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<strong>THf</strong>, <strong>USD</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>VIDEO</strong> <strong>CLPP<strong>IN</strong>C</strong> <strong>IN</strong> TEACH<strong>IN</strong>G<br />

READ<strong>IN</strong>G AND WRIT<strong>IN</strong>G SKTLLS TO CHILDR-EN<br />

<strong>WITH</strong> HEAR<strong>IN</strong>G IMPAIRMf,NT<br />

w<br />


DEPARTMENT <strong>OF</strong> SPf,CIAL EDUCATION<br />

UNIVERSITY <strong>OF</strong> THE PUNJAB<br />


THE USE <strong>OF</strong> <strong>VIDEO</strong> <strong>CLPP<strong>IN</strong>C</strong> <strong>IN</strong> TEACH<strong>IN</strong>G READ<strong>IN</strong>G<br />

AND WRIT<strong>IN</strong>G SKILLS TO CHILDREN <strong>WITH</strong> HEAR<strong>IN</strong>G<br />



THE UMVf,.RSITY OI <strong>THf</strong>, PUNJAB<br />

<strong>IN</strong> PARTIAL FI]LTILMENT <strong>OF</strong> TgE REQUIREMENTS<br />

FOR TEB DEGREf, <strong>OF</strong> DOCTOR <strong>OF</strong> PIILOSPHY <strong>IN</strong><br />


8y<br />


Deprrtnert of Speclst Educrlior<br />

Univer8ity of thc Puni.b<br />

Lrhorc. Prkist tt<br />



This is to aniry th.t th. eeallh wort deedb.d in lhk thois is ihc o.igin l<br />

w* of th. ulbd od ba bd 6i.d @t 'Ddd ny diEcr .qEMs.. I harr<br />

pdlomlly 8G thrcueh all th. d.4 rGdb/mteridr rpoftd in tltc nmusclipt .nd<br />

qdry l[.n @cL.sgdit nlicity- I ftrttd errify t!.r ite dtqid iEludcd in rlis<br />

d!Bi! rct b.d N.d iD pdt d rul in . |Eusc.ipr .lE dy $bhjo.d or in de<br />

prcccas ofsuhli$id ir Frtid /@hplca flinelr ofth. avud of&y other dcgE<br />

6!D tuy otld i|ditrrlD, I rho.driry ihd lbe r!6ir has bc! FtpaEd uldd my<br />

suFwisid @rdir8 to prdcribed foml rld I o.lor* ils €valualion for fie lward of<br />

Ph,D, d.sEltrcogh ihe o6cid Foedlc of th Ud6fiy.<br />

I)<br />

n<br />

>4 b/.'<br />

Prci Dr.6dul H.ndrt


All praiss for Alhigl y Albl who bl*scd this rcs.arcnd with an abilily md<br />

slr.4lh1o.mb6 on lhis uphill l!rk.<br /> appleiaion h cxprc$cd lo all *ho dnedly or indirelly provided<br />

rcadmi. dd boBl suppon during th. @ud ofrlis sndr.<br />

A debl of Sratitude is ovtd b Pmf. Dr. Abdul Hmed, for nis wise aod palieir<br />

cowlin8 l[rcushour lh. nudt. Hn fd6ishl Md omnirn€ln ro rdvising lw<br />

sisnilicanr tacrod in $c conpl.tior of this sludy. His wards oi €eounsemenl rere<br />

alwrF timcly dd bolsrec! $€ @hcas .1lofi, Sp.cial apprciarion k lGo<br />

.xpEss.d for imdurable slpFn tud f@ilibrion.<br />

TtE 6c&cber is als thtuktu ro all tno$ tqche* dd studsrs of odinary dd<br />

spccial $hmli who providd valublc $ppd ed rcce ro $e infomatioD.wilboui<br />

lh.ncoorcrstion ir *a notpossibl. ro cooptere rhis srudy in a tinely nanncr<br />

'I hc Fe.rch.r erFc$s sinccn (hsnls ro ho fmily (hNbmd ..d cbitdd) tor<br />

lhet Folonted dd tihery suppo ed .n$urasemlni wbich ltways ncbed her b sland<br />

fimny o! hcr f€l. Tnci. suff.rings ard s.nfie m mrcr b. forsorH.<br />

Ldt bur hol lhc le6l th. l.Mchq is also v.ry srareaul ro rhe Univelsily oilhe<br />

Pujab lor awardinS ,sach gmr for lhl cmdcrion of lnis study<br />


Thc Ulc ol video Cliptilg Itr Ta.biog Rediog .od Writiog Skillr lo Childr.o<br />

rirh Herlilg rnplirD€trr<br />


Tle @io purpo* oa lhis siudy w6 to invesriSale elletivdcs ol vid6<br />

clipping iD rcaching reading dd wning skills to childan wnn h@ing impdim€nl.<br />

An rcview of lilehlue @v6.d rclated topics such s eciely md lmguge,<br />

'.tcnsile<br />

d€f comuity, l&glage d6d*, lrnruge d.v.lopnd of deal chil&.n, h@y<br />

dd d€af chil.lren, Eldiry dd wiling pe6s in dof childrcn, ditretcnr reading md<br />

witng nodcls, a!!rcahd to dw€lop pdilg ud siline 3lilh, ad slatus of d@f<br />

lileiey jn Pakinm. O. lhe bah oI $c lile6tr rcvi€w thc esedch.r developed d<br />

Urdu Rsding dd \vriiing Tcn (,IRWT) for the childt a wirh h€&in8 inpdmol<br />

studying inclasses6,7, dd 8. The oftc lest wd based on Rallite snurions<br />

ntl'o th4 raudl curiculM. Tn€ eajor purpos. to slecl lbis contcnr w6 lo **ss<br />

lhe ietioml readir8 ad Miting abilid6 of chitdro witb h@ine impain€nl. A<br />

panel of exp€rrs assessed rhe con€nt validily ol $e test. The tesr ws piloted ud<br />

rhprev€d. ll wa th.n 6eld t6Ed on tl86 siuden$ with ed wirhour h.djns<br />

inpaimenl studying i. lhe sp.cial sd ordinrry schools ofthe Punjab Province DE<br />

eslrsh ol $e tesr sbowed a high Fli{biliry (F .%) ror ih. @snenr or @dins od<br />

Eiting skilh ofchildrch with heoing impaim..r.<br />

In lh. $cond phM of rhe sludy 1ne e$rchd edaed four focu goup<br />

dis6sioN a1 Ra*alpindi, Mull!4 LilDrc ed Fais.labad ro ufold rhe exisljIg<br />

te&bing medo.Ls us.d bt the Eachd to develop eding md MjtinS skills mong<br />

lh. childcn withheaiog inp6imal. Thc ourconc ofthe di$Nions i i€ls $ar<br />

lbe t€ehes weE not awde of moden tcehjng me$o& tor teaching taguagc such<br />

6 vid@ dipping to reach Eading md Mning mo.g childrcn wirh hdiis<br />

rmp€imcnt, They we€ usins ouldat d m€$od ed rchniques. Tficy, howcver,<br />

sho$ed th.i. inrerest ro lcm ncw hclhods lor reehi.S reading dd miring lo<br />

ln fie 1nnd phe !id@ clips wre pEpr€d by cefu y idenlitying lhe rql<br />

liae sinuliotr. TIE Eal life situarions imlu&r p@nd idoljiy, Hygi€n€ {d

cleelincs, Ealine h@.r, Fuily rel.tio.. Shopping, Traveling &d vkits, MtniaSe<br />

part', Ill*s &d hedical @, Dead! T4hmloF/ ed life, Inierp.Mn4l €lalionshiP,<br />

tutusls, Lolc dd h.hed. Spotu, ed Cre6. I1l€s snudons w.c wlidared by $c<br />

pael ofcxpcrls for dcn lppropnorencas foi<br />

ln lhc founl and lar phas of lh. stldy m .xFnncnr (h6s.d on PEcsr- Pon<br />

l$r Conlol Oroup DesiS!) ws conduclcd at Hda Foudation Acldeny for lh.<br />

D€af, Johd IoM, tihor., !o s lhe efl@liv€nes of vid6 clippitg 6 a ns nelhod<br />

b d€velop cadins drd witi4 eong chiklEr wilh h@ing imprimot. By<br />

following lhe stedad pecedw ofs apqin€nllwo Boups weE fom'natd by<br />

uiry tudoh sletioD Both ereuF q4 prc t stld on lhe Utdu Radi.g dd<br />

Wndng Td. Aner a nonrh long teahenr the po$icat ws ddnioislerd lo conpe<br />

lhe perfomce of both srcups. A r-lesl @mp&i$n showd a signiisl<br /> in lhe @ding dd witinS skills of childrEn wilh hcaring iDpaimcnt.<br />

The null bypothesis claiming no difreEnce o. the basis ofthe lrealDenl M rejecrcd<br />

oa empirictl b6is. !n othcr words th. vid€o clipping n.thod w ford €ffddvc in<br />

r.acbing rca



TABLE <strong>OF</strong> CONTENTS<br />

I-IST <strong>OF</strong>TABLTS<br />

LISI'<strong>OF</strong> FICIJRES<br />

chrpr.rt TNTRoDUCTIoN<br />

J6tilicdion ud lilety bcncfits<br />

Objccrives of tnc nldy 6<br />

Qu*tions ofthe sludy<br />

Ple oaM* and mdhodolos l<br /> t.|l EraATURx REVTEW 12<br /> md civit seicry 12<br />

Sch€t and *iery tl<br />

Def @mmuiry<br />

Deai cutr@ ed cdMrion<br />

Fr@e wor*soflihr&y and detchitdrcn \7<br />

Cosnitiv. ilfomrion p@ins nodel<br />

NatuGtism t3<br />

Codhcriviso 19<br />

Legu3e dcElolodl: Ditr E.r rl@n* md hbroncat Evid r 9<br />

hLasp.cnonisin 20<br />

B.h.vionsm 20<br />

Cognirnisd<br />

ImrreMs I I<br />

Codp.lcnce 21<br />

Piasel theory of coeni{vo dsvr topnsnl<br />

- vleoEky s snlculrural p€Elpdrvq oa tdcue. dcve opmdr l,<br />

rDu(ucor tanguSc 2l<br />

Ldeuage dcv€ldpMr tn daf chitdcn 2l<br />

_ Babbli.8, g.stuffi,.nd catty tmsu4c 24<br />

rrcmcy 28<br />

Diebility, $ciery .!d ln@cy<br />

Achiw.Nnls olPeen wilh Disabililies and r_iie@y 30<br />

l tD$ ol lnd&y<br />

funclional tir.ncy :10<br />

Culrudtlitoacy<br />

Crnicsl tirery<br />

Tmsitionat lir@cy<br />

S.riptlircret 32<br />

Carlior til@y t2<br />

P.rfodmce lir.rrcy ll<br />

Lncfty aJd defns ll

Rolc ofsigr lmSugc in deaflircr&y<br />

R.adjng dd dofchi&$<br />

D.rdopocnr of Mding p@$ in dalchildEn<br />

Appo.chq lo dcvelot G.ding<br />

VritinS snlh ad childr.n wi$ hsing impairnent<br />

Ediling<br />

Elccrrcnic ncdi! {!d<br />

vi4o clippin8 ba.d imnEdod<br />

ch.Pr..III METHOttOtITcY 58<br />

Phe I: Developmot ot Utdu Readin! ..d Witing Test 5B<br />

Tablc of speiiicadm<br />

Item tolmr<br />

Assmbli.g oflh. icms 66<br />

laSth oftnc t6t: Nmb.r or nd3 dd rcsponsB pd icn 67<br />

suplinc ald als.s@nt of @ntot v.lidiry 6t<br />

Pepd on ottc ld hFtlcrs fo.pilorBting 63<br />

pilot l.sting 6B<br />

Iren aMlysis ofpitol t6l:'t be developme offimtinslruheor 72<br />

Firll 86<br />

Fc$ gbup disusioa 83<br />

E\pcrin t on cttectivene$ olvideo ctipping 90<br />

The fMe wort otrhe srudt 90<br />

tl'€ $ledion of 8!lD Foudriio. Acad.ny for cxFriDcnradon 9l<br />

Pcpaaion ofvid.o clips 9:l<br />

Pilor lc$ing oa vid@ ctils 94<br />

r$tlcnon for impldddng rarror (video cljps) to cxFi@rat 94<br />

sclelion ol dcsisr Cddr posen conlot crcup Dsi&t 96<br />

RaiioMlc tor dcai&: sl..tion 96<br />

R rdon *ldion of dE sple 98<br />

RaIdom sl6.lion of@hds r00<br />

It<br />

It<br />

36<br />

45<br />

48<br />

.13<br />

50<br />

5t<br />

5l<br />

5l<br />


100<br />

t00<br />

t0t<br />

t0t<br />

ANALYSIS<strong>OF</strong>DATA IO2<br />

ft.n sslysh ofth€ iioal lcst l0l<br />

Conqsion of BvsBiniot'sE ll4<br />

M@ ed slrdsrd ddi.lion oflhe 6nd 16l I 14<br />

Md..d sl.od8d d.viation fd dofsirb.rd bo's I l,t<br />

'{ionof otdinaryscnook ll6<br />

Swary srdtislis ll7<br />

Nat@ of th. distribulion of @Dposilc sr$ dd scorcr of tne I 11<br />

Pmrilc d s for @Dpoeite 9:6 of cl6r 6, 7 and E<br />

Pcle.rilcs 6rls of cl6s 6, 7 .nd 8 in ordirary schook<br />

Per@ntiles rdts ot0ls 6, 7 dnd 3 i. st cial schools<br />

PdEntil6 @l! ofloth Alups in clas 6, ? dd 8<br />

Ou&om of f@us gbw dissioN<br />

Dala analysis oflh€<br />

A'lDiniilrslion of 161 i! loEr cl@s<br />


sumaty of Ted CoNldction Pmcedu.<br />

FindihSs ofiie Tesl Analylis<br />

P.rtdn Prnte for Conlciia ScG of Cl6 6, 7, lrd 8<br />

Sm@ry oflh. Fls coup Dicusions<br />

OuMn. of All Focus CEup Disussions<br />

Sulmory of the Expeinc<br /> of lnc Expqin.ri<br />

viii<br />

l2l<br />

t2t<br />

126<br />

tza<br />

tx9<br />

t29<br />

l3t<br />

lll<br />

lll<br />

l14<br />

135<br />

l]6<br />

142<br />

145<br />

143<br />


Ll<br />

1.2<br />

3.3<br />

3.4<br />

).5<br />

3.6<br />

3.1<br />

1.3<br />

Lt0<br />

Lll<br />

312<br />

l.ll<br />

4.1<br />

4.9<br />

4!l<br />

4.t2<br /><br />

4.!5<br />

4.t 3<br />

4. t9<br />

422<br />

LIST <strong>OF</strong> TABLES<br />

Relarion ofTcsl t Dslh b T6t R.lilbilitt<br />

Conbin (D.rf & H@ins Stldcnc) Aialylb ofslrucluEd<br />

Rcsp.N. Item Pilot Test Fom A<br />

CombiDc (Ded & H@ine Sudcnts) Aslysis of Sldctund<br />

R6pon$ Itms Pilot Td: Im B<br />

conbin (Deafr.d Hcdiry Srud.Dls) tualysis ofun.<br />

slructwcd llem Pilot T.d: Fom A<br />

cobbin (Daf.nd H@iDs Stud.nrs) Anly3is ofuo.<br />

Srur@d Pilor Tst Fm B<br />

scLcr.d It hs ror l:iMl Tesr (P.n A)<br />

seleted l|chs ror Fiml Test (Pan B)<br />

Tablc of Speifi.jrion of Final T6r<br />

'lnc ZPD a a F@ch* of d. Shrdy<br />

Rddon Sel€ction oll0 Stud.nts ed Fomation ofTw Gnups<br />

Repl&emcnl in Exp$ihdlal Cronp<br />

Two Rcpl.ceBdie jn oxp.rihcnial Cmup<br />

lch Andysis of Pan A {Heeinr Sud..ri)<br />

Ilcn Analysis Pan A Geeing Stud.nrs)<br />

lrcn An.ltsh Pan A (DerI Slud.nN)<br />

llcm AnalFis Pan B (D.oI Siudq'r)<br />

Irh Anrlysis Pan ofA (All SrudcnE)<br />

rrem Anarysis Pan ofB{all srldenrs)<br />

Calculorion ol Mq dd Sta(l5d Devialion or Clas 6,?,8<br />

clE&roistig of S@E Disfibulion<br />

P€Gdilc Rlnk aor $. Td ofurdu Readins ed Wiiline by<br />

s6ft i! P.rcmtils of Cls 6<br />

SoE in Pctqtil6 in C<strong>IN</strong> 7<br />

S.oq R.l'o's i! PcEentils i. ct$ 3<br />

so6 in Pecendles of$e D.!f in Clds 6<br />

conposirc SoG in Peunliler of lh. Def in clss 7<br />

S@c in Per$tilcs of Ddf in Cl6 7<br />

Percenlil. ConpeisoB in Bo$ CDups i. Clds 6,?, & 8<br />

De*liptive SratisiicsofExpdime al md ConrFl couDs<br />

IndeD€ Sdpl.s I-Tet on Pe-Tdr of E psiocnlll tud<br />

Dcsnpiv.Starisricsof Expei@ntal..dConEolOrclp!<br />

hdependcni Smdq r.T€sr on Posl- les ol Exp.iinehral md<br />

Conpaiion orM@ dd St rdd DeviarioN eirh hw.r<br />

62<br />

72<br />

1E<br />

82<br />

35<br />

92<br />

r00<br />

104<br />

r0J<br />

lll<br />

|2<br />

r t5<br />

117<br />

122<br />

t23<br />

t24<br />

124<br />

\25<br />

t25<br />

t27<br />

110<br />

130<br />

82<br />

t12<br />


Ll<br />

4.3<br />

LIST <strong>OF</strong> FIGURES<br />

Sclclio! of Sdpl. and Cnup Fonnaud<br />

GEphical Rcp'gdtlrim of Scc of Clas 6<br />

O6phical Rcp@tarid of ScoB of Cls 7<br />

C6pnical RcpGstaion of Sc@, of Cla 8<br />

I|9<br />

120<br />


Chapter I<br />

<strong>IN</strong>'IRODUCTION<br />

Poor rccdins md wriling abilities of ohildGn witl dalhes odd o. the efteot<br />

of hding lo$ lo rh. lhd ih.y @ not .ble b @nnuic* dd lor dEn b6ic<br />

oeeds such I lood, shclt r, ed h..Xh dc. ftis phenon non is very uniqc in lhis<br />

pd olwo d a childrcn wilh h.ainB lo$ livins in oth4 counties do nol.xPeriene<br />

sch h!ndi6p. Childd wirh krins inp.imor fa.c diftculty in rcqunins @dine<br />

ond wilin8 skills nol b€ciuse ol lheh inherenl shonehing blt only becausc or<br />

oud.Ld ftthods of @hin8 hs.d on I p€niculd idology (toan b.liefs) aboul<br />

t achinS .nd l..dhg pocca$s of childrq. Swh idcology d@5 nor rllow .ny<br />

chdge in .xisling condilions 6 both te.cheu and sludcnts do not know then eal<br />

intE{. Children wnn h.dtng idpiiment @ siBns $ lh.n li6r hnBuag.. Bur<br />

unronunaEly sign languag. isdismu6Bcd b, fic al$ough fi. .hildpn with<br />

heding impaim..t @ ..p.blc of using sisns. This cl6h of i easr cales a bamer<br />

bctwen Eehds md l..fu6. A |rl of communiqtion l€ads ro poor coSrniv.<br />

d€velopnenl, As r result thc dudenls *ith heeins ihpdmeDr aE not abl.10 msl.r<br />

lhe b€sic Ud! r@abuhry ro devclop Erding conpEh.nsion md witLn qp6io.r.<br />

As a rcsull childcn si$ hcaine impdimenl f&c tr.mcndous dimcuhies in lhen<br />

conmuric.rion sid oficr D€opL when ficyjoin $e world ol wolk cltgsch@lin!,<br />

A3 highliSn..d bt M@Es (2001),<br />

Mosr of studies h!!c bcen conducr

qhd deaf childEn can dD bul ralh?r pE$nt d unbmkcn and Frhaps invllid<br />

pictE of |.aluE rnd ofthc dof (p!-262{l).<br />

Reading is scn s a rml for acquning *novlcdgc End il my b. consid.Ed<br />

morc imponaor for dcai indiriduqls than lor hettins subjecls A d{fp.Mn\ aocc$<br />

b cultuE dep€d! on .ithd he or sft dcvcloFd fluency in E.dins. Re.dinS cs be<br />

d.lin.d c lhc pcd of delring n@in8 frcn Fid.<br />

2<br />

Thc wqd Elding shows rtE<br />

n.lningrul inE action b€t"€en an individual sd print (R€yndds & FlethelJdMcn,<br />

wnrlen expEsion is lh. mosl compl€x lnd thc 16l fom of lm8ug€ b b.<br />

!.hicvcd th. int.rclatcdne$ ol ldguBc skills h6 b*. co.c.Fu.liz.d by Mykl.bust<br />

(1965) in tems of ! hi.Brohicll consrtocis tld suggesrs that lislenins, speakinS,<br />

dading, ad writing dcvelop in a pdgEssioo dEt is csc.ndable and EciPmcol.<br />

Dickin$n (6 cilcd i. MmEs, 2ml) *6 thc devclopm..t or oal and wrhr.n<br />

loguage sr$enr.s bcing profoundly inlcFcrive in $!t 8rc"1h in dch mode Esults<br />

in oocnilire pr@cssing ohanees thal oxcft influences in a ctclicll mrnner. For<br />

.xmple 'wNh tohd thal @ly phonoloSiql ad mcL linsuislic d.vcloDmcnl in<br />

oEl l.raugc af..!5 th. rcquisation of Gdirg stilk: in tm, rchicvdc.t i. the<br />

rcading fofl in0ucnes p€EFctiv.s of lisl.nins, sp€aling .nd witing" ( &<br />

ljletcheFJauen. 1990) Paul (2001) s!y! thal childEn with ho.rins impaiment dso<br />

alce rhc prcblcms in phonologiol &vclopmd of languS. lnd lhis dcpivdion mrt<br />

Moo&s {2001) indicoted thal ih comp&ien wirh nomd srudcnls, Fntercd<br />

compoed by lhc hcuins imFired tcnd !o bc l.$ complex, wilh moE cmts od lcas<br />

div.6iry in tmbulary Ng€.<br />

The cadins a.d wrilins dilficullics qFnenc.d by childFn wilh h.orins<br />

impoiment n€oessilatc th. dcvelopnc.t rnd !s. olinstuclional pm.dui.s oimcd rt

improvins Eading ..d wiring conFrcnci.s paniculdly i. tcms of thcn funcrioMl<br />

reading ud writing skills. Ahhoush tne dcvelopnenl ofrccdins ud *iling slillin<br />

$ud.nls qn be d.velotcd b 'Gs, ..4uirc ond ue kowl.dge in @l liae 3itu.tions<br />

as r.ll as aor lh. puFuit of highcr l..nin8, this dlqo ha nor yet con.ldc in<br />

P.kisran, lt musl b. d.monsLaled linc .nd aeein tndt dude.$ wilh hefting<br />

inprim.m macquiE sdns od wiling skills if cl'*livc metMs of t.shing e<br />

In Pakislan sud.hrs with hcanng impaimcnl arc still l.ughl by usins<br />

Fldnioial md i.cfferivc tuthodology.ln addnion ro othtr ocademic poblcms it is<br />

.ho obsped thar childrcn wnh hcrring imp"imenl hdv. dimcufty in 4i.8 wtu..<br /> to expc$ thcn ideas od lhoughrs bolh io En8lish lnd udu. Th. srudies on<br />

co&iirivc of stldents with heding inprimcnt indidtc rhr "no<br />

signific.nt difcEnc. is lound b.N@n th. co8niriv. .bi lili.s ofth. narinS imp.iEd<br />

ond normal pces. Thc Fsuhs on iohievcment test shor th6t theft ha lagof3lo4<br />

y.$ on direEnl subjccls bcins huShr al *mndory lcv.l (Moores, 2001 ). No ldge<br />

*hol {uilt h$ $ ft. b..n @ndr&d ir Prkitu lo sblih r b&Elift Eldi.g ed<br />

sdtinl abihies ot iudcnls with hcaing inpaiftent. The i.suxs of th. study<br />

@nducad on efiecriv.nss ualirional n.lhods of i.ahing h.lp B lo s thc lov<br />

p.rforn1lm of d'c childM with ldin8 inpdm.. which cn b. r[ribltcd ro lhe<br />

in-ef.ctiv.ness ol th. mc|ho

.nnecirg lh€ tunctionll skjlls of.hildE. virh hdnns inp.jnenl in edng lnd<br />

xiring. vida clipping m be dc$nb.d a, A mdin3tul *gndt of rh. disri.S<br />

ti&o p'ldlcion EpNnring ! Erl lif. silution". A lgt uudy by Harod lnd<br />

Bso (2006) indic.Gd fi.| lhe vid.o.lilping is s*tive deihod oareahing<br />

of Gading and wrnins !o children *ilh hcinns inp'm.d thrn olhcr lBdilional<br />

mclhod' This encou8ged thc i.scshlr lo .rpand $. sludy by using a ser of _vidm<br />

