Colorado Statewide Forest Resource Assessment

Colorado Statewide Forest Resource Assessment Colorado Statewide Forest Resource Assessment
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Owner 0.5 mile 1 mile 2 mile TotalUSFS 47,096 126,404 436,082 609,582BLM 6,064 20,390 61,508 87,962NPS 2,062 6,184 20,455 28,701USFWS - 3 5 8DOD 199 564 1,393 2,157Federal-Other 66 172 164 403State 2,848 5,653 20,402 28,903Tribal 37 381 2,609 3,028Local Govt. 12,434 16,212 32,311 60,958Private 226,455 200,499 365,989 792,944Total 297,262 376,462 940,919 1,614,644Table 16b – 2000 Wildland-Urban Interface by Forest Ownership/Management (acres)Map 17 – Wildland-Urban Interface (2030)46

Forest Type 0.5 mile 1 mile 2 mile TotalSpruce-Fir 55,744 75,146 243,543 374,433Lodgepole 131,082 116,213 228,212 475,507Aspen 218,294 178,929 377,709 774,932Mixed Conifer 167,709 105,185 184,749 457,643Ponderosa Pine 422,054 218,697 332,798 973,550Montane Riparian 62,839 34,732 63,342 160,914Piñon-Juniper 113,969 96,053 213,951 423,973Oak Shrubland 87,311 58,783 121,983 268,077Plains Riparian 1,277 361 345 1,983Introduced Riparian 10,250 3,698 5,308 19,255Total 1,270,530 887,796 1,771,941 3,930,267Table 17a – 2030 Wildland-Urban Interface by Forest Type (acres)Owner 0.5 mile 1 mile 2 mile TotalUSFS 298,807 465,822 985,474 1,750,103BLM 53,233 83,866 184,413 321,512NPS 7,059 12,285 27,610 46,953USFWS 2 9 44 55DOD 410 1,303 3,061 4,773Federal-Other 169 121 310 600State 13,658 20,892 41,460 76,010Tribal 1,289 3,313 12,154 16,756Local Govt. 38,195 29,981 30,611 98,788Private 857,591 269,812 486,163 1,613,566Total 1,270,413 887,404 1,771,300 3,929,117Table 17b – 2030 Wildland-Urban Interface by Forest Ownership/Management (acres)When the WUI data are combined with the wildfi re susceptibility analysis,the outcome shows that more than 307,000 acres are associated withcommunities of high to very high susceptibility to fi re. When the WUI data arecombined with the potential for wildfi re intensity, the outcome reveals thatalmost 490,000 acres have the potential to experience intense fi re behavior inareas associated with communities.47

Owner 0.5 mile 1 mile 2 mile TotalUSFS 47,096 126,404 436,082 609,582BLM 6,064 20,390 61,508 87,962NPS 2,062 6,184 20,455 28,701USFWS - 3 5 8DOD 199 564 1,393 2,157Federal-Other 66 172 164 403State 2,848 5,653 20,402 28,903Tribal 37 381 2,609 3,028Local Govt. 12,434 16,212 32,311 60,958Private 226,455 200,499 365,989 792,944Total 297,262 376,462 940,919 1,614,644Table 16b – 2000 Wildland-Urban Interface by <strong>Forest</strong> Ownership/Management (acres)Map 17 – Wildland-Urban Interface (2030)46

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