Application - Texas Southern University: ::em.tsu.edu

Application - Texas Southern University: ::em.tsu.edu

Application - Texas Southern University: ::em.tsu.edu

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Social Security Number* (see note below): __________________________ Name: _______________________________(i)(j)For the past 12 months, has your parent or legal guardian:(1) been gainfully <strong>em</strong>ployed in <strong>Texas</strong>? _____ Yes _____ No(2) received services from a social service agency that provides services to homeless persons? ___ Yes ___ NoIs your parent or legal guardian married to a person who could answer "yes" to any part of question (h) or (i)?_____ Yes_____ NoIf "yes," indicate which question could be answered "yes" by his or her spouse: __________________________How long has your parent or legal guardian been married to the <strong>Texas</strong> resident? Years _______ Months ________32. General Comments. Provide any additional information that you believe your college or university should know aboutwhen evaluating your eligibility to be classified as a resident.33. All students must read and sign this section.Notification of Rights under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA): Information collected about youthrough this application may be held by any institution of higher <strong>edu</strong>cation to which you apply. With few exceptions,you are entitled on your request to be informed about the collected information. Under Sections 552.021 and 552.023 ofthe <strong>Texas</strong> Government Code, you are entitled to receive and review the information. Under Section 559.004 of the <strong>Texas</strong>Government Code, you are entitled to correct information held by an institution that is incorrect. You may correctinformation held by any institution to which you apply by contacting the institution's Public Information Officer. Theinformation that is collected about you will be retained and maintained as required by <strong>Texas</strong> records retention laws(Section 441.180 et seq. of the <strong>Texas</strong> Government Code) and rules. Different types of information are kept for differentperiods of time.I certify that the information on this application is complete and correct and I understand that the submission of falseinformation is grounds for rejection of my application, withdrawal of any offer of acceptance, cancellation ofenrollment and/or appropriate disciplinary action. I also understand that officials of my college/university will use theinformation submitted on this form to determine my status for residency eligibility. I authorize the college/university toverify the information I have provided. I agree to notify the proper officials of the institution of any changes in theinformation provided. I authorize the institution to electronically access my records regarding the <strong>Texas</strong> SuccessInitiative.Signature: ________________________________________________ Date: ____________________________________________________________________________* (Although entering your Social Security number is optional, providing it will ensure your documents are matched and processed promptly.)www.applytexas.org Transfer/Transient/Former Students - 6 (application continues on next page)

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