ClipFind' ms&ial lor developi.g r.rdin! ed writing $ilities of ohildrer with<br />

hsdng impaimenl in 1be Urdu langu.g. b.sed on Ml life snu*ions.<br />

reh6 of th. Ctlldm *lth hwing htqaimnl<br />

Tdcbc6 of tlE sod.n6 with lEsring impaimnt who @ch Eadin8 3nd<br />

wninS skius wiu b€nefit lon rhc srudy d!n.g $c @ndwt of thc tudy &d in rh.<br />

lighr olthe findi.8s oflhis study. Th.y c.n rukc th.irr..ching afrective b, tdopring<br />

bener bchinc strategi.s. which *ill b. tBkd lor $en$ in this sludy<br />

Th.y con aho use lhe mateial produc.d in $. dldy os instNclional mt..i.l in lhe<br />

dNoom teachinS. Telcher can .ho us? os$ncnt tooh such as urdu Reading lnd<br />

Wntng tnal will b€ develop.d in $c atldy !o rciom lh€ olasos .vllualion<br />

p@tic6. The te&hc. o. !s thc lal! i inslruclional n.thods for l€schins Eoding<br />

rnd wn ne cporled io dh studt.<br />

altifi*tion md Llket B.n€firr<br />

Tne $udy viu b.ncfil rhc ficld of .dldlion of childEn *ilh hoarin8<br />

inplimcnl in $e follosing earl<br />

Sttd.nat * hE@ tg ltp.trert<br />

Thc sludcnls vnn he&jq !G lh. Ftu bcneficid6 or this srudl.<br />

They d rh. @l sbLhold€B in th. sysam. Tn main objftriv. offi. sludy is lo<br />

brihe obout o nudoe ol cnesc in rhc waF tuddB e lauer'l @nouistion

sl(ilh in $h@h. Ifthn objetive h achielcd by thh study, th€ standard ofedu€ ion<br />

of stud€nts vith h@@g-i6p.iBcnl will rise &d th. g.p bct$@ reding ed wiliog<br />

.biliti6 of snrdents wi0! hqnng impomdt 4d rhcir haing @utdpatts will b.<br />

hss44 flE iNErction l niar.dal ro b. d.veloFd in this study, lhe vid@ clippine<br />

hos.d oi rcal life sinBtios, the popos.d N method of l@bing dd rh. hlcsl<br />

sesmd pMed@s sill bc.qilau. ror ingovite lhe t rching-lediog p!oc.$<br />

'nh {ill lead 1c' bentr colmdicltion skills lhal in nD dsw tn€ b€tler inl€dion<br />

ol thoe who m wih hdinc inpaimcnl in rhe society. This will als d.le<br />

trmsition non school ro {orl . snooihq one.<br />

Pdtun'3 ot HIC and CMrnIt<br />

Thc ot 3nrd.nis with h@ing inp6iment $frq becaNe of a sub_<br />

sl&dard systd of 1e!chh& Thc redinS dd wiling skiUs paniculrly G crucidl for<br />

dE Ehlbililari@ of tlEir childFn with hding impaimd! Sine dE ststcm i3<br />

undble to ddelop colmdic.lio! sliUt mong lh.e childrcE th€v b€@n a buden<br />

on 6e fmily 6 Nell s o. siety s th.y EoP Th. enplovabilitv of sEh childrd<br />

with a lack of Bding dd MilinS skills educa to z€to. particul&lv in lhe economv<br />

uhd.r @6sion in qhich hi8l y quali6ed indiliduak wnhoui diebilili€s arc umblc lo<br />

find suitoble jobs. Even wheo, wi|h renablc @nnuicarion a h@iis iEpaired<br />

peen gels ! job, $e slay on lhal job is vcr, shod be.auP of 0E imbilnv lo @d ed<br />

Mire, lf th. pEsl study is eestul in bdnging lboul a chdg. in islr*tiontl<br />

ne$ods in sEh a way rhat childEn wilh h.{ing impaimst e lbL lo d€velop<br />

Eadins od *iling sklls, lh.y wiu b. able ro kftP thei jobs and *ill b€ nol a bu.d.n<br />

on fmily or comuiiy.<br />


Thc ltudy v6 @trdu&d ro:<br />

Objelivd ofth.S. y<br />

L Dcv.lop !ydid andclilbl. Urdu Rcadirgsnd W ingTc(<br />

2. Ass$ the exisling Eadin8 &d witine abitni.s in Urdu of chil&6 wnn<br />

hding to dlablish a b6scline pafonde<br />

3. D.vclop test nl)Im for rhc irr.rpE ation of individu.l sB.<br />

4. As* tb. efr*liv€Gs of vidco cliPPing in l@[ing Udu rclding and<br />

witing to chiftLen *it[ b@irs inP6imcnr<br />

Qu6llolt ollb. SiudY<br />

lhe $ud, q as @nduckd lo eJ*ct $. tollosingqueslions:<br />

t. C6 a valid ad rcliall. Urdu Rcading &d Wnting Tcsl b. dweloPcd for<br />

chil&a wilh hqring inPaituni?<br />

2. Whfl b lhe mt l*l of dditg ad witing of childr.n wifi hcding<br />

inplim.nt in dE urdu Lnguag. dudyins in .lass 6t thrcull 8J1<br />

3. Cd percdtile tarls b€ tlea€loPcd to inlrPrel lhe individul $ocs on Urdu<br />

Roding md Wnbg Tesf<br />

4. C& null htTo66is claiminc !o sigufi@t ditr tlc on Urdu Rclding ed<br />

Wridns bet@ lhc qFincln.l ed conrol sreup€ b. Ej@led?<br />

5. Wh.l @omfldralions @utd bG @d. b inpDvc U. .xisdng l@hing<br />

l..tning pr@6s ofth€ Utdu l&8ua8.?<br />

Pl.!of Workr M.lbodolory<br />

skp on : D0vlopMt oJq, R.&line Md lhinng<br />

A $ni slard.diz€d Urdu Rdding ed Wdling T61 wa devcloped to<br />

esrablth . b.$line p.rfoM &d to<br />

'ss<br />

0F .Ecctir€jB ofvid@ clippina ir<br />


lcehi.g dadiry od uiling skilh b child,€n wilh h€sing iDp.iftdr, Ile r$ q6<br />

lieldtesledonaspleof I186student,<br />

Step Tw: E rabllshtunt oJ B6eU!. Reatltng ond Wtung AMtirr oJ the Chitdlen<br />

bnh He. ne ltnp.ituenl<br />

An Urdu R..ding and Wridng T.rl vs develoFd to csrsblisb belirc abitn/<br />

in crding fld witing of lhe childEn bolh boys &d gnh wilh hwing inpajment<br />

srudying in 6ri, 7ri, md 8$ c166 Thc |esr * piloled by using sr.ndard ne$od ol<br />

tesr deveropnenl on a sample ofaboul2lT slldenls: borh witi md wnhoul a heeing<br />

inpaimcor this lesr wE appli€d !o a la4c smpte of (morc $s 70% of rhe<br />

populal'on) srudefts wilh hsing imp.incnl sMyiry jn vsioG *h@h jn rhc<br />

Punjab. 1 h€ bGeline w3 esrabthhed on $e bdh or dara coll€ded lhroush rhk rcsl<br />

Thc contcnl oft€$ ilens weie basd on reat tite situaions di*ussed bclow.<br />

St.p ThN: St.a.! of th. Etitttg T.khine M.tho&<br />

The fau srcup deNioB EE u$d !o Evel !E l*hing hcthods !.!.t by<br />

fte l€chcrs of thc childen with hding inpdmo! for r&hing Urdu @diDe od<br />

Miting skills. For lhis puipose iou focs Croup di*Ussions al Lahore, Rawatpindi,<br />

Multan, sd Faisalahad wcE @8ed ..pE*nljng all aFs of pujab Fovince.<br />

3t p Fort: Id.rdf6 dd dI R.d Lit SirtatiB ad.t DetopM, o! ,tlko<br />

Th. real life stuadons w@<br />

video clippings were pEpucd by<br />

2 Hysiene ed<br />

id.ndfi€d to Epreenl conlenporary tife. The<br />

$. Ese@br. Th€ sirurions i.cluded lnc

5. Shopping<br />

6. Tnvcling aad i3il3<br />

8. ltBdd n€dicd c@<br />

10. TcchnoloSy dd lifc<br />

I L lntcDeMnd rclariorohip<br />

12, Rilulj<br />

S,.p FiE: Expedaatador<br />

Prc-Tst Posnca CoftDl C@up D6ign G us.d to !5s rhe efrcctiv.Gs<br />

or sins vid@ clippirg for r€achiry Mdils ed kitiu in Urdu.<br />

s.t clio, o! stnvh tu th. E p..ttnatl<br />

A dkFoponio@r. turdom shpting pbeduE qs usd to $ smd€<br />

&!h da 6, 7, od 8 (out of2E,20, sd 22 Esrerikty) tm Hrna Fourdalion<br />

Acrddy for tbe D.d rrhoE FmD €.h tu i€ clajs 6, 7, sr,.l E, ,o srud.nls wEr!<br />

FMtiq qf Tw Ctotgt<br />

Tw grcupr c@i'li.g t5 sud. s *h 9@,edn Erdmly Fl€ded b<br />

@rliiur. rw gDuF for rie cxFihdl .s shoM in !!. fg@ (Fige t. | ).<br />


Figu! l.l Sdado of Sql. d gtuD ft(E|tio<br />

e<br />

a m<br />


Asig,Mt o! Ttottanl<br />

'nF exprindul grcup ss dei8rcd th€ vid€o clipping n.thod Endonly<br />

wh€res the anhol grorp M ralght by lsing th€ u!@l m€6ods of teachine i...<br />

rrching of tqr tlroucl |oi'l @muiorion.<br />

The exFrine.t w6 d€sig.ed to Fe lhe efecl ollidco clipping method by<br />

Bing vygor'ty's zPD(Zore of Prcximd Dlvdopb60 lidew* h &telopins<br />

Eading od wiling uone childre! wilh hcanry inPdmmt. Tt Letrncnt (t@hing<br />

Udu Gldiig ed witing lhmugh lidco clipping) wd riv.n for onc mo n lo $e<br />

experin.nt l goup. Thc sigrndr of the r@ch6, hlving a Manct s d€se in<br />

speial educalion, to both Sroups ws Dade rudomly. Tbe 1e*hd qho wa seleled<br />

firsl w6 signed b ilrc @nEDl 8rcup &d rhe sond orc 0o rhe experimcntal grcup.<br />

The esular clssooms olth€ Hma Foudation Acadmy Lahoc werc usd<br />

b @nducl $e exp€rincol. This prcvid.d a n.nml srting for rh€ exp.rin. .<br />

The t€sr alMdy d.veloped lor ihe colleclion of rhe bdeline daia URWT wa<br />

us€d 1o @rduct Prc ord posnesi<br />

Dala wft @llect€d on diiloent vaiobls frcn th. sFcial ed nomal$hools<br />

of$e Punjab Povinc. The rcpon ofdaii DaltsG is bed on rne inlcrpetation ol<br /> dala dd idiognphic desnpdon ofqu:librive d!t!.<br />


Chapter II<br />


Tnis chapler deols with the i.toduction ofldgudge 6d its Flalioh to $ci€ty.<br />

s well s the rcle of the sbool d i social instiluion for des$ibing the derf<br />

comunity or cuhue, LanSlag. d.!.lopmefi 4d ac4uisilion by childEn wi$<br />

haing inp.immt e aho di*uss.d. R.ading od miting skille ofchildren Mlh<br />

hdins inpament h!v. b€cn highlidlcd by Fviewing dilletell sfudis. Fi.allv,<br />

dife@t mmuietion lpptwhca u.d by th. .hiL!*n wilh h@i4 iDPaimenl<br />

haY€ sle b.en di*Bed.<br />

L.!g!.8. ..d Civil Sahly<br />

Thc rclaio.ship bdvftn lsgus! &d cultuE is wll demc.tcd MoinCr<br />

e del@ired on fic bsn of sid .vdr. $iich smund ft '!s<br />

developms of l{rg@gc e hrdly b. ielatcd ftom th. $ial ovioMcnl of fie<br />

lnguag€. Coe rion dd legua8c e ieially dd culrudllv i erd.Fndent<br />

cognnio. is nol a univcel cnily, 11 c& only bc m€uineftl io a siallv dd<br />

cultuElly siruled mind. Individuls construct t ality by int€ruling {i1h thc social<br />

&d thysiol eNircMdl. Thce rcaliti6 de thc b&tbone ol mv lmgxage<br />

ddelopnent procss. words s!.n losi.8 ndings wh.n thcv d isolated from fte<br />

Mo$ childen sith h€ding impaim.nt function nomally it rcms of fie<br />

cognirive delelopnent. They conshcl $en realhics though $cial ed phvsical<br />

inlerrclions, Howev€!, $ey may cxpre$ th.m thou8l a difTcrcht code ie..<br />

sig6 instead of {ords lh.y may exp.ri.oce extftfte dimculy i. building<br />

Gs@irtions belwen mesings dd sPok n wods while leminS a spoken ldguag€<br />

II<br />


Any efion for E .hin8 rhen .rd sic cffcciivcly mBt f@N on dcv.lopirg a<br />

linlls. b.tqq t6liti.s F tlgLd &d D.,nt iftd in si8rB {d msins @.len d<br />

S.tool .nd ScLly<br /> conpreh.Eion !bo|l| soci.ty d cullw h.lD6 lettuB (o unddlrnd<br />

cdFrion ead its ootivarin8 fecror. A sch@l is ! de<br />

wh@ wll bcing ofth.<br /> is . pdm. @n@n. lt is bali.v.d oar vhd individu.t in r si.ty c<br />, hlvc equd oppo.tdtyrop.nicipat lrd djoy Mon of Uoud! $cy liv.<br />

cdl.he c ci.d by Y@ldyk .r al.(2000) ha dlirdib.d sh si.ty in<br />

We c comitlcd to die ddsdlic Preposilion lhd .eh child g.nius or<br />

horcl! blsk or ehnc, pd or riclr dDuld bc cd$t.d lo bdng olt O. besl<br />

U.l is itr hiF o!h.r. (p. 145)<br />

Aloo|.r *ay lo ud.ilrod lltc El.tio$hip of sidy .'d *h@l is to @aidq<br />

U. "ll.lionrlin" thlt is r.lght in ed@k NatioDliso cs d y b. ddclop.d dd<br />

nuducd drotSh cduadon. 'nE $udcnL lcM t n nriod ldsxa!. in lh. shool<br />

&d th.y @ lold abour Mlioml in $hook.<br />

Third lrd rh. hd| inpondr frtrtioB of 0!. $h@l N to mcnber $.<br />

irdividu.lis of . 3tudcrt which ! b.!.d on hi! or hs shi.v.lMt and succ*<br />

sch6l s e innitltion ccatd . nini.l@ si.ty enhin it5 boud4i.s.<br />

schools d €sr.blilh.d |o giv. al'!ffs abolr th. cult@. n dnion, liking &d<br />

dislikinS of1h. si.ty. A $h@l cln slbw lhir chngc by ils stud.nE whd lh.y<br />

con€ out with thc tresfomstion of*icty's k owl.d8..<br />


\van@ (s cired in Yqeldyk., 2000) dcfined *h@l a ilslitulion i lhe<br />

School 6 e istiiulion delibeErely ed syskbatic.lly fouo* $e<br />

pl€st tior of sFbols in qdirg Edr€r, lalwr or .inal, anenpls lo<br />

tlesfer lion . co.ditioo of igrctuce ro on. of .lligh.mor offic inrellcd,<br />

lhe noraliry. md the lechnicsl knowledgc ed skills ofe an€ndv€ group of<br />

FNB in a &fDi0e plrce or a d.nnic lirc. cr. 2l I )<br />

School encou.ges healthy @np.iton mong its students. Tbe, conFte ro<br />

€xcel ih 6ei! id€d ed id€ds. The r2rgct oI such conpdnior n adjusrnenl ro sociat<br />

mDs. TrE @rcept oa good boy' or'lood 8nl" is ba$d on sicrat nom. 'fhc<br />

peilect s.fomity 10 mtionsl noms nales $e individul a role nodel. Whcn school<br />

tails to EflNt ecial ooms in irs cuicuta it f.jts i! iG purpoe of lr&sfomirg<br />

cult@ nDo on. g*ntion lo eothd.<br />

DefConounl9<br />

cbmouity is rhe fomalion of a gtuup wirh $c tu. jnreGs! o. elbric<br />

bak!rcmd !o net comon goals ed sh@ th.n €xpdi.nes. They p@de lhei.<br />

raith ed moral valE! as wetl s ejoice in ihen raditions in E ishion thar woutd<br />

conc frcn tEir belicf! !d thinljng. E&h @muiry is inrerprdcd lo bc a csier oa<br />

'ts<br />

cuh@. In $is My dsf oDmuny is keM s lhe D.afculruE.<br />

The tcm deaf connuily is nol anraclive ro elt sduatos md professionets<br />* lhey &nd b focs on lhe rchlbiharion ad nain$eoing of dcal in the<br />

siely. ln spir€ of this pbfcsjondl thj*jng ihc ble of $e daf @muity for fi.<br />

welf@ ofth. d€af cm hddlt be ignor€d. They try !o ttevelop lhe poGnlial ot $e deqf<br />

population th@lgn p.nicip.tory .tpo4h6. In def @muiry or cutrc rhe def<br />

p@ple conDunicate, shm thcn .xpe.icnces ed socialie lhmetves lhmugh liei<br />

ldsuase (Hu$ain, 2003).<br />


The awNo.s abod rh. mL of sigr leguog. gFw ai.r 19E0. The h@ing<br />

comnuity @s two diflemr p.npectivq to inLrE t withth€ dqf @miry, tirst<br />

lhG h $€ palhologic.l view aboul deafp.ople. h d€sibes how deafp@pk deviate<br />

froh rhe sLnda.d or de mmr of rltc hainS Fopl.. -nis is ai$ tmM s rhc<br />

Clinicd-Parlblogical vicw or lh. Medicd Mod.l, nis liew b6 ba highlighted by<br />

lhosc non dof pmlGionals who inreBct with dc.f comunity onl/ on a profe$ional<br />

bEsis. The vicw of the$ pofc$io.als perircs ddfircs n 8.1ivcty, Il 6 d<br />

oulsidels vic\. Aeording !o lhis vicw n @y be @ncludd lhal dat co'muity<br />

m6ls|s of thoe pople who h.!e l@ing md psychological pobl€ms due ro lhcn<br />

hqing los. Th.y al$ fe comuic.tion difficultiG dE ro h6ilg lo$, They G<br />

nol h.rine b@N th.y cmor h@. This lladr to m oppEssile bch,vior ed<br />

anitude lowad deat Ttis vicw about dcafp@ple s incapable of Ftf-dct€himtion<br />

ha €all.d "audism" likc sxis! eism .lc. Tnis ren mdd b€ d.fin d s ro<br />

d.sribc disqimirarion or si€r.oltpes .glitrl d.sf o. hsd of h6ing by having thc<br />

dsmption th.r the culrw of the heding peoplc js $pciio, to rh. .ulrud of hesing<br />

inpsiEd peopl. sho e sign tmsugc.<br />

L @!idn b rhc ,Frhotosicjt" view lh. siotogic€l .pp@hcs @ quile<br />

diilerent in then p$pective. This h tooM as th€ cullwt view A@ordinS lo rhis<br />

vrw lhc ac mmy feloE $al DBr be consjdeEd whm dcscnbiq $e d.sf<br />

omu'ty dd this is a @Dpl.x A6ording lo thc view lh. daf communy is<br />

bded on grcups ol such pesons who she siSn loguage 10 comunicale which<br />

pmvi&s thcm $e bdds for goup cohBion ed jdaiiry. They EcciE jnfo@lion<br />

vislally ord she tl4m in g6rh_ How tn Fmn wjtn h@in8 inpaitu€nl &d<br />

lhetr conmuniiy is dsfibed by a common nd is depend€nl oo tiat what rype of<br />

rclationsnip hs b€e. d€vetopcd wjth deaf p@ple. TIE anirtds lowards tn€<br />


codaunity's legua8e ed ils culhft dct rnine you Frspedvc lowadr d€fp@plq<br />

TIrc individuals in dqf @muig epond to @mDu.ity Soals<br />

whicnderive from&aIclltMlinnu€nes.<br />

DdfcllluE.rd Edrcitioo<br />

I5<br />

in difrerent degrccs<br />

ClloE d b. defincd in difcanr ways &d m b€ btler dcenbed wnh<br />

rcfcrcn@ !o a peliculd gtoup. Nmw definiiio$ oI culle bav€ a prcmincnl<br />

impsct in .duqdon by eiving . brcad 6ge of sual.gic od P@ticd knowledg..<br />

The lrdsnission of dcaf cullw lems u.uul lor deat children as nosl of the dcaf<br />

childrcn d aisd in hwine tmilid fi.t hav€ rc dortldnioB Addnion lly, rho*<br />

fdilies who have even childFn wi$ mild heding inPaimenl ce not rrssf$ theii<br />

cuh@ duc lo then inadequlc ct)!t1md o! sien l&gug.. Cbildr.n l.m lhen<br />

ldg@g. wnhin a contexl of how lmg@ge is ued by their paEnts dd il lhb mnl€xl<br />

is ml mqringin duc to hqirg tN, ho* lhe chitd will l.m to intcrur in ftc<br />

siety is conplical.d. To li!. in a culta all babies {ith beaing inpaift..t have to<br />

develot rhci. oM legDg. bul lhis is 6wlly d€lav.d Most ollhe d€afbabics do nol<br />

dev€lop lheir lesuage 6 they cd iol pto.e$ the spolei l&8u68e M&voflhed'al<br />

children dcv€lop lhcir ou cuhwe when they s|an lo deYelop sig. ldBu.Sc monl<br />

lhenelves d n b not dePcnde on heding Howde., children with hedinS<br />

inpaimett ce use all thoe objects, synboh fld social Pdcices<br />

thal had been in<br />

pmctie Md dcvclop.d by their dEeno6. The inlcnclion of childrcn wilh h'ting<br />

impdment in the society eqliFs leguaSe dev€loPdcd<br />

Ac@rdi.s ro Rmey (6 cired itr Helm 2002) chil&en *ith hwin8<br />

iDpaiftenl have to iollow a en€stat difl@1n.dim to acquie hman le8!age'<br />

Only siSn l@g!,8. 6 a mediM 6dd h.lp rhd !o @mdicarc t|eme (2002)<br />

also Eponed that "Parlial or mhiguols @ess to lmguage do's nol nI $e

Fquir€Denls for p.nicipaling in cultre, nor dos eeiliig b6ic skils iistrwtion<br />

send'hed 6.oueh e i €ry€|ei (!. 4).<br />

In rhis definition of cdtE it is cleely ec@red lhat childto hav. the<br />

sme continlm of righh lo heirdce a.d d€lelopocnr !o live in tne sociely like<br />

otheB. Tn€y nc.d th. suppon of3Eh m.&rial, symbolic cultw ad sial lraditions<br />

rh.t could h€lp lhem ro &vclop wirh th€ h.eing disbilily. Lir.ntuE sho*s dat &y<br /> culnu€ could b. slrone if i1 has 10 elding mal€rial as do the h€ding<br />

pcople (Padden & Rdsey, 1998), Howcver, the d€alcultue hs its stmng mnn€clion<br />

with $e exi$@ of Amen@ SigI t rgugq ard uy dcllyed lmeug. 4quisition<br />

not allec$ $e Iites ol childrE wilh hc{ing impdmenl to move ii lhe cultu bul n<br />

alTects lhet educotion loo.<br />

Cult@playsaviblrcl€ inlnc.duqtionof childrcn wilh h@inginpdme .<br />

The mle of olturc in eduedon of childF. *iln h@irg inpaimnt @utd be<br />

udeBlood when w. emphbize th€ ue of leguage in leming (Pad.len & pesey,<br />

1998) Arod€r pcFp€ctiv€ lhal @ h.lp us ro udersllnd tne de ot cultN in<br />

cdMlion is rhe lrair-ba$d tcw All rho* childnn who wr lo Ueit<br />

leuing halc ro find rh€n adult's eoat, their @ys dd srd1c8i6 lo achicv. $es<br />

fnEdorls of Lil.ncy .d Dqf C[ildrcn<br />

ThF fm.worls of lile@t dcEloptrHl in d€.f childrm iavc b*n<br />

discu$ed in $e |ncdue: Cogniive Infomaio. Pbcessin& Nanxdnn, ed S@ial<br />

Cognitiw ltJtudh P@$ids Motht<br />

Cognitive infom.rion p.csing is bsed on $. thoughl pr@ess behind $c<br />

bshavior ol e individuol. Only Ur b€havior is m i..licaror of my chege in $e

lemcis stlrus. Tn€ Foc€siin8 tat6 pl4€ rnen lh€ leamr &rilely u*s di|Ieenl<br />

wys to sdeEland od plcss infomdion, The l€me. ft.€ives infodation 4 frcm<br />

his oi h€r ndory to use it 6 a Fior<br />

11<br />

rnowledge. The rcle of lhe iBtr@lor ii to<br />

F*nt thc intmadon in do add losicd n@a. Plul (2001) dcsib.d thd:<br />

Any developmcni in d individul is b6ed o cognnive d€v€lopmcnl. sde<br />

lhc maft€r h wirb lh€ l&guge dev€lopnot. Leguage developnenl s a.<br />

indepeldot sy$cmr howevei its go*lh depdnds on th€ developmed of<br />

cogniliv€ ud..piein8. b.106)<br />

A@ording to rhis frmcwork infomtio. is poes only i. rhe p6ene of pnor<br />

knowledge ol ihe lemd abou lhe subjecl nanq. Exisling sources only help lo<br />

6lmt w subje.l m.n€r wirh lh. disiing mna. For lhis p!tF$ rh€ tca.h€t<br />

Fovid.s support ed suid!@. Thd is no lim€ linil fot 3wh Siidqe<br />

A hdjor weaknes ol co8ritive infomalioh pro€ssiog is that d. lcmet husl<br />

harc d lcst a bsic kmwlcdg. oflh€ subjei Soo. dhes lqninc mv bc disroded<br />

by shar dc le@r oletdy loos. Thc cstral qleslion is fiis whal will hdppen if<br />

the leMcs do not hav€ rhe piior tno{l.dse oflhe subjst?"<br />

NdttaLn<br />

This tmewrk focus$ on lhe child I1F child bst integale his or hq<br />

md€nrdding oI lhe world wih |he help of peMi.l @ding ad Miling dcivnies<br />

Thc prponats of Mohlism ey rhal ddin! is a la&tionol pIGs not beed on<br />

Ue int raclioo ol lql md reader 6 spadle compon€nls. So the rcader snrl texl de<br />

boud rogaher d pan of one pG6s, Thc naoralislic posirion hs b€fl utilized<br />

pEdohindcly to suppon ASVEtrslBh BilitrM p!o!ts! for deaf childm dd<br />

adolesccnrs (Pa!1, 1998) Tbe najor ditbisn on thh fru€work w6 ihal lhe ole of<br />

the iNtructor or sielat &tivili.s in rhe dcv.lopm€ of lit @v hN b€n nininized

Const ccti,in<br />

A€ordios to lhb vicw the ledcr cotutruct thc nemings of the so.ld tyoud<br />

sid ii&dctioN. nE i@inBs @ only iolerpr€Bble in a $cial contqt.<br />

Patn {2003) d€sibcd:<br />

Iltis ne.wort G t tcn 6 $..xL6ior of cognitivisn - dEl is a pdadigo<br />

exlasion rdhd Ure 5 ptradigm shift. As a pandien shifr, mphak is on $e<br />

culthal hodels. shich anenpl io explain $e dd 6gnitir. gtoslhs<br />

of individurls s pbdEG of c' w. In olnr *ods, undcBrudin&<br />

speilically reading compEhflsion, is a s@ial ptodBt - not sp*ifically<br />

based o! d individul's @gnitiv. prc@$ (p.29).<br />

The ldgugc ofrh. @r is ncn lo lh. qt nt the expcrioe js nch ftuh whjch<br />

m.oings w€E deriv.d<br />

Lrqu.g. DeclopD.!.: Itif.Foi Tt@ri6.!d nLto.icd Rdid<br />

The aquisiion ol lhe@ge, plnicuhly a spoken le8lage is €xlr€mety<br />

difficult for mosl wilh *verc b pDfoud bdiae imp'me od dis<br />

snudon ha persisrcht ctr cis on the d.vctopm€nt of a deaf child. A wilh a<br />

posl lingual *v@ h@iog iDpqim @y hlw a highs Urdu l&guage<br />

.chicvene.t l€!.1 $m a pF-linguinic ev@ heding impsin€nl, The severc herirg<br />

inpaiment ad s @ly.g. of oei 6dle signinet lmiralio6 on ldnSug€ ad<br />

lileret mquisition mong childten wirh h.uing inpaimen!.<br />

Mey |hturis havc ben prcstcd on IeSuCe ac4uisition ed ih.* have<br />

ben inflEn€.d by sevcr.l brcad nera deorics such 4, inEosp.€tionisin,<br />

behotiorisn dd cognitlc $i€ne. E&h d€ory is diif@nt fbm rhe o$a by ils<br />

apploeh to lhe *udy of frind. Diffecnt viw?oiDls, deeribcd by paul (2OOt) d€<br />


