Market Mover - BNP PARIBAS - Investment Services India

Market Mover - BNP PARIBAS - Investment Services India

Market Mover - BNP PARIBAS - Investment Services India


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This section is classified as non-objective researchGreece: “Deeper” PSI After the EU Summit• The long awaited deeper PSI is now officialafter the conclusion of the EU Summit. Amongthe things we know, it remains a voluntaryoperation, it involves a 50% nominal discounton notional of GGBs held by private investorsand it includes a EUR 30bn contribution fromEU member states.• There are several things we still don’t knowsuch as the GGB eligibility pool, the requiredparticipation rate, the characteristics of thecollateral and the characteristics of the new PSIbonds.• The official sector will provide an additionalEUR 100bn programme financing until 2014. Thenew programme should be agreed by the end of2011 and the exchange of bonds should beimplemented at the beginning of 2012.Table 1: NPV Estimation Under 100%Collateralisation via AAA BondsNew PSI Bonds (100% Collateral)Discount RateNPV Estimation9% 12%4.5% 39.3% 34.3%Coupon6.0% 47.0% 40.4%Source: <strong>BNP</strong> ParibasTable 2: NPV Estimation under 30bn CashInstead of AAA BondsNew PSI Bonds (0% Collateral) + CashDiscount RateNPV9% 12%4.5% 43.1% 36.0%Coupon6.0% 50.8% 42.0%Source: <strong>BNP</strong> ParibasWhat we knowIn our recent piece “Greece: PSI Revisited, 19October” we explained why the original PSI had tochange and how it could be tweaked to lead todifferent NPV reductions. In particular, we analysedthe impact of each factor (coupon, discounting rate,haircut on the notional, collateralisation percentage)on the NPV of the new bonds. We also highlightedthe importance of some form of collateral in the PSIexchange in order to help facilitate a higherparticipation rate.The EU Summit statement which was released in theearly hours of 27 October sheds some light on thenew form of the PSI (twelfth paragraph). In moredetail, we know the following facts:• There is still a discussion between Greece andits private investors to find a solution for a deeperPSI. This means that there has yet to be a finalagreement.• The PSI aims at reducing the debt/GDP ratio to120% by 2020. We still need to find out if thismetric refers to gross or net debt.• It remains a voluntary operation.• There will be a nominal discount of 50% onnotional Greek debt held by private investors.• EU member states would contribute to the PSIpackage up to EUR 30bn.• The official sector will provide additional financingof up to EUR 100bn until 2014 including therequired recapitalisation of Greek banks.• This new programme should be agreed by theend of 2011 and the exchange of bonds shouldbe implemented at the beginning of 2012.What we don’t knowThere are still many important details missing withrespect to the new deeper PSI. In more detail:• What is the expected and required participationrate in this new PSI (it was 90% on 21 July)?• What is the sample of eligible GGBs forparticipation in this new PSI? In the 21 Julydescription, the eligible pool included almost allGGBs maturing up to 2020. According to thepress, this has been extended to include alloutstanding GGBs except for ECB holdings. TheEU Summit statements refers to “Greek debtheld by private investors” and hints at the wholeoutstanding of GGBs, excluding the ECBholdings. We still do not know what is going tohappen to the GGBs maturing in December andto those which matured in August which were stilleligible for the original PSI. The new pool isestimated at around EUR 206bn versus 150bnon 21 July. This implies that the debt buybackoperation might no longer be on the table sincethe targeted bonds were supposed to be thelong-end bonds (after 2020) which were not PSIeligible on 21 July. The fact that all GGBs (exECB holdings) could be PSI eligible now meansthat there are no GGBs left for buybacks (unlessthe ECB is willing to sell some of its GGBholdings, of course).Ioannis Sokos 27 October 2011<strong>Market</strong> <strong>Mover</strong>36www.Global<strong>Market</strong>s.bnpparibas.com

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