Agilent HPLC Column Selection Guide

Agilent HPLC Column Selection Guide Agilent HPLC Column Selection Guide


Columns for Bioanalytical ChromatographyBio-Monolith Protein A Column Rapidly Monitors IgG Fermentation TitersColumn: Protein A5069-36395.2 x 4.95 mmMobile Phase: A: 1x PBS, pH 7.0B: 0.5 M acetic acid, pH 2.6Flow Rate: 1 mL/minGradient: 100% buffer A100% buffer B100% buffer A(0.5 min each step)Detector: UV at 280 nmInstrument: High pressure gradientHPLC system, Agilent 1200Relative absorbance (mAU)24019014090402 mL/min1mL/min_ 10Time (min)An IgG standard was measured at two flow rates, 1 mL/min and 2 mL/min, which correspond to 10 columnvolumes/min and 20 column volumes/min, respectively. The concentration of IgG in the sample can be reliablyobtained within minutes.16001400The calibration curve1200Peak area1000800600y = 728.55xR 2 = 0.99754002000C (mg/mL)The above calibration curve results from a 2-fold dilution series of human IgG concentrate. The initial IgGconcentration was 2 mg/mL. IgG peak areas were integrated and plotted. The linear range of the assay easilycovers the production ranges necessary to accommodate development and manufacturing cell cultures.130 Order online at

Columns for Bioanalytical ChromatographyAgilent Bio-Monolith HPLC ColumnsColumn Description Key Applications Part No.Bio-Monolith QAThe quaternary amine bonded phase(Strong Anion Exchange) is fully chargedover a working pH range of 2-13, bindingnegatively charged bio-molecules. Adenovirus process monitoringand quality control IgM purification monitoringand quality control Monitoring DNA impurity removal Monitoring endotoxin removal HSA Purity5069-3635Bio-Monolith DEAEBio-Monolith SO 3Bio-Monolith Protein AThe diethylaminoethyl bonded phase(Weak Anion Exchange) offers increasedselectivity of bio-molecules with negativecharge over a working pH range of 3-9.The sulfonyl bonded phase (Strong CationExchange) is fully charged over a workingpH range of 2-13, binding positivelycharged bio-molecules.The Protein A affinity column is designedfor the analytical separation of all IgG(human and mouse), except for IgG class3. Process monitoring and quality controlof bacteriophage manufacturingand purification Process monitoring and quality controlof plasmid DNA purification Fast and high resolution analyticalseparations of large molecules suchas proteins, antibodies Hemoglobin A1c fast analytics Quantitative Determination of IgG(fermentation titer calculation)5069-36365069-36375069-3639Order online at

<strong>Column</strong>s for Bioanalytical Chromatography<strong>Agilent</strong> Bio-Monolith <strong>HPLC</strong> <strong>Column</strong>s<strong>Column</strong> Description Key Applications Part No.Bio-Monolith QAThe quaternary amine bonded phase(Strong Anion Exchange) is fully chargedover a working pH range of 2-13, bindingnegatively charged bio-molecules. Adenovirus process monitoringand quality control IgM purification monitoringand quality control Monitoring DNA impurity removal Monitoring endotoxin removal HSA Purity5069-3635Bio-Monolith DEAEBio-Monolith SO 3Bio-Monolith Protein AThe diethylaminoethyl bonded phase(Weak Anion Exchange) offers increasedselectivity of bio-molecules with negativecharge over a working pH range of 3-9.The sulfonyl bonded phase (Strong CationExchange) is fully charged over a workingpH range of 2-13, binding positivelycharged bio-molecules.The Protein A affinity column is designedfor the analytical separation of all IgG(human and mouse), except for IgG class3. Process monitoring and quality controlof bacteriophage manufacturingand purification Process monitoring and quality controlof plasmid DNA purification Fast and high resolution analyticalseparations of large molecules suchas proteins, antibodies Hemoglobin A1c fast analytics Quantitative Determination of IgG(fermentation titer calculation)5069-36365069-36375069-3639Order online at

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