Mali GPU User Interface Engine Application Development Guide

Mali GPU User Interface Engine Application Development Guide

Mali GPU User Interface Engine Application Development Guide


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Tutorial on the Lotion <strong>User</strong> <strong>Interface</strong> Classesprintf("-input\n");printf(" mouse\n");printf(" touch \n");}static void argErrorExit(const char * fmt, const char * printfArg) {printHelp();errorExit(fmt, printfArg);}5.2.3 Evaluating the start-up argumentsThe first part of main() evaluates the passed arguments:1. Entering resolution on the command line specifies a new resolution to replace the defaultresolution. See Example 5-3:Example 5-3 Setting the resolutionint main(int argc, char* argv[]) {try {// Run from the directory containing the executable,// so that we can find the data wherever it is run fromcdToExecutable();// parse commandline args//bool configStandalone = false;int configApplets = 0;bool configAppletsAdded = false;themes configTheme = THEME_BLUE;MDE::Array configInputs;MDE::vec2i configResolution(800, 480);unsigned int configDepth = 0; // Use platform default config depth.for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) {if (strcmp(argv[i], "-resolution") == 0) {if (i + 1 == argc) {argErrorExit("No argument specified for -resolution switch",NULL);} else if (sscanf(argv[i + 1],"%dx%d", &configResolution.x,&configResolution.y) != 2) {argErrorExit("Invalid -resolution: %s\n", argv[i + 1]);}...i++;} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-depth") == 0) {2. Entering depth on the command line specifies the bits per pixel. See Example 5-4 onpage 5-13:ARM DUI 0527A-02a Copyright © 2010 ARM. All rights reserved. 5-12ID070710Non-Confidential - Draft - Beta

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