United Nations And The New Age - Way of Life Literature

United Nations And The New Age - Way of Life Literature United Nations And The New Age - Way of Life Literature

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“Yes.” I nodded, well aware of her links to Theosophyand the occult messages she channeled from herfavorite spirit guide. “Didn't she write books full ofmessages she received from the Tibetan Master,Djwhal Khul?”“Yes,” answered Ms Crook. “Here, sit down and look atsome of them.” She pulled down several of Bailey'sbooks from a shelf and put them in my lap. I silentlythanked God for His spiritual protection as I flippedthrough the pages of the first one, Education in the NewAge. ...Finally Ms Crook pulled two large golden frames fromthe wall and showed them to me. I shivered when Ilooked at the first. It pictured a beautiful calligraphiedrendition ofThe Great Invocation,” an occult prayerused around the world to invoke a global outpouring ofspiritual light and power (Brave New Schools).Muller addressed the Lucis Trust’s Arcane SchoolConference in New York City on August 12, 1979. TheLucis Trust was originally founded by Alice Bailey as theLucifer Trust to establish a new world order. Because ofcontroversy over the name, it was changed to LucisTrust. Bailey’s guru, Madame Blavatsky, named hermagazine Lucifer and believed that Lucifer is a mysticalagent of light and spiritual knowledge who is bringingenlightenment to mankind. Blavatsky and Baileybelieved that Lucifer is the true God whereas the God ofthe Bible is the imposter! Bailey’s god was not onlycalled Lucifer but also Sanat, which is a thinly disguised54

form of Satan. She called him Sanat Kumara or the Lordof the World. In The Rays of the Initiations, Baileydescribed the “seven aspects of divine purpose” asdelivered by her spirit guide, and the first of these was“the unknown, unseen, and unheard purpose of SanatKumara.” It is supposedly “the secret of life itself ...known only to Him.”At the Arcane School Conference, Muller made thefollowing statements:“... each human being is a unique, unrepeatable child ofGod and embodiment of the universe” (New Genesis, p.125).Muller denies the fall and salvation only through faith inJesus Christ. To him, every person is already a child ofGod.“This was the Christ one hundred per cent, to the pointthat He let himself be killed to prove that He wouldnever utilize the methods of darkness, brutality, andevil” (New Genesis, p. 125).According to Muller, Christ did not die to makeatonement for man’s sins but he came as a way-showerwho refused to compromise his principles.“There is nothing we need more in today’s world thanfaith, the belief that goodness and peace can win, the55

form <strong>of</strong> Satan. She called him Sanat Kumara or the Lord<strong>of</strong> the World. In <strong>The</strong> Rays <strong>of</strong> the Initiations, Baileydescribed the “seven aspects <strong>of</strong> divine purpose” asdelivered by her spirit guide, and the first <strong>of</strong> these was“the unknown, unseen, and unheard purpose <strong>of</strong> SanatKumara.” It is supposedly “the secret <strong>of</strong> life itself ...known only to Him.”At the Arcane School Conference, Muller made thefollowing statements:“... each human being is a unique, unrepeatable child <strong>of</strong>God and embodiment <strong>of</strong> the universe” (<strong>New</strong> Genesis, p.125).Muller denies the fall and salvation only through faith inJesus Christ. To him, every person is already a child <strong>of</strong>God.“This was the Christ one hundred per cent, to the pointthat He let himself be killed to prove that He wouldnever utilize the methods <strong>of</strong> darkness, brutality, andevil” (<strong>New</strong> Genesis, p. 125).According to Muller, Christ did not die to makeatonement for man’s sins but he came as a way-showerwho refused to compromise his principles.“<strong>The</strong>re is nothing we need more in today’s world thanfaith, the belief that goodness and peace can win, the55

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