Application - Texas Southern University: ::em.tsu.edu

Application - Texas Southern University: ::em.tsu.edu

Application - Texas Southern University: ::em.tsu.edu

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Proc<strong>edu</strong>re for Applying to More Than One College or <strong>University</strong>The Apply<strong>Texas</strong> <strong>Application</strong> was created to help make applying to a <strong>Texas</strong> institution of higher <strong>edu</strong>cationeasier. You are strongly encouraged to apply online at www.applytexas.org.The following proc<strong>edu</strong>re is recommended for students who wish to apply to more than one college oruniversity and who complete a paper application:1. Each institution has its own unique admission instructions and required credentials. Befor<strong>em</strong>ailing your application, refer to the web site or contact the admissions office of each college oruniversity to which you apply for additional institutional information.2. Complete Parts I and II of the Apply<strong>Texas</strong> <strong>Application</strong>. Leave it<strong>em</strong> #16 blank as you arecompleting the application.3. Photocopy the original completed application and make one copy for each college or university towhich you are applying. Keep the original application for your files in the event you wish to apply toother institutions at a later time.4. On each copy of the application, complete it<strong>em</strong> #16 by entering the name of the college oruniversity to which you are applying and your first and second choice of major. Follow theinstructions for completing the Apply<strong>Texas</strong> <strong>Application</strong> to ensure proper listing of major(s).5. Submit one completed application to each college or university to which you are applying,including Part II, essays and application fee if these it<strong>em</strong>s are required by the institution. Not allinstitutions require applicants to send in the same parts of the common application. See thegeneral application information section on pages ii through iv of this booklet to determine whatit<strong>em</strong>s are required by the institutions to which you apply.vii

Apply<strong>Texas</strong> <strong>Application</strong>Transfer/Transient/Former StudentsTHIS APPLICATION SHOULD NOT BE USED BY INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS.You are encouraged to complete this application online at www.applytexas.org.This application is intended for use in applying for Acad<strong>em</strong>ic Year 2009-2010.Check One S<strong>em</strong>ester and Indicate Year You Expect to Enter: Fall _____ Spring _____ Summer I _____ Summer II _____Mini or short s<strong>em</strong>ester: (please specify) _______________________________ Year _____________Are you a: Transfer _____ Transient ____ Former Student ______Total Prior College Hours Earned: _____ Summer Only _____ If you are a former student, forHave Bachelor’s Degree _____ Fall Only _____ what term were you last enrolled?Nondegree Seeker _____ Spring Only _____ ___________________________Seeking Second Bachelor’s Degree _____Part I.Biographical Information1. U. S. Social Security Number * (see note below): __________________________________________________2. Date of Birth (Required): ________________________________(Month/Day/Year)3. Full, Legal Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________________(Last/Family) (First) (Middle) (Suffix: Jr., etc.)4. If You Attended School Using a Different Name, Please List Name(s): ________________________________________5. Gender: Male ___ F<strong>em</strong>ale ___ 6. Place of Birth: _______________________________________________________(City) (State) (Country)7. Ethnic Background: Please indicate which of the following groups best describes your ethnic background. The information will beused for federal and/or state law reporting purposes and may be used by some institutions in admission or scholarship decisions.White, Non-Hispanic____ Hispanic or Latino____ American Indian or Alaskan Native____Black, Non-Hispanic ____ Asian or Pacific Islander ____8. (a) Are you a U.S. citizen? ____ Yes____ No If “No,” of what country are you a citizen? _______________________(b) If you are not a citizen, do you hold U. S. Permanent Resident status (valid I-551)? _____ Yes _____ NoIf “Yes,” date permanent resident card* issued: __________/_______/________ Alien Number: ______________*Enclose a copy of both sides of the card. (Month) (Day) (Year)(c) If you are not a U.S. citizen or permanent resident, do you have an application for permanent residence(form I-485) pending with the U. S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)?_____ Yes _____ No (If “Yes,” enclose a copy of your Notice of Action from the USCIS, form I-797C.)(d) If you are not a citizen or permanent resident and you have no application pending with the USCIS, have you lived orwill you have lived in <strong>Texas</strong> for three consecutive years immediately before graduating from high school or receiving aGED in <strong>Texas</strong>? _____ Yes _____ No (If "Yes," please submit a completed "Affidavit of Intent to Become aPermanent Resident." The affidavit is usually available from a college or university's admissions or internationaladmissions office.)(e) If you are not a U.S. citizen or U.S. permanent resident, are you a foreign national here with a visa eligible todomicile in the United States or are you a Refugee, Asylee, Parolee or here under T<strong>em</strong>porary Protective Status?_____ Yes _____ No (If “Yes,” please submit a copy of your Notice of Action from the USCIS, form I-797C, or acopy of your current visa.)9. Permanent Mailing Address: _____________________________________ Apt # _____ City: __________________(Mailing address, not physical address: Number and Street or P. O. Box)County: _____________________ County Code: _________ State: ______ Zip: ___________ Country: ___________________(See Instructions.)Permanent Phone: ( ) ______________________________ Cell Phone: ( ) _____________________________________________________________________________________* (Although entering your Social Security number is optional, providing it will ensure your documents are matched and processed promptly.)© 1998 <strong>Texas</strong> Higher Education Coordinating Boardwww.applytexas.org(application continues on next page)

