About This Particular Macintosh 6.04 - eDisk

About This Particular Macintosh 6.04 - eDisk About This Particular Macintosh 6.04 - eDisk

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DogDoo.comWeb Address: http://www.dogdoo.comSmell your mail before openingEver play the dog doo in a burning paper sackprank on your neighbor as a kid? The scariestpart of it all was running up to the porch (I knowfrom experience!) without being seen. Dog-Doo.com brings this defecating brand of humorto a new level. DogDoo.com will mail out moist,fresh dog waste to any address you choose. Thepackages are sealed and wrapped in such a fashionthat it forces the recipient to actually handleFido’s present before realizing what it is. Thereare three dog “sizes” to choose from: 20 lb, 50 lbor 110 lb. Obviously the larger the dog, the largerthe finished product.Air Sickness Bag Virtual Museum!Web Address: http://www.airsicknessbags.comNauseating memorabiliaYes, there is an actual museum dedicated to motion sickness bags! The curator, Steven Silberberg,has assembled a massive collection of barf bags from airlines, ocean liners, trains,and even the “Vomit Comet,” those astronaut training jets that simulate weightlessness.What an historical treasure trove!ATPM 6.04 ← 48 →Columns: Web Sites

The World’s Best Bubblewrap HomepageWeb Address: http://www.fathom.org/opalcat/bubblewrap.htmlPop! Pop! Pop! Crinkle, Crinkle, Pop!For those of you who love to play with bubblewrap,here’s a Web site where you can learneverything about the stuff. Did you know thatthere’s a proper etiquette to popping bubblewrap?There are certain methods and styles topopping it that you can try at home as well. You’lllove the guestbook where there’s an active discussionabout bubblewrap. Things really getpopping when there’s a controversy!YETI@HomeWeb Address: http://www.phobe.com/yeti/Join the search!Harnessing the power of hundreds of Internet-connected computers, YETI@Home hopes todiscover the whereabouts of a yeti. With this soon-to-be-released software, your computer(equipped with a camera) will scan your backyard for yetis. With the power of so manycomputers pouring over the images, surely somebody will track down the whereabouts ofthe mysterious Yeti.Aliens for Hire WebWeb Address: http://www.aliensforhire.com/index2.htmlThey’re just trying to make a buck, not enslave us!For an out-of-this-world party, hire these guysand girls (or whatever genders aliens have)!These aliens have come from all over the galaxyto be your entertainers. All of these aliens arefriendly, social, and promise not to eat yourbrains.ATPM 6.04 ← 49 →Columns: Web Sites

The World’s Best Bubblewrap HomepageWeb Address: http://www.fathom.org/opalcat/bubblewrap.htmlPop! Pop! Pop! Crinkle, Crinkle, Pop!For those of you who love to play with bubblewrap,here’s a Web site where you can learneverything about the stuff. Did you know thatthere’s a proper etiquette to popping bubblewrap?There are certain methods and styles topopping it that you can try at home as well. You’lllove the guestbook where there’s an active discussionabout bubblewrap. Things really getpopping when there’s a controversy!YETI@HomeWeb Address: http://www.phobe.com/yeti/Join the search!Harnessing the power of hundreds of Internet-connected computers, YETI@Home hopes todiscover the whereabouts of a yeti. With this soon-to-be-released software, your computer(equipped with a camera) will scan your backyard for yetis. With the power of so manycomputers pouring over the images, surely somebody will track down the whereabouts ofthe mysterious Yeti.Aliens for Hire WebWeb Address: http://www.aliensforhire.com/index2.htmlThey’re just trying to make a buck, not enslave us!For an out-of-this-world party, hire these guysand girls (or whatever genders aliens have)!These aliens have come from all over the galaxyto be your entertainers. All of these aliens arefriendly, social, and promise not to eat yourbrains.ATPM <strong>6.04</strong> ← 49 →Columns: Web Sites

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