Revised Translations for Existing Legal Authority Codes

Revised Translations for Existing Legal Authority Codes Revised Translations for Existing Legal Authority Codes


Attachment 1Page 2Title 1Bulletin 06-10Legal Authority CodeN8M 702703713721769770Nature of Action CodeOriginal Title 5 Citation New OptionReg. 335.102 Except to Cite specific agency authorityCompPTG 755 Reg. 351.605 Cite specific agency authority

Title 1Attachment 2Bulletin 06-10 Page 1Nature of Action Code ChangesNOAC NOAC Narrative AuthAuthority NarrativeCodeAdditions - OPM announced March 15, 2006, with an effective date of April 30, 2006100 Career Appt BNZ CS Rule 6.7-CNCS Agr101 Career Cond Appt BNZ CS Rule 6.7-CNCS Agr891 Reg Perf Pay Q3A (Cite appropriate law, E.O., orregulation that authorizes the action)892 Irreg Perf Pay Q3B (Cite appropriate law, E.O., orregulation that authorizes the action)893 Reg WRI ZLM (Cite authority for increase)Addition -(Coverage Corrections Act (FERCCA)) - OPM announced May 15, 2006, with a retroactiveeffective date of March 14, 2005803 Chg in Retirement Plan ZSL Pub. Law 106-265 (FERCCA),dated September 19, 2000Revisions - OPM announced March 15, 2006, with an effective date of April 30, 2006713 Change to lower grade,level or band (Revisedfrom “Change to LawerGrade”878 Presidential Rank Award(Revised from “SESRank Award”891 Reg Perf Pay (Revisedfrom “GM WGI”)Applicable to allinstancesV7GV9NV8GV9PApplicable to allinstances - seenew rule above5 U.S.C.4507(e)(l)5 U.S.C. 4507a(c)5 U.S.C.4507e(2)5 U.S.C.4507a(c)892 Irreg Perf Pay (Revisedfrom “Quality Inc”)893 Reg WRI (revised from“Within-grade increase)Deletions - OPM announced March 15, 2006, with an effective date of April 30, 2006849 Senior Career EmployeeRank AwardV9N5 U.S.C.4507a(c)Note: Per OPM, thisNOAC will be reestablishedwith new usage/translation in January2007

Attachment 1Page 2Title 1Bulletin 06-10<strong>Legal</strong> <strong>Authority</strong> CodeN8M 702703713721769770Nature of Action CodeOriginal Title 5 Citation New OptionReg. 335.102 Except to Cite specific agency authorityCompPTG 755 Reg. 351.605 Cite specific agency authority

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