United Nations And The New Age - Way of Life Literature

United Nations And The New Age - Way of Life Literature United Nations And The New Age - Way of Life Literature

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The Aquarian Age Community believes that the “OneHumanity” and the “One Divinity” are the same.The Aquarian Age Community claims to have people inhigh and low places within the United Nations. Thefollowing is from their web site:“We have an informal network at the UN, a humanityunderground. It consists of those who are committed,aware, and striving to bring the New World to birth. Itconsists of people in high places and in low--of thepatient secretary who has been 30 years with the UN,but lives with the vision and the spirit; of theprofessionals, and undersecretaries and heads ofdepartments who are acting out the imperatives thattheir own inner vision gives them. Some few areconscious of the sources of their inspiration; most arenot. They are the Karma Yogis of our time-those whosepath of spirituality is to achieve through doing-to growthrough serving. They are found not only in thesecretariat but also in the delegations to the UN, amongthe diplomats and their staffs, and also among folks likeus, representatives of non-governmental organizationsaround the UN.”The “patient secretary” referred to by the Aquarian AgeCommunity was doubtless Robert Muller.78

United Nations InitiativeThe United Nations Initiative (URI) became an officialNon-Governmental Organization (NGO) in 2001. It isalso called the United Nations of Religion.It was founded by William Swing, the California bishopof the ultra liberal Episcopal Church of America. In1993, he was asked to organize an interfaith service tomark the 50th anniversary of the United Nations (“TheURI: Bishop Swing’s New World Religion,” ContenderMinistries, July 20, 2002). Envisioning a “UnitedNations of Religion,” Swing traveled around the world,meeting with religious leaders and drumming up supportfor the idea.Swing hates biblical fundamentalism and religiousdogmatism. He said:“Fundamentalism ... comes about where people feelmore and more insecure, and grab harder and harder tothe exclusive claims of one religion or another. ... Thesense of the freedom that there must be in God, andthe generosity of God, and the compassion of God, getsfrozen out with the exclusive claims” (Ibid.).79

<strong>The</strong> Aquarian <strong>Age</strong> Community believes that the “OneHumanity” and the “One Divinity” are the same.<strong>The</strong> Aquarian <strong>Age</strong> Community claims to have people inhigh and low places within the <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong>. <strong>The</strong>following is from their web site:“We have an informal network at the UN, a humanityunderground. It consists <strong>of</strong> those who are committed,aware, and striving to bring the <strong>New</strong> World to birth. Itconsists <strong>of</strong> people in high places and in low--<strong>of</strong> thepatient secretary who has been 30 years with the UN,but lives with the vision and the spirit; <strong>of</strong> thepr<strong>of</strong>essionals, and undersecretaries and heads <strong>of</strong>departments who are acting out the imperatives thattheir own inner vision gives them. Some few areconscious <strong>of</strong> the sources <strong>of</strong> their inspiration; most arenot. <strong>The</strong>y are the Karma Yogis <strong>of</strong> our time-those whosepath <strong>of</strong> spirituality is to achieve through doing-to growthrough serving. <strong>The</strong>y are found not only in thesecretariat but also in the delegations to the UN, amongthe diplomats and their staffs, and also among folks likeus, representatives <strong>of</strong> non-governmental organizationsaround the UN.”<strong>The</strong> “patient secretary” referred to by the Aquarian <strong>Age</strong>Community was doubtless Robert Muller.78

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