Syllabus for Social Work - ilmkidunya

Syllabus for Social Work - ilmkidunya Syllabus for Social Work - ilmkidunya
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iii. Community DevelopmentSECONDARY METHODSa) Definition and description of communityb) Definition of community organization anddevelopmentc) Objectives of Community Developmentd) Phases/steps in community development (study ofmonitoring and evaluation)e) Principles of community developmentf) Role of professional worker in communityi) Social Researcha) Definition and description of social researchb) Phases/steps in social researchc) Tools of data collection (questionnaire, interviewingschedule, Interview guide and observation)ii) Social Action, Policy and Administrationa) Definition and description of social welfareadministrationb) Importance of social welfare administration in socialworkiii) Social Action4. Fields/Area of Social Worka) Definition and description of social actionb) Importance of social action in social welfarea) School social workb) Medical social workc) Community developmentd) Child welfaree) Youth welfaref) Women welfareg) Welfare of the Physically disabledh) Welfare of the mental retardedi) Welfare of the socially dis-advantagedj) Welfare of the Juvenile Delinquents and Adult Criminals

5. Role of Voluntary Social Welfare Agencies in Socio-Economic Developmenta) Definition and description of social welfare agencyb) Types of social welfare agencies (government, semi-government,voluntary/NGOs)c) Role of the voluntary social welfare agencies, socio-economicdevelopmentRECOMMENDED BOOKS1. Friendlander M. Der. Concepts and Methods of social work, Prentice-Hall, N.W.Jersey.2. Hamilton, Gordon, Principles of Case, Recording, New York Columbian UniversityPress.3. Perelman, Halen, Social Case Work, A Problem solving process, Chicago TheUniversity of the Chicago Press.4. Richmond, Mary, E. Social Diagnosis, New York, Russell Foundation5. Douglas Tom, Group Work Practice, Cambridge, Tailstock publication, 19766. Arthur Dunham, 1958, Community Welfare Organization Principles & TechniquesPractices. Thomas Y. Crowell Company, New York, p-147. Arthur Dunham, 160. Community Development, p.p. 178-186 in social Work YearBook, Edited by Russell H. Kurtz, New York, national Association of Social Workers.

iii. Community DevelopmentSECONDARY METHODSa) Definition and description of communityb) Definition of community organization anddevelopmentc) Objectives of Community Developmentd) Phases/steps in community development (study ofmonitoring and evaluation)e) Principles of community developmentf) Role of professional worker in communityi) <strong>Social</strong> Researcha) Definition and description of social researchb) Phases/steps in social researchc) Tools of data collection (questionnaire, interviewingschedule, Interview guide and observation)ii) <strong>Social</strong> Action, Policy and Administrationa) Definition and description of social welfareadministrationb) Importance of social welfare administration in socialworkiii) <strong>Social</strong> Action4. Fields/Area of <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Work</strong>a) Definition and description of social actionb) Importance of social action in social welfarea) School social workb) Medical social workc) Community developmentd) Child welfaree) Youth welfaref) Women welfareg) Welfare of the Physically disabledh) Welfare of the mental retardedi) Welfare of the socially dis-advantagedj) Welfare of the Juvenile Delinquents and Adult Criminals

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