Social Security Number* (see note below): __________________________ Name: _______________________________10. Current Mailing Address (if different from permanent mailing address):_____________________________________________________________________________________________(Mailing address, not physical address: Number and Street or P. O. Box)Apt #: _____ City: ______________ County: _____________ State: ____ Zip: _______ Country: _____________Current Phone (if different from permanent phone): (11. Emergency Contact Name: __________________________________________________________Phone: __________________________12. E-Mail Address for Student:_________________________________________) _____________ Current Address Good Until: ______________13. In addition to English, what languages do you speak fluently?Language ______________________________________Language ______________________________________Years Spoken _______Years Spoken _______14. Highest level of your parents’ or court-appointed legal guardians’ <strong>edu</strong>cational background:Father/Legal Guardian: No high school ___ Some high school ___ High school diploma or GED ___Some College ___ Associate Degree ___ Bachelor’s Degree ___ Graduate/Professional Degree ___Mother/Legal Guardian: No high school ___ Some high school ___ High school diploma or GED ___Some College ___ Associate Degree ___ Bachelor’s Degree ___ Graduate/Professional Degree ___15. Please indicate your family’s gross income for the most recent tax year. Include both untaxed and taxed income.Less than $20,000____ $40,000-$59,999 ____ more than $80,000____$20,000-$39,999 ____ $60,000-$79,999 ____Educational Data16. Write in the name of each college or university to which you are applying. On the line below each institution’s name, write inyourfirst-choice and second-choice majors. You can find the majors and codes/abbreviations in the Code Book or atwww.applytexas.org. Before beginning this section, read #16 of the instructions (page v of this booklet) and page vii of thisapplication.• Institution: __________________________________________________________________________________Major: __________________________/____________ ___________________________/_____________(Major Name--First Choice) (Code) (Major Name--Second Choice) (Code)• Institution: __________________________________________________________________________________Major: __________________________/____________ ___________________________/_____________(Major Name--First Choice) (Code) (Major Name--Second Choice) (Code)• Institution: __________________________________________________________________________________Major: __________________________/____________ ___________________________/_____________(Major Name--First Choice) (Code) (Major Name--Second Choice) (Code)17. High School You Graduated From or Expect to Graduate From:____________________________________________________________________________________________(Complete Name of High School) (City) (State)Graduation Date: ________________________________ (Month/Year)Home-schooled: Yes ____ No ____18. If you did not graduate from high school, do you have a GED? Yes__ No__ If yes, which version: English ___ Spanish ___19. If you plan to pursue a pre-professional program, please specify which one (e.g., pre-law, medicine, nursing, veterinary,physical therapy). ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________* (Although entering your Social Security number is optional, providing it will ensure your documents are matched and processed promptly.)www.applytexas.org Transfer/Transient/Former Students - 2 (application continues on next page)

Social Security Number* (see note below): __________________________ Name: _______________________________20. Will you seek teacher certification? _____ Yes _____ No If Yes, indicate which level:El<strong>em</strong>entary Level (Early Childhood-Grade 4) ____ ; Middle School/Junior High Level (Grades 4-8) ____;High School Level (Grades 8-12) ____; or All-Level (Early Childhood-Grade 12)____21. Understanding that sch<strong>edu</strong>les can change, please list the college or university courses you are currently enrolled in orcourses you anticipate completing the s<strong>em</strong>ester or quarter prior to your transfer.Exact Dept. Course S<strong>em</strong>ester or CreditInstitution Course Title Abbr. Number Quarter / Year Taken Hours____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________22. Please list ALL colleges or universities you have attended or are attending currently, including college coursework completed while inhigh school (i.e., dual credit and concurrent enrollments) and enrollments in extension, correspondence and distance learning courses.Failure to list all colleges and universities will be considered an intentional omission and may lead to forced withdrawal.Attach additional information if necessary. Have an official transcript sent to each university to which you apply (refer toinstitution for admissions policy).Institution Code City Attendance Hours/Type of Month/Yearand State From Thru Degree Earned Degree Earned________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________23. Indicate if you will have earned either of the following degrees by the time you plan to enroll: Bachelor’s ___ Associate’s ___Granting Institution (highest degree):________________________________________________________________(<strong>University</strong> / College) (City) (State) (Country)Date Conferred: ___________________ (Month / Year)24. Are you currently on acad<strong>em</strong>ic suspension from a college or university? Yes ____ No ____25. Are you a m<strong>em</strong>ber of Phi Theta Kappa? Yes ____ No ____Admissions Tests26. Please have official test scores sent directly from the testing agency to the universities to which you apply.TOEFL - Date taken or plan to take (if your native language is not English): __________________ (Month/Year)IELTS - Date taken or plan to take (if your native language is not English): __________________ (Month/Year)Residency Information (Please answer all questions that apply to you. Use n/a if the question does not apply to you.)27. Previous Enrollment:(a) During the 12-month period before you intend to begin classes, did you attend or are you attending a public collegeor university in <strong>Texas</strong> in a fall or spring term (excluding summer)?____ Yes [If yes, complete (b) through (e).]____ No (If no, skip to question 28.)(b) What <strong>Texas</strong> public college or university did you last attend? (Give full name, not just initials.) (Residency status isnot affected by attending a private college or university.) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________* (Although entering your Social Security number is optional, providing it will ensure your documents are matched and processed promptly.)www.applytexas.org Transfer/Transient/Former Students - 3 (application continues on next page)_

