Documentation Update-June 2002 - Equitable Tourism Options

Documentation Update-June 2002 - Equitable Tourism Options

Documentation Update-June 2002 - Equitable Tourism Options

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._____________" _, __,_r______ .DO.WaTA.... .to cancel all projects that had been approved in the Seventh Plan but were yet tobe implemented and use the funds for new projects. The Ministry has also fixed atime-schedule for approval of projects and release of funds. Forty-five days eachhas been allotted by the Government for listing of priorities, submission ofproposals from State Governments and release of first instalment of funds. (Centralfunds for tourism projects via STCs, Amiti Sen, FE, 19/2/01)Union Home Minister LK Advani has called for the removal of unnecessaryrestrictions on travel in India in order to boost tourism in the country. He pointedout that unnecessary restrictions on domestic travel was coming in the way of fullrealisation of tourism potential and there was an urgent need to unshackle theindustry from all inhibiting rules. The Home Minister has started discussions onremoving the restricted area status from various northeastern states. Whilerestrictions have already been removed from certain areas in Sikkim, a dialogue ison going with the Arunachal Pradesh Government for the purpose. (Advani forremoval of curbs on travel, FE, 2 3The Union Minister for <strong>Tourism</strong> and Culture has called on the South Asian Nationsto embark on a <strong>Tourism</strong> Reform Programme and stressed on the need for chalkingout a road map so that the region could attract more international tourists.Addressing the South Asian <strong>Tourism</strong> Ministerial Summit on Joint Marketing andPromotion, Mr Kumar said that attempts should be made to finish the process by2003, which was the 'Visit South Asia Year'. The Minister said that India waswilling to co-operate with any country to promote tourism .The Secretary-General, World <strong>Tourism</strong> Organisation, Mr Francesco Frangialli, saidthat the Organisation has extended its technical assistance to India in variousforms. He stated that they had just completed a master plan for Andhra Pradesh,and are currently fielding a mission to Nagaland for the formulation of asustainable tourism plan. Besides, their consultants would also travel to Keralafor the formulation of a marketing plan for the State. (Reform tourism, S. Asiannations told, BL, 24/4/01)Another proposition put forth during the summit was that the SAARC countriesshould introduce a common travel permit system on the lines of 'Schengen' visasystem prevalent in European countries for easy access to countries within a region.ASEAN is believed to be mulling the introduction of the system. The Schengensystem would help in removing the ambiguities in the types of travel documentsthat would be carried by the tourist, as there would be uniformity. (SAARC nationsurged to ease travel procedures, BL, 5/5/01)With the number of Indians travelling to the US expected to rise to one million bythe next two years, the Embassy has made the process of issuing visas user-friendlier.The computerised counters are to collect the applications, process them online, sendit to the embassy where they will be screened and then send out by courier/ speedpost to the applicants. (Procedures for us visa simplified, DR, 17(1/0 1)The Indian Government has decided to allow for larger movement of touristcharters benefiting both inbound and outbound traffic. It has allowed Indian touroperators, travel companies and hotels to operate larger aircraft to internationaldestinations lifting the earlier restriction of using aircraft with a maximum of 30seats. It has also opened up close to 30 airports in India, facilitating direct travelto the tourist destination. (Govt move widens ambit of flight charter business, GirishRao, 20(1/01)5

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