IntrcsNc.brin<br />

\VlEn w€ dmine on ! nind wirh rcfeHce lo rhouehl &d sersry<br />

.xFricncs n is crll.d innosp€clionisin. It is<br />

*hich m@s l.min8 aboul ltui.g<br />

'E<br />

B.hdvia.hd<br />

t9<br />

to th. d.linirion of ncra{o8nilion<br />

A@rdirg lo lnis rh@rt bescd o! Stituer's Fsperiv€, t&gusc i3<br />

develoFd vio einfotu nr illoleh opc@r @ndilionilg. Mosi of Skim6 th€oncs<br />

wrc innu@ed by dE m.k of John B_ W.r.on, who f@u$d on $. obembl.<br />

Coghltirbn<br />

Leades oflhis $@ry sen $d the najor rcson for behavior is lo<br />

m*€ ilfcdq abour ulddlinbg faclor ttDr € €xplain rhc behalior. tt f@u*s on<br />

*llry @nrov6,.l .pisldological isss rlDt deal wilh mtuF, extm and<br />

dcrcloptDdt of &mwl€dec. This ih.ory ale ris |o oller rh. mtuE of mdal<br />

cpe*nlar'on i-c how knowt€dgc ir sroEd ed p@cs*d in m,nd,<br />

Up b rh€ nircteenrh eduy no signjficor r*4h w6 @nduderl lo obwc<br />

thc larguge acquisilion of childrcn wirh ud wilhoul hong Epemhl Berwn<br />

1870 dd 1920, parcnr, wrc llE mljor sutu of inlo@lioo for |he l4g@ge<br />

developncd of childEn wirh heding impaid.nt. Ihe mjor onccm of fiee studies<br />

was lo hjghlight th€ vocabulary d.velopnen! &d sp€4h acquhnion.<br /> d.velopmenl of childEn wirh hdins ihpaime ce b.<br />

unddtood by Ffnins ro th€ work ofchomty, He ejd rld hllrm @ boh Mrh a<br />

sP€.ial biologicrl nchdiso in Ue b6ia c.lted a tegulse Acquisjdon D.vicc<br />

(LAD) for l.ming legulge. tt k hyporlEsiad lhar lhe abiliry lo t6 toguge is

ilbom a.d narN is moE inporod $d nunw &d e of ldguag. is or y<br />

nce$8y ro &rival€ rhc LAD (Naftnal Lircay Trus! 200t /.<br />

Thc major @n@pt inroducsd by ChoDsla ws tn€ ..Uoiv.Ml crsM."<br />

According to this.onccpr aI hMd b.ines lcd rh€ l.nguagc by ! syslen of rulca<br />

&d principls. Hc ale d*dH lh. ldguSc equjsiiion unds $e fotlowiiS<br />

IaMtd.$<br />

chohsky ac@idins ro Paul (200t) betieved thar lhe hm& mind conlains &<br />

imatc p@livity for a nMb.r of ditredr aB rnd rhh k@wtcdse b€.om6<br />

tundiondl or op.Etio4l vbcn rhc is inlcrcdon wilh rhe e.vibmcnr ,IrE<br />

envioMcnr does nol shape linsuistic knowledgej dher ii driv.les $c iMlc<br />

Adp.Ldc.<br />

(rowldgc is noi tuIy rcPlent.d in ,.whnl ir *id . $ unetue is subjet.d<br />

!o memory laps., fal$ slan, &d pdsihony. Attlough my sF.lc6 6 prcduce<br />

complex lenglhy senr€nc.s. rhey pref€r ro speat in shoner senten*s (paul,2O()l)<br />

Accordine lo Nadonat Ln@cy Trust (2007), in the firn lhFe yeds oflifci<br />

young childtln rcpl!$r good o@6i€loB s thcy w $ hdy t rguges<br />

oGisted of body or sign legug.. pairtine, dtawirg ed or.t .xpe$ior<br />

Diflmt rh@ri6 e tobd b nrE lirerarr with Ef@ncd to tmguge<br />

&quisirion but lhc nmss of pidgcr dd Vy8olrky m well tnom. Their vicw poinrs<br />

abour rh. l&gug. trquisidon m hri€oy d.sibcd h@.<br />

Pl4ga Ih.o,, oJcos,tiE Dd.t pn m<br />

Th. hajor concen piagcfs lneory re children's oSnidve dclelopnent. Uc<br />

teorized fiat lsguas€ was simpty ond of lh. childEn,s ways of epbenling lhen<br />


f.niliar "o ds, . refldion of tholgh! bur he tunh.r slared lhat rhis ldguSc does<br />

not contriburc to lhinrirS. H€ sid rh.l hulrtr b.ings lem thrcugh thc rwo bssi€<br />

nflral operations of Ninildtion (aciiv€ly orgeizing n€w infomadon so thar n fits<br />

in willl wl'at is dEldy p@ivcd ani thoudt) dd.@modltion (chdcirg whar is<br />

alB.dy Fa.iled o. though to fi1 in with rcw irfom6ti@).<br />

Amrdilg to Pi.g.! peotle und€slard rhe sorld ed devclop lnen<br />

knowlcdge trough inteEclion and diEcl dp€n€nce with obj.ds, Fople, ed ider.<br />

Piagct also slr6ed dat natmtior, lclivity, sid daNhisjon, ad fie n*d ibr<br />

cquilibdm .ll infl@ce lh. thjnking p@s and liowl€dge dd€lopncnt. Piaset<br />

nn.d the p.@css "Schenat!'. In Eslose to lhes ionuencB, .eording 10 Piagett<br />

lhory, thinling prce$ &d knoyledg. dw€lop Urcu8} ad.prdion (indudine tlE<br />

@nplenoffy Pmesss of Bsinilalion ed eomodaion) od chsge in the<br />

orssiztio. of rhought (rhe developm. of shcm). H. dle enphsized rhe<br />

mpolt&ce oi physical aclivities dd $cial peer inleEction lo pomole !<br />

dislquilibriM th.t E$lred in chdrg€s lo nonl sretlE- Ilris pM6s ale h€lps<br />

o individual io disv€r h.w infomatiotr p@plion ed @Dnui@rio. skills<br />

(C'oh.. & Swrdik, 199).<br />

Piagcl bclieved lhat young people ps thouSn fou slages s they devetop<br />

esory-nolot, p@perational, comrcic opqaion l, &d fomal op€iarioMl (Anjda<br />

2005r Silv.nhom, 1999t Coh€n & Swrdik, 199). H€ described thoe siag€s by<br />

eyins lhal ftom rhe s€Mry notor p.riod, rhe infd|s thinking ii domiDrd by $en<br />

perccptjons: to the fomal opedion p.riod, wh.rc s individlal develops rh. abiliry<br />

ro p€rldm . hypooEtical d€dNtive E&ning, @dimtes a st ol vuiabtcs dd<br />


VEoEly't S@bl Cult@l P.dpecrivc oJbnt@g. Da.loptunt<br />

Aaording to VygoGky s@ial cuhral F6pecdve, cognirivc ddetopDqt dd<br />

ecial in&raction is r@sery lor leguge dclelopmcnr H. tried to inlcarigar. hos<br />

leguge highr inpacr on a peen\ rhinting. In @nad io pilgct he belived rhar<br />

eeoentnc sp€ch is in facl de child,s privatc sp€ech. He said thal a peson thinls<br />

md ues words !o lnink due b sociat Vysobky's poi of view is very<br />

d€ wn o hc d€scribes sisl .omuic.rbD s rhc foudaiion of ldg@gc dd<br />

cognition for a child. Hc als endoE d thc ble of adutts in rhc l@ing ot $e<br />

childrcn. According !o hih 0!e bsislane of ldults helps lhc cnibEn lo build rhen<br />

conpehension to slve probl€ns on lhet ou (Mercs, l996isitvenhom. t999)<br />

'DE najor difeEnca dong lhe two theorisls h lhal Vygorsky enphbized the<br />

socio culual peGpsave .s the dosl imporu.t fa4ror for tbe laguage deyelopnefi<br />

wheEas Piagcr b€licled rhal rhc cbild,s imle abitiri.s play crucial Dl€ lo garhd ed<br />

org&ia infomadon ro devetop tneir tdguage,<br />

Srtucrurc ofL.!gug.<br />

Tle mjor purpo$ of l&gugc js !o e ir in co@ui@tion. The lic.atre<br />

ihdicat€s rhc following componenB of lbSugc e rqded io Ie4 it:<br />

! Phonotocy<br />

. MorpholoCy<br />

r Seoetics<br />

. PESmadcs (paul, ZOOIiLing, l9?6)<br />

L.rg!tg. DFdopn.nt tn Dc.t Cbnrrc!<br />

Ldg@Ce is a still tnrcu8)r which a hulm tu sh@ nis o. h€, $oughtl.<br />

cmot@ns. taeliqs ed ides. This i.volves rhe @rlive or qpBsve nodes of<br />

connlnication. Buli in lh. cse for chitdrcn sifi bding jmpaiocnrs. ir is ditrcent<br />

becau* they do nol have $e tult ue ot th€ir he&ing dd spech abilni.s. l. lhen<br />


le8lag€ dw€lopncnr, tbugl lh. pd* is $e mc bul is del.yed. this difl4rce<br />

@dd be udcElood by considqing the tollowing p!@s of ldgu.Se deyelopD@r.<br />

Btbblitg, Adtwt, tnd E tl! D.wloprctt<br />

Like hleing childE4 def blbies fotlow tnc sc pMes of {1,<br />


(Kmdi & sud&i, 2004r, Mdschdk .r .l., 2002). Like bobblins in hdine babies<br />

synbolic gestws e inporunt rol. in the l&guage dev€lopmflt of a deaf<br />

child. Ar.xmple oflh. usc ofsynbolic gsturc in youg child is when be6he poinrs<br />

lo e thdl is out of r€ach qhile looking at his or hd oother. Dsf pftnls of<br />

deaf childrcn d €sily ud.$rand rhs. rt?$ of si$s a lhei. babblii8.<br />

Schind (2000) deenbed rl@ ue of slmbolic gcstues in hceing and<br />

childEn. Deaf childrcn devclop synbolic 8.srus at th. mc tin. whcn heaing<br />

childen d.velop rhe spoko wor& md fiey use rhe srrbolic ecsrrca for,€quesring<br />

befoE th.y e€ used for labeling Deaf childFn u. lh€ eestws ed words first in<br />

rou nircd &rililica ed d€n in rh€n @mdicltion,<br />

B.foF l.Ming tc sjg.s chitdEn expose{t ro sign tmguage aom binh have<br />

ben obs.tu€d to ptudue heual babbtiDe. H.nd ecsies in sequocc e irvolved in<br />

ndual babblinS *'ticn panislti csmblc sigDs, bur,hich e not ucd me.ningfu y<br />

Phonologi..I Daylopn ttt<br />

Ar drc pndobgicd t€wl ll|e fo@ is on rh. ,st madc &d ,l@ilgtut u. of<br />

euld pands witlour Efft@ to rhci. gtuiicd oniol (D@ict, 1976; p.ul,<br />

2000). Th. d@fchild ts sigB insi.jd ofeu for pboDologic.t &vetopncft Tnis<br />

dev.lopnenr is. hoEv.r, not |@8llizld by hcdi.g pcds.<br />

Srntuai add S.tunnc D.|.topMl<br />

ln synlacdc d.velopmot the childr€n lry lo i.o rhe ru16 tlEl golcm ho,<br />

moDhoes (lhe sdld n@in8tul bn of g]nmarqt fom) d. combined inro<br />

words d well s how vordj qe combincd irro *ni6@. The Fmddc delclopndt<br />

n defin d s l@jng the ntuing or lne @rtcnl of legug.. As cniBEn te@ $e<br />


onlml of a l$gugc, thcy e disvcriry the rulcs t[.] govcm $e n $ings of<br />

erd! phl?g and stelB (S.[mcr,2000).<br />

Mosl of te chitlrcn Pl!d@ $.ir fi61 eid sr 1he sge ofone yes. This als<br />

confims tlEt cohpdhesion of Mds cmdg€s befor. th. ability ro poducc wordi<br />

uu.ll, eud $e ffBl binhd.y of thc chjld. Heme (2002) says tlur nosr of the<br />

people who dc not fdili& with the cnib de uoable to und€stod rhee words tult,<br />

s the child is sriU in the 6ly sbgs of gaiaing control ovd his or her driculaloB;<br />

boweler,lbe fanily is able |o Ecognire lhe* hrds.<br />

It ba also ben obseFe! drat deafcnitdfn ofd€sapde s have ooE words<br />

in lhen vocabuldies or dev.lop then bguage noE opidly in sigm Md g$ture as<br />

comp@d ro deaf childr€n of hefi!8 pdeirs (Moorcs.2o0l). Funnd ob*derio.<br />

Efl.o rh,l mGt de.f childcn of he&ine fuilies d€velop th€n fi6t vords latd &d<br />

v@bul.ry developn€ slow io l.ld time periods. ,tris sn@rion dcFnds on rhc<br />

ciEms|lnc.s of e iodividurl (€.g., shcn he ws iddtificd dd a! Btur sv€rity level<br />

or h@ing lo$) (Hcmd, 2002). tl is al$ obw.d dEl deaf childc. plode ficn<br />

home sigls evcn wh.E |hft is no si$ tdeuSe (Mylmdo, I 983).<br />

E rb v@obutao '".t Deof<br />

The d€v.loprncd of @ly leguae j! d€f chitdrcn delend. on wherhcr lhey<br />

havc only h@ins Imily nmb€E o. dcd p4nls ed sibl,ng ar honc. r hc chitd,..<br />

with h@ing inpaim.d who d€of {hnily nqbes in Ih. b{kgoEd d.letop<br />

thci drly ldguee in siSjr more quickly sd nchly iho lhoe who have onty<br />

Latq Yeabulorr Acl.bnbr<br />

Ar the a8e ol lwo yea6 o child *nn h*ins lo$ nsulty bss aboul s0 krds or<br />

signs. Ar this stage childre. wirh h@ing inpaimelt le@ ro @Dbine ih€s sigtu or<br />


wods inlo sentcnces lo lry lo dev.lop the lexical ncming of lh. leant words. Tbey<br />

slnggle, how.vcr, to exte.d lh.i. vftabulsy acquisnion sd compr.hosion.<br />

Mosr of rbe dqfchildEn with h.ding leah lhe sig! from lhcjr paenls<br />

who rh@selves do not ue sign ldguge. They arc. rhercforc, unable to d€rctop<br />

abstFct conmunicaton. M6tly, rh. pr&icat ue of lbBuage i3 sen i, raleling by<br />

bus, visning $e esnutu! md going lo 0E na*et o, ot6 places. -Ilts is not cas,<br />

Oough, that wc leu the abstr&l con€pls lir€ pohics &d reliSion by concEle<br />

interacdoo, If patur only introduce loys, dtinks, f@d, ed sinple contexrs in rh.i.<br />

hmncd legugc, thcn th€n chjtdrEn wit hsjng impainenl &ce lFnfldous<br />

prcblcm od lihir.riotr both jn lhe *ly dd lh.n ld€r voobulary dev.topDdt.<br />

Scb@l rhe plays a imporlant mts in thc lat€ ldguage devetopne jn rhee<br />

childrcn. SFcifically wn n d€.f chit.l wit srh bacLgounc ,nrEcrs wlb orher<br />

cnibftn wirh di,T€Mt sied jt bNohes.v{ noF difllcuk ro (now *nal ro t€m a.d<br />

wr'al ro stain in $e funE. flrc p@bt.m is furrn r rtu! fiey meer tnoe<br />

l@chc6 *t'o E dif€E signs for saG objds o! e nor fmius wirh dE signs. Ar<br />

. rcsul $cy mqy dinoncd @muierio. of limircd fuctiorol ldg@gs,<br />

D€v.lopncnr of emnat..l langugc dong de.f childm<br />

l nili6 continGs ro pregB noc slowty, Mthou unrrycnno.<br />

&quisition, The lmguge ttui4 in chitd..! is rhrcogh di@r co@uiation.<br />

'ne snldy @nduct d by p.ul ad euist y (26100) indisr.d rhar .bsrd rcrds<br />

l.dinc is a diflicuh 'M ror d|e* childEn. Kyt. ad Hdis (2006) foud rhar<br />

Foducdv. v@bulary ed sp@h @ding wF sigifi@t prcdjcroR of c.ding fo,<br />

lhc &!f childd anr hains tos od nonvdbat inklti84. had b€6 ecounrd.<br />


Howcycr, spelli.S ability ws nol ss@iared with Dy oi rhc orhq n66 apon<br />

h is well kioM fal rhal ldg@ge developme h difticutt for childlen wilh<br />

h€ing inpoinenl. Linguistic @hpeidcy is nol4y belse it is nol a iaughr skill<br />

dat @ be le@cd. For deaf child tne o.r!d h complicaled. Tcachers e doing rhen<br />

besr to delivq what they know. Unfortualely, they .lo no1 halc dc tools dd<br />

opponutuly lo r@h laguage ro deaf childrch. Mosr of $e teaches ue<br />

bilinguatbiculturd arld whote l&8ugc atp@h$ ro ieeh fien bul for rh. def<br />

theF apprcacnes a€ @n1rcve6iat ed prcbtcnaijc lor the ieching of reading. Io<br />

wholc lagu€e appro&h th€ te@cr lrics lo l.m ro Eld while looking lne<br />

fed.m@lal @rry of 1n.ldgqse nre @ of ASL s bilineual apForcb is lgain<br />

nor beneliciol4 il h4 oot ben evalured fo. ns cfielilocs' The dqf cl ldM,<br />

Lheelbrc, do nol lem the appmpiial€ lmguae ski s. DE to ihe t&t of ldguge<br />

stills, advoc€d lil@y (Eiding ed Miling) skills e ior &hi€ved by chitdFn wirh<br />

Lir.,ic!<br />

Lile&cy s a std h rcquiEd for dy p€en b be edMlcd ed |o lad @<br />

mdependenl life. DifleEnt Fopte have difeEni definitions ed m6in8 tor lircncr.<br />

1'o dev€lop a Seoedl uddr.ndil8 atour tit@y, d.finilions by dillcEnr<br />

or8oiations or ciFft re 8i!o hcE.<br />

Lierac) is$eobrlnJ ro@ tdeuse &d rmag6 in nch ed vded<br />

@. Mle, rr{kn.spcat. vi.w. Eprcenl. md drntcnlicallJ abour<br />

emDt* 6 to shd€ infomatioo ro Inr@r w||h otlEE, &d b hate<br />

(onhrio Edlcarion for All, 2004)<br />

Lirerey n als lnom 6:<br />


Th€ sel of Dngible skills - paniculdly thc cognitire skills of cading md<br />

qiiing $r1e ofde @nra\r in *hich ihey e a.quircd md<br />

the bmkSroud ofthc person who acqui* theh. (Lir€tuy for AU,2005)<br />

l,n.r&y means being able |o, lisren, Ead, kne, dd viewi rhinkinS h<br />

e integnl pan ofall lbese pbeslB. Thc United Narions Edu.alional, Sci€ntific md<br />

Culru.l OrSoialion (LTNESCO) h6 tt$fted the fotlowins definirion;<br />

Lit 6.y h 1h. abiliry ro idenriry. 6d.6ta4 ior.aEr, crcarc. @muiale<br />

aid @Dpurq sing p.iaied &d wiricn a$ciaid with vsryi4<br />

conrcxls. Lnedy involv$ a con|lnum ot l.mins @ embt. & rndividd r;<br />

dhi€ve hisor hq e@ls. ro de\ctop hic or h.r tno$tedg. ad poknliat, dd b<br />

pdntr rpare tirtt) in $. q rdn I LN ESCO. 2005J<br />

Ti.* d.finiions cterly indic.r. thlr lit€Bcy is wn beyond $. abitiry lo<br />

F.d, kire ed conpue, LitcEcy for lh. de.f conot be, $mforq contued lo simple<br />

Ead'n8, Mirin8 dd @mpurin&<br />

nh.bitit, So.icry .d Lit.ncy<br />

Lne@y h fl iDponst arpel lhat h.lps lo .l€vclop rhe identily of a p.con<br />

eith diebiliry in rhc @dmmiiy. Ditr€Enl vids abo diebitj9 hrre been<br />

pm.i4t€d. SoD. p@ple latt€d abour lie popt. wjth dsabih,.s 6 a nedicat<br />

@ndnion, Th.y rhi* ir is a 6utt of! di$e. wticn c& b. cuqt. Howercr, rhe<br />

saial nodcl of disbitiry hakd. sp.e for sciat jn!€ry€ndon drcush.ducadon.<br />

Tlmueh cdrcarion ir is po$ibte ro ehicE tire@y. Al pE$nt dc.r educarion hs<br />

aailed in this p$ln G@ed .r al., 2006).<br />

BEEsrd (2004) indid.d rha!, .hjgh poponions of diebted p.opt. Ead<br />

subslantially b€low apercd, gjvm chrc.otogi€.1 .ge, and<br />

cos.nive4inSuistic abilnics." !n Espq& b dlis, pod (1997) sugSeslcd lhar a<br />

posibl€ .xpldadon inctud6 low €xFclations by rlte leactEb ard pdnrr, dd<br />

iDd.{uale lireacy siatizrtior rhd Ef.R ro skills seh s & undeBrrndjng of rh€<br />


fucliom of *iring, fuilieity wih tht alphabet and th. convotio.s of pdnf'(!.<br />

