summertime learning class-vi english mathematics class –vi a

summertime learning class-vi english mathematics class –vi a

summertime learning class-vi english mathematics class –vi a


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SUMMERTIME LEARNINGCLASS-VIENGLISH1. Read at least two books from the list mentioned below.1. Alice in wonderland – Lewis Carol2. Round the world in 80 days – Joules Verve3. Uncle Tom’s cabin- Harriet Beecher Stowe4. Malory Towers – Enid Blyton5. Any book from the series ‘ Five find outers’Write a friendly email to your teacher, at the school’s email Id: skool.saket.del@apj.edu ,about one of the books.Your email should include the following:• 1 st paragraph : A short introduction , including your name , a fewfacts about yourself, and the date on which you started and finished reading the book.• 2 nd paragraph : The title and the author of the book , a description ofone or two of the main characters , the setting, and a summary of the story.• 3 rd paragraph : Your personal rating of the book , from 1-5 , with 5 being the highest.Give reasons for the rating.2. For your other book, just take some brief notes on an index card.A card for this book should include:• Title and author• Genre – Type of book (eg: mystery, fiction, adventure)• Who – Main characters• What – Short summary of the story.3. As you read the books, identify 25 unfamiliar words. Find the meaning, one antonym and twosynonyms for each word. For doing this you can use a dictionary or <strong>vi</strong>sit dictionary.com. Useeach word in a sentence. Design pictorial dictionary of your own.NOTE : All the work must be done in an attractive folder.MATHEMATICSCLASS –VI AThe students of <strong>class</strong> VI A will be involved in the Mathematics Exhibition to be held in themonth of July. For this each student has to do an acti<strong>vi</strong>ty. The project allotted to <strong>class</strong> VI-A is“Symmetry”. The students will be working in groups on an assigned topic, but will be assessedindi<strong>vi</strong>dually.The topics selected are as follows :1. Symmetry in Nature (in leaves, flowers, human body and animals)2. Symmetry in art and architecture.3. Making of greeting cards using symmetry.4. Symmetry in English alphabet5. Designs and patterns on fabric using symmetry.Students have been assigned the topic in the <strong>class</strong> and the details of this topic are written in thestudents’ school diary.

MATHEMATICSCLASS VI BMathematics Exemplar ProblemsThe questions of the following mentioned pages are to be done in the Mathematics Exemplarbook onlyPage No. 5- Q. No -1 to 25Page No. 9 – Q. No. 39 to 74Page No. 12 – Q. No. 99 to 135 and 151The questions of the following mentioned pages are to be done in the worksheet notebookPage No. 16- Q. No -152 to 170Page No. 18 – Q. No. 172 to 182 and 184 to 188SCIENCECLASS-VIA1. Make your own spiral bound scrap book using old news papers (24 pages).• Paste multi coloured A4 size sheets for writing information.• Stick colourful photographs on left and write information on the right side of each page.• Decorate the borders of each page.• Stick a label with you name, <strong>class</strong> and roll no. on the cover of your scrap book.• Use 12 pages for recording information about plants and 12 pages about animals.2. Look for the pictures of the following animals.Koala, Coyote, Guinea pig, Opossum,Bull shark, Raccoon, Weasel, Skunk, Manatee (sea cow),Deer mouse, Tarantula,Hornbill.Research on their eating habits. Classify them into herbivorous, carnivorous andomnivorous animals. Now paste the pictures of the animals in their respective groups.Write the following details about each animal.1. The continent it belongs to2. Type of teeth it has3. Type of food it eats4. Adaptations it has3. Visit a super market and observe different kinds of vegetables on the shelves. Take colourphotograph of each vegetable. Paste the photograph of each vegetable in your scrapbook. Besides each picture write down its name, (e.g. Spinach), the part of the plant it is(e.g. leaf).

