United Nations And The New Age - Way of Life Literature

United Nations And The New Age - Way of Life Literature United Nations And The New Age - Way of Life Literature

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Thant also believed in astrology. (* U means “Mister” inthe Burmese language.)In his memoirs, which were published in 1978, he said:“Buddhist meditation aims at cleansing the mind ofimpurities, such as ill will, hatred and restlessness; itaims at cultivating such qualities as concentration,awareness, intelligence, confidence, and tranquility,leading finally to the attainment of the highestwisdom” (View from the UN, p. 454).U Thant said that he was greatly influenced by the NewAge Jesuit priest Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.U Thant believed that man can learn to exercise “the lawof love” by a process of education, so that “wars andconflicts will become a thing of the past” (quote fromMuller, New Genesis, p. 7).U Thant believed in the law of karma, the principle thatevery action has a reaction, good or evil (New Genesis, p.54). He hoped that good karma would spread throughoutthe world so that “humanity could progress and lift itselfupwards towards a total communion with God, theuniverse and eternity” (p. 54).In his farewell address to the UN in December 1971, UThant exalted “tolerance, the philosophy of ‘live and let44

live’” as the key to fashioning a new world (NewGenesis, p. 8).Javier Perez de CuellarJavier Perez de Cuellar (b. 1920), who was U.N.Secretary-General from 1982 to 1991, was reputed tohave been abducted by aliens on November 30, 1989(The Independent, London, Jan. 2, 1994; quoted fromAlan Morrison, The Occult Character of the UnitedNations). The Independent reported that though Perez deCuellar has refused to speak about this experience, inresponse to an enquiry about the matter from the Princeof Liechtenstein, who is a leading world authority onUFOs, “he did not deny that it had occurred.Maurice StrongMaurice Strong was the first director of the UnitedNations Environment Program (UNEP). He was theSecretary-General of Earth Summit I in 1972 and EarthSummit II in 1992. He is the founder of the EarthCouncil, co-chair of the World Economic Forum, amember of the UN-funded Commission on GlobalGovernance, and a member of the New Age LindesfarneFellowship.45

Thant also believed in astrology. (* U means “Mister” inthe Burmese language.)In his memoirs, which were published in 1978, he said:“Buddhist meditation aims at cleansing the mind <strong>of</strong>impurities, such as ill will, hatred and restlessness; itaims at cultivating such qualities as concentration,awareness, intelligence, confidence, and tranquility,leading finally to the attainment <strong>of</strong> the highestwisdom” (View from the UN, p. 454).U Thant said that he was greatly influenced by the <strong>New</strong><strong>Age</strong> Jesuit priest Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.U Thant believed that man can learn to exercise “the law<strong>of</strong> love” by a process <strong>of</strong> education, so that “wars andconflicts will become a thing <strong>of</strong> the past” (quote fromMuller, <strong>New</strong> Genesis, p. 7).U Thant believed in the law <strong>of</strong> karma, the principle thatevery action has a reaction, good or evil (<strong>New</strong> Genesis, p.54). He hoped that good karma would spread throughoutthe world so that “humanity could progress and lift itselfupwards towards a total communion with God, theuniverse and eternity” (p. 54).In his farewell address to the UN in December 1971, UThant exalted “tolerance, the philosophy <strong>of</strong> ‘live and let44

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