program booklet - Shippensburg University

program booklet - Shippensburg University

program booklet - Shippensburg University


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P A G E 1 1New Student Pledge:As a student of <strong>Shippensburg</strong> <strong>University</strong>, I pledge to:Uphold the highest level ofcitizenSHIPand integrity,both on and off campus, andaccept the responsibility ofacademic honesty;Contribute to and help sus-tain this learning communityby respecting its diversity andits physical environment;Service-Learning Projects ContinuedLiterary Council CarnivalEducation, English, sociology or psychology majors, this service activity will appeal toyou! The LIU 12 Franklin County Literacy Council will be hosting a literacy carnival andawareness event during the Corn Fest on August 27 th from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. This literacyevent will kick-off Literacy Month with enjoyable family activities. Student volunteersare needed to help with supervising games, serving food, passing out free books, andreading to children. A variety of games such Ring Toss, Duck Pond, and Go Fish will offerparents and children a welcome break during the Corn Fest. The Literacy Council anticipatesbetween 200 and 300 participants will attend this event. A maximum of 15 studentswill be allowed for this project. For more information, contact Dr. Laurie Cella atljcella@ship.edu or Dr. Karen Johnson atkgjohnson@ship.eduNature Trail Program InstallationDo you enjoy working with plants or helping other people learn about nature? If you likeworking outdoors and serving the community through an education initiative, this serviceactivity is for you! Take this opportunity to work with your fellow students to install aseries of plant identification tags along the Cumberland Valley Rail Trail and Burd RunStream Corridor. These markers will help community members, especially school children,learn more about the plant life in our area. For more information, contact Dr. SeanCornell at srcornell@ship.edu or Dr. Heather Sahli at hfsahli@ship.edu.A Future at <strong>Shippensburg</strong>Are you considering pursuing a Modern Languages major, an International Studies orEthnic Studies minor, or a Latin American Studies Certificate? If so, you may want to joina project with a group of students of Latino and Haitian origins who will spend the day at<strong>Shippensburg</strong> <strong>University</strong>. First they will be given an introduction in the Modern LanguagesDepartment that will emphasize the importance of college education, the value of theirheritage languages, and terminology related to life at a university. Then they will meetwith someone from admissions to explain how to be admitted at the university--grades,procedures, whom to contact. Finally they will be given a tour of campus. They will beoffered a picnic lunch and will then proceed to the football game. For more information,contact Dr. Agnes Ragone at acrago@ship.edu.Learn from faculty, coaches,staff, mentors, and fellow stu-dents as I prepare for a life ofcontinued learning andgrowth;Participate actively in all academicendeavors, both inand out of the classroom, andpursue activities that expandmy learning networks;Help to foster a climate of izenSHIP, , leaderSHIP, , andscholarSHIP;Maintain a healthy mind andbody, and encourage others toaspire to the high standards ofpersonal and academic life at<strong>Shippensburg</strong> <strong>University</strong>.cit-

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