United Nations And The New Age - Way of Life Literature

United Nations And The New Age - Way of Life Literature United Nations And The New Age - Way of Life Literature

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“foster alignment with Divine Consciousness” and“attunement to higher, non-physical dimensions ofreality” through education, “heavenly rules for living,”and consciousness expanding mystical practices,including meditation.The Planetary Citizens’ prayer circles are New Agepositive confessions. “Through the power created bytheir prayers, an energy field is created, which is held inthe Sacred Oneness of the Divine. The more people thereare holding the intention, the more powerful andeffective the field is to create change” (http://www.planetarycitizens.org/prayers/index.html).The board members of Planetary Citizens are PurushaAnanda, an American meditation guru; Sharon Callahan,who treats animals with aromatherapy and allegedlycommunicates with them telepathically; and VajraMatusow, founder of the Diamond Light Center forSpiritual Awakening. At her web site, Callahan says:“When I attune to an animal, I experience an actualmerging of myself and the animal. In this merged state, Iam able to feel what the animal feels and experiencewhat it experiences. So the animal is not actually"telling" me something in the way that we usuallyperceive of "telling," but it is more that the animal allowsmy soul to merge with its soul” (http://82

www.anaflora.com/communication/i-commun.html). Sheprescribes yogic meditation for tuning one’s ability tocommunicate with “other forms of life,” “be it an animal,a tree, a snowflake, or a ladybug.” She says that throughsilent meditation one gains divine wisdom. “There is noneed to consult another being or oracle, for we havebecome the splendid likeness of our own Consciousness,which is God, and All Knowing is our own” (http://www.anaflora.com/meditation/mind-q.html).Planetary Citizens co-founder Donald Keys has beeninvolved with the Findhorn Community, where peopleattempt to communicate with spirits as well as withanimals and plants.Global Forum of Spiritual LeadersThe Global Forum of Spiritual and ParliamentaryLeaders on Human Survival is an accredited NGO withthe United Nations. It was founded in 1985 by AkioMatsumura and has had a large influence in the spread ofthe radical environmentalist agenda. It predicts direglobal consequences unless draconian steps are taken. Itsays we are on the brink of disaster. In 1990 it claimedthat by the year 2000 a million species would beannihilated (David Yarrow, “Global Forum,” April 2,1990, http://nativenet.uthscsa.edu/archive/nl/91b/83

www.anaflora.com/communication/i-commun.html). Sheprescribes yogic meditation for tuning one’s ability tocommunicate with “other forms <strong>of</strong> life,” “be it an animal,a tree, a snowflake, or a ladybug.” She says that throughsilent meditation one gains divine wisdom. “<strong>The</strong>re is noneed to consult another being or oracle, for we havebecome the splendid likeness <strong>of</strong> our own Consciousness,which is God, and All Knowing is our own” (http://www.anaflora.com/meditation/mind-q.html).Planetary Citizens co-founder Donald Keys has beeninvolved with the Findhorn Community, where peopleattempt to communicate with spirits as well as withanimals and plants.Global Forum <strong>of</strong> Spiritual Leaders<strong>The</strong> Global Forum <strong>of</strong> Spiritual and ParliamentaryLeaders on Human Survival is an accredited NGO withthe <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong>. It was founded in 1985 by AkioMatsumura and has had a large influence in the spread <strong>of</strong>the radical environmentalist agenda. It predicts direglobal consequences unless draconian steps are taken. Itsays we are on the brink <strong>of</strong> disaster. In 1990 it claimedthat by the year 2000 a million species would beannihilated (David Yarrow, “Global Forum,” April 2,1990, http://nativenet.uthscsa.edu/archive/nl/91b/83

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