Social Security Number* (see note below): __________________________ Name: _______________________________(c) In which term were you last enrolled (excluding summer)? ___ fall, 200___ ___ spring, 200___(d) During your last s<strong>em</strong>ester at a <strong>Texas</strong> public college or university, did you pay resident (in-state) or nonresident(out-of-state) tuition? ___ resident (in-state) ___ nonresident (out-of-state) ___ unknown(e) If you paid in-state tuition at your last institution, was it because you were classified as a <strong>Texas</strong> resident orbecause you were a nonresident who received a waiver? ___ resident ___ nonresident with a waiver ___ unknown28. Residency Claim:(a) Of what state are you a resident? ___________________________________________________(b) Did you live or will you have lived in <strong>Texas</strong> for at least 36 consecutive months before graduating from a public orprivate <strong>Texas</strong> high school or completing a GED? (To answer "Yes," you must either graduate from a <strong>Texas</strong> public orprivate high school or earn or plan to earn a GED. All others, including home-schooled students who do not plan toearn a GED, must answer "No.") _____ Yes _____ No(c) When you begin the s<strong>em</strong>ester for which you are applying, will you have lived in <strong>Texas</strong> for the previous 12consecutive months? _____ Yes _____ NoIf you answered “yes” to both 28(b) and 28(c), skip to question 33.29. Basis of Claim to Residency.(If you answered “no” to any part of question 28, answer the following to assist in determining your residencyclassification for tuition purposes.)(a) Do you file federal income tax as an independent taxpayer?_____ Yes (If yes, continue to question 30.)_____ No(b) Are you claimed or are you eligible to be claimed as a dependent by a parent or court-appointedlegal guardian? (To be eligible to be claimed as a dependent, your parent or legal guardian mustprovide at least one half of your support. A step-parent does not qualify as a parent if he or she has not adoptedyou.)_____ Yes (If yes, skip to question 31.)_____ No(c) If you answered "No" to both 29(a) and 29(b), who provides the majority of your support?____ Self (Continue to question 30.)____ Parent or legal guardian (Skip to question 31.)____ Other (Skip to question 32, provide an explanation in number 32, and then read and sign number 33.)30. If you answered “Yes” to 29(a) or “Self” to 29(c), answer the following:(a) Are you a foreign national who has submitted an application for Permanent Resident Status to the U.S. Citizenshipand Immigration Service (USCIS) and has received a fee/filing receipt or Notice of Action (I-797) from USCISshowing that your I-485 has gone through preliminary review and not been rejected?(b) Are you a foreign national here with a visa eligible to domicile in the United States or are you a Refugee, Asylee,Parolee or here under T<strong>em</strong>porary Protective Status?If so, indicate which: ________________________________________________________(Visa/Status)(c) Do you currently live in <strong>Texas</strong>? (If you are out of state for a t<strong>em</strong>porary job assignment or for another reason, pleaseanswer “No” and explain in question 32.)_____ Yes_____ No (If no, skip to 32.)(d) (1) If you currently live in <strong>Texas</strong>, how long have you been living here? Years _______ Months ________(2) What is your main reason for being in the state?Go to College ____ Establish/Maintain a Home ____ Work Assignment ____If for reasons other than those listed above, give an explanation in question 32._________________________________________________________* (Although entering your Social Security number is optional, providing it will ensure your documents are matched and processed promptly.)www.applytexas.org Transfer/Transient/Former Students - 4 (application continues on next page)

