About This Particular Macintosh 6.04 - eDisk

About This Particular Macintosh 6.04 - eDisk About This Particular Macintosh 6.04 - eDisk

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or developing a similar and compatible feature within Mac OS X. The latest rumor goes farbeyond this, though:According to reliable inside sources, Apple will shortly announce their purchase of GibsonMusical Instruments, who presently own and operate Opcode systems. Apple’s intent is tobreak up Gibson, keeping OMS and Vision DSP, along with Gibson’s own GMICS (GlobalMusical Instrument Communication Standard), which they will combine with Quick TimeInstruments into a new MIDI and digital audio standard, QTOMIDSPGCSIS (Quick TimeOpen Musical Instrument Digital Signal Processing Global Communication Standard InterfaceSystem).They will then sell off Studio Vision to Twelve Tone (the makers of PC sequencer CakewalkPro Audio), and the Musical Instrument Division (they make the guitars) to Yamaha Music,Inc. of Japan. We can only hope that Yamaha will keep the Gibson name, and continue tomanufacture guitars in the US. As for Henry E. Juszkiewicz, Gibson’s CEO, his plans are tosplurge a little on a new Gulf Stream Jet (“just like Steve’s!”) and then focus his aggressivemanagement style on new and innovative business ventures. “I’m not sure yet,” he said “butit will probably involve selling sugared water to children.”Disney and AppleAs most of you know, Steve Jobs has been sightedon the Disney lot lately, fueling speculation thatApple would in fact be bought by Disney, lock,stock, and barrel. Nothing could be further fromthe truth. By the time you read this, the sale ofDisney to Apple Computer, Inc. for $57.6 billionof cash and stock will be complete, however, theofficial announcement won’t be made until theWorld Wide Developers’ Conference. Steve Jobswill come out on stage, wearing mouse ears.Sporting the new combined Apple/Disney logo(see right), the company will focus on diversification.As part of the move, go.com will merge with iTools, to form The Go Apple Network.The new ad campaign will replace Jeff Goldblum with Mickey Mouse, and Richard Dreyfusswith Donald Duck. “Think Different.” will be replaced with, “Go, Apple!,” and Steve will ofcourse head up the new company as MiCEO.ATPM 6.04 ← 42 →Columns: Rumors

New iMacs and iBooks More Than Good “Looking”Let it never be said that Apple doesn’t titillate the senses.When the original Bondi-blue iMac hit the streets, the world was taken by storm with acomputer that genuinely looked awesome. The storm showed no signs of subsiding whenthe variety of iMac flavors came on the scene.After years of pleasuring the senses of sight, sound, and even lingering flirtations with thesense of touch, it seems Apple engineers are now targeting the olfactory senses. That’s thesense of smell, for the lexicographically-challenged.According to ATPM’s anonymous sources, the next generation of iMacs and iBooks will lookno different than the current models. The standard anticipated improvements to the processor’sspeed, the increased RAM, and the larger hard drives will likely be modest. But thetransparent cases will be created using an experimental technique that will make the materialbehave much like a Scratch-N-Sniff sticker.Each machine’s aroma will correspond to its visual flavor, and while you won’t have to actuallyuse your fingernails to scratch the case, a gentle rub will cause it to give off its intendedsmell for a minute or two.It is probably for the best that the cases don’t produce their aromas perpetually. Sourcesagree that no two different flavors smell good when experienced simultaneously. For thisreason, Apple will consider making nonodiferous versions of the iMac for the benefit ofschools and computer labs.“Orange” and “cherry” were most popular with ATPM’s sources, while lime was quicklyruled the least favorite. One source commented that the “lime” flavor should be recalled andreplaced with “kiwi.” Another said he wished there were a “peach” flavor.The “charcoal” cases of the special edition iMacs were notably absent. Apple engineers areprobably scratching their collective heads as to what they should smell like.When asked whether the idea ever surfaced for Apple to cater to the remaining sense oftaste—the sources recalled the movie, Willie Wonka & the Chocolate Factory, and his lickablewallpaper. “Anything’s possible,” they agreed.ATPM 6.04 ← 43 →Columns: Rumors

New iMacs and iBooks More Than Good “Looking”Let it never be said that Apple doesn’t titillate the senses.When the original Bondi-blue iMac hit the streets, the world was taken by storm with acomputer that genuinely looked awesome. The storm showed no signs of subsiding whenthe variety of iMac flavors came on the scene.After years of pleasuring the senses of sight, sound, and even lingering flirtations with thesense of touch, it seems Apple engineers are now targeting the olfactory senses. That’s thesense of smell, for the lexicographically-challenged.According to ATPM’s anonymous sources, the next generation of iMacs and iBooks will lookno different than the current models. The standard anticipated improvements to the processor’sspeed, the increased RAM, and the larger hard drives will likely be modest. But thetransparent cases will be created using an experimental technique that will make the materialbehave much like a Scratch-N-Sniff sticker.Each machine’s aroma will correspond to its visual flavor, and while you won’t have to actuallyuse your fingernails to scratch the case, a gentle rub will cause it to give off its intendedsmell for a minute or two.It is probably for the best that the cases don’t produce their aromas perpetually. Sourcesagree that no two different flavors smell good when experienced simultaneously. For thisreason, Apple will consider making nonodiferous versions of the iMac for the benefit ofschools and computer labs.“Orange” and “cherry” were most popular with ATPM’s sources, while lime was quicklyruled the least favorite. One source commented that the “lime” flavor should be recalled andreplaced with “kiwi.” Another said he wished there were a “peach” flavor.The “charcoal” cases of the special edition iMacs were notably absent. Apple engineers areprobably scratching their collective heads as to what they should smell like.When asked whether the idea ever surfaced for Apple to cater to the remaining sense oftaste—the sources recalled the movie, Willie Wonka & the Chocolate Factory, and his lickablewallpaper. “Anything’s possible,” they agreed.ATPM <strong>6.04</strong> ← 43 →Columns: Rumors

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