United Nations And The New Age - Way of Life Literature

United Nations And The New Age - Way of Life Literature United Nations And The New Age - Way of Life Literature

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Another of Muller’s New Age mantras is called “Decideto Be Happy.” Consider an excerpt:“Render others happy; proclaim your joy; lovepassionately your miraculous life; do not listen topromises; do not wait for a better world ... Meditate -Smile - Laugh Whistle - Sing - Dance ... Be yourselffully and immensely; act like a king or queen untoDeath; feel God in you body, mind, heart, and soul; andbe convinced of eternal life and resurrection.”In 1984, Muller founded the Robert Muller School inArlington, Texas, which is certified by the UnitedNations Educational, Scientific and CulturalOrganization (UNESCO). The school is a “participatinginstitution in the UNESCO Associated Schools Project inEducation for International Co-operation and Peace.”His educational curriculum is called the World CoreCurriculum and the Global Peace Curriculum.Muller’s educational curriculum is based on AliceBailey’s occultic teachings. The believes in the divinityof man and the coming of the cosmic christ and theestablishment of the Age of Aquarius.The Robert Muller School World Core CurriculumManual (1986) was published by the Lucis PublishingCompany. The preface says,52

The underlying philosophy upon which the RobertMuller School is based will be found in the teachings setforth in the books of Alice A. Bailey, by the Tibetanteacher, Djwhal Khul.”Djwhal Khul was the alleged Tibetan Ascended Master(aka demon) who communicated through Bailey.In her book Brave New Schools, Bjrit Kjos described a1992 visit to Muller’s school:During a visit to Arlington, Texas, some years ago, afriend took me to see the original Robert Muller school.While she waited in the car, I walked past a littleBuddha, climbed the steps to the front door, and rangthe bell. Gloria Crook, the Director opened the door andasked why I had come. I listed my credentials: I wasinterested in global education, was concerned about theenvironment, and was an immigrant from Norway--acountry well known for its global concerns andadmiration for the United Nations.[18] I must havepassed the test, because she invited me in and led meinto a massive hallway. Looking to the left, I saw a roomfull of young mothers and pregnant women in yogaposition. On a table next to the doorway, I noticed astack of papers. The title startled me: ‘OccultMeditation.’To those who don't know God, the occult seems good,not bad, I thought to myself.“Are you familiar with Alice Bailey?” she asked me aswe entered a large cluttered office.53

“<strong>The</strong> underlying philosophy upon which the RobertMuller School is based will be found in the teachings setforth in the books <strong>of</strong> Alice A. Bailey, by the Tibetanteacher, Djwhal Khul.”Djwhal Khul was the alleged Tibetan Ascended Master(aka demon) who communicated through Bailey.In her book Brave <strong>New</strong> Schools, Bjrit Kjos described a1992 visit to Muller’s school:During a visit to Arlington, Texas, some years ago, afriend took me to see the original Robert Muller school.While she waited in the car, I walked past a littleBuddha, climbed the steps to the front door, and rangthe bell. Gloria Crook, the Director opened the door andasked why I had come. I listed my credentials: I wasinterested in global education, was concerned about theenvironment, and was an immigrant from Norway--acountry well known for its global concerns andadmiration for the <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong>.[18] I must havepassed the test, because she invited me in and led meinto a massive hallway. Looking to the left, I saw a roomfull <strong>of</strong> young mothers and pregnant women in yogaposition. On a table next to the doorway, I noticed astack <strong>of</strong> papers. <strong>The</strong> title startled me: ‘OccultMeditation.’To those who don't know God, the occult seems good,not bad, I thought to myself.“Are you familiar with Alice Bailey?” she asked me aswe entered a large cluttered <strong>of</strong>fice.53

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