4. Make a comparative chart of the nutritional information about the breakfast cereals given inthe table.Type ofCerealWheat-basedOatmealbasedCorn-basedProteinCarbohydratesFat Minerals VitaminsOn the basis of the information in the table, which breakfast cereal is the most nutritious for agrowing child.Last date for submission of the above work is July 8, 2011SCIENCECLASS VI BThe School is organizing a science exhibition in the month of July.The name of the exhibition is “My Efficient Planet”.Waste and Resource Management is the sub-theme given to students of <strong>class</strong> VI and VII.Generation of waste is ine<strong>vi</strong>table when raw materials are used for manufacturing acti<strong>vi</strong>ties. Thisis industrial waste. Waste is also generated in every household which we dispose off on a dailybasis.If waste material is not disposed off in a scientific manner, it can harm and degrade the naturalen<strong>vi</strong>ronment including soil, air and water.1. Project: Indraprastha Park located near Pragati Maidan was once a waste dumping yard.Over the years huge amount of waste got dumped from urban Delhi. When the yard wasno longer taking further waste, it was converted into a green park. However, the wastematerial dumped over, remained underground. The park is covered with greenery.Visit the park and get a photograph of yourself during the <strong>vi</strong>sit.Conduct research on the following:• How was this park developed?• Why is it not possible to grow tall trees on this park?• How is the maintenance of the park done?• What are the arrangements for watering the plants?• Which are the plants grown in this park ?• Find any other park in India/world which is made on a landfill.2. Design a board game based on the following concept:Visit www. tools for educators.com for help with your board game.Topic: Waste and resource managementMake tokens for the players; design the board as per the topic.Include reward cards, penalty cards (with or without pictures), assignpoints for each win etc.

SOCIAL STUDIES1. Solve the crossword from the hints given below :1234567 89Across2. HOTTEST PLANET OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM3. A GROUP OF STARS4. A PLANET WITH RINGS5. DUST AND FROZEN GAS PARTICLES6. MILLIONS OF STARS7. PIECES OF ROCK AND DUST AROUND THE SUN9. CELESTIAL BODIES AROUND THE SUN BETWEEN MARS AND JUPITERDown1. PLAINS AND CIRCULAR DEPRESSIONS4. AN OBJECT REVOLVING AROUND A PLANET8. BLUE PLANET2. Which planet would be affected first if the sun disappears? Which planet would be affectedlast?3. Visit the website www.si.edu & www.nasm.edu and see the universe from space. Visitwww.njaa.org and take the <strong>vi</strong>rtual solar system walk.

Project :In the Stone Age man made remarkable inventions to make life better. In this contextmake a project file incorporating the following information.FRENCH• Definition of the Stone Age and its <strong>class</strong>ification into different periods• The main features of each period• Visit Stone Age gallery in National Museum. Write an account of your <strong>vi</strong>sit, making alist of objects and tools used by man which are displayed in the museum, in differentperiods of the Stone Age.• Click a photograph of yourself in front of National Museum andpaste it in your file.Q.1 Rewrite the following words or phrases in French :(a) My name is Akansha(b) How are you? (to an adult)(c) How are you? (to your <strong>class</strong>mate)(d) Hello!(e) Goodmorning!(f) Bye!Q. 2 Make a list of 15 nouns of your choice that you often encounter in your day to day life.Rewrite them all in French. You could even draw a picture for every “noun” so that you canremember them forever.Q.3 Write the serial numbers from 10 to 20 and then 20 to 30. Rewritethem in words (French).All the work is to be done in your notebook.हन्दी१. “ बचपन जीवन का अनमोल पल है|” इस कथन को यान म रखते हुए दए गए बन्दुओंके न्ि बनाकर अपने वचार िलख -क) आपका मनपसंद भोजनख) मनपसंद वेश भूषाग) मनपसंद खेलघ) ूय िमऽ / सबन्धी / परवार का सदःयड) कोई एक यादगार पल२. ूयेक बंदु पर अपने वचार अलग -अलग अनुछेद प म िलख |३. वेश भूषा का िचऽ लगाएँ अथवा अपनी फोटो उस वेश भूषा म लगाएँ | इसके साथ साथ अन्य बन्दुओं के भीिचऽ लगा सकते ह |४. यह सारा काय A-4 आकार क शीट म करना है | मूयांकन का आधार वषय- वःतु ,ूःतुतीकरण व रचनामकता है |

संःकृ तCOMPUTERYou have been asked to send an email in your English assignment, for thiscreate an e-mail account for yourself. Write the code for the followingprograms, make a zip file and send to deepachopra21@yahoo.com usingyour own email id.1. Write a program in QBASIC to print the names of any 5 laptopcompanies.2. Write a program in QBASIC to find cube of a number accepted by theuser.3. Write a program in QBASIC to print the names of any 5 cricketplayers.4. Write a program in QBASIC to display perimeter of a rectangle after accepting length andbreadth (note: perimeter =2(length+breadth).5. Write a program in QBASIC to print the sum and average after accepting 5 numbers from theuser.

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