Market Mover - BNP PARIBAS - Investment Services India

Market Mover - BNP PARIBAS - Investment Services India

Market Mover - BNP PARIBAS - Investment Services India


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France: Time for Tightening• The French government will have to reducethe 2012 GDP growth forecast from 1.75% to1.0% at most. This should be accompanied by afiscal tightening package of close to EUR 8bn.• The budget deficit should not overshoot thetarget of 4.6% of GDP in 2012 which has been inall the previous stability plans.• The bulk of the new measures should, onceagain, raise taxes and social contributionincome.50%40%30%20%Chart 1: Distribution of2012 GDP Growth Forecasts for France10%Aug0%Oct0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0The 2012 budget was built using an economicgrowth estimate of 1.75% for 2012, the same level asin 2011. When these hypotheses were adopted, inAugust, they were in line with market consensusestimates, which were 1.9% for 2011 and 1.7% for2012 according to Consensus Economics. Howeverthe economic situation has dramatically worsenedsince then. The consensus estimate for 2011 growtheased to 1.6% y/y, but for 2012 was revised downsharply, losing four-tenths in September and anotherfour-tenths in October. Consensus Economicscollected more data over time (15 forecasters inAugust, 18 in September and 21 in October) and therange of the forecasts widened, whereas it normallydeclines over time (Chart 1). This shows a strongincrease in uncertainty about the growth outlook. Thesituation is very different for inflation, where theconsensus remained stable and the range narrowedmarginally.Revising growth downThe growth rate for this year has not been revisedmuch since August/September when the governmentestimated the 2011 deficit target would be met. Harddata published since then do not threaten Q3 growthmuch, but business and household surveys clearlyshow there is a growing risk that GDP will contract inthe last quarter of 2011. This would have limitedimpact on the 2011 average growth rate and an evensmaller effect on the budget, given the delay incollecting taxes.The main risk for the current year affects receiptsfrom corporate tax. Consequently we will have to payspecial attention to the September and Decemberfiscal outcomes, when quarterly payments ofcorporate tax are due. The reduction of the deficit,compared to the year before, is developing asexpected in the later part of the year (Chart 2, inSource: Consensus Economics0-20-40-60-80-100-120-140-160Source: MoFChart 2: Central Budget Balance20092011EUR bn, cumulative 20102008Jan. Mar. May July Sept. Nov.particular in August, September and December).Chart 2 shows that the cumulative deficit over thefirst eight months of the year narrowed byEUR 19.4bn to EUR 102.8bn. Social security andlocal government deficits should be smaller thaninitially expected, so that the government has someleeway to face the declining growth. It also has sometime left to cancel some expenditure, currently frozenuntil the end of the fiscal year, in order to deal withthis risk.The October consensus forecast for 2012 GDPgrowth is 0.9%, so a revision by the government toits own growth forecast seems likely. The consensus2012 growth forecast for Germany has fallen from1.9% in August to 1.0% in October. The Germangovernment thus reduced its growth forecast to1.0%. In practice, it will difficult for the Frenchgovernment to come up with a forecast much abovethe German growth level. The government shouldrather cut the growth rate aggressively now, in orderto be sure that no further forecast cut, and no morefiscal tightening, are required until the elections areover.Dominique Barbet 27 October 2011<strong>Market</strong> <strong>Mover</strong>14www.Global<strong>Market</strong>s.bnpparibas.com

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