Mali GPU User Interface Engine Application Development Guide

Mali GPU User Interface Engine Application Development Guide

Mali GPU User Interface Engine Application Development Guide


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Tutorial on Drawing 3D Shapes4.7 Advanced MBA scene renderingThis tutorial combines:• a complex geometry asset• multiple varying light sources• a timer• automated movement of the camera.Open the 10-Advanced MBA Scene Rendering example:1. Example 4-52 shows the node traversal function:Example 4-52 Traversal function...#include #define TIME_INCREMENT 0.03f#define FIXED_FRAMERATE 1using namespace MDE;// the function takes as parameters: a node in the asset, the drawing context, a projection_view matrix,// a world matrix, and the current timevoid traverse(Tree* node, Context* context, mat4 prjViw, mat4 world, float time){if (!node) return; // no node to draw// find the sibling node and recursively traverse ittraverse(node->getNextSibling(), context, prjViw, world, time);if (node->data) // skip if the node does not have any data{world *= node->data->sampleLocalTransform(time);mat4 inv_world;world.invert(inv_world); // create the inverse of the world matrix and invert itmat3 tiv3 = inv_world.transposed().toMat3();// pass the calculated uniforms to the shaderscontext->setUniformMatrix("TRA_INV_WRL", tiv3);context->setUniformMatrix("WORLD", world);context->setUniformMatrix("PRJ_VIW_WRL", prjViw*world);node->data->setAbsoluteTransform(world);for (unsigned int i = 0; i < node->data->getBatchCount(); i++){Batch b = node->data->getBatch(i);if (b.material) // calculate how the material responds to the light sources{// Check for diffuse textureTextureAsset* diffuse = b.material->getMap("diffuse");if (diffuse){context->setUniformSampler("TEXTURE_DIFFUSE", diffuse->getTexture());}// Check for spec level textureTextureAsset* spec_level = b.material->getMap("spec_level");if(spec_level){context->setUniformSampler("TEXTURE_SPEC_LEVEL", spec_level->getTexture());}ARM DUI 0527A-02a Copyright © 2010 ARM. All rights reserved. 4-41ID070710Non-Confidential - Draft - Beta

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