Mali GPU User Interface Engine Application Development Guide

Mali GPU User Interface Engine Application Development Guide

Mali GPU User Interface Engine Application Development Guide


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Tutorial on Drawing 3D Shapes/* Note that the following are already swapped in case of user input = -rotated */if ( args.height != 0 ) height = args.height;if ( args.width != 0 ) width = args.width;try{// Run from the directory containing the executable, so that we can find the data wherever it is run fromcdToExecutable();Managed system = create_system_backend();Managed context = system->createContext(width, height);Managed fs = system->createFileSystem("data");Managed timer = system->createTimer();Managed fps_timer = system->createTimer();Proxy proxy(fs, context);SceneAsset* scene = proxy.getSceneAsset("lightshow.MBA");Program* flarePrg = proxy.getProgram("flare.vert;flare.frag");Program* prg = proxy.getProgram("lightshow.vert;lightshow.frag");NodeAsset* camNode = (NodeAsset*)scene->getAsset(Asset::TYPE_NODE, "Camera01-node");NodeAsset* targetNode = (NodeAsset*)scene->getAsset(Asset::TYPE_NODE, "Camera01.Target-node");NodeAsset* light0Node = (NodeAsset*)scene->getAsset(Asset::TYPE_NODE, "Omni01-node");NodeAsset* light1Node = (NodeAsset*)scene->getAsset(Asset::TYPE_NODE, "Omni02-node");Texture* flareTex = proxy.getTexture2D("flare.png");glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);...4. Example 4-61 shows start of the draw loop and the code that calculates and displays thecurrent frame rate:Example 4-61 Draw loop with frame rate calculation...float time = 0.0;do{/*If FPS measurement is required and start_frame has been entered and current frame is thestart_frame then store current time only onceORif FPS measurement is required and start_frame has not been entered then store currenttime every frame*/if ( args.print_fps && ( args.start_frame == 0)){current_time = fps_timer->getTime();}if ( args.print_fps && ( args.start_frame != 0) && ( frameCount == args.start_frame )){old_time = fps_timer->getTime();}if( first_time ){ARM DUI 0527A-02a Copyright © 2010 ARM. All rights reserved. 4-49ID070710Non-Confidential - Draft - Beta

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