Documentation Update-June 2002 - Equitable Tourism Options

Documentation Update-June 2002 - Equitable Tourism Options

Documentation Update-June 2002 - Equitable Tourism Options

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carry out publicity campaigns and bring in travel writers groups from thesecountries to dispel the impression that India was near the action scene inAfghanistan and project it as a safe destination. (<strong>Tourism</strong> marketing campaign, DH,18/10/01)Excerpts from an interview with the Union <strong>Tourism</strong> Minister. Mr JagmohanQ) What are future plans for promoting tourism?A) I am thinking of developing specific circuits, say around Ajanta-Ellora,VaranasiSarnath-Bodhgaya-Rajgir-Nalanda. Lakhs of Japanese will comeif there are proper facilities. Another circuit could be Ladakh with itsmonasteries. If we can combine this into a package thousands will come. Iam also thinking of linking all the places Vivekananda went to, in a sort ofVivekananda yatra. Other circuits are possible too. We need to think onnew lines. I am having regular meetings with travel and tourism associationsI am also thinking of creating tourism police force, to help people. Stateswould have to do this themselves but we could first try it out in the Unionterritories. I don't yet know whether this will be possible or not.Q) Industry has suggested that one way of promoting domestic tourismwould be for the government to remove the restriction on leave travelconcession?A) This would be an artificial boost; it is, after all, government money. Itcould be one option but it would be the easy option. Instead, if we improvethings ... if we do something solid, tourism will pick up. It is a question ofcreating the atmosphere.Q) Industry has been seeking concessions as incentive, particularly afterthe Sept 11 th strikes in the US. What is the position on these?A) They want cuts in expenditure tax, rationalisation of taxes from one stateto another, income-tax concessions on investment, reduction in duty onliquor. We have recommended most of these to the finance ministry.(<strong>Tourism</strong>'s New Guide, Chandrika Mago, TOI, B,29110101)Inaugurating the Conference of CMs and State <strong>Tourism</strong> Ministers, PM A.B.Vajpaypeehas announced setting up of a National <strong>Tourism</strong> Advisory Council for continuousinteraction among various contributors to successful implementation of tourismpolicy. He has also urged all the states to also follow suit. The proposed council willhave representatives from the central and state governments, members of Parliament,industry representatives and eminent public figures. The CMs and <strong>Tourism</strong> Ministerstoday almost unanimously approved inclusion of tourism in the concurrent list ofthe Constitution and also by and large expressed agreement with the draft of thenew tourism policy. (Exploit tourism potential: PM, TH, 31/10/01)The apex chambers of Commerce and Industry have also welcomed the move toset up the <strong>Tourism</strong> Advisory Council. It is felt the council would help in bringingabout rationalisation in the tax structure, removing anomalies and bring aboutsimplification of procedures. The council will give the much-needed fi llip towardscontinuous interaction among various players of the tourism sector. (eTzambel'swelcome formatioll of new tourism coullcil, BL, 31/10/01)7

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