Market Mover - BNP PARIBAS - Investment Services India

Market Mover - BNP PARIBAS - Investment Services India

Market Mover - BNP PARIBAS - Investment Services India


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China: Undertaking Selective Easing• On 25 October, Chinese Premier Wen calledfor a pre-emptive and subtle adjustment tocurrent macro policy.• This policy call was probably in response tothe recent blow-up in the underground bankingsystem, risks building in the shadow bankingsystem, and growth momentum weakening.• However, we do not expect general andoverall easing. Rather, we see selective andtargeted easing in credit loans and taxation.• In our view, the beneficiaries would be publichousing, ordinary housing, businesses providingdaily necessities, small and mini businesses,high-tech, new energy and environmentalprotection.Premier Wen calls for a timely macro policyadjustmentAfter two major economic reviews, the Chinesepremier, Wen Jiabao, made an official policystatement that it is time for China to make a preemptiveand subtle macro policy adjustment in orderto cope with the changed economic situation andtrends. He made this statement on 25 October inTianjin.In addition to Premier Wen's policy statement, theCBRC announced a supplementary guidelineyesterday (26 October) requiring all commercialbanks to improve their financial services to small andmini businesses. The MOC, MOF and PBOC jointlychose one month from next year as “ConsumptionPromoting Month”.Why now?In our view, there are two reasons for the change:• The underground banking system blowing up inWenzhou in the region of Zhejiang, Erdos inInner Mongolia, and Sishui in Jiangsu, and risksin the shadow banking system building up (oneA-share listed company offered total borrowingguarantees at 69 times its net assets). The StateCouncil seems to have agreed that the majorreason for the rapid and chaotic growth inunderground banking was the over-controlledofficial credit lending market. Financialspeculation surging and collapsing not onlydamages manufacturing and increases financialrisks, but also greatly threatens social stability.Table 1: Official Financing Falling(RMB bn)9M 11(% share) (%y/y)Aggregate financing 9800 100.0 -11.41. RMB loans 5680 58.0 -9.52. Forex loans 477 4.9 63.33. Designated loans 1070 10.9 11.84. Trust loans 84.8 0.9 -82.25. Bankers' acceptance 982.5 10.0 -50.06. Corporate bond 839.7 8.6 -14.17. Non-Financial corporateequity 3515 3.6 -3.1Source: PBOC, <strong>BNP</strong> Paribas70656055504540Chart 1: Economic Confidence Weakening(%)PMI-outputHeadline PMI35Jan-05 Sep-05 May-06 Jan-07 Sep-07 May-08 Jan-09 Sep-09 May-10 Jan-11 Sep-11Source: PBOC and <strong>BNP</strong> Paribas• The State Council is worried that growthmomentum, which has been hit, is not strongenough to support the high growth that isnecessary for the 18th Party Congress. There isalso a risk of a sharp slowing and a hard landing.The GDP growth rate remains at 9.1% in Q3, butslowed from 9.5% in Q2 and 9.7% in Q1.Potential recessions in the US, EU and Japan,and rising trade conflicts, would weaken China’sexports greatly. Consumption growth is alsoslowing due to a slowdown in economic growthand income, high inflation, and the withdrawal ofthe consumption promotion policy. Moreimportantly, FAI growth should definitely be on adownward trend because of the slowing ininfrastructure construction, and greater efforts tocontrol property prices.Implications and benefitsFrom Premier Wen's policy statement, we don'texpect a general or overall policy easing immediately,but selective and targeted easing. The easing isexpected in two areas: lending and taxation.Chen Xingdong 27 October 2011<strong>Market</strong> <strong>Mover</strong>28www.Global<strong>Market</strong>s.bnpparibas.com

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