United Nations And The New Age - Way of Life Literature

United Nations And The New Age - Way of Life Literature United Nations And The New Age - Way of Life Literature

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The UN’s objective is to have the power to control thenations and to enforce its edicts. Robert Muller bemoansthe fact that “ancient religious codes” are followed insome nations more than “the recommendations of theUnited Nations” (New Genesis, p. 68). He and his fellowone-worlders want to do away with the national “escapeclauses” and to see “forceful implementation” (p. 69). Hewants the UN’s World Court to have real enforcementpower. He wants the UN to be the world lawmaker,world judge, and world police beyond which is noappeal.Muller says:“The UN should never be by-passed by any nation orgroup of nations as humanity’s peacekeepingforce” (New Genesis, p. 175).Muller says:“As we approach the new global age of humanity, wemust unequivocally proclaim and ENFORCE thisfundamental, sacred and inalienable right and obligationof all human beings on our planet: THOU SHALT NOTKILL, NOT EVEN IN THE NAME OF A NATION” (NewGenesis, p. 75).Observe the hypocrisy here. He wants to deny nations theright of self-defense and to make it illegal for police andarmies to kill under any circumstance, but he wants this30

policy to be ENFORCED. How else can such a thing beenforced apart from armed power? Thus, it is fine if theUN wields weapons to enforce its edicts, but it is notright if this is done by nations and individual citizens.Muller quotes Pope Paul VI as saying that “armamentskill, even if they are not used: they kill scores of childrenand people who could have been saved from hunger,malnutrition and malady” (p. 103). This ignorantstatement fails to take into consideration the fact that ifpeaceful nations were not properly armed, there would beno peaceful nations! If America had not been capable ofarming herself and her allies to the teeth during WorldWar II, all nations would be slaves today to Nazis andJapanese Imperialists, and there would be no “UnitedNations” -- and no Jews.The muddled thinking of UN one-worlders is worse thanwrong and ridiculous; it is dangerous.One-World GovernmentThe United Nations has sought for a one-worldgovernment since its inception.At the founding of UNESCO, Julian Huxley wrote,31

policy to be ENFORCED. How else can such a thing beenforced apart from armed power? Thus, it is fine if theUN wields weapons to enforce its edicts, but it is notright if this is done by nations and individual citizens.Muller quotes Pope Paul VI as saying that “armamentskill, even if they are not used: they kill scores <strong>of</strong> childrenand people who could have been saved from hunger,malnutrition and malady” (p. 103). This ignorantstatement fails to take into consideration the fact that ifpeaceful nations were not properly armed, there would beno peaceful nations! If America had not been capable <strong>of</strong>arming herself and her allies to the teeth during WorldWar II, all nations would be slaves today to Nazis andJapanese Imperialists, and there would be no “<strong>United</strong><strong>Nations</strong>” -- and no Jews.<strong>The</strong> muddled thinking <strong>of</strong> UN one-worlders is worse thanwrong and ridiculous; it is dangerous.One-World Government<strong>The</strong> <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> has sought for a one-worldgovernment since its inception.At the founding <strong>of</strong> UNESCO, Julian Huxley wrote,31

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