Documentation Update-June 2002 - Equitable Tourism Options

Documentation Update-June 2002 - Equitable Tourism Options

Documentation Update-June 2002 - Equitable Tourism Options

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---.-------II--II------._O_SRB40 Bilateral and Multilateral Agreements of Indian Government in <strong>Tourism</strong>Panama's Vice-President, Mr Arturo Va llarino, has invited Indian Business to makeuse of his country 's favourable trade, financial and shipping environment as agateway to North and South America . The four pacts that were signed betweenthe two Governments were on agricultu re, IT, Science & Technology and <strong>Tourism</strong>.(Panama seeks Illdian iI/vestments, BL, 6/2/01)India and Nepal have agreed to set up a working group to iden tify areas of cooperationin <strong>Tourism</strong>, which may include Combined <strong>Tourism</strong> Circuits,infrastructure developments, and Joint Marketing of <strong>Tourism</strong> Products. Both theCountries will also sign a <strong>Tourism</strong> Agreement, which would provide a task forcefor implementation and review progress once in six months. During the meeting,held between both the sides it was decided to form a 'Ruddha Circuit' includingthe birth place of Gautam Buddha in Nepal and his work places in India, a'Religious Circuit' including Pashupatinath and Muktinath in Nepal and Kashi inIndia. An 'Adventure Circuit' was also proposed in view of keen interest inMountains and Rivers of Both the Countries World over. These circuits will bejointly marketed the world over. (IlIdia, Nepal to set lip a working group 011 tourism,DH, 25/4/01)India and Bangladesh have agreed to sign a New Visa Agreement. Visa facilitieswere upgraded to make people-to-people contacts between the Two Countrieseasier. The main point of the new visa regime is that Single Entry Tourist Visa willbe valid up to three months. The formalities for extension of Visa on Medicalgrounds will be made simpler. Student visa will be given for the entire period ofstudy, so that time is not wasted in getting visa extensions every few months.Long-term Multiple Entry Visa for Professionals Investors, Work Permit Holders,Businessmen and Research Scholars. There will be provisions for flexibility in caseof change of route. (lIldia and Ballgladesfl liberalise visa rules, TOI. M, 25/5/01)The Indian Government, partnering with Bangladesh and Thailand is to take upnew initiatives, to promote greater Traffic of Tourists between these Countries. TheThai and Indian Govemments are likely to ink a Formal Agreement in the comingmonths. At the same time, tour packages between India and Bangladesh are alsobeing finalised. (Fresh impetus to see more tourists to Bangia, Thai, ET, 25/8/01)The US Trade and Development Agency (TDA) see its assistance in India growingin the areas of Environment and Aviation. In Environment, one sector that islikely to see increased activity is water supply and treatment, wastewater trea tmentand desalination. In the aviation sector, the TDA is working with the AAI on acommunication, navigation, surveillance and air traffic management. It will alsolook at airport security . (US assistance for environment, aviation, R BaZaji & NRamakrishnall, BL, 25/10/01)15

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