The Purpose Of Gospel Preaching - Free Sermon Outlines

The Purpose Of Gospel Preaching - Free Sermon Outlines

The Purpose Of Gospel Preaching - Free Sermon Outlines

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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Purpose</strong> <strong>Of</strong> <strong>Preaching</strong>IntroductionI. <strong>The</strong>re are many great sermons recorded in the Bible.A. Joshua’s farewell address (Joshua 24).B. <strong>Sermon</strong> on Mount (Matthew 5–7).C. Stephen’s history of the Jewish nation (Acts 7)D. Paul’s sermon at Mar’s Hill (Acts 17).II. Peter’s sermon on Pentecost was the first sermon under the New Covenant is amodel for all time (Acts 2).A. Pentecost was one of the three great feast days in the Jewish economy, theothers being Passover and the annual day of atonement.1. Passover was always on the first day of the week.2. <strong>The</strong> first day of the week was when our Lord was resurrected.B. It was on this Pentecost that Christ was crowned at His Father’s right handand His Kingdom was established upon this earth—it was also the timewhen the terms of Divine pardon were first made known unto men.III. Peter’s audience on Pentecost consisted of “devout men, from every nationunder heaven” (Acts 2:5).A. Here is a select crowd of honest, upright men devoted to religious matters,they had gathered from every nation in the Greco-Roman world to attendthis feast (Acts 2:6–13).B. Men from up around the Caspian Sea and all the way down to the PersianGulf; up the rivers of the Tigris and Euphrates.1. Passing the Wilderness of Wandering into the continent of Africa, therewere representatives from Libya about Cyrene, and as far west as Rome.2. <strong>The</strong>re were also strangers and proselytes.IV. Using Peter’s sermon as a model, let’s examine the purpose of preaching.DiscussionI. To Explain <strong>The</strong> Scriptures (Acts 2:14–16)A. This sounds so simple, yet it is often overlooked.1. 11 out of 25 verses of this sermon were from the Old Testament.2. It would have done little good to just read the verses—they already knewwhat the verses said.B. Every sermon in Acts explained the Scriptures the people already knew.1. In Stephen’s history of the Jewish nation (Acts 7), 19 out of 52 verses werequoted from the Old Testament.2. Consider Philip and the Ethiopian nobleman (Acts 8:34).3. Paul’s example at <strong>The</strong>ssalonica (Acts 17:1–3).C. Ezra “helped them to understand the reading” (Neh. 8:5–8).David Padfield www.Expository<strong>Sermon</strong><strong>Outlines</strong>.com 1

II.Hold Up <strong>The</strong> Scriptures As LightA. In Peter’s sermon no appeal was made to current events or moderntheological thought (2 Tim. 3:16—4:2).1. “And you shall know the truth…” (John 8:32).2. “…as His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life andgodliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory andvirtue” (2 Peter 1:3).3. “Beloved, while I was very diligent to write to you concerning ourcommon salvation, I found it necessary to write to you exhorting you tocontend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to thesaints” (Jude 1:3).4. “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet…” (Psa. 119:105).B. <strong>The</strong> only way to know the mind of God is to study and understand theScriptures (1 Cor. 2:6–13).C. Paul penned the Scriptures so “when you read, you may understand myknowledge in the mystery of Christ” ( Eph. 3:4).III. Disturb People In Error (Acts 2:22–24)A. Peter did not soft peddle the truth—his audience on Pentecost was “cut toheart” (Acts 2:37).1. Cutting a man to the heart is not a task to be relished—we look for theend result of freedom from sin and salvation.2. Between sin and salvation is a painful period of self examination.3. Men must come to the shocking realization that they are lost!4. Some preachers are so diplomatic in their preaching that they could nevermake a sinner ask what to do!B. “And with many other words he testified and exhorted them, saying, ‘Besaved from this perverse generation’” (Acts 2:40).1. Peter told these religious people the were lost!2. If I am in religious error, please disturb me—I need to be disturbed.C. Some people, when cut to the heart, will rebel (Acts 7:54).IV.Hold Up Christ As <strong>The</strong> Savior And Only Hope <strong>Of</strong> <strong>The</strong> WorldA. “And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Sonof Man be lifted up...” (John 3:14).B. “And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw…” (John 12:32).C. In every city Paul visited, the first thing he did was to lift up Christ.1. Like his trip to Corinth (1 Cor. 2:1–5).2. Our hope is in heaven—not Washington, D.C. or the United Nations.3. Men will never be saved by preaching politics or moral platitudes, theyneed the blood of Christ!4. Paul gave his audience what was needed, not necessarily what theywanted (1 Cor. 1:18–23).5. Paul’s only glory was in the cross (Gal. 6:14).David Padfield www.Expository<strong>Sermon</strong><strong>Outlines</strong>.com 2

V. Tell About <strong>The</strong> ChurchA. On Pentecost some 3,000 people obeyed the gospel of Christ, and “the Lordadded to the church daily those who were being saved” (Acts 2:41, 47).B. Today men say “Preach the man, not the plan.”1. Preach the King without His kingdom?2. <strong>The</strong> Groom without His Bride?C. <strong>The</strong>re is “One Body” (Eph. 4:4); that body is the church (Eph. 1:22–23).D. <strong>The</strong> Lord built one church (Matt. 16:18); He will save only one (Eph. 5:23).E. Let us not trust in man made denominations, lodges, etc.ConclusionI. If you had been there in Jerusalem on Pentecost, would you have been one ofthose who cried out asking what to do?II. How would you have responded to Peter’s command (Acts 2:38)?A. Would you have argued with him?B. Would you have been among those who scoffed at the gospel?C. <strong>The</strong> gospel call is still open for you!David Padfield www.Expository<strong>Sermon</strong><strong>Outlines</strong>.com 3

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