United Nations And The New Age - Way of Life Literature

United Nations And The New Age - Way of Life Literature United Nations And The New Age - Way of Life Literature

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“reverence for Earth and the Cosmos.” It speaks of“Mother Earth.”Mikhail Gorbachev said, “My hope is that this charterwill be a kind of Ten Commandments, a ‘Sermon on theMount,’ that provides a guide for human behavior towardthe environment in the next century” (The Los AngelesTimes, May 8, 1997).Gorbachev has also said, “Cosmos is my God. Nature ismy God” (interview with Mikhail Gorbachev, TheCharlie Rose Show, PBS, Oct. 23, 1996).The Earth Charter Commission conducted a series ofEarth Dialogues to bring together leaders in commerce,education, media, religion, etc., to discuss their agenda.There was a dialogue for “Inter-Religious Groups andSpiritual Leaders,” which condemned the “enduringbeliefs in the one right religion or the invisiblehand” (“The Earth Charter’s Spiritual Agenda,”C o n t e n d e r M i n i s t r i e s , 2 0 0 2 ) . I t l u m p e d“fundamentalism” in with fanaticism and terrorism. Itcalled for a “move away from an exclusivepreoccupation with Divine-human relations and humanhumanrelations to renew human-Earth relations.”88

The Earth Charter calls for demilitarization and seeks toforbid nations from any “military activities damaging tothe environment” (6th Principle). This would forbidnations to defend themselves against aggressors, becauseit is impossible to wage war without causing somedamage to the environment. Under such terms, theUnited States and her allies would have not been able toturn back Nazism in World War II. The defeat ofGermany and Japan required massive environmentaldamage.The Earth Charter’s seventh principle calls for“responsible reproduction,” which is a euphemism forpopulation control. China operates under this agendatoday, forcing women to abort babies if they already havea child.The Earth Charter calls upon nations to “eliminatediscrimination in all its forms, such as that based on race,color, sex, sexual orientation, religion, language, andnational, ethnic or social origin.” The Christian thatdiscriminates between truth and error, righteousness andunrighteousness, on the basis of God’s Word, isconsidered an enemy.89

“reverence for Earth and the Cosmos.” It speaks <strong>of</strong>“Mother Earth.”Mikhail Gorbachev said, “My hope is that this charterwill be a kind <strong>of</strong> Ten Commandments, a ‘Sermon on theMount,’ that provides a guide for human behavior towardthe environment in the next century” (<strong>The</strong> Los AngelesTimes, May 8, 1997).Gorbachev has also said, “Cosmos is my God. Nature ismy God” (interview with Mikhail Gorbachev, <strong>The</strong>Charlie Rose Show, PBS, Oct. 23, 1996).<strong>The</strong> Earth Charter Commission conducted a series <strong>of</strong>Earth Dialogues to bring together leaders in commerce,education, media, religion, etc., to discuss their agenda.<strong>The</strong>re was a dialogue for “Inter-Religious Groups andSpiritual Leaders,” which condemned the “enduringbeliefs in the one right religion or the invisiblehand” (“<strong>The</strong> Earth Charter’s Spiritual <strong>Age</strong>nda,”C o n t e n d e r M i n i s t r i e s , 2 0 0 2 ) . I t l u m p e d“fundamentalism” in with fanaticism and terrorism. Itcalled for a “move away from an exclusivepreoccupation with Divine-human relations and humanhumanrelations to renew human-Earth relations.”88

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