About This Particular Macintosh 6.04 - eDisk

About This Particular Macintosh 6.04 - eDisk About This Particular Macintosh 6.04 - eDisk

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Rumormonger TakeoverDisappointed by their constant inability to correctly predict Apple’s upcoming hardwarereleases, Jason O’Grady and Doug Landry have commenced a hostile takeover of AppleComputer, Inc. It is rumoured that once they have control over Apple, they will sue all nonrumours-basedWeb sites for maligning Apple by their incessant reporting of what is actuallygoing on.O’Grady told this reporter, “I estimate that Apple has lost nearly $800 million this year alonebecause of their [Mac News sites’] constant placation of Mac users, and their refusal to helpApple get customers excited about upcoming products.”Alpha Syntauri: Affordable Digital Synthesis SystemMountain Hardware is set to announce the release of the Alpha Syntauri, an affordable digitalsynthesis and sequencing system. The Alpha Syntauri is a two-card system that interfaceswith Apple hardware and software (and only Apple, there are no plans for a PC-compatibleversion). The Alpha Syntauri promises a “hip 80’s retro sound,” reminiscent of Brian Eno,David Byrne, Herbie Hancock, and others. Unlike other software packages, though, theAlpha Syntauri includes hardware: a five-octave keyboard and a light pen interface thatallows the user to draw waveforms directly on the screen. One potential problem, the systemmay not be compatible with the most recent Macs. If this is true, we hope that futureupgrades will deal with this issue. In the meantime, a rare picture of this innovative digitalsynthesizer is available here 3 , and detailed tech specs are listed here 4 .Apple Takes a Bite OutAfter the successful non-attendance by Apple at the London Apple Expo (31 March-1 April)and the cutting back of Apple UK staff, Apple has confirmed that they will be pulling out ofthe UK altogether. By April 1st 2001, Apple will have stopped all UK distribution of its proprietaryand third party products. All warranties will become invalid one year after thatdate.An Apple spokesman, who wishes to remain nameless, commented “It’s not like Britain is avery big country, and we have got enough money now.”3. http://www.synthony.com/vintage/alphasyntauri.html4. http://machines.hyperreal.org/categories/misc/info/alpha.SyntauriATPM 6.04 ← 44 →Columns: Rumors

If the scheme is as successful as Apple hopes, they plan to pull out of Europe altogether, untileventually the whole of Apple is operating on a small fishing boat, just outside of Steve Jobs’cosy house.Apple and the FAAWell-placed sources at Apple tipped us off to secret meetings between Apple and the FAA,where discussions of replacing aging aircraft communication systems with Apple-brandedAirPort-based wireless network devices are moving forward, with possible in-the-air testingto begin by Q3 2000. As an added bonus, AirPort-enabled iBooks and PowerBooks will beable to piggyback on this signal to communicate with terminal concierges to prepare transportation,show reservations, and other services.Net Granny Nears BetaReliable sources confirm the long awaited adult offering from Net Nanny (we broke the storysome time ago, but noooo, you weren’t paying attention or maybe you forgot) is about to gobeta. A person close to an associate of Mahatma Kane Jeeves, who was recently interviewedfor the position of promotion intern for this product, tells us, “…[name of Net Nannyemployee] tells me they’ve dropped the name ‘NetNumbskull’ because it fails to obfuscatethe product’s position in the market. We’re going with Net Granny, not only because grandmothersare notoriously bullbleep resistant, but because granny rhymes with nanny. Get it?”Net Granny, which sounds very much like Net Nanny, deletes hoaxes from your email. Likethe email and site sex-and-spam filters that block anything with ‘sex,’ ‘XXX,’ ‘hot,’ ‘money,’‘free,’ or ‘!!!’ in the subject, Net Granny scans the first paragraph of your email messages for‘true,’ ‘research proves,’ ‘experts confirm,’ ‘reliable sources,’ and any reference to gangs, theCenters for Disease Control, or Arizona State Troopers.Filtered mail is removed and replaced with an alert from Net Granny, such as “Someone outthere must think you’re a real idiot,” “I heard that one when I was your age,” or, “If yourfriends think you’re stupid enough to believe this, maybe you need different friends.”The full-featured Net Granny Pro(active) also filters any email the user forwards to otheraccounts, adding headers such as, “Your so-called friend [sender] thought you’d like to readthis groaner one more time. Click here if you don’t want any more of this rubbish.” If clicked,ATPM 6.04 ← 45 →Columns: Rumors

Rumormonger TakeoverDisappointed by their constant inability to correctly predict Apple’s upcoming hardwarereleases, Jason O’Grady and Doug Landry have commenced a hostile takeover of AppleComputer, Inc. It is rumoured that once they have control over Apple, they will sue all nonrumours-basedWeb sites for maligning Apple by their incessant reporting of what is actuallygoing on.O’Grady told this reporter, “I estimate that Apple has lost nearly $800 million this year alonebecause of their [Mac News sites’] constant placation of Mac users, and their refusal to helpApple get customers excited about upcoming products.”Alpha Syntauri: Affordable Digital Synthesis SystemMountain Hardware is set to announce the release of the Alpha Syntauri, an affordable digitalsynthesis and sequencing system. The Alpha Syntauri is a two-card system that interfaceswith Apple hardware and software (and only Apple, there are no plans for a PC-compatibleversion). The Alpha Syntauri promises a “hip 80’s retro sound,” reminiscent of Brian Eno,David Byrne, Herbie Hancock, and others. Unlike other software packages, though, theAlpha Syntauri includes hardware: a five-octave keyboard and a light pen interface thatallows the user to draw waveforms directly on the screen. One potential problem, the systemmay not be compatible with the most recent Macs. If this is true, we hope that futureupgrades will deal with this issue. In the meantime, a rare picture of this innovative digitalsynthesizer is available here 3 , and detailed tech specs are listed here 4 .Apple Takes a Bite OutAfter the successful non-attendance by Apple at the London Apple Expo (31 March-1 April)and the cutting back of Apple UK staff, Apple has confirmed that they will be pulling out ofthe UK altogether. By April 1st 2001, Apple will have stopped all UK distribution of its proprietaryand third party products. All warranties will become invalid one year after thatdate.An Apple spokesman, who wishes to remain nameless, commented “It’s not like Britain is avery big country, and we have got enough money now.”3. http://www.synthony.com/vintage/alphasyntauri.html4. http://machines.hyperreal.org/categories/misc/info/alpha.SyntauriATPM <strong>6.04</strong> ← 44 →Columns: Rumors

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