do-it-all Power Mac8500, but also a PC laptop from work. I work on both, and I sometimes need to share filesbetween them or move files from one to the other. Both computers have floppy drives, so Icould swap files 1.4 megabytes at a time—but that soon becomes cumbersome. Connectingthem both to a network will solve the problem, but only if I can also overcome the obstacleof different network and file formats.Connecting Macs and PCs to the Same NetworkAlthough many Macs can use both Ethernet and LocalTalk networks, Ethernet is the onlyreal option for PCs, so it’s best to connect Macs and PCs using Ethernet. For each computer,you’ll need an Ethernet adapter and a piece of straight-through category 5 Ethernet cable.Most Macs and many PCs have Ethernet support built-in. You’ll also need a hub or switch toact as the central connection point, as shown in the figure below.ATPM 6.04 ← 66 → Columns: Networking Guru (VII)

If you’re trying to connect one Mac to one PC, you can use a crossover Ethernet cableinstead of the hub and straight-through cable. This kind of connection only works for twocomputers.You can find Ethernet adapters, cables, hubs, and switches at most “real ”and Internet computerstores. Ethernet adapters, hubs, and switches come in 10Base-T, 100Base-T, and 10/100Base-T varieties. The number refers to the data transmission speed, so 100Base-T isfaster. 10/100Base-T devices can handle either Ethernet speed. Note that your Ethernetadapters and hub (or switch) must share a common speed to work together.Setting Up the Network SoftwareOnce you connect your computers the same network, you need to make them “understand”each other. Macs and PCs use different network “languages” to share access to files andprinters, so you need to add translation software if you want them to play nicely together.There are several options to choose from, depending on what you need to do.DAVE from Thursby Systems 1 installs on a Mac, allowing you to interact seamlessly with aMicrosoft Windows-based network. You access the Windows network through your Mac’sChooser (or Network Browser), just like on a Mac-only network. You can exchange messageswith Windows users, use Windows printers, and perform any other network functions.The latest version of DAVE is 2.5, which is compatible with Windows 95, 98, 2000, andNT. You can download a demo version from the Thursby Web site. The single user versioncosts $149.PC MacLAN from Miramar 2 installs on a Windows-based PC, enabling you to access sharedfiles and printers on an AppleTalk network. PCs can access the AppleTalk network throughthe Network Neighborhood, and Macs gain access through their Chooser (or NetworkBrowser). PC MacLAN includes Dataviz’s MacOpener, translation software that lets youaccess a wide variety of Mac formats from your Windows PC. There are versions of PC1. http://www.thursby.com/2. http://www.miramarsys.com/ATPM 6.04 ← 67 → Columns: Networking Guru (VII)

Columns: Networking Guru (VII)How ToBecome a Network Guruin 10 Easy StepsBY MATTHEW GLIDDENmglidden@atpm.comPart VII: Mixed Networks Make StrangeBedfellowsAs computers invade our homes in increasing numbers, many people find themselves usingmore than one computer platform. In my home, for example, there’s a do-it-all Power Mac8500, but also a PC laptop from work. I work on both, and I sometimes need to share filesbetween them or move files from one to the other. Both computers have floppy drives, so Icould swap files 1.4 megabytes at a time—but that soon becomes cumbersome. Connectingthem both to a network will solve the problem, but only if I can also overcome the obstacleof different network and file formats.Connecting Macs and PCs to the Same NetworkAlthough many Macs can use both Ethernet and LocalTalk networks, Ethernet is the onlyreal option for PCs, so it’s best to connect Macs and PCs using Ethernet. For each computer,you’ll need an Ethernet adapter and a piece of straight-through category 5 Ethernet cable.Most Macs and many PCs have Ethernet support built-in. You’ll also need a hub or switch toact as the central connection point, as shown in the figure below.ATPM <strong>6.04</strong> ← 66 → Columns: Networking Guru (VII)

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