Prada – Italian Tax Booklet - Prada Group

Prada – Italian Tax Booklet - Prada Group Prada – Italian Tax Booklet - Prada Group
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Box “DATI DEL CONTRIBUENTE” (Data of the taxpayer) must be completed with the following data:In box “Comune (o Stato estero) di nascita” (Municipality (or foreign country) of birth) please fill in theShareholder’s place of birth (city, town, municipality); Shareholders born outside of Italy must specify,instead of the municipality, the country in which they were born:In box “Data di nascita” (Date of birth), please fill in the Shareholder’s date of birth (day/month/year):In box “Sesso” (“Sex”), please tick the Shareholder’s sex (“M” for male or “F” for female):One of boxes 1 to 8 must be ticked to indicate the Shareholder’s status:1= single; 2= married; 3= widowed; 4=separated; 5= divorced; 6= deceased (in the case of a tax returnfiled by an heir); 7= tutelary (in the case of a tax return filed by the legal representative of anincapacitated person); 8= underage (in the case of a tax return filed by parents):In box “TELEFONO E INDIRIZZO DI POSTA ELETTRONICA” (Telephone and email address), please fill inthe Shareholder’s telephone number (first box), mobile phone number (second box) and e-mail address(third box).30

Though it is not compulsory to provide this information, it makes it possible to receive, free of charge,from the Italian Revenue Agency, information and updates regarding final payment dates, news,obligations and services offered:Box “RESIDENTE ALL’ESTERO” (Foreign residence) must be filled in by Shareholders not resident in Italyduring the tax period:In box “Codice fiscale estero” (Foreign tax code) must be completed with the tax identification codeissued in the Shareholders’ state of origin; if this is not applicable, write the social security code or othergeneral identification number (if no identification number is provided by local legislation, leave the boxempty):In box “Stato estero di residenza” (Foreign country of residence), please fill in the foreign country ofresidence of the Shareholder:In box “Codice dello Stato estero” (Code of foreign country), please fill in the code of the foreign countryof residence of the Shareholder, to be taken from the following list of foreign countries set out in the filen° 1 of the appendix of the guidelines to the tax return (for example, Hong Kong’s country code is “103”):31

Box “DATI DEL CONTRIBUENTE” (Data of the taxpayer) must be completed with the following data:In box “Comune (o Stato estero) di nascita” (Municipality (or foreign country) of birth) please fill in theShareholder’s place of birth (city, town, municipality); Shareholders born outside of Italy must specify,instead of the municipality, the country in which they were born:In box “Data di nascita” (Date of birth), please fill in the Shareholder’s date of birth (day/month/year):In box “Sesso” (“Sex”), please tick the Shareholder’s sex (“M” for male or “F” for female):One of boxes 1 to 8 must be ticked to indicate the Shareholder’s status:1= single; 2= married; 3= widowed; 4=separated; 5= divorced; 6= deceased (in the case of a tax returnfiled by an heir); 7= tutelary (in the case of a tax return filed by the legal representative of anincapacitated person); 8= underage (in the case of a tax return filed by parents):In box “TELEFONO E INDIRIZZO DI POSTA ELETTRONICA” (Telephone and email address), please fill inthe Shareholder’s telephone number (first box), mobile phone number (second box) and e-mail address(third box).30

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