Social Security Number* (see note below): __________________________ Name: _____________________________(e) (1) If you are a m<strong>em</strong>ber of the U.S. military, is <strong>Texas</strong> your Home of Record? Yes___ No ___(2) What state is listed as your military legal residence for tax purposes on your Leave and Earnings Stat<strong>em</strong>ent?____________________________________(f) (1) Do you own a home, land, or other similar property in <strong>Texas</strong>? _____ Yes _____ NoIf yes, date acquired: _____________________________________(2) Do you own a business in <strong>Texas</strong>? ____ Yes ____ No If yes, date acquired: _________________________(3) Do you hold a state or local license to conduct a business or practice a profession in <strong>Texas</strong>? ___ Yes ___ NoIf yes, date acquired: _____________________________________(g) (1) For the past 12 months, have you been gainfully <strong>em</strong>ployed in <strong>Texas</strong>? Yes___ No ___(2) For the past 12 months, have you received services from a social service agency that provides services tohomeless persons? _____ Yes_____ No(h) Are you married to a person who could answer “yes” to any part of question (f) or (g)? ____ Yes ____ NoIf “yes,” indicate which question could be answered “yes” by your spouse: _________________________How long have you been married to the <strong>Texas</strong> resident? Years _______ Months ________Skip Question 31 and continue to Question 32.31. If you answered “Parent” or “Legal Guardian” to question 29(c), answer the following:(a) Is the parent or legal guardian upon whom you base your claim of residency a U.S. Citizen? Yes___ No ___(b) Is the parent or legal guardian upon whom you base your claim of residency a Permanent Resident of the UnitedStates of America? _____ Yes _____ No(c)Is this parent or legal guardian a foreign national whose application for Permanent Resident Status has beenpreliminarily reviewed? (Your parent or legal guardian should have received a fee/filing receipt or Notice of Action(I-797) from U. S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) showing the I-485 has been reviewed and has notbeen rejected.) _____ Yes _____ No(d) Is this parent or legal guardian a foreign national here with a visa eligible to domicile in the United States or aRefugee, Asylee, Parolee or here under T<strong>em</strong>porary Protective Status?If so, indicate which: ___________________________________________________________________(Visa/Status)(e) Does this parent or legal guardian currently live in <strong>Texas</strong>? (If this parent or legal guardian is out of state due to at<strong>em</strong>porary job assignment or for another reason, please answer "No" and explain in question 32.)_____ Yes_____ No (If no, skip to 32.)(f) (1) If your parent or legal guardian is currently living in <strong>Texas</strong>, how long has he or she been living here?Years __________ Months ______________(2) What is your parent’s or legal guardian’s main reason for being in the state?Go to College ____ Establish/Maintain a Home ____ Work Assignment ____If for reasons other than those listed above, give an explanation in question 32.(g) (1) If your parent or legal guardian is a m<strong>em</strong>ber of the U.S. military, is <strong>Texas</strong> his or her Home of Record?_____ Yes _____ No(2) What state is listed as your parent’s or legal guardian’s residence for tax purposes on his or her Leave andEarnings Stat<strong>em</strong>ent? _____________________________________(h) Does your parent or legal guardian:(1) own a home, land, or other similar property in <strong>Texas</strong>? _____ Yes _____ NoIf yes, date acquired: ________________________________________(2) own a business in <strong>Texas</strong>? ___ Yes ___ No If yes, date acquired: __________________________________(3) hold a state or local license to conduct a business or practice a profession in <strong>Texas</strong>? Yes___ No ___If yes, date acquired: _________________________________________________________________________________________________* (Although entering your Social Security number is optional, providing it will ensure your documents are matched and processed promptly.)www.applytexas.org Transfer/Transient/Former Students - 5 (application continues on next page)

Social Security Number* (see note below): __________________________ Name: _______________________________(i)(j)For the past 12 months, has your parent or legal guardian:(1) been gainfully <strong>em</strong>ployed in <strong>Texas</strong>? _____ Yes _____ No(2) received services from a social service agency that provides services to homeless persons? ___ Yes ___ NoIs your parent or legal guardian married to a person who could answer "yes" to any part of question (h) or (i)?_____ Yes_____ NoIf "yes," indicate which question could be answered "yes" by his or her spouse: __________________________How long has your parent or legal guardian been married to the <strong>Texas</strong> resident? Years _______ Months ________32. General Comments. Provide any additional information that you believe your college or university should know aboutwhen evaluating your eligibility to be classified as a resident.33. All students must read and sign this section.Notification of Rights under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA): Information collected about youthrough this application may be held by any institution of higher <strong>edu</strong>cation to which you apply. With few exceptions,you are entitled on your request to be informed about the collected information. Under Sections 552.021 and 552.023 ofthe <strong>Texas</strong> Government Code, you are entitled to receive and review the information. Under Section 559.004 of the <strong>Texas</strong>Government Code, you are entitled to correct information held by an institution that is incorrect. You may correctinformation held by any institution to which you apply by contacting the institution's Public Information Officer. Theinformation that is collected about you will be retained and maintained as required by <strong>Texas</strong> records retention laws(Section 441.180 et seq. of the <strong>Texas</strong> Government Code) and rules. Different types of information are kept for differentperiods of time.I certify that the information on this application is complete and correct and I understand that the submission of falseinformation is grounds for rejection of my application, withdrawal of any offer of acceptance, cancellation ofenrollment and/or appropriate disciplinary action. I also understand that officials of my college/university will use theinformation submitted on this form to determine my status for residency eligibility. I authorize the college/university toverify the information I have provided. I agree to notify the proper officials of the institution of any changes in theinformation provided. I authorize the institution to electronically access my records regarding the <strong>Texas</strong> SuccessInitiative.Signature: ________________________________________________ Date: ____________________________________________________________________________* (Although entering your Social Security number is optional, providing it will ensure your documents are matched and processed promptly.)www.applytexas.org Transfer/Transient/Former Students - 6 (application continues on next page)