46).<br />

lo lighr of this dieusion rh@ s@s ro bc a lirsdy divid. b.tscn Uos<br />

wilh dd wirhout diebiliry.<br />

Achia@n8 of P.son tuh Dittbito.t ttut Lk rc!<br />

Ill.c is a stong rclarionrhip bclwecn (onobic delclopn.nt &d ln€,acy.<br />

The cout ies wirh low li16&y EIB do no1 show hiSh CDp. Il. litc@y a.d nadonal<br />

devclopncnt @, der€forci inr€Felar.d. Lir.Ecy h6 r€n.n

Cahural Lntuc,<br />

A(ording to FEirc ed M..ado ( 198, d cn.d by Ndcy (2005) sid rhrr rhe<br />

fdili&i9 wilh sp.cific tinguinic Fad'doN or bodi6 of infom.lion frcm . cutMt<br />

srelp is knoM d culnlil lit€@y (,.26). Hdis dd Hod86 (1995) dcfned n 6 $.<br />

body of Oe 'm d kewlcdg€ is &d on. posws, !3oinl which a p&ri@ld<br />

n.sgc is dccoded. An individual who *er b coDpchend 0E id.2 of culn@l<br /> neds lo collsl the b.clqrcud tnoel.dgc b eoug<br />

conlq\l of a new litc6t@.<br />

Culhtr.lly onen(d pslte har $e abitrry ro e $en bowtedSe hcluding<br />

wn'l m h his d be c'ntuF. ald mmpqs votu6. c6!om. .nd<br />

ln'om.hon . !o oc text $ey srud). B n do.r nor med rhe cutMal lirmc)<br />

E limn.d to originat cdtu( or a FMn bd ir coNhts of soml t owtcdS;<br />

conprcnenion. dd oaenk on .s $. b fiis \o!td be devetoped bJ dc<br />

fonnl int@crion of rhe ds or infom.lly in th€ ficld<br />

Thc @!epl of culrud litch.y is gaioiog moE ed morc inpotune in Ihe<br />

global villase whjch is mergirg s a rcsutr of k owt.dg€ erplGion od tCT<br />

{lnfo@tion dd Comuicadon Tebrolocy) r€volurion.<br />

Criaicat Lit toc!<br />

Topica of dispule, power, conrrct, dominarion, self.consrruction, awsen€ss,<br />

dd ropics of poliiical dd cconoDk datFis e *udty higt ighre

IMtlondl Ltetu t<br />

when e individual is able b buiu tnc m@ing of qords fron lhe winen Ex1<br />

lhich includ€s the visul iDa8cs dd dehil desriplion of capliotu is looM 6<br />

lrmitio.d liteEcy (N&cy,2005i wlirhore, c@dme. & orocli,2004).<br />

Pauldd Udg r2005) h4 inEodcd Lhe fotloqng rnes ot ticra,y:<br />

suv Liktucr<br />

Th. tradidoMl vicw orlir@y (e.s., edi.s md MirinO should b. labcled<br />

scn h.rmy. Sdpt lirer&y is olso rako ds tnoCnpbic o, chi.oeraphic (hand<br />

wirt€n) infomadon which hd bcd captured or preswcd on pap.r or et@roniqlly<br />

usin8 ainen leguge syDbol systen (c 8. letles, chd@r6),<br />

In wies of lir@y dd d.afn6s, tn€ ..|i{€,acy" dimculics hav€ b.en<br />

chedenzed 6 bo$ o ace$ &d tmwtcdge i$8, leadinS !o probtems wilb<br />

'n$pEbr'o. (Psul, 2001). Paul bclieves dEr no$ d€atchit&€n pce.d b tow t.vel<br />

ffipl lire@y skills s |bey re orty exposed ro low t.vct mtcrial or low dm{ding<br />

irsnuctional &riviries. Ttc mjor r@D for djs row tevet $.ipr lit @y nlr.rial is<br />

$ar dE$ childr.n c.lmr eds or h&dte lng!€r lwel pid ln@y haLrirl. Thjs<br />

lo* levcl ol lite@y marqist og3s€s dE srudcnl3 in ls risobui moe ti!.El<br />

@ennvc &livitis and dG @r provide eptc opponuitB [o ihpbve lhen<br />

cocnidvc abiiiri4 d nelaoitv. sreut (p.ul & wag, 2oo5).<br />

C.ptlon LA.ncr<br />

Ii c,plion lire@y prin&d symbols e irmj.nt in Ed time ut6s pl@ed or<br />

Fepd€d capnons @ B€d. It hs a pd ompondr Eenblina teeuge Brl jr f.e<br />

ro lccc od tlrough the ait comuniotions. CaptioD literac, @ hclude vid.o boots<br />

or insl,nces whcre individuls @ rcading ! cdption.d boot or $ction ofthe boot our<br />


md. Captioftd liieEy .lso @rails th. E of vid@ @mporcni, which d.picrs rhe<br />

drion or visual sFcts of! 3ho* or pogn6 (Pan & wang, 2005).<br />

P.foM.. Litnct<br />

Pcrfoft&e liI€@y iacludes boih sript @d @pion lirddy. IDfonDtio! is<br />

prc@ted in thc oral or @Dv€&iional fom dd rb. se ot srcch; nowevcr, it @<br />

enlril the e of spe€ch ir sigtr sysiems od rhe sign l&8uage ukd by peeN with<br />

heding iDpaimenr Pedo|lM@ lit@y r.fes to f&e 10 f@c or @l tme<br />

intclacions lhal have ban o/ued bt $e elalronh n€dia (e.g,. ludiolapcs,<br />

vldeolaps! conpmr dhc, dd disirol vidm di* ). rr aho Gf6 ro rhe trtuslireraion of<br />

scnp he€cy m6teri.l such s sig.i.g books tor pcMN with h€&ine<br />

Lii.mcy .!d Ddfi.s<br />

Edldional. eciat. ed pbfssionsl dcrctopDdt ofe individu.t is bsd on<br />

l.ming rc Md ,rd Mirc, Thc cse is $. s. for the chitdEn wnh h@ins<br />

imFimenls, Rckech Fvcrh tlE( deifchildM pos t6s m.rasglftve skitrs dk<br />

!o c@fl insmrcdon l ptuti@s ed tow level Elding malcri.t alaitabtc ro lh.s<br />

chil.''en (srsiH, 1997). Ac@rding b Mascr .l,1. (r98) (N cned in<br />

McAslu.q 2006), "tl@ is a s|Ioae @fthrion b.rrq chtdr@ wirh @.udnory<br />

pr@essiDg disordB ed havilg esding &d wjling dimcdt6!. tl is, lh@forc,<br />

.4.sw! lo nol oDly eftetively prolidc sFah dd tmeuage iNr.@tioro, bul.ho<br />

povid€ e{Iective isirrcdon to iDpmv€ rheb lit€tuy. For thoe chil.ten who cs,l<br />

h€o, ftey 61press a larguge phon.ticdty. Itr.e chjldro ihen &e ths poblch<br />

of lihited vosbulary ed glame m4 il is €vo eoe difficdr fo, th.n b pedict o,<br />

intar th€ oe&in8s of words,<br />


Mey d€af childrcn do not bavc a @Nislenl patleh of leejn8 [o Ead sd<br />

wilc lilc hding chiklren. Tley may Gly on prinr 10 @@siqt lo qch o$q by<br />

uins .-naih, TTY3, dd olhd wins comuication bul it is resticled. Sone<br />

p@ple NuEe that def chil.lren led eading skilh like hsing Fople whc@<br />

sohe believe lhat dcaf i.divid@ls Ead by using qulillri!€ly dil1imr p@*s6. n<br />

could b. eid tnll dcafchildrm do nol pM63 EddinS skitls like the hding childm<br />

a Ih.y d not irvolved in @d. bnaline of th€ wds (eudt rrc lhe hqring<br />

childcr. Sone deaf iud€nls do caDot pl@s lhcm with hplifi@to. 6 th.y m<br />

wblc to he& ney speech sou&.<br />

hpondce of Edding abiliiy fo. the dcvelopned of tilq&y oong childEi<br />

wiln h*ing impaiftchr hss ben dieussed in difierent ways.<br />

Musslnd (2000) .tabonred th.t,<br />

L@ing b Ead ts criricat dcEtopn.nrat tasl dar hs pmtound ihpticarioa<br />

lor edurshoml. roqionat. dd scdt devetoDdenr. This l4st $ ero horc<br />

dimNl_Ior childcn who m sp€c,ficaly whm $.y hrvc togudge<br />

ociay I ionmne tacr! heeing, spokcn tsSuae. de\etops do*t) tud na)<br />

neve. pogrcs beyond ! ftioinrt lw€t. Dqf childen. theEfoc, have onti<br />

limned knoll.d8. otrhe ,poten tdguage !h!l prinr Epes.nh Ilbush rhe*<br /> children de\ctop tinte obrtr) of tundion l comunr€uon but fier<br />

p€nicip.tior in *iely b ddcEd moe dimcutty by rh.n |&k of well<br />

devclop€d sp.ech. (!. 9)<br />

Musdnd fur$q condude thar sflt no one tnows how a dcaf peson<br />

acqunca lirtuy md whclher rbBe processs @ sinild ,o trFng p.6 or nor.<br />

Acco.dins ro Paul {2001) n is not 6y ro undecrand dsfnes ed heEcy. som€-<br />

lircs |he childen eirh moddle to pofound h.rine los cm perfom bct|€r lhd ln.<br />

B'na dey h.d achi.ted in slorfod Achjevq€ T€$ (hcdns impaiEd veEion).<br />

Yel rct all of Od @ abL to Rld !r $c lu. s lh€ir D@na outapans cm.<br />

As a rcsllt th€y a alwys a isk sirh rcgdd lo cdrcadon.<br />


t Rok ofgisn Ltryut in lhotLit dc!<br />

A Ebrio.ship ofter *istr b.tvm siln l&guag. ad spok€n luuuge The<br />

sign ldgu.Se ir ons . @mbiMrio of rhoughi, langu.gc ud rhe v&idica ot siens<br />

th.l m u!.d by d@f Foplc, Tlc .xlDsw lo sigs tux rhdefore, hclp ihe childEn<br />

rith hsing iDpaimor lo inltuv. tn ir clding skiIs. M@rcs and Svets (N cit d<br />

in Padden & Rmey, l99E) slarcd thal dqf.dutls of dd.f pdcnls who weB sine<br />

ASL showed befier Rading comprch.nsion on Stantod Achi€reool Test s<br />

conpded lo tlose dc.f adlhs of dsf paEnB who w€,e using roral co@unicErion.<br /> is a reladotuhip bet\|m sisn I&8u8. md radioS dev.lopn€nr. Fns! deaf<br />

pdenls of deaf chil

Mjo' findinss in this E8rrd. King, Quidcy &d Paul (l9E) (6 cit€d i' PNl, 2001)<br />

M&y dsf srudcna do not Erd .s wll th€ir coutcrp.ns, who typical<br />

hding f.on higi $h@l lo gddution. Basicdly $e fhdina irdiotct thlt the<br />

ay.Fse 18 to 19 y6 of s3. studqts irh e.rc b Fofoud nedin8<br />

implimqt e Eading al a l.v.l equal *ith th. lec6ge 8 ro 9 yce old<br />

slldehrs wirb hesi.8 b.I l).<br />

Endo6i.g lhc findinSs of th. Eedch€s of All.n dd Trybs cl al,. Paul<br />

(2001) aponed thar m6l srcwrh Et of childm with h.sng impdmdt ms lo<br />

about 03 stade lelel p.r yed 6 conpacd to rcu8l y 1.0 Erzde level lor he{i.g<br />

sludcnrs. This sueaesrs $!1 the gro$d ral. level ofchilden wilh h€ding inpdmot<br />

h equal b dird lo founn gnd. lwcl. Hmeld od Bdb (2006) naled ihat:<br />

ChildBo wilh hcrins e uable ro achieve even . basic lelelof<br />

eadi.g dd whins even aner Nelve yds of inslruclion in schools in<br />

Palisle. Mey of rhe childr.n wirh h@ing inpaimol @ ev.n not capable<br />

ot@ding ald wiling llloe words *hich m ced in daily re|ni6. (p. l4)<br />

Tle abov. disusion concludca rhar €hildr€n who de hdilg impaired m<br />

geneElly l.s accuat dd slos€r thd h@ine bdividurls mtched on eilh€r<br />

chbmlogicd age or E dina alility.<br />

Tne occrenc€ of Eadins dimcuhi.s is @1 in qucnioq b . lber€ apFes !o<br />

debare or discu$ion on lhe t€@6 for fiese difiiculti.s s w€ll a on lhe nlm€r<br />

*hich to impnv. dE rsdi.s lcvels of sMcnls wi6 hsing inpdmmt<br />

(Mus*lme, 2000; Paul, l998i Schimd, 2000).<br /> olRerdhg PMN in D.4lchiut h<br />

Re.ding n lhe Pr6.s of Eticvilg dd @npEhcnding enc fom of sloEd<br />

ihfom{tion or ideas. Th€e id€s ar€ usudly sfte son of rcpr€snlalioD oa lmsuaee,<br />

as synbok ro be exmined by sighr or by to@h (fo. exmple Bnille). Olher lyps oi<br />

Eadins nay @t be ldgugc-bas€4 sBh s munc nohrion or piclogm or @ding<br />


is a vilushudirory llst lh't inrclB ohlinir! ntcsing fiun synbob (letw ad<br />

ChildEn with h{ing imprirnd do d fa.c simild lN in udinS &d<br />

*iring s iD qp.!siv. . r!..pd@ nod6. H..ring $d.nls tLtl $hooling Mlh<br />

@nplct ly d*lopcd onl rtills hd tl|c ce is dir@l for thc &af childFn- Th.t<br />

h!rc ro b. r.!d ir HdiDs rd witir8 slitk (M@F 19E7, P. 26E). Th. vrvs of<br />

dewloping Eading ud qit[8 imng childd wit hai4 imp.imol catmt b.<br />

scmr.liz.d a dh individud lcd by hir or IEr oM wy. Cotmdy h is obeP.d<br />

dur tlt y fee gr!3ld dificdtiB in d.v.loping sili.s lkilb thd @dilr ltilk<br />

All E!d.B tad lo switrs bct*rot fm tid Dcating. PB.l&lchildFn eno<br />

slso !ftcr listding . nory nMb.! of dn6 s pt rlnd lhll dEy cu @d il ln l&l<br />

dEy e nor tble to isd belB thcy f0il to d4odc wtds Otts h.simE ruy<br />

dccod. rhc fom of! ed i o $rft pnandiiS s th.y crn ud ir..llhough 0*v<br />

hk rbility io d.6

coerd pD@$ing of rqding rcf6 io modi!8 of pn d rponed by<br />

Musslme (2000). Bur this squenc. only involvcs the ploesins of leileB, words,<br />

and comecled discow ilms such s syn!.ctic sirucl@s md figudive ldguee<br />

{Paul,2003.)<br />

All sub pGeses invohed in .Lv.loping Fading re desribed belou<br />

Word Id.ntlfEotion<br />

Tht Effi \|ord ide ificatid, *od r.cognition, a\d decothg is f€gueftly<br />

wd inrerchegeably, The h.sings of Mrd idcttificalion coneh dE wod anacE<br />

analysis of Ue wo'd, or basldng tn. @dq (Oakhill &, 2000;, Pnul, 2003)<br />

Hdis dd Hodcer (1995\ in Th. NN Litta.T Di.tioBry &foe born wod<br />

lssnidm and vord idotilic.tio. s lh€ p@cs of dd.mining lhe pronmiaion<br />

od sn. dese ofnesins or 6 urtuM sld (pp. 282-283).<br />

For srds $.1@ Fn of. Fad.r'. v@bd.ry, ul@king iic Fonucislion<br />

onfl bads to $e *o.d s nqing- lf ! printcd *o.d is ml in . eadets ve.bulary.<br />

word-id.nifi@rion skills m, allow .@$ !o th. qords ponwialion but nol ils<br />

n@ing. Being lble to eiv. at thc pmnuciadon of a pd ed turd onstituies wotd<br />

idotindion &d h€lps dctcmirc iE ncsing. Fot rcld.E who e lhe $gE<br />

wirhoulrhe sFsh, il icdimcul lor th.n b Fo4.d b rhe mesinSs<br />

In order 10 conpEhend the cading skills of childrn with bcEing iDpaiment<br />

rhee is nced lo id€.ify $ei loowlcdge about vocabuley, word decoding,<br />

phonological aweeness, &d rcading ehPGhosioh, Vocablldy knowl.dgc is m<br />

ihponer componenl of radiog tbal might bc expeted to be a chollenge for deaf<br />

slud€nls. howledse of v@abul{y is lnoM a3 s iEporldt pFdictor of @din8<br />

compFhension mong childEn with dd wi0oul h€ding Thos slld€nts $tD sajns<br />

hisls @ding eoEs ele show high knowl.d8. of muhiple neeings ol Rords'<br />


paniculrly, wh.n thcy de conp@d lo lhosc sno h!Y. lov.r srs ir EadinS<br />

Csllinly tmM of mulriple b@ines of tuds is noF dimcdt thd sl€tiry singl.<br />

n@ins of lhe mc wod. Paul (2003) $aled thal deai sludents ddonsuarc low<br />

v@abulary leveh whcn compded to hcari.E countetlans,<br />

Keuy (196) foud in his sludy rhlr ded ead€B f&c |he difiicllry to<br />

c.piDli4 tully or U.i loowledge of v@bulary. KeUy firihc. dc$ribed that daf<br />

rcades conp€sai. for limiiations in syitd md vocabulsry by Glying more healily<br />

on rhe conceptual cding pMess, such 6 the appli€alion of wotld tnowledSe lt is<br />

rls know from re@h $a1 awsc d@f Eade6 re nor ctlici@t in bcsic dditg<br />

proccses sucb 6 thc rord ercodins dd word rmgirion {P 218) ftis susgcsls<br />

$.l $e working n.mory capeili€s of dcaf Gad.6 linit cncoding proceses ior<br />

Gauned (2000) dponed dsl ft. poo' @rd Gosnition is Espotuible ror<br />

morc gen€ralized compchension tailu.e at the enlence ed discou$e bvel<br />

M&$hrk er al. (2002) Eponed rhll the low level of vocabul{y ol de.f childrn oi<br />

p6Gnl *ith sd withou hqnng 3 compdd lo h€ring childa. of hqnne pmnls<br />

d lowr in v@.bulary l owLdgc (!p, l6l- 162).<br />

Mytelbst (s cit€d in M@es, 1998) rcported lhat lh. comp@son of r€ading<br />

vocab eis ofdeaf&d heding stud.n$ ofage 9,I l,13, dd 15 show.d lh. highcr<br />

$oEs v@ @hj.rcd by 9 yd old hwing anrdd $4 for $. 15 yd old dc.f<br />

$!de Paul (1996) descnM th€ levcl of voqbulsry dd rlditrs @nprehdsion or<br />

students wirh hding impriffit &d reponed low t€xlv@6bulsy md lor tedding<br />

&hiev.nd $oas oi th. M€tropolilan Tcn $t n by thc 13 10 2l v.s<br />

ofrge. Kelly ( | 96) srdl,td $al udl ddlEadd & E@mblc ldel of svnraclic<br />


conpetence, it h dilficut for thcm to tully c.Pihlirc on ihqr vcabuhry knowlcdSe<br />

(! 75).<br />

rfp @Clitior of Fi .d wods ce be ehided eith6 by @Stridon of<br />

*hote wds d d4oding oflhcn @npomt p!ru Phomlogidl dooding is thc bais<br />

of phonics appbrch for Eading ed i! b4ed on thc $6ds of individual leireB or<br />

le({ combi.alion. Childen wilh hding inplmcnl @omPlish lhis usl by usinB<br />

sign lsguag€. Mosl of lhe Foplc ssu. lh.t deaf re uable to oco

Bech ad Hris (19?) rcpottcd thal sading is dimcuft fot childen Mth<br />

sv.E 10 poloud hdirS los, A! abilrty to tslale Llte6 lo eurd<br />

helps the heding childrcn lo sNlin s intcet in rcading fot a long line bul fot thc<br />

prclincral d.afchrldFn witb h€ding impdmat lhis is owh moE dimcdl b@{s<br />

d.n pl@logicd kmwLdge is por ltd lh.y do tut havc ld.qudc b€sis fton which<br />

th€y cd dev€top. phonolosdity-b.$d out for Elding (!p 106'10?)<br />

Milhr (1997) sid lhat phohem. a{drcnss by audition tor deafchildren h nol<br />

Elual bul may rcfld bosledgc @rcehin8 lip nov.ncnls (P'll52). Psndi sd<br />

'IlE phonoloSical structw of.ladSilag€ provid6lh€ h6lo Nombin<br />

nmingle$ sodds into b6sio memilg relatcd synbols (wods dd<br />

morph€het. Tbe gmafic.l ltr@tffi (its synt x ed horphology) povid.s<br />

the mcms lo lmDbirc bsic dding Elaicd symbols b cRr€ Eal<br />

nesgcs. Boli syslens e rcquircd 10 pmvid€ thc tull tuge of polmtial<br />

hun6 m6e8F. lf phonologj/ i3 ! .uEr@ of spccch $unds in s sporcn<br /> tun ! tundr@tal lcrcl of loguge stu.t@ on to sfiich @dio8 is<br />

scarold thcn a child who leks photulogy fes d imcdiale ob$dl. in<br />

heine io rcad. (!.35)<br />

Bui somc iim€s lhis litrguislic d.licit als l€ads !o limiled developmenr of<br />

pho@ic awal@s, Mory @dins, lnd.le play rele in Eading failB (Millcr,<br />

! 97) Albenini (2000) Fported rhd srud.nls do mr e pho@logical ldinS ro<br />

d.velop Eading bul ir.s m outcone ofleamine lo R!d. According lo TEnsl€! el al.<br />

(2001) pho.ologic.l rcpr*nlalior of ev.rc to pofound deaf p.ople is p@r dd lcs3<br />

pri* $e th* of hding Foplc dd if they len i! il is only drc lo their dly<br />

cxposw ro cud 3pc4h (r. 62).<br />

vtrious studi.s condlcr€d on $c dbiliries ol shool childM with hqdn8<br />

impaim@i in Patistin, indides dEt th. lcreh of rclding ed qitine is fa bclow<br />

the leter of in i. hdiDg pes. For c'Mpl€, a snrdy @.dwt!d W tje $d Zt[t<br />

(l9q) snows tn.t O. childr@ wirh hceing inp6imat fail to dev.lop tlE $ilny ro<br />


dderstdd insfirdio! of&e Leher winen on lh. blek b@rd. rhey @ ale not<br />

abl. to Erd sinple adv.niwnrs and paDphl.G-<br />

h ba 8le b.en obsned thlt th. children wilh hmihg inpaim€nl have<br />

limir.d udcstdding aboul rh. corcepl! of sicne (Neir & t@, 2001). Possible<br />

EssoN for this low ebi€E@n1 My include lhe iEbility of tlE ldh.6 of rhe<br />

children wirh heaing inpaiment io comuicale elledively witn $ei! studenis<br />

(Afzll & N&, 1998), Asehd &d Norcn (199?) Epon.d lhll rhee is sisnithl<br />

dilTeEnce in the ldguge sbilili.s of childEn wirh h@ing impaimcnl spaincalty in<br />

n.tins lhe scntences. Ali dd Mahnood (2002) concludcd thar only l0% ofiudeits<br />

Mth heriis impaidc l|e abl. to wne 0E nme of .Quid-c Azh in U.du.<br />

Ihiny p€'qr lltr lble ro MiI€ ..8s.&d 26yd re able 10 qirc ..TEin,, in Urdr<br />

ed only 4% were able b sire ..R€clangle or Chokor€' in U.du, Riu md Asghar<br />

(2001 ) indi€r.d lh.r rhc Dsjo.iry or€hitdFn *irb hdins iDpaimd w€,c unable ro<br />

expe$ lheir tlrinlirg in will.n fon. sala& Gr d. (1997) shos rhal Oc stencc,<br />

malc by rhe chil.lren wirh he&ine inpaifre.l @ rha rhe s eics @de by<br />

Bashn and Allm (1998) @rcldcd $ar lhe of the chitr',€n wirh<br />

h€din8 inpaime in Science, S@ial Studies, md Malh e sigDificstly lo*er lha.<br />

then nedine coulerpans. N&t ed ttu (2001) @nctud.d rh.l rh€ chitdsn wid<br />

hedinS inpdmflt we* @nepls in ejcnce $ conpa,€d ro h.ding chitden of<br />

the we age Ashad ed Yaef (2000) idatify sp€(b sd l&gusg€ develophenr<br />

prcbl.hs mong childcn wirh hqing imroimnl due lo rhei. htuing toss. Als<br />

and KlElid (2000) r.IDrt d r€ading poblem mong wiih hwine<br />

ihpajment at primy lev€I. Ali ed M€hn@d (2002) coopacd lhe rcading dd<br />

qiring achi.M€nts of d@ing inpriEd wid thc hdiag F6 &d onctud€d thd<br />


th€ achi€ of$. h@ir8 3tudc.E h highd by 3l points a @mparcd 10 lhe<br />

perfo@ ol snrd.nls viir lEeira iDpaimcnr or c{.ling esrs. 'ftis diffeEDe<br />

remains onsistcnl on 25rt, 506, &d 75d pecnils.<br />

Simil& findin$ @ Gpon d on thc l6t oa MilinS in which rh. diffeM.e i.<br />

M s.@ eE 37 poirts. Ih. Bulrs o8!in indicde $rl dilfccnce i! @l ed ld<br />

g@l€r th6lhc dilleen@ reponed in otha stldi€s. The pe@nrag€ of studen$ who<br />

Fsd rb€ lesls is rery low s conpaed ro d€ h@i!g nuddrl. Ir indicat s th.loe<br />

Mitine ability of rbe $udenri wilh h.{ire inp.iment<br />

Hmced ed Buo (2006) coiducled . srldy in which diffemr helhods of<br />

cttling ed witing lN@ applicd lo sc rhet comperive ef@rivoess in leebing<br />

Gadiog ad Miling lo rludmc with h.ding ialdrent Borh bpdoM tuid bonon-<br />

np approdhds w@ ued. The rsultr iDdiqrcd a sienificdt inprovment in r€ading<br />

Dui!8 rh€ srrdy m rcdizd lhal ingad of@npEhodins lbe wod<br />

neaning. lhe picbnal ihage ofcach word (a conbinalion ofde .lphabets al$<br />

produces a pictorial itusc) *{s mdoriz.d by th. inld€nb wilh h.dng inpajment,<br />

