United Nations And The New Age - Way of Life Literature

United Nations And The New Age - Way of Life Literature United Nations And The New Age - Way of Life Literature

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World Peace Prayer SocietyThe World Peace Prayer Society, which is affiliated withthe United Nations’ Department of Public Information,uses New Age techniques to “support peace, harmony,and goodwill among all citizens.” Its web site describestwo of these (positive thinking and positive confession):The Power of Thought: Thought forms create anenergetic field strong enough to empower the course ofplanetary destiny.The Power of Words: Words carry vibrations strongenough to inspire, heal and transform the human heartas well as the Kingdom of plants, animals and allcreation.The World Peace Prayer Society operates a 154-acreWorld Peace Sanctuary in Wassaic, New York, twohours’ drive north of New York City. The facility is usedto conduct World Peace festivals, Earth Day peace fairs,Thanksgiving for the earth programs, and Planet PeaceDays to indoctrinate public school children.Lucis TrustThe Lucis Trust, which was founded by Alice Bailey, ison the roster of the United Nations Economic and Social68

Council (ECOSOC) and maintains the meditation roomat the UN building in New York City. The Lucis Trustheadquarters is on Wall Street, and it claims to have over6,000 members worldwide who are working toward theestablishment of its new occultic order.Alice Bailey (1880-1949) claimed to channel a Tibetan“Ascended Master” named Djwhal Khul.As we have seen, the original name for the Lucis Trustwas the Lucifer Trust. Because of controversy over thename, it was later changed to Lucis Trust. Baileybelieved that Lucifer is the true God whereas the God ofthe Bible is the imposter! She believed that Lucifer is amystical agent of spiritual knowledge that is bringingenlightenment to mankind.Bailey’s god was not only called Lucifer but also Sanat,which is a thinly disguised form of Satan. She called himSanat Kumara or the Lord of the World.Bailey believed that the Age of Aquarius is dawning andthat old dogmatic religions and all divisiveness had to beput aside to make way for the New Age. She said:“The New Age is upon us and we are witnessing thebirth pangs of the new culture and the new civilization.This is now in progress. That which is old and69

World Peace Prayer Society<strong>The</strong> World Peace Prayer Society, which is affiliated withthe <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong>’ Department <strong>of</strong> Public Information,uses <strong>New</strong> <strong>Age</strong> techniques to “support peace, harmony,and goodwill among all citizens.” Its web site describestwo <strong>of</strong> these (positive thinking and positive confession):<strong>The</strong> Power <strong>of</strong> Thought: Thought forms create anenergetic field strong enough to empower the course <strong>of</strong>planetary destiny.<strong>The</strong> Power <strong>of</strong> Words: Words carry vibrations strongenough to inspire, heal and transform the human heartas well as the Kingdom <strong>of</strong> plants, animals and allcreation.<strong>The</strong> World Peace Prayer Society operates a 154-acreWorld Peace Sanctuary in Wassaic, <strong>New</strong> York, twohours’ drive north <strong>of</strong> <strong>New</strong> York City. <strong>The</strong> facility is usedto conduct World Peace festivals, Earth Day peace fairs,Thanksgiving for the earth programs, and Planet PeaceDays to indoctrinate public school children.Lucis Trust<strong>The</strong> Lucis Trust, which was founded by Alice Bailey, ison the roster <strong>of</strong> the <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> Economic and Social68

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