Social Security Number* (see note below): __________________________ Name: _______________________________Part II.Additional InformationSee “General <strong>Application</strong> Information” on pages ii through iv to determine if this part is required for your application to theinstitution(s) of your choice. In addition, you may also attach a résumé. Résumé attached: Yes ____ No ____Employment/Internships/Summer ActivitiesHoursName of Employer/Sponsor Your Specific Role/Job Title From-Thru Per WeekExamples: Examples:Grocery Store Sacker: Sacked groceries, helped customers 6/07-5/08 10Exchange Program Spent two months with host family in Spain 6/07-7/08 n/a__________________________ __________________________________________ _____________ ________________________________ __________________________________________ _____________ ________________________________ __________________________________________ _____________ ________________________________ __________________________________________ _____________ ________________________________ __________________________________________ _____________ ________________________________ __________________________________________ _____________ ______EssaysInstitutions do not require all of the essays. See “General <strong>Application</strong> Information” on pages ii through iv todetermine if you are required to write an essay or essays as part of your application for admission. Unlessotherwise specified, your essay(s) should be typed and be no longer than one page (8 1/2” x 11”). Put yourname and Social Security number* (see note below) at the top of each page.Topic A. Stat<strong>em</strong>ent of Purpose: The stat<strong>em</strong>ent of purpose will provide an opportunity to explain anyextenuating circumstances that you feel could add value to your application. You may also want to explainunique aspects of your acad<strong>em</strong>ic background or valued experiences you may have had that relate to youracad<strong>em</strong>ic discipline. The stat<strong>em</strong>ent of purpose is not meant to be a listing of accomplishments in high schoolor a record of your participation in school-related activities. Rather, this is your opportunity to address the admissioncommittee directly and to let us know more about you as an individual, in a manner that your transcriptsand the other application information cannot convey.Topic B. If you are applying as a former student and were suspended for acad<strong>em</strong>ic reasons,describe briefly any actions you have taken to improve your acad<strong>em</strong>ic abilities and describe why youshould be readmitted. If you are applying as a nondegree-seeking or postbaccalaureate applicant,briefly describe the goals you wish to accomplish if admitted, including the courses you would like toenroll in.Topic C. There may be personal information that you want considered as part of your admissionsapplication. Write an essay describing that information. You might include exceptional hardships, challenges,or opportunities that have shaped or impacted your abilities or acad<strong>em</strong>ic credentials, personal responsibilities,exceptional achiev<strong>em</strong>ents or talents, <strong>edu</strong>cational goals, or ways in which you might contribute to an institutioncommitted to creating a diverse learning environment._________________________________________________________* (Although entering your Social Security number is optional, providing it will ensure your documents are matched and processed promptly.)www.applytexas.org Transfer/Transient/Former Students - 7 (application continues on next page)

Essays, continuedTopic D.The essay in this section is specific to certain college majors and is not required by all colleges/universitiesthat accept the Apply<strong>Texas</strong> <strong>Application</strong>. Please see the “General <strong>Application</strong> Information” in the front of thisbooklet. If you are not applying for a major in Architecture, Art, Art History, Design, Studio Art, Visual ArtStudies/Art Education, you are not required to write this essay.Personal interaction with objects, images and spaces can be so powerful as to change the way one thinksabout particular issues or topics. For your intended area of study (architecture, art history, design, studioart, visual art studies/art <strong>edu</strong>cation), describe an experience where instruction in that area or your personalinteraction with an object, image or space effected type of change in your thinking. What did you do to actupon your new thinking and what have you done to prepare yourself for further study in this area?Topic E.Choose an issue of importance to you – the issue could be personal, school related, local, political, orinternational in scope – and write an essay in which you explain the significance of that issue to yourself, yourfamily, your community, or your generation. Checklist _____ Have your ACT and/or SAT scores been sent directly from the testing agency to the institution/institutions to which you are applying?_____ Has your high school sent your official high school transcript, with class rank, to the institution/institutions?_____ Have you written your name and Social Security number on each page of this application?_____ Have you answered each question? Refer to the “General <strong>Application</strong> Information” on pages iithrough iv of this booklet for the parts of the application to complete._____ Have you r<strong>em</strong>oved the application from the rest of the information in this booklet?Mail only the actual application to the college or university, not the entire booklet._____ Have you made a copy of your application for each college or university to which you wish to apply?Mail a copy of your application to each institution and keep the original application for your records._____ Have you included the application fee and essay(s), if required by the institution/institutions?_____ If you wish to send one, have you included your résumé?_____ Have you taken one of the required state-approved assessment tests?The <strong>Texas</strong> Success Initiative (TSI) Program, formerly TASP, mandates that you must take one of thefollowing state-approved assessment tests before enrolling in any college-level coursework: THEA,ASSET, ACCUPLACER, OR COMPASS. Test results are not used for admission purposes; youmust however, have test results prior to enrolling, unless you are ex<strong>em</strong>pt. PLEASE CONTACT THECOLLEGE OR UNIVERSITY YOU PLAN TO ATTEND FOR EXEMPTIONS OR TESTINFORMATION.www.applytexas.org Transfer/Transient/Former Students - 8 (application continues on next page)