Il alpqEd $d de i@g. of lhc mrd pDbabty w mt ssialed wnh iG n@in&<br />

panicul&ly in ce of$ose words lhlt rcquired aclion, For ex@pte ih€ conepl of<br />

'.mitrg" Day oultl nor be codpEhodcd sire ir could nor be di@{y seiai.d<br />

with & obj*t. Howevr, this concepr cm 6ily b. rauehl bt showinS . vidtu of<br />

Hmcd ed Bm (2006) devclop.d s foo pojnr qiicria for lhe *ledon<br />

/devclopne of avid.o clip.<br />

I The dipping! should be 6Lcn tom films or ptlys. whichffi rcr) populrr<br />

ed N b!s.d on local.ulrm<br />

2. SitulioN shoutd be sinptc dd rast oricnr€d.

I fte clppin$ sbould nor bc nuln-6t€d lo avoid<br />

Ceo@lioD bY rh. sllrddls.<br />

4. ft. siturios in rh. clippi.g husl gd@& cNotity<br />

Hd€ed md Bmo (2006) aho elabont.d in dergil thc Prce$ or BinS !id6<br />

clippiog lor l@hiD8 of @ding md wiing.<br />

The Islls of thc stldy slDwd lh$ fie II@ erc of pr.&sl ot l0 siud.nB<br />

with h@ing 6 19.71 wi$ ! sbrdld deviation of 13.43. which w<br />

.xrFDely loB. But aier on€ nooth's t achiry the posl icsl D€s ss 55.36 with a<br />

sr$dEd dsiarion of 16.33. It claly indielH tbll studc.rl d *nen effcctive<br />

r.!chi.g nethods tuch a video clipping wa u!.d.<br />

Appto.ciB to lt€v.lop Re.dilg<br />

R@dir8 involvcs disoverioS he&ins fion p.inl.d tyhbols. The lil.rdfur<br />

dDs rhar ditrerc prefsionals u$d d,frffil!rpt@h6 lo develop rcldins<br />

morg child@ with h*ing impaim.nt. Th. Dosl populd @ d*tibed bclow,<br />

Bottatuap Mo.ldt<br />

A bottom-up pding nodcl edphaid the p.@$ of deliv{ng lcxl fiom<br />

p.n-b-*lDle. At th. inilid slagc il do€s tut fet$ on dE inll*ne of0E ud./s<br />

world knowledg., contextual infomatioq md olbF highcForder p@.$iig<br />

siratcgi6 (Dehadi, l99l; Moors, 196)<br />

Acsrdirg ro erc pnfdionrls, Eldirs plGss stlns *irh the |@lnnbn<br />

and decoding of l.ticn. l€tter clusl€6. 6d qods, .nd proc*ds up 10 *ntcnccs,<br />

p&agEph @npreh.nsion, ed nndlly undeshdin8 of $e complete texl ln ihis<br />

pr@s, liFt the Fadq sr the l€tter, poro@Es il &d lh.n dcv€loF dE noing<br />

ollF wod. Th. main dimculry thc Gadd fe in rhi! no

foP&M MoIu<br />

According to this mod€l Fading b€siB qith th. info@tion th.l is i. lne<br />

edels head nor wirh whal is on the prinred page. Dte poces ol the reading<br />

dquisnion in rhis nodel is sinile io lo8uagc scquisnion. Ilis nodcl poposs rhal<br />

th. Eading poc.$ bcSis in the mind of th€ rcader who ht? abod the<br />

neming otthe print ro be ead. ReadinS is dnven by ntuing, ed pM4ds froi<br />

wholc 1o p.n. This nodcl is d$ krom 6 i6id€4u! @n@d &ivd modcl.<br />

htt NatiE Mod.l<br />

This apprcach of sdirg is b6cd on peeeptual dd cogilive pbces of th€<br />

qdq in which he or she es Pl€vioB cxFimc ald rh. codiig ol *ords in lhe rcxr<br />

Wdlilg Stili ..d Ciildrcn witn He..i.8 lnp.iment<br />

Wriling skill h.lp3 rhc std€nls to g€l rhe opponuites ro dploc rhen bpict<br />

thol se inpond lo rhem md to develop a voice for exprcssing lbei id.s. feelings,<br />

dd poinli of vis. 'Itrcud Mning siudori ale develop rhcir hiShcr o.dq lhinliig<br />

ed cnlic.l lire@y skilh to $lve preblds and 1o @Mlidale rhsn Lming in r1l<br />

subjects Al each slage of Mid.S sludcnts need help. suppon, dd tmely leed back ro<br />

beonc & independat qitcr- Th.r. 4 l:my deff.iriotu ol Bidng ed em€ of<br />

Wtiting, morc pani.ulely, refe6lo 1wo ffiting d . nou, dre dring<br />

$al is Bino: lrd witing 6 rhc !cit, d€signale! ih. rcdviry of qidng. Il<br />

dfd lo th. ir$riplion ofcboEcl6 on a n di@, $crcby fofrin8 words, md<br />

la.8q uits of ldg@g€, hom s cxts, tu al$ rcf.u ro th€ csrion of n6ing<br />

ed thc infomrio. th@by. h tlBl Fgdd. linguisrics ied clared sciencet<br />

dhlingunhes bctwcen lhe Millen l$Cuage ed $e spoken lanSuae€ Tbe<br />

sisnificmce of thc nedium b)' which neeihS and infomadon is conveyen is<br />

indiqled q ihe dbtinction dEl is in rne {ns ed $ienes; for exdpte. in<br />

spe.h. or sFariis: public spcaling is a disrinclly diffemt a.liviry. 6 ir p@ry<br />

rcadins tlr fom.r is govem€d by rhe rulcs of duoric. whil. rhc laner by<br />

podica. (WikiF€dia)

Schimr (2000) dcfincd widng a thc i|!!p of Scning om'! id.8 on PtFr.<br />

Th. Minisrry of EdM$oi ii (2004) dcfin.d Mititrs !s ! ntu of l.mine, a<br />

wsy oflhinliry on p!p.r. h i! rle d*rib.d th.l tlaoud wiliig stM.tE e $ilt r<br />

,nd Evie tbci! id€ dxl * .xpB thcir Frpois.<br />

O6vcs (19E5) tool wilins B r DcdiM by *hich Foplc ct)muiele with<br />

rhcrelv6 .rd *h orhcu r| ditr.Mr plrc.r &d 1im. Hull ( l9E9) dsdb.d Ei!n8<br />

A @ndn@u growing F!c.$ th.l om mul d.r.lop Bqe firdcnts<br />

d*Glop widns h dificHt wys ed wiriiS cmot bc m46.d in nd ed<br />

otddly sLp6. ThFc h.itr p!@ss.s - plming, tdBnbins &d E{ains -<br />

conpri!. dE wholc tisr ofEiing. B@E OGrcemlnydiflcra wlys<br />

to b€om. ogllitivcly &dil.d $t!iL witiiS, a.h individutt mu$ n nd dl<br />

rhc p!@!s in ordd ro h. a!1. to grow a . Mitd,<br />

M6hel cr .1. (2002) 3Lcd rhlt ir k difrcult ro $y our rlF witinS .!iliti6<br />

of &dchildEi oB 6diis .bilid6 e bctlcr. 'nE probl.rls f,..d by childts<br />

i. mscrina Mitt n English oE hoE fomi&blc lha llFe !r.y €@ut r in<br />

dcvclopirr qdinr stills. f.w nudi6 h.v. b.6 cdd*{cd sith EfcEnc. lo {itins<br />

&ilni* of d@f childra a cmplnd ro rhcir Fr.lins abilit.s. Mos of thc nodi6<br />

hrv. b.a codBrcd on rhe p|ocB ofwiting.dopEd for th. ddfchildrd. Usu.lly<br />

th. FLtio!5hip b.t}q dF "bpul" (Frding) dotuiB is gtrlally in pa.ll.l b<br />

p. otue ii fic'burpd {wirin8) dodir, bur it ir much mE @mpl.x is3@.<br />

Alb.nini md Sh.|)m (1996) Epon d lhd d.d r3pond.nF h!rc les<br />

Fmml or cxprcsiv. wiring rho lhcir h.rin8 F.6. Daf nuhnu !s!.lly m!r.<br />

shorcr ad les 3iist@ srcGs rhd h{itrg p€R. ln conttsling conpl.L<br />

sr.N. d..t w flstr nou'r, .dv6t3, &d conjudio$ bul sh batd in thc<br />

spplic.lion ofpmuciation.nd 3P.Uing. U3utlly rcrds E€ ohincd ltd thc noin$<br />

of $n.F.s d. l€s codpl.x rnd e tul a intcrcoD6Ld s conped to ncding<br />


M@Fs (1987, 1996, 2001) h3 &snb.d lLe fndines ot $m stud'.s<br />

cordwrcd wilh efel@e ro witing ekilb of childEn rith d.ahc$. ed<br />

H.idq ( 1940) eallzed the €omposilions Mine. by deaf sMenls ag.d I I lo l7 ed<br />

by heering sru.l€nrs aged 8 to 14 ro &ldibe a shon moiion pictr. R*ulis refl€cled<br />

rhar rh. &rf slud€nts v€E rchriwly d8id, imlhlr, ed simpL witlln penlm.<br />

Wdcr (1995) noled a lack of nqibility aid & ltJs@ of st @.onPlcxity in fi.<br />

qitt n enreme @nsli&tior of l02.hildlF b.l*q lle ag.s of 6 a.d 12 al. sh@l<br />

for thc dcal in Australia !n a ilveltirrtion of U. winfl l&guee of 800 nu&nl!,<br />

Thonpsn (1916) rcponed e avqag. of 104 mist,Ls ps 1.000 wods. Thiny yea<br />

latcr, in a study enploying simila t cbrjqEl' Birch ad Sr@kle$ (1963) @poned a<br />

toid of 5.044 sMradcd md ton . corpu of 50.050 wo.ds, or slig)'ily morc<br />

ths 100 €@6 F<br />

1,000 wds by O. childru wifi haing inpaimdr MyklcbBr<br />

(1964) deElop.d a sy ax sc ro n6r win n ldsDsc $i.n hc @mFFd $e<br /> lrxl he&ing chitlrd b€twD rh€ .gcs of ? ed l5 ad fodd $ar $c bc&inB<br />

childEn w.r€ significmtly b.n.r thu the dcal Wells 0942) compd.d lbe<br />

cohpchension of childro with od *ilhout hedine to identiry ditfeFnce in gos'th<br />

of abtlrrcl .nd @ncrt fo@ in enl.nas, He foud lhe dqf.qul to h.ring<br />

childrln h rn w.nd urd.Etaoding of @M!te rcds bul fou ro nve ys behi.d<br />

MBdno ad salo (1998) foud rhar d€al rnd hdd of hcrins<br />

adolcetrl's $orcs E e considchbly lowd for the B of gttlMd for rhc rh.matic<br />

malwily sublesl on th. TOWL.2. Anti6 ed KJdn€yd (2005) in thcir sludy<br />

suggol.d 6d an@tion should bc !6id to thc wiiilg ability ed insttuclion in nmy<br />

public $h@ls for th* childtn who d hdiry inpaird (p, 244). H&en .t<br />


al.(1994) sbred $at sudly ir is 6sbcd tha d.d childlcn wiU havc no sp€cial<br />

difrcully in ud€nlmding wino English, ol $ th€y havc r isurl prcblm.<br />

Pm.6r otwrilht<br />

The basic compon€nB of rhe qiting e w.ll knoM, bu cach *irr<br />

is uiqrc rnd &rclops d individn l witug F@s. In thc lic6tw, $c pu*s of<br />

qiting h6 b€en d.scrib.d in the followinS way.<br />

Pwititg<br />

Prewjling is lh€ 84lin8-rady ro mirc $ag.. ,{t pR$iring alagc the srudenh<br />

choe lopic. Ca0E &d orgeie rh€ id6, idqdry In. ro whoh they have<br />

to mite 6 weu a to idenriii lbe plrpose of qiting activiry<br />

Ihtlt-E<br />

The thaiing skAe h the lim. ro put out id€s. witl tilrle concem lbout<br />

spelli.& puctu.tion ed odd mehmical mB. This sr.g. inyotvcs rwo 9cp3r<br />

wnilg a dien ed wiring lcad!. To gEb the an€nlion of ihc dudiqcc by wjtng is<br />

the f@us ofde wn6 al |his srree bur rhd mjor coftm is on tu €orcnt 6th€r tho<br />

Seiting<br />

Wne6 claify !d Gfii. id6 in th€n @nposiiion duins r\e Evisins sh8..<br />

Tlis sl.p includ.s Ei€odi.g and Fwiring. Rcvking may inctude t. dj€sding a<br />

*od, rhirlins lbout evedl orh6 choics, uing s dictionsy. or il @ld b€ 1hc rc-<br />

r€ad'ng of a phnse or sentence ed rhen trying out sevedl srrudB or il @ m€an<br />

eoiig bal b dlid porEgBph F@din8 ir ard movins n $v@l pag6 .lEad. Itis<br />

stage may also ihcllde shding rhe words wilh Miring grcup md lben |o malc rhe<br />

chongcs in tlEir cmposarios to aod rh. @.1ioN md comsts of borh te4hcr<br />


md the clasnales. Belwsn th€ fits1 md final dnfi the srudenl n.y mate subsranlilc<br />

Edititrg<br />

'nrk h th€ stege ofpuning ltte pi*e ofkiing i o ns fitul lom. Ar rhis stag.<br />

lh€ witeB improve cldity, accurct, rnd pEsllrio of $en n ss.Ce by ored.g<br />

spellinS, punctulion, or grama. nEy stDgglc b Educc or etiminare dhreio.s<br />

cawd by cbB ed i4oosislmis. Bsically lhe sM€nls prco&cad then<br />

@mposirions .rd try lo potsh lhei. Minngs for then F!&F.<br />

PuUbhilts<br />

In lhis final sr!8e of Mirirs pdcss lh. siles .pudnh" deir wilins fld<br />

sha ir unh e appbpn.r. sudi€nc.. h is nol n*sey tor a sning !o b.<br />

publirn d. Bur usully the opponuily to publish providcs yo6gsr.s with the sn$<br />

tlEr thcy a wiring ror a rcal ludiocc (c6v*, r9E5; saskarchcw Educarior,<br />

1997: ToDpkins, 2000; Schimd,2000i O lio Ed@tioo Repon,2004r Swling,<br />

2006).<br />

Mod.& ofwrittng<br />

A mit'ng nodel is e d@plc of qudjly wiiing sert as u qdptd for<br />

leaching ed le@irg aboul wiiing. A@rding ro Hay6 ud Flow* (1981) thse de<br />

tn@ mir .M of the xibls dotujn rh.t rcl.|. to th. MirinS pres. ost<br />

envtromelt h ever,lhing beyond $e Mil€r ihat inflEnces the kiting lsk. The<br />

*iling asi8M€nl - ropic, .udifte, th. wilcis norivadoq od th€ eiistcoce of<br />

pon'ons ot cxl @ cxMpl€s of llsk mvjt!)man. The s@nd etmcnr is lh. wir€,\<br />

long"tem nemoiy. lssues such s the qirq's knowl€dgc (dbour a vdiely oflopict<br />

ad qiting plos e s:roEd ir lo.g rcm ncmory. TIE rhird ir.n is $c wili.g<br />


pMe$. Hayes ad Flower also delind lh€ tu.c gen.6l phdB of witing op.6tion<br />

in rhis hod.l. !t includ€s: pl@ing, Feldjng ed Eviding.<br />

naMita<br />

Plming hes the sub.goal scnin& gen€ratiDg, &d orgmizing ideas. The<br />

fuction of dr 8.ne61ing sub,op.nlioD k lo rcuiev. infofration Aom ton8rm<br />

hdory that is nosr Flcvel ro lhe tririrg 1ssl, Thc ndory is i6r prcb.d wirh<br />

'nlboarion<br />

abour thc topic &d aldioce. E5ch Elrieved icd be@mes a oew<br />

henory pobe. Assciaied itens e rctdwed flob ncmory ioge$e., This pr@ess h<br />

bbko once a ircn b rcti*e

R.tlditS<br />

Rsviewirg includes th€ sub op6atio6 of reading ed ediring. Th€p sub-<br />

pr@esses i€fl.c1$e wnels €xuinalioo ofmy material witt€n wi$ lhc soalof<br />

corecting ey$ing thal *ould pevenl $e lexr from heelirg the $rabtished goah. tr<br />

includcs cor€cring 8idDglical .mn, albring U. conrem, dd impnving rhc<br />

Flo*cB dd Hay6 (1981) ale neniioned conslr.inls ihll M eslrict |he<br />

MlrnS p|@s. sonc of des consrlinrs d *l by the qiter, whees, o$e6 G<br />

impoed by exisring subsKtios oft€xl. Sonc tiDe lhese @nstrai s ctu be uefut s<br />

lhey cd @se the wner b $lricr hivh€r $&ch of rheir n jory vnen gencmung<br />

lext. TbF consEaiors cm atso help ro iDprove one's f@us on the rsk, Howcver,<br />

con$raints co inpoe co9iliv. d€Deds ad lhe wnsr should an nd b a| thc<br />

Tirft coroli.itr in this modcl (1981) mtined by Flows ed Hay6 e<br />

rmwhds€, which c& ale be a lH@e ed b@n6 a @Nrdfl who n ,s .ol<br />

suil€d lo the rFcific wilins lastr UnoBeizcd lhough$ and F@plions have ro b€<br />

tmformed into r€lared lnowledge. Exp6siDg knowtedg€ s &ohd consrad tn,l<br />

iB io r€xl fom bsed on 8ram.tic.t md synbclical rul€s of Midng. This @a js<br />

refeBd b 6 Minen Ir addreses lhc diffculies in meprlbly exprcssinS<br />

thougha in Mnin& giyen rhe impeision of spokm ltugusg., In the tdr rbe Eiler is<br />

con$aimd by lh€ prpo* of thc l€xr sd $. inradcd audience (Hay$ & Flower,<br />

l98l i Appl€be, 2000; Nsir el al., 200 | ).<br />

Eleroli. M.dt .trd Dqt Liten.,<br />

Literacy stills hlv€ been a Daio fe6 of $e edu@rors of childrEn sit6<br />

h6ing impaimenl lbrdecdds. lr is kroMthat$ereslJictcd abitily of rbedeatro a<br />


pok n Dd is $,bat srans long sotrding.nd ehdin6 dinonios dcbote ov..lhe<br />

b6t m€lhod for dev€lopiDg liEey mong daf childrn. In spire ofditrercnl kaching<br />

dethods applied wi$ dsf stude.B. $ei! lneracy sldlh de stiu laeginS behiid s<br />

cohp.rcd ro heuing comrcryan!. This low ldcl of |n€tut 6etcs problcms for<br />

childEn in the class@n To iDptuvc rhee skills dong childrq with hding<br />

impaim€nl mdy slrategi* ha!€ been adopled includi.g $e us of nuhinedh<br />

Elaconic tehmlo$/ is defined in th€ Clinger-Cjbo Acr of 1996 (6 ciled in<br />

tuy equipnmt o. anccom.clqd sy9cm or subsysl€D of.qnipDot rlt is<br />

Nd in the aulomlic lcquisition, srorage, msipuladon, neageD.nt,<br />

novmcn! ontol, dbpld, silchiag, int rhdgq trulDi$ion or lwplion<br />

of &la or iiJomarion. The objerive of d€ el*honic rchmloSy dod not<br />

nu lo providc fl allcmlive of o lscher ot clasrum but thc focus is lo<br />

ioke lhe pl&e of word ..nodin8,. mosdy rbe ttcaf od hard of h.dn8 e<br />

gefting noy This teclmtogy is d equdid of &ce$ ro cd!6don, fo. s long<br />

s one hd @6s, age, sender, or scioeonohic. geog,aphic, oi<br />

populalion-dcnsiiy dnuDstaB will not hindcG ore @e$ to infomlrjon_<br />

dd rhls lo *nowledgc. (pp.It0-t| )<br />

Lir. other n dia rhe q ol cle[onic lftb@to$/ hls .l$ bc@m€ v.ry<br />

popul& in lhc life ofcbildc! wnh h€oing impaifte.!. They de using compulels for<br />

typin! sldlls, od fi€ mobite pho@, incm€! for the & of den sial<br />

Spsillcally lh. ue ot caplionins h6 ols b..n found very eff€clivs in<br />

developine liteey sldlls oong chitdro wnh h@jn8 impaimcnr. Necy (2005)<br />

d*rib€n thc lit@y of d@f s:<br />

For alloeethe! loo lo!& msreiing in its bdic fom @ding dd<br />

wiling h6 bcm a rnst frut"ringly elsiv€ 10 dafpoople. Ile inabiily b<br />

n@ lncrcoM*rs tlr dqf rcl only ton fie srDkcn word bur atso fton rhe<br />

aual infomation which mi.$rcms ed supplies culrud lileracy. the<br />

brckgroud 'nelwork of iDlo@tion' a8ditrl which comp€knl reade.shiD<br />

cc6. 'n'is ruid infomarion mdnslEm rcf.6 rhal is eauicd lhbucn<br />

\ouds In rfie en\normenr such 6 kle\isron. pcopte ulLine;d 6dro. Iie<br />


dqf th.Eforc e a a double lo$ h achieving lit rdy, Mblc to intemlliu<br />

by soud g!rt!l)M, sF&r md v@{bulary, ed off€n a lack of ba.kgo!<br />

knowledg. neesary 10 pDvide conrexr for lhcn (t. 13)<br />

Erposw b elctronic ne

vcmon &d AndE*s (1990) ifher eldboand that lhe edNalion syslen not<br />

have sumcidr ac@$ lo languge<br />

nudenls fc inadeq@le lileEcy<br />

ompasble to $ei h@inc peers on standddiad resls.<br />

dd culture of thc deaf, Cor!.quenlly 1b.p<br />

skills ad sFcifielly they emor perfom<br />

Ton ad xecn (t92) hlve noriorcd thc lowd lile@y skills of stude j<br />

wilh heaing impsineni, They rtso elabohle O€ diJlcmt appoaches to develop<br />

lilgoy uong hesirg inpairql md sed 1hc cMtive lisurl neds lo te@h<br />

reading md hiting (P.4)<br />

Hdsen, i1994) hd given lhe followins possiblc solutions ro overcome rbe<br />

poor lil€Ecy ofsludents Mth hceing inpdmdt:<br />

l) Srcb .ducational rools 6al utiliz. ddf sMcnts conFrcncies in sign<br />

l&gug. ul mJ hetp !o bdld LnCNh sk h shoutd Dc us€d. lr Adl@4<br />

In InreEdr\e \rdco and @mpurd kchnotoges rhar pmvid4 ncw<br />

po$rDnruec lor l€ehrng and ttuinE, l) Brt,ngual-bicutrurl app@chcs<br />

|nl| may altos of ntu kchriqus ro enhoce idguas<<br />

Eraltd rhrnring(lp,24 r,2421.<br />

Los, Dowdib, a ArdcMD (t9j) atd fie inlmiry of 56 deaf coucgc<br />

$ddrs 'n @ouls of E39 "qiri€t ircidcnb" . d.sib.d 0E .trariv€ ad<br />

incfie.iilc lschine TlE* E*dheE idendfi€d ll cFarirc &&hi!8 ch@creri$jcs<br />

rd rcponcd $ar NinS sign l{gug. @ ihc mosr €fiqrivc r@hing shlegy. In<br />

Ihet study rhey .le found th.r visud aids wE moe effddvc sh€n the, i,votved<br />

dE $udats in lmirg octiviris.<br />

NugoI (1983) higl ighled thc inponq@ of vido clipping h ilre l@ing of<br />

h6'ne inpai4d srudois. Tnis study conred ihe efectivd€s of visurls dd<br />

oprions in developins decodins capabihies of hwing srudcnr,. tn rhis siudy Nugcnl<br />

aho st led lhar captionirg ad filh p,csenralioE h6v€ beoDe a annon<br />

instuctioml pocedue in d6igning dd ad.pring hedia ndenals ror dea{ viewcu.<br />


By @Dpeine vdioB insr.udioDal srateeica bed on vhul, captions. lisual and<br />

captions, th. study concluded rhar a combiulion ofvhul dd caprioro in iNtrr4tion<br />

wa lh€ no$ ellectivc for t6hing resding to md h.dine s cohpsEd to o$q<br />

lrTe! o{ iNltuctions. Howevei, 0r. compadson betrer vis@l bssed insrNctions dd<br />

visul + €plion d bascd iNlrucrios indicaEd lh.r the deaf sludenrs b.ncfited rbe<br />

mosl(!.231).<br />

A N*Ietlcr by NCIP Prelll. 5 (SFing, 1995) bighliehr.d de iDponde of<br />

uinS re.hnology swh s video, vido cup3, TV. elc ro hake rhc stud.nts wirh<br />

disobilnies e indeFndmr F5d€r md Mjter. SFcitic.lly, tn u* otvido clips hs<br />

ben d€$.iH a a loolfor t@hing rcading compEheNion ro studds with hding<br />

Reynol& & D.Roch€ (2001) d6cdb€d tn€ ihponece of l

conpomt. Thc sysren ot erMiMlon Iu on slshizcd ch€adn8 wilh ! luu<br />

inlolvencnt of tcrchd, adninistmlos, ed th. tauelt (&d snelin. the pdcnls 6<br />

sdl). nE educadon fails ro crdle lunctioml lil@y iftespecrive or eEd. l€vel.<br />

