Documentation Update-June 2002 - Equitable Tourism Options

Documentation Update-June 2002 - Equitable Tourism Options

Documentation Update-June 2002 - Equitable Tourism Options

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71.,,1; .iOI! ..... t ",; __ ' ".11' •. 4'.,"'1II"'. I I. 4 .' . )II, "" 41. .. ' I .. . . , ' eIi.' 'H Hi ' . .. ., JJ • J ......A • TOURISM AND TOURISM ALTERNATIVES.. t, t I 'I ): it L IAIO <strong>Tourism</strong> and Development ... . , "" , • •• .,. • 1 ''' . 4._The Annual Western Region Conference of Computer Society of India was held inGoa from February 22-23, 2001. The agenda for the conference was to discussInformation Technology in <strong>Tourism</strong> and its future interaction of industries relatedto IT and special reference to the <strong>Tourism</strong> Industry. The Conference comprisedvarious information sessions, talks and discussions by professionals from acrossthe country on topics ranging from in-house solutions to e-commerce and Webbasedreservations. (CSI lIleet fOCIIS on IT uses for tourism sector, BL, 21/ 2/01 )ABO <strong>Tourism</strong> Research/Education ' • ". ' , . " .f •. .,. , . ', .. ...Kuvempu University has decided to start a Postgraduate Diploma Course in<strong>Tourism</strong> from this academic year. The Department of History and Archaeologywould conduct it. Kuvt'mpu University is the first in the State to start aPostgraduate Diploma course in <strong>Tourism</strong>. (PC collrse ill tourism, TH,23 /6/0 1)'iii ,."B •.. 11,1 44 • 1)1 44 .. , .. , I' I . ... IITOURISM POLICY AND TOURISM DEVELOPMENTI, '" > , •i , .. .BOO <strong>Tourism</strong> policy and Plans ... .. ..., ..... . ... ", ... . --__ ... . _____.. ............ \01) .,.... ..1 ____· . ..., _".Policy-relatedThe Union <strong>Tourism</strong> Ministry is now giVIng final touches to the draft NationalTo urism Policy before presenting it to the Cabinet. The three main action pointsthat emerged during the exercise related to suvidha (facilities), soochana(information) and suraksha (safety and security). Most of these areas neededinteraction and decision from various other Ministries (such as Civil Aviation) andthese are now being co-ordinated. An important aspect of the new policy wouldbe public participation. Focused attention would be given for integrateddevelopment of identified centres with well-directed public participation. Moreover,with e.mphasis on IT, there would be an increased reliance on optimal use of e­commerce, use of Internet for information dissemination and increased use ofportals for tourism information. (New tourism policy to aim at people's participation,BL, 28/5/01)The Main Features of the Draft <strong>Tourism</strong> Policy framed by the <strong>Tourism</strong> Ministryare:• Creation of a <strong>Tourism</strong> Development Fund to bridge critical infrastructural gaps• Setting up of a <strong>Tourism</strong> Development Authority, for building 'mutuallybeneficial' partnership between the public and private sector• Introduction of issue of visa on arrival for at least 15 days at all airports,• Zoning of areas of special interest,• Placing tourism in the concurrent list,• Augmenting air capacity and• Effectively marketing and promoting India overseas.(<strong>Tourism</strong> fund, illfrastructural recast amollgst draft policy proposals, Amiti Sell, FE, 13/9/01)The Department of <strong>Tourism</strong>, Government of India proposes to draw up a panel ofconsultants/ agencies for preparing a 20-year perspective plan for sustainabledevelopment of tourism in the states/ union territories. The plan will be prepared3

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