<strong>Application</strong> FeeYou may pay your application fee by check or money order or, at some institutions, by credit card. For application fees andpayment methods, see the “General <strong>Application</strong> Information” on pages ii through iv. (Be sure the institution to which you areapplying will accept the kind of credit card you list below.)Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________Last First MiddleSocial Security Number * (see note below): _________________________________________________Your application fee is for the: Fall S<strong>em</strong>ester_____ Spring S<strong>em</strong>ester _____ Summer Session _____ Year ________Please check method of payment:• Check or money order ____ (Be sure to include the student’s name and Social Security number on the check or money order.)• Credit card: Visa _____ MasterCard _____ Discover ____ American Express _____ Other: _______________Credit Card Account Number: _____________________________________ Expiration Date: _____________Name of Cardholder: _________________________________________________Cardholder Signature: ________________________________________________Credit Card Billing Address: _________________________________________________________________________(Number and Street or P. O. Box)___________________________________________________________________________(City) (State) (Zip)• Request for fee waiver is attached: Yes ___ No ___(See Instructions, page vi, “<strong>Application</strong> Fee.”)For Internal Use OnlyEx<strong>em</strong>ption Approved ______Ex<strong>em</strong>ption Denied ________By _____________________Date _____________________________________________________________________________* (Although entering your Social Security number is optional, providing it will ensure your documents are matched and processed promptly.)www.applytexas.org Transfer/Transient/Former Students - 9www.applytexas.org

<strong>Application</strong> Deadlines for Acad<strong>em</strong>ic Year 2009-2010: Transfer/Transient/Former Students<strong>University</strong> Fall 2009 Spring 2010 Summer I, 2009 Summer II, 2009 FAFSA* CodeAngelo State <strong>University</strong> Admission: August 6 Dec<strong>em</strong>ber 10 May 6 June 17Financial Aid: April 1 April 1 March 1 March 1Scholarship: (Check deadline with Financial Aid: Office.) March 1 March 1 March 1 March 1Lamar <strong>University</strong>-Beaumont Admission: August 1 January 2 May 25 July 1Midwestern State <strong>University</strong> Admission: Priority deadline:RegularFinancial Aid: April 1 No DeadlineScholarship: February 1 No DeadlineJuly 1August 7Nov<strong>em</strong>ber 1Dec<strong>em</strong>ber 15Financial Aid: May 1 October 1 March 1 March 1Scholarship: March 1No DeadlinePrairie View A&M <strong>University</strong> Admission: June 1 Nov<strong>em</strong>ber 1 April 1 No DeadlineFinancial Aid: March 1 Nov<strong>em</strong>ber 1 March 1 No DeadlineScholarship: March 1Not AvailableSam Houston State <strong>University</strong> Admission: August 1 Dec<strong>em</strong>ber 1 May 15 June 15May 1May 15June 1June 15Financial Aid: May 31 Sept<strong>em</strong>ber 30 February 28 February 28Scholarship: February 1 February 1 April 15 April 15Stephen F. Austin State <strong>University</strong> Admission: August 24 January 15 May 29 July 6Financial Aid: - Priority deadline: April 1 Nov<strong>em</strong>ber 1 March 1 March 1Scholarship: February 1 No DeadlineSul Ross State <strong>University</strong> Admission: August 15 January 21 June 1 July 6Financial Aid:Scholarship: March 1No DeadlineNo DeadlineSul Ross State <strong>University</strong>-Rio Grande College No Deadline 000020Tarleton State <strong>University</strong> Admission: August 1 January 1 April 1 May 1Financial Aid: April 1 October 15 April 1 May 1Scholarship: February 15 Dec<strong>em</strong>ber 1 June 1 June 1<strong>Texas</strong> A&M International <strong>University</strong> Admission: July 1 Nov<strong>em</strong>ber 1 April 1 May 1Financial Aid: (Priority deadline for acad<strong>em</strong>ic year: March 1) July 9 Dec<strong>em</strong>ber 1 June 11 June 11009651Scholarship: June 1 June 1 June 1 June 1March 16 October 15 March 16 March 16<strong>Texas</strong> A&M <strong>University</strong> Admission: Transfer**Transient**Second Bachelor's Degree (Postbaccalaureate)**Nondegree Seeker**Readmit (Former Student)**Financial Aid:Scholarship:n/a n/a May 1 May 1March 16 October 15 March 16 March 16March 16 October 15 March 16 March 16August 3 Nov<strong>em</strong>ber 16 May 1 May 1March 31 Sept<strong>em</strong>ber 30 February 15 February 15Deadlines Vary<strong>Texas</strong> A&M <strong>University</strong>-Commerce Admission: August 11 January 6 May 31 July 3Financial Aid: April 1 Dec<strong>em</strong>ber 1 No DeadlineScholarship: June 1 October 1No Deadline<strong>Texas</strong> A&M <strong>University</strong>-Corpus Christi Admission: August 15 Dec<strong>em</strong>ber 15 May 15 May 15Financial Aid: April 1 Nov<strong>em</strong>ber 1 February 15 February 15Scholarship: February 1 February 1 February 1 February 1<strong>Texas</strong> A&M <strong>University</strong> at Galveston Admission: No DeadlineFinancial Aid: May 1 Nov<strong>em</strong>ber 1 May 1 May 1Scholarship: Deadline Varyn/a* FAFSA: Free <strong>Application</strong> for Federal Student Aid viii **All materials must be received (not postmarked) by the deadline.003541003581003592003630003606003624003625003631003632003565011161003632