ThG s@ms a conpld. agrcm€nt thar dcaf studcnk c@d dcvelop coeriliv.<br />

aDilities @dpdblc to h.siDg p.e6 wilour lir.@y slille. HqiDg $ud@t e abl.<br />

lo a@s.lllyp. of infomdoi in ordd to.tevelop th@ bsic fom of lil@y.<br />

They d$ d€velop mera-cogritif lleunine how to le4n) Nd m ability to trMlatc<br />

lhh irlom.tion inro d* witl.n ldguge. Thcir winen or spoken expc$ions in<br />

cpbd@ing and inrrpEritrg infomiio! natc lhen Ut Ele in thowh. Dc G of<br />

infortrr,tio! Fcluology iFcificdly 0!c e of mobilc h h.sin8 npaired ctrildrcn<br />

ha helped a lor to develop lheb lite@y skilh. A study conduckd by Hdeed (200?)<br />

ev.als $ar LC T. (lnfomatio. dd Conpuler Techlotosy) is .qually popul& monS<br />

lh. dert in Pdkist$ allhough cuicutm is .or vcry supponjv.. H€ funlF eid thal<br />

lcl protid.s d cllclivc nod. of onhuisri@ wilh h€eing inpaiEd popularion<br />

G.41\).<br />

SuDD.ry<br />

Sum@i2in8 th. abov€ norion.d di*usios il E d8u.d thar eciay plays<br />

viLl Dlc in thc dcveloprenl of t""g!,lgc ofctrildra. ctud @DpEhosion abour<br />

ecieiy ed culrue helps lne childen witb a heainS impaimdl b uddidrd<br />

educslion Dd hs nolilatins faros. the child wilh heei.g iDpaim€d, howev.r,<br />

c&nor b€ne6t bc@ue of linil€d inre@tion witn rhe siery, In ln€ Dsfconmmiry<br />

tlt p.ople @ bend ofs rhey ce ohmui€re, sh@ 0rir.xFrienc6, &d<br />

sializ. lhrclgh sicl language. 'nE rviw of rhe lhdi6 ed diff@ hisloricll<br />

peBpectives aboui rhe l&gDgc dev€topnqr hjstrligbr rhar childrcD wiUr h$i.8<br />

inpai@en develop phonolo8ical skills lits the hding bu in hame6.<br />


'nEy d*lop lhen i! jgs nA6 totr in eunds. In l€alllilg gibn licrt skilb dEy<br />

e not likc lncir hdirg @uLrpons ald gdnlly hg b.hind ihon.<br />

Rffih crql! rhrt oEn @.[ng..d qitirg abil i* hg b.nind thd their<br />

hceinS pe.u. Usually rhei.lwh6 E snoL lo ps4 psn b slblc or jnt€rlcrivc<br />

appo*16 lo derclop Eldin8 ald hirin& Th. wi4 ofditrcrc hod.ts ofaading<br />

ed wiling h.lp c&h6 ro urd.brod td.hi.g Equihcnr. Th. inp6cr of th*<br />

hodcls @ r*hitre is nill lo b. tu i, Patind. It€F is r diF i.!d lo Bisn 6e<br />

pEti@ ofrcehirg ld8ug. ro 0|c d..fin scndrtty o. ro led noE A<br />

nd lie of B0rch in lbjs rgld should b. inili.tcd ro cxFilMr &d e.tida&<br />

r*hing mrllodr for rh.i. cfferi!ffi,<br />


Chapter III<br />


Tl'e najor plrpose ol this sludy ws to devclop a rst dd 6se$ rh. eading<br />

&d Milirs abilities of the childEn wirh h@ing impaimot in pakish in order b<br />

find eflectile ways to inpove lh.n. Th6 w6 a n€ed oi rh. tine b 6sess dd<br />

inpbve abifties b€cau* chitden wirb hd&ine inp6,m€nt<br />

th€n in den lundional lif.. Tt. oths pu4Des of the snrdy wec lo e$ablish a<br />

b.eline F.foDmce, ad @ndud d expqimen to €vstut the of<br />

vid@ clipping in t &hir8 Eadjng ..d widng skins ro chil{tr.r wjth heding<br />

'npaim. Th. d.r.ibd d.siprjoo of.och phe b c unde..<br />

Pt eI: D.wtop@ o!h. Ardt R.rdtng.n t ty.U,s T6l<br />

T.$s e d.vclop€d ed qd |o pmvide fddbact on whar fic l@hc6 h.s<br />

taughr dd a l€dq hs t.or T.sdng ats prcvidc a 6tu lo .valuE &c prodwl<br />

d wll 6 thc pl@$ of $h@line. Thc Mch for d.vetoping e objedy€ ord<br />

ngorou p@edue of crElurion h6 conlribuFd !o the novocnl ro, sr.nd.rdi2cd<br />

lesii.8. DifIeE &srs m dd€toD.d io m6fts diffeEm arnbdB &d abiriries of<br />

childrs wil]! spaial ne.Ls in lh. field of spejal educarion_ In ihe @a of hding<br />

mpa,me nmy res|l peE developcd in ditIeenr tnc psiodj lo nedE |he<br />

cbildren s h€racy ad &ad@ic skitts, TIE lir.@i@ dcsribd a !&i€iy of relt-<br />

knoM tsts for neeuilg eding dd qiting .bihjes of childRo with h@ins<br />

mpa'ment Hmeed (1988) repon€d $d tEdilioml tesrins w6 Nd 6 a powertul<br />

procdlue tdr placing childrcn i! appDprialc cls*s and to evalute my prognm<br />

efecivencss. AlrhouSh rhe t sls of reading ed widhs de sepdalely d€v€loped yct<br />

lheG d€ nmbcr ofexanpl€s wher€ borh abililies e joinlty 6sssd.<br />


A lisl ol tesls in which !.adilg ed wning qbihics ol chitdrcn witb hceing<br />

'npaim.nt @ a*sed n given wi$ a briefinftodrction<br />

T€rr! of R.odirg..d W.iaitrs<br />

L TiUq Bdi€ EnSlish Skilts Tcar<br />

Autnor Cenler for Applied Linguisrica; Koyon, Dory; Sla.sfield, Chales<br />

w.iJoh6on, Dorc Obgn t Altcn€j Drq/tu, Dd<br />

Purpose: Design.d o t6r conpFh.nsioni spea&ine, Eadins, dd<br />

*irin8 skills r a bsic lev.t whGD intotudon on Ue afti@mr of basic<br />

ihcdonal lmguage skitts is n€edcd,<br />

2, Tille:Poccs As6sn of rhs Le@.r: Test Bancry for Readjns dd wddng<br />

Author: Bemingr, Viisinia wjec<br />

Purpo*: 'Desi9ed for dsdsing th€ .tcvctopDfl! of crding md Midng<br />

p'dcs*s in childm jn Lnddg.nd lhrcu8h sFde 6 -<br />

L Titlq: Tesr ofchitdren! LanS!.g.: Asssing Ap.c|s ofspokc, L&sugq<br />

Reiding, &d \vtring<br />

Author BrEnb.m, EdmtNewond, pnyl s<br />

Pupose: Desi8.ed to m6w inponam dpers ofspokd tosu.a., EadinS,<br />

4. Tirl.iT6r ofvri$en LdSu.gFThnd Edi on<br />

Aurhor: H@ilt. Donatd D.: Lalg, Srephd C.<br />

PuryoF: Designed io "(a) id.nrify sN(lc s who pcrfo@ sisnific&dy mor.<br />

poorl, rhd rheir F.6 in wirine srd who s a rcsulr re€d sp€.ial hclp; (t )<br />

delmjm a sM.nts particulu slengts snd seiln6*, in vsious Eiring<br />

abilili6; (c) dam. a nudc.r! pmgas in s speial mms pmg@: dd<br />

@ndd es@h in wiring.<br />


t. Titlq IDEA Rcadine dd wtitirA Prefici.rcy<br />

'nplird<br />

Aufior: Anon, Bevdly A.r Ddlorl EffiqE F.; Tigh., Phyllis L.<br />

Pulos: To p.ovidc "@npehdsive ass€sc hr tb€ inirial i.Lntiffc{ion<br />

ed c-d.sigmdon of Linilcd EnSlish Pmfici.Dt (LEP) studo$."<br />

A lisl of dl thos cns whicb vlc developcd baed on the @m of heding<br />

chitlEn @ s ud.r:<br />

. Tesr of Eely Reading Ability-Deaf or Hdd ot Hcdng<br />

. scales of E ly cohhoicorion Skills tor HrinstnpsiEd cbildren<br />

. Assssme.t for Pee6 Prcfoudly or Swerely Ihpaied<br />

. Pbgld! for the Acqlisiiion of L&guag€ with thc Sdsdy lhgune

situadon Epeentcd in pictw n6l eal lifc e thal lhen *nowlcdSc could bc<br />

efiecively utilikd for @ncept fomtion dd legua8c d€velopnot.<br />

I.bL of Spdifqliolr<br />

'Iie m6urcmenl of onstructs such EadinS md qiling is not. sinple t sk<br />

paniculqly rtro En bld .E hding inpliEd. lo the @4lrFtjon of tlE Urdu l6t<br />

sp€cial an€ntion ws sivd ro ihe divdity ofits cliet l€ Effo'ls l@ aho mde to<br />

nDL il s rBlid a8l eliauc s F6siblq. NEnnlly ( l9?8) sus86led in c hajor sLF<br />

oft€sl construclioql) sFcifying lh. doDain of ob*wables, 2) detemining to whal<br />

exrc all or emc of dDs obsryablc dodaiB corelat with on &other or @<br />

afrected by exFriDmkl tqtmen! ed l) ddemining whdhcr or nol one! smq or<br />

all m6u6 of such vaiabl.s et 6 d@udr tlEy m6@ t!. @6E !1 (!.l4).<br />

Th€ t ble of sp@ilication lays the foedation for the l€$ onslrucrion by<br />

de6ninS thc uircRe of thc !.n s *cll N fie pbponion or mphdis on vsious<br />

stioos of$e test {l{meed, 1988).<br />

Gu und (a cit d by Hde.d, 1988) hphaized tlE id.a of labre of<br />

speilicaion h dee.iption,<br />

A nblc of sF€ific.tion is a twcwy chln tbal Flates rhe itrsln[rioBt<br />

objelive! !o the cou6e colrcnl ed specifi€s $e mture of rhe desire tcsl<br />

sple, povidd gFarcr atuee thal th€ llsi will n6w $e<br />

ireEetio..l obje(v.s dd @w @nrdt in a brlas.d mMd- (!. 140)<br />

Accordinslo Millmm& G@ne (d cited by cregory,2000),<br />

A nblc of sp€ifidrion enMc6r* rhe infomation ed @gni ve lar*s on<br />

vhich ei@ines d. to be seled. Perhaps te nost comon sFcificalion<br />

uble is 0'c @nre by pro@s mairix, {hich lisls tu exer nmblrofirems in<br />

Eldol concfl d4 dd d.bils lhe peie @DposiL of irdns, which dNl<br />

€xddiry diIf.dr cosnirive p@.s. (p. 125)<br />

Conlenl md objectiv6 of thh Urdu Rading dd writins Test e p@senred<br />


Table3.l<br />

Tle fiBt @llm of ihis lable rcpr€sits lhe r€al life siluations, which defin.<br />

lhe contcnt of rhe tesr. This 6nt w el.cred wirh rhe h€lp of field expeits nd<br />

was .or edcnic conl€nr The !.lectcd contcnl elard !o Eat life situtions, The<br />

dehion to nL lh.e Eal lif. siruadoc inslqd of acddoic conlrnl was mad. on rhc<br />

Sromds,lbal rhc l*r i.ter woutd have rich €xFlieocc in the siru.tions fltncidt ro<br />

suppon cqnitive dcv.lopmdr MomB, !hi! vqbuldy is .scmiat ro turction in<br />

lhc ar rlE mo$ bsic tcvel. E&h lif. si0.rior B obswdr und.r irc<br />

conponenls: @Noriomt, linguistic, &d @eritivc. A bdef dsdpdon of @h<br />

dDpoMt is givo b.lowl<br />

CotwlirDal Codpon.nt<br />

'IlE ue of ace/€d', @nvenrios or rutes ed for puctulio!, @pitalizalioo<br />

ed sp€lling. TlEs tu16 nun b. cld lo srld.nrs bcforc th€y @ trit eficienlly.<br />

Spelline &d slyle cd be dcfined 6 uderl<br />


TIE siudcnE Mii. dictatcd *nldcd; [king panicul& ce to na&c ptoFr<br />

Th. nudmt witd .licitar.d sr6cq, okng pdicul{ @ !o nalc ptop.r<br />

uc of pmt!.tion dtd clpitalialion olB.<br />

TIE stu&nl wir.! a slory i. rcrpod to . niDul$ pictw- Points @ .Mcd<br />

lor $isryiry sp.tling Eqlimcna rcblirc !o ctpilrli2,rion, Puncnuion, sFllinS"<br />

ad othd lrbitr.ry cl.nrnts in witing (..8. p@8r!pb i!d€!ts).<br />

Lht .ldbcMPot nt<br />

TIE l'rsuislic conpoent i.rclB lhc w of .pproPriate sy a.tic ard<br />

*meic anFrws. Th. *ldrid of thc $i!.U. wd! LEs, Plut ls mu-vqb<br />

@Gpond@r rnd c.s is es$nli.l to Sood witinS. In vMbulary,<br />

@nbi trg, .d @ dtul Lngugc *c &lin d und.r thj! omFMt. The subsels<br />

$nh thcir d.siptioE e givd bclow:<br />

TIE n!&nls {i|. a ec@ tlt l in@Aonca . stinulB md.<br />

TIE snd6r in&gnr.. thc n $ing of evd.l shon *ni.'6 '!ro orc<br />

gr&brDlric.lly @Ft winar ratcacc.<br />

The stlddf3 story i! ddul.d Elltivc to th. qualny of it! vo$bllcry,<br />

*.|.ne @n$rucr'on qd 8llm&.<br />


CoErtiE CorqMtl<br />

The coenilivc comporcnt efd io ln. .bilirv 10 Mit los,cd, 4d<br />

well-*quenc.d sitl€n ptud@l3. The ac[al piece nay be a cGative $ory, a peGoel<br />

or profe$ionol lcner, e €ssy, or a f&tud &@utrlg ofev.ntsr howevs, Eea.dlc$<br />

ot i$ onlqtl, thc prsag. nNl b. lomulaled in swh a wv thal n is 4ldilv<br />

ud.6tood by a Fadcr. The mluity ol the PrDd@t k Nully .vidor if $e witd<br />

€mploys d€finile intod@lions ed endings, well struclurcd p@sdph$ che&ler<br />

developnent, dialosw, hmor dd e .xF6Fd philosphic or donl fte<br />

u*d subss of lh* @Dponq|s in lhis U.du Lsl e dieusscd b.lo*:<br />

rn lhis subser lhe stude s edits m illogiql snlence $ lha1il Ealcs better<br />

$8. lhe srutreni chms6 "sde btink.l h.t @v" ttr"satu blinkd het ews<br />

Th€ student story is evaluatd clddve to $e quliry of its plol, proF,<br />

delelopnenl of chuctes. ini.Fsi ro $. read€r, ed olhei composnional apech<br />

(HeDil & t l9,1996).<br />

It.b Fon.r<br />

Linle resech is availabl€ on thc constucrion of a r*t of Eadine and witing<br />

skills in Urdu. Thercfor. rhe $l€clion of lcsl ilem fomat cm nol lruly br bed on<br />

npirical didoa. The F@h.q und.r d. circunal6, had to be @dy to elel<br />

dy id fomal saicn odd b.tler sd. rhe r€s1obj@tiv.s. Tnu in lhis r€sl th.<br />

resmher ued rhc sirocn!€d rcspo.s, reshicled tesponse, &d f@ respon$ ilen<br />

fomats Horcvcr, oth.r f&1oa such s ihe .e in $onng md confol orgucssinS<br />

dd chelting did pl.y r role in @hlng . liDl deisiotr.<br />


The bri.f dsdlion of caa! foftat wiih th.i. otiotul fot aine lhm i! this<br />

llseah t d.i.rib.d d it follos,<br /> R.'PM. h.N<br />

The srwnFd FipotrF it€m hclp th€ €rmite ro 6Tond nore esilv &d<br />

they h.lp lhe cswch.r or d€v.loDer lo tnd slllmsia rcspons moE<br />

ef€clilcly, Unfortwtcly, tley cd also @nstrain $e rcspondenl ed linit tnc<br />

Etuhc/s .bilily lo udcBlrrd what th. Espondc dllt mctr at rimes,<br />

The edd of eoting ed the nininm € of 8uc$ir8<br />

in nultitle{hoice<br />

nd forut ftats il s populs it m fomr' MultiPl. choi@ or @ognilion itcms havc<br />

@Nid€nu€ v€rs.tility in 66uing l@i'g objerivs ftom tb€ bowl€dse b rhe<br />

€valutio! level, This lyp€ ot ilem coNists o. two p.ns: the si€D which prc€'ls $e<br />

p!obt.m, od thc lisl of posibtc dsw6 or disF&|e6 or foils Simplc mutriplc<br />

choie hos de knoM 6 E@gition itcns s thc snrd.n|s nanls onlv to Rogn'4<br />

$e corcct dsw.r fbm the eileo dislr&lets Tbe slen of lhe iten nav be pEsenled<br />

€ithcr 6 qEsion or 6 d i@mplcte slsLnol brt it should be cl'a lo lhe cxdind<br />

To Gd@ th. Fsibility of gu.ssing $eF should b€ a1 lea$ the lo fou dhtete6'<br />

A rlistinclion should be madc th. nmber ofoprions pEFnled for a mulliplc'<br />

choicc ncm dd ilE numbq of.fletit. or tunclio.jng oprim $4I $e nh h6'<br />

Thoudr qnin8 h mininizd s substafiitl moul of ous @t€tul cd be spled<br />

in a relaiively shon iinc (Thomdikc d.l ,l99ol (ubisz}n & Barich' 1990r Kubiszln<br />

A Bodch, 2000).<br />

il.n ce bcst be tholgh of 6 a stics ofnultiplxhoi@ nems<br />

emcie hmr. The matchine itch3 m nosllv dc\clopen td

n6e factual inforution such a ndinS or rcms, dares<br />

of Fopl., &d, e uFtul in lcsls de.ling wilh slody sknl,<br />

Rs'b/!tt Md fE RsPons lt6<br />

G.ndally Bhicled md nF 6poM nem {hich e sle lnow a ext€ndcd<br />

consirocicd responsc il@ r.qune de 3ubj41s lo Foduce M'l&d resPones ln<br />

dcveloping th* it is cl@ly kepl i. nird th!! snat ftnd F@*s GNh 6<br />

analysh. judgnenl, ot ctilical lhinling) ihc slud€nt will us b.foF slaning !o wrirc<br />

th€ os@ for lhe qcsnon.<br />

shotta$Nq and Cohpletion ItM<br />

ln omplelion ud shon als€r il.Es tlE sodc.l hs lo BaU a qod or shon<br />

plu@ lo @swer the quesdon So they {. simild to ea.h otno lnacompl.tion em<br />

lhe tuLnc m 6ked lo tul in a blu\ shjk snoa swd irm rquE e es@ in<br />

. single li@ to a qEstiod A shon &swr it n s b€ ued N . conpl€lion iten lte<br />

major slM81h of th!$ i1€ms is $al lhey & ad€qutc for smPlitrg a onk @ and<br />

m €dt to coDsfucl, N.gatively scoring PM6s<br />

dimcdr (Kubisz}n er ql. 2ooo).<br />

tor these nens is time hlinS ed<br />

Frerespotuc qu6tjons e very popule apprc&h bul ir is difficoll lo<br />

cvald. iheF il€ft obj€dilely To .valual€ $6e items the lesl lakcr ha lo<br />

uder$dnd lhc qrcslion and dEn f@u on speific f.lrws {ilh clditv 6d logic lo<br />

uifom Sdding<br />

Slbequ€nlly lhe examind has lo *oF these ilens ac@rdng to<br />

dbric for @cist€ncy dd Elialililv.<br />

A!!.bbli4 of tne IteD3<br />

The Mhcr pEpat d ! lorll of 249 ncms for th. t'sr Thc iLms wcrc<br />

orc.adied lwo psallel fomq that werc A od B<br />


Fom A consisled of 142 ed fom B comhied of l0? ilems. The items in lhe<br />

lesr weR orgdized on rh. bsis of llE rcsPose folml iresp€criv. of lbe facl thal<br />

th€ n€n @ Flaled !o Elding or witing s&iu.<br />

Th. elclion-tyF il€s wE plsed fiBq wniL $PPlt'lvpc n tr vw<br />

pleed roturds thc .nd of th€ lesi Of thc $LclioFlTe it€n, MCQS *E placed<br />

follos€d by thc @Dplelion ed nalching iEtr. In fie cae of supplv tvpe nem<br />

coopl.tion ircms md short Nw.r 1,?€ *.rc Placed fns! follow.d by essav rvpe of<br />

Laglb of tbe T6c Norb.r of lt d ud p.r IlcD<br />

After making the decisio. abo lhe ilen fomal, lhe nexl sl.p was 10 nske a<br />

d€cision abour th. nuber of ilens 4 r.ll 4 $e rcsponss Per item Th. slr€nglh of<br />

the nullipl€{hoie nd fo@.1 li6 in 1h. f&t thal n heb6 lo tldw lhe C!e$i.g<br />

elldl' GBsinB €pilalias on chme erc whrch @ be @ tou.d bv prcviding a<br />

geter nwber of opdons. Fot exmple, by Prcviding fou po$ibl. dsv6 insl@d of<br />

lwo reduc€! lhe po$ibility of chece !o 25 percot Conplelio. ed shon eswcr<br />

ilem e 6y to onsfet bul dilficull tc, sr. Sin€e eNh{ u.d lhe $letued<br />

dd slEn mw qksrion! lhe allocn d tiG in fie pilol ten (90 mioulet 16<br />

sufrcienr to compl.k n. Foay (40) minue! rcF all@tcd fd $e objdfive rvp. Pan<br />

wbib fin, (50) minures fot the shon dswc. ed esav lrTe ireds qcrc auocaled for<br />

the administradon of the lest. In the objstiv. pan the sludenls w€r sk€d lo elecl<br />

oc 5tNcr mong rh. th@ or four disteloB *he@ on€ wod o. single to lou line<br />

mw6 wca Fquir.d iI lhe 6pone to dEn Nrcr tyF qu6l'o.3<br />

SrDdirg .d asdm.rl ofco!&.r v.lidttv<br />

The v.lidity ol the cont€Dl cd b. atlained bv svslehdticsllv mapping oul<br />

snMivisiotu of th. uivffi dd collccdng $e d€sned rMb.r of n€ns Ib. eeh

subdivnio. Thc dcllnition of sch of thc iable of lhe sp€cifl@lions provided a bdis<br />

for Milins, adopting /adapling tesl it ms for ech ell. A ba.l of moe than 2?0 ilens<br />

ws cEalcd for rh. six €ells of lh. tesl, Thrs l€sl s6 funn€r di$uted with fie<br />

€xpeis ir rh. ncu (Appendn A). Thc el4lion of sibarioN oul of which th€ ikms<br />

ser€ Fl4ted tor c&b conponenr of $c leg!.ge iest w6 als. dhcuscd h delail<br />

wih lhe erp.ns. The exp€is w€rc dted to svalute e&h ilo wilh reielence to 'ls<br />

ldeuge cohporcnr &d lhe levelofdimcdty i1posed lo lesl takcs For this pu!o*<br />

249 nem w.r to bG ircl!.led in pilot kn 9@ s for wal@tio! by thc exp.ns.<br />

Pr.?rnliotr oltt.I. Bootlct for Pilot T6tiog<br />

aner $e de$nenl of conLnl validity the €sl in two Padllel tdns ws<br />

pEpd€d for thc pilot administation. Thc two foms in pilol adminktElio. weE used<br />

lo te$ a ldge nuntEr of ilens so that $e nnal tcsl could b. 6ilv conslruded ol<br />

eood qudny ns, I w hoped rh.t 0E pilol le$ suld pmvid. a nuber<br />

of good nems to develop the fiMl tcat. DidtioN for lesl adminislration (Appendix<br />

B) ser .lso prpsFd lo osw slandaid ondiiioE for tesdng<br />

Pilol Tdlilg<br />

!n this cst a roial of 249 nm Bw develop€d otr lhc bais of Ml liL<br />

situations. Two foms (A and B) rcr pepd.d bed on Uee ichs ln !_om A dd<br />

B th€ sttuclucd, Esldcted. &d fFe rBponse items w@ developed Fom A<br />

comprisd 84 struclued &d 58 sshicled 4d free Eslons ilms Fom B comprisd<br />

50 smEturld &d 57 Birictd ard fd 6Pon* nens.<br />

Tle targel Population of thh<br />

the public ed ptiv.le schools for dE hcqing sd slud€nls wilh beding impaimflt of<br />

lhe Pujob Prcvine. In Pakishn,<br />

67<br />

rn vs srud€nis in lbe 60. ?u ed 8e gddes in<br />

.hilden wilh hwins inpiimen's sludy in .

