Colorado Statewide Forest Resource Assessment

Colorado Statewide Forest Resource Assessment Colorado Statewide Forest Resource Assessment
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AcknowledgementsThe Colorado State Forest Service (CSFS) thanks Joe Duda, CSFS ForestManagement Division supervisor and Skip Edel, CSFS GIS specialist, forproviding leadership and oversight throughout the development of Colorado’sStatewide Forest Resource Assessment. We also offer our thanks andacknowledgement to the Colorado Chapter of The Nature Conservancy,particularly project manager Paige Lewis and GIS specialist Jan Koenig, fortheir work in establishing the foundation for this document. The many partnerswho assisted with the project also deserve recognition and thanks, includingRenee Rondeau, Lee Grunau and Michelle Fink, Colorado Natural HeritageProgram; Cheri Ford, U.S. Forest Service; Deborah Martin, U.S. GeologicalSurvey; and all the members of the Assessment Steering Team and thematicwork groups (see Section VII).Additional thanks to Judy Serby, Lisa Mason, Katherine Timm, CSFS OutreachDivision, for production of this report.The CSFS is grateful for the generosity of the following for the use of theiroutstanding photographs:Cover photos, clockwise from upper left: William Ciesla, CSFS Nursery,William Ciesla, Jen Chase, Damon Lange, Dave Leatherman.Pages “Acknowledgements”-1; 4-5; 16-17; 38-39; 50-51; 68-69 – IngridAguayoPages 12-13; 40-41; 46-47; 60-61 – Dan Bihn ( 8-9 – Jen ChasePages 32-33 – Bill CottonPages 2-3; 6-7; 10-11; 14-15; 18-23; 26-31; 34-35; 42-45; 48-49; 52-53;62-63 – Dave LeathermanWhere not attributed, photos were supplied by the CSFS. Photos may not beused without the express written consent of the individual photographers andthe Colorado State Forest Service.

Table of ContentsI. Executive Summary 1II. Background 2State and Private Forestry Redesign Initiative 2National Guidance for Statewide Forest Resource Assessments 4Process for Development of Colorado’s Statewide Assessment 4III. Overview of Colorado’s Forests 6Colorado’s Forest Types 6Ownership of Colorado’s Forests 14Management History 17IV. Opportunities for Positive Action 19Core Data Layers 19National Theme: Conserve Working Forest Lands 21National Theme: Protect Forests from Harm 26National Theme: Enhance Public Benefi ts from Trees and Forests 39V. Priority Landscapes/Emphasis Areas for Colorado 69Conserve Working Forest Lands: Combined Theme Map 70Protect Forests from Harm: Combined Theme Map 71Enhance Public Benefi ts from Trees and Forests:Combined Theme Map 72Final Analysis Map Combining All Three Themes 73VI. References 74VII. Steering Team Members and Other Participants 78VIII. Outreach Presentations and Workshops 79IX. AppendicesA. National Guidance for Statewide Assessments and Strategies(located at the end of this document)B. Data Methods and SourcesC. Data GapsD. Spatial Analysis ProjectE. Forest Legacy Assessment of NeedF. Forest Industry Profi leG. Departure from Modeled Historical ConditionsH. Urban Infl uence AreasI. Colorado Wildlife Action PlanThe Colorado Statewide Resource Assessment and all appendicesare available online on the Colorado State Forest Service website at B — I are not included in this document.

AcknowledgementsThe <strong>Colorado</strong> State <strong>Forest</strong> Service (CSFS) thanks Joe Duda, CSFS <strong>Forest</strong>Management Division supervisor and Skip Edel, CSFS GIS specialist, forproviding leadership and oversight throughout the development of <strong>Colorado</strong>’s<strong>Statewide</strong> <strong>Forest</strong> <strong>Resource</strong> <strong>Assessment</strong>. We also offer our thanks andacknowledgement to the <strong>Colorado</strong> Chapter of The Nature Conservancy,particularly project manager Paige Lewis and GIS specialist Jan Koenig, fortheir work in establishing the foundation for this document. The many partnerswho assisted with the project also deserve recognition and thanks, includingRenee Rondeau, Lee Grunau and Michelle Fink, <strong>Colorado</strong> Natural HeritageProgram; Cheri Ford, U.S. <strong>Forest</strong> Service; Deborah Martin, U.S. GeologicalSurvey; and all the members of the <strong>Assessment</strong> Steering Team and thematicwork groups (see Section VII).Additional thanks to Judy Serby, Lisa Mason, Katherine Timm, CSFS OutreachDivision, for production of this report.The CSFS is grateful for the generosity of the following for the use of theiroutstanding photographs:Cover photos, clockwise from upper left: William Ciesla, CSFS Nursery,William Ciesla, Jen Chase, Damon Lange, Dave Leatherman.Pages “Acknowledgements”-1; 4-5; 16-17; 38-39; 50-51; 68-69 – IngridAguayoPages 12-13; 40-41; 46-47; 60-61 – Dan Bihn ( 8-9 – Jen ChasePages 32-33 – Bill CottonPages 2-3; 6-7; 10-11; 14-15; 18-23; 26-31; 34-35; 42-45; 48-49; 52-53;62-63 – Dave LeathermanWhere not attributed, photos were supplied by the CSFS. Photos may not beused without the express written consent of the individual photographers andthe <strong>Colorado</strong> State <strong>Forest</strong> Service.

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