About This Particular Macintosh 6.04 - eDisk

About This Particular Macintosh 6.04 - eDisk

About This Particular Macintosh 6.04 - eDisk

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The technology is very young, and it is quite difficult to manufacture such an amazing chipat high speeds.My first question on hearing this exciting news was, how can Apple even think about puttingsuch a fast chip into as small an enclosure as a PowerBook? Won’t it overheat? Nope. Appleplans to use Peltier Effect technology to keep the chip super-cool. In fact, Apple hopes tofinally break the 1" thickness barrier with this machine, currently code-named 105, or “Iceberg.”Early prototypes have completely transparent casing, and if that wasn’t enough thehard drive enclosure is itself in a transparent high-impact case, so you can actually watch itspin while it searches for your data.Our source at Apple said that it is too early to guess what Iceberg will cost, but I expect he’sjust saying that because it will be amazingly inexpensive compared to today’s offerings, andhe’s afraid that if people find out that they will be able to get an Iceberg for $1099 a short yearand a half from now, they will refuse to purchase the old and outdated Pismos that are currentlyclogging up Apple’s distribution channels.If you really and truly must have a PowerBook now, a Pismo is a good choice: in fact, it’s thebest portable on the market! On the other hand, if you think you can wait a little longerbefore buying your next machine, hold out for Iceberg. It’ll be well worth the wait.Apple’s New Pro StrategyDue to production shortfalls of high speed G4 processors at Motorola, Apple will announcethat it is abandoning its current 350/400/450 MHz computers. Instead, Apple will sell a singleprofessional computer. The processors in the professional computers will be whateverMotorola is currently able to ship to Apple. Apparently, there will be no way to specify afaster processor—your only guarantee is that the processor will be no slower the 350 MHz.Apple, Gibson, and OMSAs reported in last month’s issue 2 , Doug Wyatt, father of “OMS” and motivating forcebehind the Save OMS campaign at last February’s NAMM show, was recently hired byApple. <strong>This</strong> lends credibility to earlier rumors of Apple’s interest in either purchasing OMS2. http://www.atpm.com/6.03/omssegments.shtmlATPM <strong>6.04</strong> ← 41 →Columns: Rumors

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