seSFgaled syst€n of cducation. Ihejr litelmy level is quite loR 6 conpred lo<br />

n &ing childEn. Ar addilionrl @on to d€velop thi! l6t rc 10 idcntit th.<br />

di$Epdci* bel@n $c hding dd childrcn with h@ing imPaime . Th6, n ws<br />

decidcd lhal lor $e piloi s wll s for $e final test adninistrslion chil&e. Rith &d<br />

wilhour be&inB inpaimeor would be uk n s th€ population of tbe sludy.<br />

A.olher t!@n lo $lat rh* studdE 6 lhal duing $e sixth lo eiel'l eude<br />

udenls udergo a npid ogfiive grc*th iftuClt eiive l€ming. Thei. nenlal ed<br />

physical abilities e malE cnougn to acquiE knowledS. ed respond lo ecial<br />

stimuli. Thcy s ,l$ inrclv€d in cslivc Miting, FunlFmoE, dy dcficil at this<br />

poi @ ad*ly hrDp.r thcir prcgrc$ i. tunhet educstion- Il w6, $ccfoE<br />

@nsidd€d d€sihble to d.fin lhe potulsrion ofthh iest in the way notioned sbovc<br />

sddpk oltt Pilot T6t<br />

ftiny'lhr nldcns (eqlally dinriburcd dong rh. 6d. f dd 8d clM)<br />

wilh hwing impaimenl hd 184 studerts wilh hding wcrc conveniendy scleted<br />

fron difcrc.t schools in the cili€s of Islmabad od Lalbt , Th€ sludenls cmc frcm<br />

middle md lo*q *io.4onoDic beteDuds. ll wG NDed 0w d€ mple of lhc<br />

pilol r€sl lpproiimaGd ihc populalion cneaciclinics.<br />

Adn l'hL ng th. PIot<br />

TIE Mh.r p.Mn llt adninir.iEd the pibr |esl in Isldn bad dd Lahor€<br />

Th. Ese4hq obllin d the winen Fmi$io! (ApFndix C) f.on rhe FinciPdb of<br />

th. concemed rh@h to adninisld the pilol test. I! @h schoollhe tesling condnion<br />

wsre srd'dardiad od sin€n insfirdioru to lest adtnini3lrs[oG wer€ u*d to<br />


Scotu tPNdw<br />

'nE sing pl@dw for in nultiplc{hoi@, rElchinc; ed @Dderion<br />

iiens for lne pilot tcsl is d€*rih.d b.loql<br />

The ndtiple-choice itcms e&h h.d lhree 10 fou choies in which one *6 lhe<br />

conecl Nser. Aftcr radi.S lhc qlcstion, th. srudent ws asked 10 ciEl€ lhe coftct<br />

sw. O.e mdk w6 awdd.d fot thc coE€ct esPo$e md zoo ror a wong eswr'<br />

The se Drking sryle followcd in ihc n.!chin8 dd complel'on 'lens<br />

The major purpose olthc ahon Nwer ed fls Fspon* itens wd lo asess<br />

rhe *rin€n expession of rbe stud.nrs. Mdking consid@d sp€lling, $mnd, md<br />

h&dwiting oI tn€ slud€nts. Th. mdlirg pro..dft fo. shon Nm ad iiee<br />

qpoN ile6 is a undcr:<br />

For followins trpe ofqesrio on E.r* wG lBded for a 6poM having<br />

@re1 spelline, emM &d Sood h$dmitine. A 4@ lEr va giva for Nng or<br />

l) Colrl in6|Et ir€hs,2) complctio! iLm wilh givo srd lnt, l)<br />

piclue @1ion in on liru, 4) shon EspoNe in lhr lo fou lines, 5)<br />

Conpreh€mion of a dialoglc. In thesc qucslions the $udenls h.!e to colmt lbe<br />

''wong'sorences by coreling sFllinS,8.!hmd, in good hddwiling. No mdks<br />

mre aw{ded lo dy sentence vith inconed spelliog md Crarlr@ s wll s illesible<br />

h&dwiling. th sehtencrmoking, thc mdks wqe Srven !o oily those snlencB<br />

wnich wr€ winen wilhour d/ sp€lling, gr6me, or hddwiting @4. SiDilely<br />

$r or on€ mdk vd av.ld€d lo Uos. €nletrs which w.rc rcsFnded 10 Mlh one<br />

mistake. Zere ws awsdcd ro rhos hcm which wd€ tsponded lo with noE th4<br />

t@ @f. In mpoN lo qu6lions .boul a di.lo8rc bel@n rwo niods one Dsrt<br />

*s all@led to sEh ncm in ehich lhe studcfis swr€d Mthoul a speUing

gmFs ed hddqidng mi$are wh.ras zm @ Mked for swh iteh lf cdoa<br />

\@ foud h shon 6sy tyF qucstion, 0E snldenls hav€ lo Espond in fou<br />

$nlencs with corccl spelling, 8r,@d, ed hmdwili.s. Three! tw or one ddl(<br />

wr awadcd lo lho* il€ms in which th. stud.nb pDduced th4, two or onc corccl<br />

* rcqFclively. Zerc ws a*srdcd in c!$e of€npt or in@DPlete scotc@s l.<br />

6pon* lo picoc ddcripliorl lh. cocl sFllir& glt]|l@, ed h4dMiting wcr.<br />

ob$N.d *iite trE&ing the qord. or slln 6. Thc Da*s *w atedcd rc onlv<br />

tho* co@l srEnes whch tulfillcd th. cnbrir Tw or onc lrk wa ivo ro<br />

tho$ espones which w€E witn one or 1wo mishles i! a winen desdjplion<br /> EttittuE<br />

Rctiabilily Ff@ to a lcndcdy of . Lsl !o have @Ein rcy fion onc *l of<br />

NN.lly (1978) believ€s th4<br />

If the tesi Imual ei0.r gives no Fliability i.fomiion or slales a relidbililv<br />

coetllcient wilhoul sayinS how ii ws detemined the t€$ sholld bc viewed<br />

with suspicion. (p.129)<br />

Sev.El methods have ben dckloPcd io ass dE test Fliabilitv Aeo.S<br />

oth@, th€ P.ailel tesi foffi sP|n hdfed id.m.l @Ntlncy mefiod! e poPul&<br />

Th. intcm.l @Gistcncy ncthod., {hich !t bed o. oE fm of a rd .dnini.cred<br />

ar or. tide, has beoDe a sl$drd Pdcti@ d@ lo siDplicrrv od painotrv ll<br />

Gsunca ih.l itcms in th€ les1 & honogen ous ln othd words, each ilem of the<br />

measucs tbc sm€ qualily or chra.teristics 6 every olh€! Th€ K-R 20 foftlla is<br />

*tuitiv. ro $e 169$ of 1n€ t sl. As th. lcngth of dE test incEdes thc $timat€ oi<br />

Fliabiliry .le inprcvs. Ebel (1979) sho*cd th€ h)"othetic.l impovehc or<br />

Eli.bilir, by i@ing tesr lqgh (Iabl. 1.2). Ite efel of s@sliv€ doubli4 of<br />


$c ldgth ofa llv. ircD Esr wi|h. rclialility ii.!.x of0.20 is coNid.6ble. Ke€ping<br />

in vi.v thc pGinony ard simplicity of thc i.t dll cotuhtency me6od for<br />

estimtinS th. rti.bility cfficid! n w d.cid.d to uc K-R 20 fomula 6 a<br />

5<br />

l0<br />

20<br />

80<br />

t60<br />

320<br />

640<br />

Soue: Ebel,(1979,p. 289)<br />

Trbl€ 3,2<br />

R.tattor otTdt llngh to Tat R.liabtlit,<br />

R.liabihy<br />

0.20<br />

0.31<br />

0.50<br />

0.57<br />

0.E0<br />

0.89<br />

0.97<br />

1.00<br />

lro ol fihr T-t: Th. D.r.lopDoa .f Fi!.| lulnD.ll<br />

TlE qudiry of. rcst d.pcnds upon th. qu.lity oflhc ikns n @ !i6. lr.N<br />

crmt b. .v.l@tcd s "good" or "b!d" by iNFction .loft. It niSh b. inc cs $at<br />

iie conte.t cov.'!d in rhc hblc of 3FlindjoN ud ell tPEentaiion e<br />

sppmprhr., dc dilt@tcr e plasibb, ed lh. E.din8 difficuliy of lcsl molcrial<br />

mtch* lhe dmi|B' rbilig, y.lih. itds n.y b. nalfuclioniag. I|.h dl'5i3 is<br />

a ehniq@ rhd ir.D or . slnislicd b6sis.<br />

Ilcn ealysis scNd iqo putpoesi one, il hclps d.r.miB qudity in Lns of<br />

.oBirl{l b.hlvior in disididriry Min€s of hiSh .bility fon thoe who<br />

low abililr. Two, it f@ilir.r* in i&D &iog lhc knowl.ds. ed skiu tcsr l!lc6 hav.<br />

o' havc nor d'slcrd. licm erlysis o .lso b. Nqd ro .valulc ncn bia which bat<br />

dieihiialc agiitut a plniclls s.!m.nt of th. popuhlioo,<br />


Tnc i!di$ ucd in daminine lhc qlality of th. it m include neD difficulry,<br />

the diedninalion pow& of th€ irem, dd ihc cflecl ofrhe distet€6. The delinjrio6<br />

of these indices 6 follos:<br />

I8 ail&br<br />

This h bsd on rhe sbiuty of tesl $tdn who msvqed e ile6 co@dy. It<br />

explaic whetlEr the iltn w.s easy or difiicult for ihe exmin@s. The index of<br />

difliculiy @s.s &oE 0.00 to 1.00 ed is somctihcs also rcpod€d s a p val@. nE<br />

hig)s lhe p valu€ the esier rhe it n Thc irms of mediw diffculty should be<br />

pEf€n€d b edee the $lrddd etur of m.slMenl. Ah index of e ilen\<br />

difr€ulty is obbined by c.lclllling $e Foponion of the br.l nmb.r of lesl llld<br />

elD gp10E nen dchr (Davis.l952, Eb.l, 1979, Coh.n & spddlils 199: sueA<br />

1990).<br />

Dt ridhtiod PN.<br />

The n@@s of n m di*rimiEdon indiele how .dequrely e nen<br />

spetes or disidinates bct$d hiSI srca ed low soB dctmin d d. bais oI<br />

tolal sore. Il @!ld als b. taLn 6 thc lbility of s ite6 lo difrerenliale b€tw€o<br />

exmines with varying &8r€.s of knowl.dg€ ed abilily. The in.lex of<br />

dierinioalion power rages lrcn.l,00lo 1.00. Ar item vhjch ehieves.40 or<br />

higher discrimi.alion is considsred lo be s vcry goo{ ilem, (Hmeed, I 988i Cohen &<br />

sw€dliL 199).<br />

Dbtnct, Ellecl<br />

The disltacia efTdi b ihc ability of oplions 10 attlcl exmines, Il indicales<br />

percot of exmines who E pon.Lrd lo a particlle dislEcld. Wtile oal)zing<br />

dimcuhy levelof ihc ircm and $..f.clof disll@teF, the ovenll pertirMe<br />


of th€ lcar tateE is of min co!|.d. Or lhe othd had, lh. di$dminarion Powr of<br />

$c ileb is bas€d up.. ihe compris! ofcxmimd with levirg &8ree of lbilitv.<br />

The i dpdalion of ilem dilticully is nol s sinple os il dv app.d The<br />

diltculty old ilem dd $udcnt leming My confoud.4h other' The ilen mv be<br />

easy according !o its co$tnction or bFause rhe exoin'cs have hasierd lne<br />

coltenl. A similE situli@ Fay eie std hnv. hien dimculv Lvel' il miSl<br />

hc ! his-kcy.d it m, o. il mighl be th€ cs thlt lh' tMe s had dificultv<br />

un&6r4dine rh.l ilcn. ThB, in sl€ding Sood ilems slecial @ nun be ralcn<br />

befoE disdine ey ircn d bad ltem difficullv nut b€ int'Aret'd bv @6idoi!g<br />

all faclos such s fi. wotding of $e ilen, eminees' l€ming expdi€nccs dd fte<br />

po$ibiliry ol d*idins rhe wone atwq M conel (nis'keved il@) as B'oM<br />

(1983) has..comm.nd€d:<br />

We dlwvr b l@k d dr woding of Lhc ilehs dd consider sruddBr..,i"rl-"i"*.<br />

-a o. *rue oithe subjdr mah shen rnklp*tins<br />

no dimcdrY itrdies (!-219)<br />

Th€ disinination in&x EPoned in this t'at"it EfldLs lhc d'8Ec ro which<br />

$e irem di$riDindcs b€tren $. upFr groop dd th€ lowr goup The upp€r<br />

gloup includ€s $e lop 27-5 FMni oflhe $udenb &d lhe lowd soup Eptesents lhe<br />

boltom 2?.5 p.rce The dhoininaiion indc{ of the nem indicales vhdhd the ild<br />

differc.dales b.tweeo iesl l.].E having varyinB d'grcca oftnowledSe md abilirv tn<br />

d id@l situalion, m extemal cdlctio. i5 us'd b fom the* erolPs od th€n th€<br />

Floll@@ of rh€ iLm i3 sss.d ro s stFrhd il is onsisrenl wilh dE qlernd<br />

ditaia. A g@d qdpL of dleftal cdtcria *ould bc th"mir6' rr'de point<br />

.vdee. lf slud. 5 wih hisler OPA\ se Fsponding lo {E itd corsdv dd the<br />

studots Nilh low€r CPA &e espo.ding irco@tlv, rhe iten is consider€d ro hale<br />

nigh di*tim'n.lon Pow{<br />


Ho*v.r in realishc situalions $ch crii.da de gd€tally &Nxislent o! non-<br />

accessible. The lotll soE on thc i6r, thus, snes s the cnt rio. (Bdm: 1981. p<br />

220). wrM mGl sF is rs.d lo oturitu|G lpFr dd lo*r gouF, ln.<br />

discrihimtion index $oves<br />

thd of tul.ry @nlmt (Ebel, 1965, p. 399).<br />

to b. a b€ttd nesu. for th€ le ofrelativc achiet.m€nl<br />

Tabl.3.2 (adoptcd fton Eb€|, l 5) is provid€d in the d@mol'aid to llen<br />

Amlysis" plblished by th€ Ohio Stlre Unive6ily *hicn hclps lhe u.r io inlerPEr lhe<br />

di*dmiMlon inds. An altcrntrile Fcs@ lo the disioilution ind€x is the<br />

shdgth of thc iten !o tb€ lotal coftlatiol Th. 6oE thc upFr greup r$ponds<br />

coftclly !o d iicn lhe beno thc value of corelalion bet@n 1har ilcn ud $e lotd<br />

test. lnv€Mlt, the few.r upFr grcuP cruit6 Nwring m il@ inoretlv, th€<br />

wcdler lie coreladon bdween lhlt i€n dd lotsl lest scoE A lood<br />

$sgcsi.d by BoM ( t96l). rcold b. lo i.quiF . =0.20 or hi8!.r'<br />

74<br />

genetal rule<br />

The ses€nl of di$rctd efct is ate vcry h€lptul in natine decbiohs<br />

aboul e it€n or ey on. of ns dist&ien As a gcnaal rulc, ih' ndbet of studen$<br />

*tering lhc @tEl oPdon sholld be gEl6 thd dv di

Tablc l3<br />

combin d (Deal & H.otins students) analrsit of Stru.twed RetPoase ,erc<br />

Pilot Test: Ftu A<br />

Nunb., ofstadentt: 217, Retiablir: 0 95<br />

l<br />

l0<br />

ll<br />

t2<br />

ll<br />

l3<br />

l9<br />

2Z<br />

2l<br />

24<br />

25<br />

z1<br />

29<br />

32<br />

3l<br />

t5<br />

33<br />

4l<br />

Ditf.<br />

0.52 0.20<br />

0.32 0.32<br />

0.35 0.26<br />

0,85 0.12<br />

0.82 0J3<br />

0.?3 0,51<br />

0.43 0_02<br />

0.59 0.51<br />

20<br />

22<br />

ll<br />

t2<br />

3<br />

2<br />

6<br />

62<br />

33<br />

t2<br />

l3<br />

ll<br />

I3<br />

l5<br />

82<br />

8<br />

5<br />

5<br />

35<br />

a2<br />

3<br />

2<br />

'3<br />

3l<br />

78<br />

8<br />

35<br />

l6<br />

1l<br />

2t<br />

25<br />

5<br />

ll<br />

2t<br />

7l<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

I<br />

l<br />

30<br />

3<br />

l<br />

2<br />

3<br />

55<br />

ll<br />

53<br />

12<br />

0<br />

0<br />

I<br />

2<br />

3l<br />

0<br />

I<br />

2<br />

3<br />

2<br />

I<br />

0<br />

o<br />

I<br />

;<br />

2<br />

0<br />

I<br />

5<br />

t<br />

I<br />

0<br />


t6<br />

DTT.<br />

5l<br />

52<br />

53<br />

6l<br />

63<br />

71<br />

72<br />

75<br />

30<br />

8l<br />

32<br />

34<br />

35<br />

36<br />

33<br />

al<br />

92<br />

3I<br />

33<br />

62<br />

26<br />

6l<br />

52<br />

55<br />

5l<br />

35<br />

s9<br />

63<br />

50<br />

27<br />

87<br />

53<br />

I6<br />

68<br />

35<br />

36<br />

3l<br />

l5<br />

t1<br />

25<br />

t 72<br />

20<br />

5l<br />

36<br />

l5<br />

ll<br />

30<br />

32<br />

23<br />

l0<br />

23<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

o<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

;<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

o<br />

0<br />

0<br />

I<br />

a<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

o<br />

0<br />

0<br />

a<br />

;<br />

a<br />

0.31<br />

0.31<br />

0,33<br />

0,62<br />

0.26<br />

0,63<br />

0,59<br />

0.66<br />

0.52<br />

0,t8<br />

0.59<br />

0.43<br />

0.t6<br /><br />

0.6,<br />

0.51<br />

0.50<br />

0.35<br />

0,56<br />

0,62<br />

0,59<br />

0.63<br />

0.62<br />

0.t9<br />

0.50<br />

0,t7<br /><br />

0,22<br />

o.52<br />

0.86<br />

0,36<br />

0-20<br />

0,?0<br />

0,61<br />

0.ll<br />

0.61<br />

0,11<br />

0.53<br />

0.65<br />

0.61<br />

0.65<br />

0.53<br />

0.39<br />

0.t3<br />

0_70<br />

0,12<br />

0.72<br />

0,58<br />

0.60<br />

0.t3<br />

0.19<br />

0.71<br />

0.27<br />

0.22<br />

020<br />

0,20<br />

0.50<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

o<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

o<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

o<br />

0<br />


2<br />

3<br />

3<br />

t1<br />

ll<br />

t7<br />

l3<br />

2l<br />

22<br />

1t<br />

24<br />

25<br />

26<br />

23<br />

l0<br />

lt<br />

l2<br />

ll<br />

l5<br />

11<br />

13<br />

l9<br />

42<br />

Tlblc 3.4<br />

codbin 'l (DeaI& Ee@irsstutle t) Aplrsisofstrutu/ed Retpoe lte^<br />

Pilot fom B<br />

Nudbet of stuaenb: 2 I 7, R.liabilitt oIT^t: =.E6<br />

o.2l<br />

0.81<br />

0.61<br />

0.73<br />

0.61<br />

0.16<br />

0.62<br />

0.32<br />

0t6<br />

0.29<br />

0_20<br />

0.60<br />

0,80<br />

0.3t<br />

0.20<br />

0.12<br />

0.32<br />

0.32<br />

4,12<br />

0.32<br />

0.15<br />

o.32<br />

o.26<br />

0.t 1<br />

0.ll<br />

0.03<br />

0_20<br />

0.53<br />

3<br />

l4<br />

2l<br />

3<br />

30<br />

l5<br />

8<br />

6l<br />

l6<br />

t3<br />

62<br />

2<br />

l<br />

z<br />

l3<br />

J7<br />

6t<br />

5t<br />

7!<br />

3<br />

30<br />

42<br />

75<br />

3l<br />

30<br />

a4<br />

l3<br />

f3<br />

3l<br />

;a<br />

12<br />

32<br />

30<br />

2<br />

2<br />

6<br />

29<br />

9<br />

9<br />

3I<br />

22<br />

t7<br />

l3<br />

It<br />

72<br />

3<br />

26<br />

z0<br />

2t<br />

l0<br />

I<br />

50<br />

l5<br />

t2<br />

20<br />

i<br />

0<br />

l<br />

6<br />

zl<br />

2<br />

2l<br />

6I<br />

t0<br />

2a<br />

I<br />

t<br />

35<br />

I<br />

o<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

I<br />


L<br />

2.<br />

l.<br />

5<br />

6<br />

I<br />

12.<br />

tt.<br />

lt.<br />

13.<br />

20.<br />

2t.<br />

22.<br />

26.<br />

27.<br />

28.<br />

29.<br />

lt,<br />

32.<br />

33.<br />

16.<br />

t7.<br />

33.<br />

Dif. Ld.<br />

0.32<br />

0.33 0.20 '12to 63330<br />

21 6580<br />

T.ble 3 5<br />

Conbine.t (Deafand Eearing student) Awvsis of Un-strctfr.d IEN<br />

Ptlot fest: Fm lr<br />

NMber of dud.,k: 2 I T, tilianility: 1.00<br />

30<br />

3l<br />

95<br />

99<br />

l0l<br />

102<br />

t03<br />

I03<br />

ltl<br />

t12<br />

ll3<br />

ll4<br />

lt6<br />

|7<br />

lt3<br />

I19<br />

120<br />

t22<br />

t23<br />

t25<br />

t26<br />

127<br />

.27<br />

.20<br />

.21<br />

.t3<br />

.20<br />

.51<br />

,33<br />

.60<br />

.31<br />

.35<br />

.82<br />

D&dlidio! Ird.! Ddi!.r<br />

.31<br />

.31<br />

.22<br />

.51<br />

.29<br />

.57<br />

.22<br />

.30<br />

.34<br />

.33<br />

.t2<br />

.33<br />

.88<br />

.19<br />


52.<br />

53.<br />

123<br />

t29<br />

130<br />

llt<br />

t72<br />

ll3<br />

l]5<br />

t37<br />

139<br />

t42<br />

.35<br />

,81<br />

,88<br />

.31<br />

.80<br />

.02<br />

.63<br />

,46<br />

.68<br />

Dh.rtDh.tlo.I!d.! Ix.ido!<br />

,35<br />

.03<br />

61<br />

63<br />

5t<br />

5t<br />

.63<br />

Tlble3.6<br />

conbked (Deafad H.artrd A@lrtit oI UEst,uetued te6<br />

Pilot Tett: Fm a<br />

Nunbu olsrudents: 2t7. Relidbilitt: I 00<br />

S.rirl l..rt ir Dilo. Tdr<br />

2.<br />

3_<br />

6.<br />

7.<br />

3.<br />

t0.<br />

ll,<br />

t3<br />

t9<br />

22<br />

24.<br />

29.<br />

53<br />

t5<br />

51<br />

53<br />

63<br />

1l<br />

12<br />

73<br />

.12<br />

.21<br />

,8'<br />

.32<br />

,15<br />

.6!<br />

2l<br />

,28<br />

24<br />

I]<br />

t2<br />

24<br />

27<br />

ll<br />

25<br />

t3<br />

.27<br />

.20<br />

.t9<br />

.lt<br />

.15<br />

.o2<br />

.32<br />

.12<br />

.52<br />

.30<br />

.33<br />

.13<br />

.50<br />

.10<br />

0.10<br />

.20<br />

23<br />

.&<br />


S.ri.l Il.@i!.ilolTst<br />

')1. 7l .ll 0.10 DDpt d<br />

32. 72 .25 0.10 Doppcd<br />

33. 7l .13 20 Dopp.d<br />

34. 7l .13 0.10 DropD.d<br />

35. 72 .25 0.10 Droptcd<br />

36. 7l .18 .20 Dropp.d<br />

31 . 74 ,21 .26 DropD.d<br />

13. 75 .20 .03 DropD.d<br />

39, 76 .\5 .28 DDpp.d<br />

10. 7 1 .19 .A DopFd<br />

11. 78 .15 .1,1 D$tCd<br />

42. 79 .15 .04 DropD.d<br />

41. 30 .02 -0.02 DroDFd<br />

4,t, 3l .21 .18 DbrFd<br />

15, 82 .67 .10 S.lccr<br />

46. 3l .38 .16 Sclcd<br />

47, U ,45 32<br />

48, 85 .62 .52 Seleol<br />

49. 36 ,57 .50 Sclccr<br />

50. 37 ,53 .44<br />

51. 33 ,71 !6 S.lccl<br />

52, a9 72 lA<br />

5l 90 52 .43 Scl*r<br />

t4. 9l .58 .40 S.lei<br />

55. 92 .24 -22 DtltFd<br />

t6. 9l .tl .t8 Sclel<br />

51. 94 .56 .53 S.ler<br />

53. 95 .5t .36 S.ter<br />

59. 96 .6J 38 S.l.ct<br />

60. 91 .69 .54<br />

61. 93 .71 52 S.l.ot<br />

62, 99 ,55 .10 Sclect<br />

63. r00 .25 .02 Dropp.d<br />

64. l0l ,26 .08 Dopp.d<br />

6t, 102 ,27 .42 D@p!d<br />

66. r01 .27 .la<br />

67. tM .22 -10 DbCFd<br />

63- 105 -17 -12 DrcpFd<br />

69. f06 27 22 S.ld<br />

70. f07 ,27 4.4 Dropp.d<br />

Tabl€s 3.7 ed 3.8 pre rh. irems fo. tn€ lbal on thc bais of<br />

it m analysis of the pilor rest. In lhis fin.l lesi all conpletio. (C.1,) md<br />

nalching (M.1.) itens wd€ chdgcd to the lhte ro fou optio.s nulriple choica ilms<br />