<strong>Application</strong> Deadlines for Acad<strong>em</strong>ic Year 2009-2010: Transfer/Transient/Former Students<strong>Texas</strong> Public Four-Year Universities Fall 2009 Spring 2010 Summer I, 2009 Summer II, 2009 FAFSA* Code<strong>Texas</strong> A&M <strong>University</strong>-Kingsville Admission: August 15 Dec<strong>em</strong>ber 15 May 15 June 15Financial Aid: April 15 October 1 March 1 March 1Scholarship: June 1 No Deadline<strong>Texas</strong> A&M <strong>University</strong>-Texarkana Admission: July 15 Dec<strong>em</strong>ber 1 April 15 April 15Financial Aid: Nov<strong>em</strong>ber 1 April 1 June 1 June 1Scholarship: April 1 n/a n/a n/a<strong>Texas</strong> <strong>Southern</strong> <strong>University</strong> Admission: Priority Deadline:Regular Deadline:<strong>Texas</strong> State <strong>University</strong>-San Marcos<strong>Texas</strong> Tech <strong>University</strong>Financial Aid:Scholarship:Admission: Communication Design:McCoy College of Business Administration:June 1August 1Nov<strong>em</strong>ber 1Dec<strong>em</strong>ber 15April 1May 15April 1June 15April 15 April 15 April 15 April 15April 15 April 15 Not Available Not AvailableMarch 15March 15October 15October 15No EntryMarch 15No EntryMarch 15All Other Majors: July 1 Dec<strong>em</strong>ber 1 May 1 June 15Transient: n/a n/a May 1-priority June 15-priorityFormer Student Priority Deadlines: August 18 January 12 May 27 July 1Financial Aid Priority Deadlines: April 1 April 1 March 1 March 1Scholarship: March 1 March 1 March 1 March 1Admission**Financial Aid:Scholarship:<strong>Texas</strong> Woman's <strong>University</strong>Admission: Transfer/Transient/Former Student:(former students must apply at former student website: www.depts.ttu.<strong>edu</strong>/formertech)May 1 Nov<strong>em</strong>ber 13 May 1 May 1No DeadlineFebruary 1July 15 Nov<strong>em</strong>ber 1 No Deadline No DeadlineCollege of Nursing: February 1 Sept<strong>em</strong>ber 1Dental Hygiene: Dec<strong>em</strong>ber 31Financial Aid: April 1 April 1 March 1 No DeadlineSpring only: Sept<strong>em</strong>ber 1Scholarship: March 1 March 1 March 1 No DeadlineThe <strong>University</strong> of <strong>Texas</strong> at Arlington Admission: June 1 Dec<strong>em</strong>ber 1 April 1 April 1Financial Aid: May 15 Nov<strong>em</strong>ber 15 April 1 n/aScholarship: February 15 Nov<strong>em</strong>ber 1 n/a n/aThe <strong>University</strong> of <strong>Texas</strong> at Austin Admission: Transfer** March 1 October 1 March 1 March 1Transient**n/a n/a May 1 May 1Former Student** July 1 Dec<strong>em</strong>ber 1 May 1 May 1Financial Aid: March 31 Sept<strong>em</strong>ber 30 February 15 No DeadlineScholarship: April 1Not AvailableNot AvailableNo DeadlineThe <strong>University</strong> of <strong>Texas</strong> at Brownsville Admission: August 1 Dec<strong>em</strong>ber 15 May 1 June 1Financial Aid: April 1 No DeadlineScholarship: April 1 No DeadlineThe <strong>University</strong> of <strong>Texas</strong> at Dallas Admission: July 1 Nov<strong>em</strong>ber 1 April 1 April 15Financial Aid: March 31 Sept<strong>em</strong>ber 29 March 9 March 9Scholarship: No Deadline* FAFSA: Free <strong>Application</strong> for Federal Student Aid ix **All materials must be received (not postmarked) by the deadline.003639031703003642003615003644003646003656003658030646009741

