program booklet - Shippensburg University

program booklet - Shippensburg University

program booklet - Shippensburg University


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P A G E 6Conference Sessions 1 & 2A - College Life: Transition to Your New LifeGetting Involved in Environmental Initiatives on Campus Dr. HeatherSahli, Biology and Dr. Curt Zaleski, Chemistry, FSC 156In this session we will discuss the environmental initiatives taking place on<strong>Shippensburg</strong>'s campus and highlight ways you can get involved.I Never Met Anyone Who Believed That! Rev. Janice Bye, Spiritual Center:United Campus Ministries, SRH 109Are you looking forward to meeting people who have different faith perspectivesfrom you? Would you like to learn how to have a productive discussionwith people you don’t agree with? Join us for a time to discover ways to shareyour beliefs and learn about others in a respectful way!Leadership is NOT a Popularity Contest: Becoming an UG Leader Dr.Corinne Eisenhart, Education Leadership, SPH 160This interactive session will focus on the attitudes, skills, and ethics of leadership.Students will build an awareness of the attributes of a leader by comparingand contrasting leadership with popularity. Applying this knowledge totheir own lives, participants will reflect on how the decisions they make as<strong>Shippensburg</strong> <strong>University</strong> students will determine if they refine their skills asleaders or simply seek popularity.Experimenting on Yourself: Writing as a Tool for Inquiry Dr. Tom Crochunis,English, DHC 202In this session, I will feature the role of writing and media as tools for inquiry,not just as ways of presenting concluded research. Part of the session willfeature examples of some of my first-year students' work on research projects.In some of these projects, students made small changes in their livesand studied their effects for 30 days while also researching through othersources some of the issues that emerged. In others, students investigatedtopics of personal interest related to their potential careers, using the processesof reading and writing to discover details of what their future workmight involve. I will talk about my own interest in using writing and theatricalperformance to investigate questions in my scholarly field, theatre history.Throughout the session, I will involve students in short writing activities to getthem working with writing as a tool for self-investigation. Students shouldcome away from the session understanding that, in college, writing is not justan output of learning but a tool for learning.Information Technology and Your Future Career Dr. Viet Dao, Accountingand MIS, GRH 302We will discuss the role that Information Technology (IT) plays in helpingorganizations and businesses to operate and succeed in the 21st centuryeconomy, and for college students preparing for their future careers. Someintroduction to MIS majors to students who are interested in careers thatfocus on using IT to solve business problems.B - College Skills: Get Prepared for ClassesCreative Writing Dr. Neil Connelly, English, and Dr. Kim van Alkemade,English, DHC 208Creative writing expands the mind and enriches the soul. This session willexplore the many opportunities for students to study fiction, poetry, and nonfiction,both inside the classroom and beyond.Developing Research and Writing Projects as an Undergraduate Dr.Laurie Cella, English, and Dr. Wendy Becker, Management, DHC 310In this session, two professors - one from English, one from Management -will talk about how they conduct independent writing projects with students.Many of these projects lead to successful student publications. Come to thissession to learn about the benefits of writing projects and how you can find amentor for your writing and research interests.What It Takes to be a Successful Accounting Student Dr. Patricia Patrick,Accounting and MIS, GRH 306Have you ever wondered what you can do with a degree in accounting? Studentsoften have the wrong impression about accounting. They think it is abunch of boring rules followed by a bunch of nerds. In fact, a degree in accountingcan open doors for you in a wide variety of areas, including auditing,forensic accounting, cost accounting, tax accounting, general accounting, theregulatory environment, and teaching. There is an extremely high demand foraccountants because every organization needs accountants and not everyoneis cut out to be one. The curriculum is not hard, but it does require studentswith good study skills and basic skills in math and reading. Accounting offersmany exciting career paths and the job placement process is more streamlinedfor accounting majors than any other major on campus. Accountingmajors interview on campus in October of their senior years and receive theirjob offers in November, a full school year before graduation! Most accountingmajors also get internships in accounting. Come learn about exciting careersin accounting and what it takes to be a successful accounting student.A C A D E M I C D A Y 2 0 1 1 , P R O G R A M S

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