Prada – Italian Tax Booklet - Prada Group

Prada – Italian Tax Booklet - Prada Group Prada – Italian Tax Booklet - Prada Group
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In page 2 of the front cover, the Shareholder must complete the following boxes:“TIPO DI DICHIARAZIONE” (Type of tax return);“DATI DEL CONTRIBUENTE” (Data of the taxpayer);“TELEFONO E INDIRIZZO DI POSTA ELETTRONICA” (Telephone and email address);“RESIDENTE ALL’ESTERO” (Foreign residence).28

In box “TIPO DI DICHIARAZIONE” (Type of tax return) the Shareholder must cross the box “Redditi”(Income):If, before the deadline for the submission of the tax return, the Shareholder intends to rectify orcomplete a return which has already been submitted, he/she must submit a new return, complete inevery part, crossing the box “Correttiva nei termini” (“Correction of existing return”):Once the deadline for filing the tax return has expired, the Shareholder may rectify or supplement thereturn by filing a new return, using the same method as the original return, on a tax return form for therelevant tax period. A necessary condition for filing the supplementary return is that the original returnwas duly filed and submitted.The Shareholder may file a supplementary return by the deadline for filing a tax return for the followingtax period, to correct errors or omissions that have resulted in the calculation of a higher tax liability or alower credit, by crossing the box “Dichiarazione integrativa a favore” (“Supplementary return in favour”):The box marked “Dichiarazione integrativa” (Supplementary return) must be crossed and asupplementary return must be filed:in the case of a “voluntary disclosure” (see paragraph 7(A) of the Italian Tax Booklet), by the duedate for the submission of the tax return for the following tax period. The said return may besubmitted if legal access, inspections or checks are not underway, in order to enable theShareholder to benefit from reduced administrative penalties;by December 31 st of the fourth year following the one in which the return was submitted, in orderto correct errors or omissions that have resulted in the calculation of a lower tax liability or a highercredit, subject to the application of penalties.This box must also be crossed if a supplementary return is filed in order to correct errors or omissions (i)that do not affect the calculation of the taxable basis, of the tax and of the payment of tax and (ii) whichdo not obstruct auditing activities.Please note that boxes “Dichiarazione integrativa a favore” (“Supplementary return in favour”) and“Dichiarazione integrativa” (“Supplementary return”) are alternatives.29

In page 2 of the front cover, the Shareholder must complete the following boxes:“TIPO DI DICHIARAZIONE” (Type of tax return);“DATI DEL CONTRIBUENTE” (Data of the taxpayer);“TELEFONO E INDIRIZZO DI POSTA ELETTRONICA” (Telephone and email address);“RESIDENTE ALL’ESTERO” (Foreign residence).28

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