United Nations And The New Age - Way of Life Literature

United Nations And The New Age - Way of Life Literature

United Nations And The New Age - Way of Life Literature


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“foster alignment with Divine Consciousness” and“attunement to higher, non-physical dimensions <strong>of</strong>reality” through education, “heavenly rules for living,”and consciousness expanding mystical practices,including meditation.<strong>The</strong> Planetary Citizens’ prayer circles are <strong>New</strong> <strong>Age</strong>positive confessions. “Through the power created bytheir prayers, an energy field is created, which is held inthe Sacred Oneness <strong>of</strong> the Divine. <strong>The</strong> more people thereare holding the intention, the more powerful andeffective the field is to create change” (http://www.planetarycitizens.org/prayers/index.html).<strong>The</strong> board members <strong>of</strong> Planetary Citizens are PurushaAnanda, an American meditation guru; Sharon Callahan,who treats animals with aromatherapy and allegedlycommunicates with them telepathically; and VajraMatusow, founder <strong>of</strong> the Diamond Light Center forSpiritual Awakening. At her web site, Callahan says:“When I attune to an animal, I experience an actualmerging <strong>of</strong> myself and the animal. In this merged state, Iam able to feel what the animal feels and experiencewhat it experiences. So the animal is not actually"telling" me something in the way that we usuallyperceive <strong>of</strong> "telling," but it is more that the animal allowsmy soul to merge with its soul” (http://82

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