<strong>Application</strong> Deadlines for Acad<strong>em</strong>ic Year 2009-2010: Transfer/Transient/Former Students<strong>Texas</strong> Public Four-Year Universities Fall 2009 Spring 2010 Summer I, 2009 Summer II, 2009 FAFSA* CodeThe <strong>University</strong> of <strong>Texas</strong> at El Paso Admission: May 1 October 1 March 1 April 1Financial Aid: March 15 No DeadlineScholarship: Scholars Excellence Program: Nov<strong>em</strong>ber 1 No DeadlineAll other Scholarships: March 1 No DeadlineThe <strong>University</strong> of <strong>Texas</strong>-Pan American Admission: February 1 Sept<strong>em</strong>ber 1 February 1 February 1Financial Aid: March 1 Sept<strong>em</strong>ber 15 February 15 February 15Scholarship: - visit www.utpa.<strong>edu</strong>/excellence Dec<strong>em</strong>ber 1The <strong>University</strong> of <strong>Texas</strong> of the Permian Basin Admission: July 14 Nov<strong>em</strong>ber 14 April 14 April 14Financial Aid: May 1 No DeadlineScholarship: April 15 No DeadlineThe <strong>University</strong> of <strong>Texas</strong> at San Antonio Admission: Priority: March 1 October 15 March 1 March 1Final deadlines subject to change. Check the website at www.utsa.<strong>edu</strong>/Admissions or call 800-669-0919 for updated information.Financial Aid Priority Deadline: March 31 March 31 March 31 March 31Scholarship: February 15 February 15 February 15 February 15The <strong>University</strong> of <strong>Texas</strong> at Tyler Admission: No DeadlineFinancial Aid: April 1 Nov<strong>em</strong>ber 1 April 1 April 1Scholarship: April 1 April 1No Deadline<strong>University</strong> of Houston-Main Campus Admission: May 1 Dec<strong>em</strong>ber 1 May 1 May 1Financial Aid: April 1 No DeadlineScholarship:No Deadline<strong>University</strong> of Houston-Clear Lake Admission: August 19 January 11 June 3 July 8Financial Aid: May 1 No DeadlineScholarship: June 1 Nov<strong>em</strong>ber 1 June 1 No Deadline<strong>University</strong> of Houston-Downtown Admission Priority deadlines: July 1 Dec<strong>em</strong>ber 1 May 1 June 1Former students:No DeadlineFinancial Aid Priority deadlines: April 1 Nov<strong>em</strong>ber 15 June1 No DeadlineScholarship: April 1 No Deadline<strong>University</strong> of Houston-Victoria Admission: No DeadlineInternational Admission:June 1 October 1 March 1 March 1Financial Aid: April 15 October 15 March 15 March 15Scholarship: April 15 October 15 March 15 March 15<strong>University</strong> of North <strong>Texas</strong> Admission: June 15 Dec<strong>em</strong>ber 1 May 14 July 6Financial Aid Priority deadlines: April 15 August 15 February 15 February 15 003594Scholarship: March 1 Not Available Not Available Not AvailableWest <strong>Texas</strong> A&M <strong>University</strong> Admission: July 20 Dec<strong>em</strong>ber 6 May 2 June 6Financial Aid: April 15 Nov<strong>em</strong>ber 1 May 1 May 1Scholarship:February 1 No Deadline* FAFSA: Free <strong>Application</strong> for Federal Student Aid x **All materials must be received (not postmarked) by the deadline.003661003599009930010115011163003652011711003612013231003665

map courtesy of <strong>Texas</strong> Tech <strong>University</strong>* * * * * * * * * *Institutions prefer that you apply online at www.applytexas.org. However, you may print the application bygoing to http://www.collegefortexans.com > Applying for College > Apply<strong>Texas</strong> <strong>Application</strong>.* * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * *Admission to any of the state four-year public universities and any of their sponsored programs is open to qualifiedindividuals regardless of race, color, gender, sexual orientation, creed, age, national origin or <strong>edu</strong>cationally unrelated handicaps.

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