About This Particular Macintosh 6.04 - eDisk

About This Particular Macintosh 6.04 - eDisk About This Particular Macintosh 6.04 - eDisk

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Genetic Savings & CloneWeb Address: http://www.savingsandclone.com/Man’s best friend can be rebornWhen your beloved pet dies, you can have its DNA stored at GS&C. When science advancesfar enough to clone your pet, you can have Fido regrown. Even if we have the ability to dothis kind of procedure, there are some serious ethical considerations. In any event, GS&Cpromises to wait it all out and when (and if) society accepts this kind of cloning, you canhave your pets reborn.Boogie-cards.comWeb Address: of irrelevant postcardsEverybody is sending e-cards these days. Thereare all kinds of beautiful and clever cards outthere to suit any occasion. Boogie-cards.com haslots of e-cards that are just plain meaningless.There’s a collection of fire hydrant cards, piles ofrocks, and bread, just to name a few. My favoritesare the cows at night.iCardsWeb Address: http://icards.mac.comApple joins the e-card crazeAs long as I’m covering e-cards and this is aMacintosh e-zine, it only makes sense to mentioniCards. We all love our Macs, and anytimewe can display our love, we usually do it! iCardsis a great way to send a beautiful e-card andtastefully include an Apple logo with the postmark“Hello from Cupertino, CA” in the corner.ATPM 6.04 ← 50 →Columns: Web Sites

Personal PostcardsWeb Address: http://www.knopfler.com/cards.htmArtistic e-cardsIf you want a little more creativity than what iCards offers, check out Personal Postcards.Right now, there are only nine cards available, but they’re all excellent, and the site is worthyof a bookmark. Oh and by the way, check out the card in the lower right-hand corner. It’s thebest, by far!Dave & Stu: The Premiere Performance Duo of the 90sWeb Address: http://homepage.mac.com/dspencer/dns2/index.htmlAmerica’s Newest Entertainment DuoEverybody knows Dave & Stu. They’re the entertainmentduo that draws great crowds wheneverthey put on a show. They follow in the footstepsof entertainment duos such as The SmothersBrothers. The Web site is a bit outdated, but it’sstill worth seeing. Check out the site to find outall about them, what they do, and learn abouttheir worldwide tour. (Check out the “Tour” sectionand click on “Bringing Home The Magic” tolearn more!)Copyright © 2000 David Spencer. David Spencer has been a Macadvocate since 1991, when he traded in his IBM PC Jr. for a Mac Classic. He can be reached atdspencer@atpm.com. The Web sites mentioned here are not endorsed by ATPM, they are simply suggestionsfor your own browsing endeavors.ATPM 6.04 ← 51 →Columns: Web Sites

Personal PostcardsWeb Address: http://www.knopfler.com/cards.htmArtistic e-cardsIf you want a little more creativity than what iCards offers, check out Personal Postcards.Right now, there are only nine cards available, but they’re all excellent, and the site is worthyof a bookmark. Oh and by the way, check out the card in the lower right-hand corner. It’s thebest, by far!Dave & Stu: The Premiere Performance Duo of the 90sWeb Address: http://homepage.mac.com/dspencer/dns2/index.htmlAmerica’s Newest Entertainment DuoEverybody knows Dave & Stu. They’re the entertainmentduo that draws great crowds wheneverthey put on a show. They follow in the footstepsof entertainment duos such as The SmothersBrothers. The Web site is a bit outdated, but it’sstill worth seeing. Check out the site to find outall about them, what they do, and learn abouttheir worldwide tour. (Check out the “Tour” sectionand click on “Bringing Home The Magic” tolearn more!)Copyright © 2000 David Spencer. David Spencer has been a Macadvocate since 1991, when he traded in his IBM PC Jr. for a Mac Classic. He can be reached atdspencer@atpm.com. The Web sites mentioned here are not endorsed by ATPM, they are simply suggestionsfor your own browsing endeavors.ATPM <strong>6.04</strong> ← 51 →Columns: Web Sites

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