$d all such nms which w modifi.d in th.n folml e nmdomn in lh. t bl. 1.7.<br />


8l<br />

Szhcted ltens fn FitulTe (Part A)<br />

It nHh lt.lNoitrtllorTgr For<br />

L<br />

L<br />

5,<br />

8.<br />

|.<br />

t2.<br />

B.<br />

t5.<br />

I9.<br />

20.<br />

22.<br />

?3.<br />

25<br />

21-<br />

29,<br />

l0<br />

ll<br />

12.<br />

16.<br />

11,<br />

39.<br />

2<br />

l<br />

5<br />

l3<br />

't6<br />

t7<br />

,8<br />

27<br />

28<br />

10<br />

tl<br />

l2<br />

65<br />

70<br />

7l<br />

72<br />

7t<br />

73<br />

3<br />

42<br />

45<br />

l3<br />

20<br />

2l<br />

0.43<br />

0.54<br />

0.20<br />

0.80<br />

0,11<br />

o,t5<br />

0,56<br />

0,62<br />

0,62<br />

0.59<br />

0.42<br />

0.33<br />

0.82<br />

0.85<br />

0.88<br />

0.31<br />

0.51<br />

0.32<br />

0.20<br />

0.43<br />

0.19<br />

0.51<br />

0.51<br />

0.43<br />

0.67<br />

0.51<br />

0.72<br />

0.41<br />

0.t9<br />

0.32<br />

0.39<br />

0.\2<br />

0_!2<br />

0.I<br />

0.21<br />

B<br />

B<br />

B<br />

B<br />

B<br />

B<br />

a<br />

B<br />

B<br />

B<br />

B<br />

B<br />

B<br />

B<br />

B<br />


a2<br />

l&!ri. IlaNohPlhtTol FoE<br />

5l_<br />

52_<br />

55.<br />

62.<br />

61.<br />

61.<br />

63.<br />

15.<br />

26<br />

22<br />

50<br />

5l<br />

9l<br />

93<br />

tl<br />

t3<br />

19<br /><br />

0.43<br />

o,tt<br />

0,40<br />

0,69<br />

0.69<br />

0,51<br />

o,8l<br />

0,81<br />

0,81<br />

0,62<br />

0,26<br />

oa2<br />

0.86<br />

0.,13<br />

042<br />

0.78<br />

0.?5<br />

0.?t<br /><br />

0.69<br />

0.t0<br />

0.,11<br />

0.53<br />

0,61<br />

0.65<br />

0.t3<br />

0.53<br />

0,27<br />

0.43<br />

0.39<br />

0,20<br />

o,3l<br />

0,03<br />

0.m<br />

0.50<br />

0.43<br />

0-51<br />

o.5,<br />

0.70<br />

o56<br />

a<br />

a<br />

B<br />

B<br />

B<br />

B<br />

B<br />

B<br />

B<br />

a<br />

s<br />

T.U.3.E<br />

Szlecnon ofn.tu lor FtMl (Pa B)<br />

L<br />

3.<br />

3_<br />

13.<br />

lt_<br />

125<br />

127<br />

I23<br />

129<br />

I30<br />

l3l<br />

\!2<br />

I3l<br />

9a<br />

100<br />

95<br />

0.E5<br />

0,32<br />

0,86<br />

0,85<br />

0.37<br />

0,87<br />

0.t3<br />

o,8l<br />

0,80<br />

0.43<br />

o.62<br />

0,21<br />

0.33<br />

0,52<br />

0.39<br />


E3<br />

Dllll trdd<br />

16,<br />

t1<br />

I3.<br />

t9,<br />

2i.<br />

21,<br />

2?.,<br />

2J.<br />

u,<br />

26,<br />

28.<br />

t0.<br />

lt.<br />

38,<br />

9,<br />

12,,<br />

.X,<br />

4,<br />

ta,<br />

50,<br />

54,<br />

53.<br />

59,<br />

6{'-<br />

61.<br />

62.<br />

61.<br />

63.<br />

99<br />

t0l<br />

t02<br />

103<br />

lq<br />

105<br />

106<br />

l6<br />

9t<br />

t3<br />

,0<br />

95<br />

9l<br />

8a<br />

a7<br />

93<br />

35<br />

8l<br />

t01<br />

toc<br />

t0e<br />

t0<br />

8l<br />

82<br />

0.5t<br />

02t<br />

020<br />

0,,16<br />

on2<br />

0,5t<br />

0.J7<br />

0.56<br />

0,?r<br />

0.3t<br />

0,45<br />

0,52<br />

0,51<br />

0,58<br />

0,6?<br />

0.5!<br />

o,711<br />

o,5t<br />

o62<br />

o.?l<br />

0.63<br />

o.ll<br />

0.?5<br />

0.61)<br />

064<br />

0n4<br /><br />

0,66<br />

0,65<br /><br />

0,12<br />

0,66<br />

0,65<br />

0,52<br />

0,6t<br />

0,34<br />

0.21<br />

0,15<br />

0,29<br />

0.57<br />

0,22<br />

0,6l<br />

0,51<br />

0,50<br />

0.5t<br />

0,52<br />

o36<br />

o.l2<br /><br />

0J6<br />

0.$<br />

0.52<br />

0J8<br />

0,65<br />

0,t0<br />

0,9t<br />

0,t8<br />

0.t2<br />

0,88<br />

0,9.<br />

0,88<br />

o.t6<br />

0,88<br />

0,tt<br />

0.16<br />

ot2<br />

out<br />

0.33<br />

0,41<br />

B<br />

B<br />

B<br />

B<br />

E<br />

E<br />

I<br />

B<br />

I<br />

a<br />

B<br />

B<br />

l0<br />

ll<br />

IJ<br />

t6<br />

l1<br />

t8<br />

t9<br />

120<br />

l2l<br />

t/2<br />


L*<br />

7t.<br />

18.<br />

E.<br />

30.<br />

3I<br />

a2<br />

33<br />

35<br />

36<br />

81<br />

88<br />

39<br />

83<br />

62 B<br />

l19<br />

B6<br />

I35<br />

B<br />

B<br />

E<br />

0.50<br />

0.20<br />

0.31<br />

0.51<br />

0.55<br />

0.22<br />

0,42<br />

0.5t<br />

0.t3<br />

o.22<br />

0,5,<br />

0.61<br />

0.63<br />

0.,t3<br />

lt4 0)2 0.88<br />

Tabl ofsr.ciftcati@ of FiNt Te'l<br />

apd:6,18,24,43,44,45,<br />

22,t,29, tO, t2, tX, X5,<br />

14,33,39,4 t, 52, t3,54,<br />

B p€n: 55- 56. 57.<br />

t8.60.6r.65<br />

0!<br />

B plrt 6.L!2, ?1,<br />

?4.75. E !!,<br />

fi.&.!C<br />

72,7!,74<br />

73,79,30,3t<br />

Nob: llwndilirc nen nunbat wE Rl'd.A s w ktu.<br />

B pin: 24, 28, 18,<br />

78<br />

3l<br />

2t,22, t6,31,76,<br />


Fb.l T6r<br />

Aff.r the data ralysis on SPSS of $h pilot $!dy, 156 nix.d it ms *@<br />

el.crcd epuately fo. thc assmcrt of Fadine dd wiling sbilnies. Ooe lest<br />

b@khl ws pepmd on the bah ofiwo pans (A pan for @din8 sd B pan fot<br />

{iling) 61hcr $m two parallcl fom! A dd B, All ile6 Elprled to ssss lbe<br />

@ding .bilni6 bq*d or slructuld ryp. ilDs (MCQS only) for lhc childEn wilh ed<br />

*ilhou hding impaimefl we idl'rdcd in A prn ofthe t6t, *iil., B p.n ofde<br />

lsl wa compri$d of all *lecred supply rr?. n€ns{shod &ss and frc. r$pome<br />

itens) lo asses tn€ MilinS abilitics, A iotal of 8l strucnrcd items w.rc sclecred for<br />

ihc A pan of the rest sd 74 weE $lecled for the B pen.In rhis B p.n 16 new nems<br />

v.e dcvcloped ad o.e w6 modificd, A roul of90 itcms w€re included in $e B pan<br />

of $. tsl. nrc fDal l6t (ApFrdix D) w6 d*lop€d Eon thc pilot terr by<br />

€v.l@lin8 @b ilm. Tn I?I ireB *E trcped ed distribultd lms thc six alls<br />

of thc tablc or sFcifierion (Tabl. 9). l3E6 test b@kleB wG pepo&d for field<br />

Fi.ld AdnblnnLn and Sarqta<br />

Th. final Urdu Reding aod Wriiing Tcst q6 adninisard in 49 sp.cial ed<br />

Public *h@ls ot childrb wilh .d wilhout hering inpaimml ( pp.ndix E). Ilrc<br />

sFcial $hools tor childEn wnn lEeirs boln in public ad pdure<br />

sclos wc idendfied fton rhe list pbvid.d by the Di@loral€ of Sp..ial Educalion,<br />

Lanoe, Punjsb. The non 8olemcnt $h@h wqe ide ned by peMnal conracrs.<br />

The lisl of rhe SFcial Schooh for th. F€d@l colemenl was ral

wbetr tb€ lists lN* di.qed, i var d..idcd lhar .ll sh@ls of +oial €duelion<br />

havine cles 6. ?,.nd E will bc trko in th. spl.. However, in lhc ce of a<br />

clu$er ot $hools in one panicula leation, on. sh@l oul of lhe clusler. w6 selet.d<br />

tddoftrly. Funher, orc ordi.ary $h@l wa $ledcd, in rhe viciiily of special sciool<br />

rmdotr y. For this purpose a lisi ofordinary sh@h wa obrain€d liom the concmed<br />

offce of ihe EDo (Educarion), only thos. schools we sel@ied that *4 situt€d<br />

wirhinrhedhlanceof 3 ro4kiloDdesof $espccial$hoolfo!hedineimptume .<br />

For this dara collcction lhe prior p.mbsion wN lat n lhn lhe scEllry.<br />

Speial Educ.lio. Pujab dd thc EDO of th. city or the p.incipol of the oncmed<br />

$h@l whd reed€d. T1lc *le$oi of t. ordi.rry schools ls nade on rhe<br />

Nmpdon ad hope lhat if aound Eliabl. lhc tcsr 6 be used lor studmrs stlrdyinB in<br />

ordiory 6 wll 6 in ieluiv. $h@l'<br />

Ma,liag o! AM Sl,..E<br />

The t*l b@Ucls wrc u$d ro coll4t th. EspoNs. Thjs l€sr wa ba$d or<br />

re prns A md A ud wa.dhinkt4d lo ! Idse sple. Tcn mFB werc hid ro<br />

Ml rhe Esponses on pan B, An &swr grid ws wd lo capt'r€ th€ Fsponss on<br />

In lhis ep3cl fouowio8 coNido.tions werc keP1 in dind by lle reseeh( while<br />

atpoinling the leeheB as lcsl $orcs,<br />

Ptul.ttto[dt't Qualtfi.tlon .t l E ?en nc.<br />

The tercheB all had ar led a M.stci Sp@ial edu@rion degE in order 10 be<br />

tbe .coer ol lhc tcsl. The s@rrs wd slso requiEd lo hav€ expeti4ce of s@rin8<br />

laElag€ lestl ofmultiple choi* 6d 3hon eswr items. Th€ mw grids w* 6ed<br />

to capr@ Espon$ or stlcrucd 8poB. itms. Irrs eswr crids s@ sed by<br />


6ing e opdcd ndt ffi. The foUwins info@ti@ of tb€<br />

!&I!q$!p! &!sds<br />

6 *p€nt one r3r.r sh&l frcm o$.r<br />

lo € *h.thq cfur srtdes Fdom thon<br />

to muE thd sDlc rttlY cPEnls lh.<br />

ndionll nms dd rh@ is no r.nds bi6<br />

Dcbil ldt d1@lio6 Ift abo foUos€d during the re$ adnbistrllion ro<br />

ehidc $anddd andiliotr n l6ting.<br />

S.oridg of th. AMr Shezl<br />

Sme stirg pdedE E aPPli.d to tu* t[. sNt shtts of th' slud€ 5<br />

in fiis tinrl td s in rhc pilol l€sl<br />

Focus Group Dbcu.riotrs<br />

Usitrg a f(@ Stoup is a poPol{ qu.litltive mc$od in hatn ad sid<br />

$i€nc.s 6 a rool b infom policy and Fdlic. (Hcmin, 2007) 3 w€ll a e<br />

iNlrudenl of ddld collcctio. esp.cially on rhose ropics which e pdtlv denn€d<br />

Difredr authou have &fircd locN s6op for.xmple, Kilzinsq (195) defn6'<br />

.F€c goups e a fom of goup intcFi€w thli caPit'liz€s on @municaton<br />

b.rwcen fsedch panicipa.k in on!4lo gen@l€ dala," Sinild m'dnngs have been<br />

anch.d io f@N grcup dissid bv ! nmbq of .uthos (Meion 'l 'l l990i<br />

KitzinSd 1996i Morg&, 1996; M&lafTenv,2004)<br />

Cary ( I 994) tunher elaborates,<br />

Usins r 5di slncn €d sreup drslNon. nod.rtied bv o grcup lclder' held<br />

r ; inlomal rnrns, with th. Purpos. or coll.cLing infomarion on a<br />

Lircratuc sbos thar focus srcuP di$ssion is fo' difrq€ Purpoer'<br />


To sone i1 is 6 tu exploBlory m.os lo idodfy difIe@r s6trucls pnor to<br />

@nducring a q@tihrive study. Srudy ss it a a rnebpl st . $ioli6c endevor<br />

'd cal n d !@i ei6ttic". fin lly, shd bclicre tbll n is a w.y to udcB|'nd<br />

p@ple s @mnon *@ @neFioB ad .v€ryd.y qP|eanoro (Mclafierty, 2004).<br />

wilkiMn (1998) a1s hishliehts th€ u* oI fdB emup dieBion to identily<br />

the annud€s, opirions, tnowledge, &d<br />

88<br />

bclicfs $ lhe subpan of phenon€nological<br />

The lilenlue includes diveBily on sie of ihe focus gloup. Sone r€sdches<br />

sussesl thal tbre should be 12 panicipdts in a ldge goup or 4 to 6 menbes in a<br />

sm.ll gbup. OtheB suggesr 6 ro l0 &d iD !om. c@s fou lo eig}tl panicipdlrs in a<br />

diession grcup {Cr@burg, l9E& Hoqrid ct d., 1989; KiEilger, l96i Twin,<br />

r98).<br />

Keeping in view rhc strcngth! of f@s grolp dlsNior for wedins th€<br />

perceprions of the panjcipdts on poony dcnncd ropic such d t@hi.g @diog rnd<br />

miting ro studols wi$ he&i.g impaimcnt n v6 dsided to e $is nethod to<br />

€xplore exislins terching n€thods us.d by lh. t eh.6 ofth€ Urdu lasuase.<br />

fte prinary puaos ol focls Soup dhc$sion ws lo coll€cl dala in order lo<br />

swer de second quesion oflh. study. Howcler, th€e wer€ also helptul to rule out<br />

th€ posibiliiy lhnl vidco clippiDe w6 alG.dy in @ in ehmls for th€ deat ln<br />

addirion lo thar, th€ rehcas r$poe 1o the w of vid6 clipping G a .ew<br />

iroliFdonrl sldegy w euehr Th* lou focB grcut d1*Bsio6 w@ ncB al<br />

R$alpildi, l2boF, Multu a.d Fablab{d epelvdy. IEs cilics mE th.<br />

divisional he.d quaneE for lou divisions oul of lhc 6ve. It wd eued out lhe4<br />

re model eh@h for the deal dd the possible pracrices in ldchirg radi.8 dd<br />

Miting Urdu would b€ found thete. Fomd Fmission m obrain€d lion lhc

piincipals of the corcehed ehools b hold thes di$6sions. Aboul lhiry five (35)<br />

teaheB of Urdu wilh te&hilg cxp.iiene fom 2 lo 28 y.m in eleven shooh *ere<br />

invitcd Io pdticipare ir theF focus 8ro!p di$ssions. seleclion oI thc lqchcn w6<br />

md. on Oe b6is of the ltse@hd s @Noio4. Fm ins faN gnup di$Nions<br />

rhc glidclinG (Appendix F) ME pE!&.d dd u$d by ilE nod@ior. Th*<br />

discsions w€E audio and vid€o doded. Th. dehil Epons of th* f@s grcup<br />

discussions re anahed 6 (ApFndii C) dd oorcone of tn€e di$usioos &e<br />

ExpenneDt o! th. Etteth.n.r! of video Clippirg<br />

One of lhe obj.cliv$ of the siudy w to @ad@l m qpqiDenl 10 i.vesigale<br />

the efiatiloess of vid€o clippine in rrching Urdu Eading dd wiling lo sludcnls<br />

with h@ins imp6im€n!<br />

Th. FnDqo.L ol de S.dy<br />

The EdMit of rtis srudy is br$d on voygosrkyt (19?8) @a*.bl€<br />

co.lribution 'Zon€ of PrcxiDsl Dcrclopnenl (ZPD)". nE ZPD is defined d th.<br />

dklance between the &rul kvcl a detmioed by ind@endcnl peblcn<br />

$lvihg md the level of porential dc!.lopneni as detehi.ed ttuoueh prcblcn slving<br />

uder adult slid.rce o! i. @llaborarion with not cdpable pees (voygosiky, 1 978).<br />

Accordihg o this lhe lev.l of & nesurcd by a tesl @ only indiste thc<br />

etul ldel of pqfomee. Thc fomal pEcdw of educ.rioml nGueme in rc<br />

Mt predio the poreltal Frfollll'G of a child. In s:rondrdizd lBling |he eod<br />

l.v.l of d€velopnql is eslluish.d 6 d rcsull of ene tlrcady @nphtcd<br />

Il is gendlly 6sMed thar child's p.rfomdce m be s*ssed only by lhore<br />

tasks lhal child @ ind€pendenrly perlom dl certdn diflicllly lev€l in a rcsting<br />

silution Bu ifihe child is allouEd io wk help from o$e^ or is Siven some clu€s to<br />


how lh.e qEslions @ b. elild lhis c{ subqrntially .nlt$@ his p.rfome@<br />

This Frloll]mce c& fidhq be impDv.d if child is allo$€d 10 worl on a $lutior in<br />

coulho6rion with othd childin. This pot ndal lor derclopndl ha b.en igro'ld by<br />

$e thinkqs lor a long poiod of tine. In vygotsky (1978) words. "Thcy never<br />

edcn jned fie.odon thal whll.hildi.n cd do wirh aisiaG ofotheu might be in<br />

some se$e ev€n moE indiative of ihct nentsl d.lelopDat ih4 wh6t tley do<br />

The nesuem€nr of actual dclelopnent als Gsunes thal the school<br />

inslruclions @ lor pobl€natic &d majonty of the le,mB ce benetir Blr what if<br />

school l.ming is ol poor qudiiy Iot eme who have speial need $en "how" ed<br />

'!har" &tual devclopmcnr is meisured. In $ch cidhslftes, ihe a.c of pointat<br />

delelopnenl beones even DoE Elevdt. The insrucdo. in schools for rhe dqfin<br />

PatisEn hd fail.d 1o eccl€Ere l.sin8. Iltis f4t hs bco rcpofied dm€ ed<br />

again.(Swd el al, 1997j Asghs ed Noreo I 997r B$hir md Alcd, 1998t lju &d<br />

Zafu 198; Ndir srd r@,2001; Ali Dd Mehnood.2OO2)<br />

Soc (197) by rcfcning vygorlky study ol developn€ note, lhal .,He<br />

ryyeolskyl ples g@t cmphrsis on llE cdtr i! $,lich 0!c child d€velops! dd i!<br />

panicule. on thc .fect of consttucive roles of pecr int€relions &d relalionships...<br />

vygoEky f@ces on $e sid mtu ofcoenilivc dcvelopncnr, ed €nphlsias $c<br />

cntcal pan thar the sial world plays ii facilibring childrcn\ develophent,. In<br />

orhr erd, $e inslnrtiond contqn mu3 be &Lvet lo rhe sid mrld of child. Any<br />

imFEtionol eflon thsl h€.vily rlies on r€al life lituto6 c& be helpful for thc<br />

cognidv€ dqelopoe of$c childr€n (p,2),<br />

McKeMie (1999) 6 ciled by V& Der Sruyfwhik elaboialins o. $afouing<br />

(aothr exprcsion for ZPD) ourliB d!. ptGs s it lollo$:<br />


l- Povide cl@ dirdotr b red@ nudenfs onfiaiod<br />

2, C|dry the purpos oflh. a.livity<br />

3. Keep sludcnis on &sk by poviding palhways for h@en<br />

4, Cldift qpelnio6 ed b@rpoFte , dd ldboct<br />

5. Poinl stud.nt s !o wodlry sws<br />

6. Redue ucEuinly surpri* ed disappoirlrncnl.<br />

Tlblc:3.10<br />

n zPD 6 a fnndqt ofth. St&t<br />

E omoe w.s dolomin d by indcD.idqt Dbblm $lvinB it prcl$l<br />

Th. bDic ofrhc irsrrwrioMl Dh<br />

An rcnul ecial situatio n shoM b tn. clss ihbud<br />

TIF srudent weE .sked lo wiL a bioldesoiplion of<br />

Ach[tw ' n&Ltn d.scnFion of rlE vi&o clip i<br />

The teochd will Eld .nd *plain rh. nMdftd l.xt of tnc<br />

clip h tne studcnls by usirg ihe |ot!l @nnunication<br />

In. t*hq sk ! rbdd b E d rlE srd.rd d<br />

h ord.r b dp.nd fi. *nowledg. ofd. $denB rd to<br />

ddelop rheir E.dina ind kiinA rbilities lh. icehs aks<br />

the $udenls lo llll whal cle th.y hrvc obwed in lh.<br />

vids clip. Th.y eF allowd 10 sk oppDpndo {ords<br />

nom fie bchd or from t ien clss hoGl iftncy nc.d il<br />

fo rh. .xprssid of dEir felin$ hd dFia6. T1*<br />

vido co be FDhvd iln€d ais.<br />

3 P..r rurorinB .s . l@ing kchniqu? h appli€d io exploE<br />

n.v voc.bulrry by rhe {udenls. The *udenls wer<br />

.ng!g?'l in u div. ell.b.mlivo lehinc motly in siSn<br />

lsauBe. -It y fEqucnny asl for n* Nrds b show th.<br />

mtit.tid for lceim ,nd riciE of$cn obF0rid,<br />

Th. crch6 f.cilit t6 rhe pne$ by Drcviding<br />

dsumsoenl ind Fsnive fe.dbr.l.<br />

The rercher helfi lhe studenls lo mok. siDDle FDtener<br />

lbour rhe video olip. E Iotu e nad. ro bch El.vrnr<br />

* .ne shduE .nd 3ynb. Stu&nts e eMmg.d lo<br />

h.lp oh orh$ ro cold rh. enr.i6<br />

A moE debild d.$ription of tlF vid@ omer8ld 6 fiul<br />


Vd Dci Suyf (2002) lnes to apply ZPD on plding t.ehing srdesi€s.<br />

Aqording 10 hid, "The l€mq does lor lcm in islalion, <strong>IN</strong>t€ad leMiDg is slrongly<br />

innn€md by ecisl inrer@rioN, *hich rakd plG in neeilgtul contexls'. The ole<br />

of isr.rclioDl @nLnt b&scd or Ed lif. sifiution is mdd for implmoting ZPD.<br />

Tn e situarioN should not only rcpr€$nr th€ maiclrqn cultu€ but al$ tbe nosl<br />

comon social pdcties. Only such siilations c& anrad the leamcb and ceaie d<br />

agenda lor couaboDtive l@ins i! clas.<br />

Thc pE*nr rtlrdy bDilds or ZPD 6 a tool fd @enilivc Tablc<br />

3.l0 show how ZPD wa wd to corc.ptudiz lhc ra!!.m oflh. erp.rim€nl-<br />

Thc Sclstior of Hr|@ Ac.d.ny for EiperiE.nt.tion<br />

The exp.iinent ws condulcd in the Halm Foudaiion Academy fot the<br />

Def, Johd ToM, Lrloe. This acadeny ws rl€cled lor a nmbq of ree61<br />

tiEr, dF w willinS to do rhe qFrihot wnn n@sary<br />

suppon. S4ondt thc $h@l @ abov. ave.age in LahoE in oi ils academic<br />

standddsi $ird thc sludenl body fairly Ep!.snls th€ populalion of$e study 6 they<br />

belonged lo middle od lo@ middlc cl$s f@ili6 of the popllation; loutdi Tbe<br />

clas sia in lhis aodcny @ la.gc @ueh lo do rudon $lelion.<br />

P(p.drio! of Vidm Ct!.<br />

The vid@ clips were pEpd€d by cNfully id€llifying important @l life<br />

sirutions. Ihc dshios for eldtion of Hl lif€ situtions wse hade on thc<br />

a. nre @l life snurioB @!t!in rcl.vqt @nreot rnd could rcal€ale thc<br />

'Ite h.dings of situriotu Bould bc cld to lhe l6ers<br />

Tle situriois covered the v@bul!ry *nrial for dlily 6..<br />


d. Tte mdings oa the siturions could b€ nrdE explor.d lo tovid€<br />

*penehc. for thc leucis,<br />

'Ilp following ! t E5l life snlatiotu co$iituled th. cont€nl of $e exp.rinenl:<br />

P*sotul irlehtil!, Htehne ahd clea"lires, EatinE na"nq, Fanily r.ldion,<br />

Shoppine, Trseling and risits, Ma iage pfrt , llnest on.l medical care, Desth,<br />

Te.hnologl and li!., lrt.e.^o@l nlatioaha, Rituals, L.w and han.d,, a"a<br />

The sript ofrhcse sirutions wa wnn h md discussd with lhesh suFflisor<br />

Amrding lo th€ sipl45 Eal life snudos l,@ filDcd. Oul ofthse l5 b€n clips<br />

wer€ s.l.ctcd on rhe bais of dFtu opinion by the pa.l ofqFns Th. lisl oftlE<br />

expens is snacbed as (Appendix H).<br />

Pilor Tdralg ot vido clipt<br />

B€fore 6ing thcsc vids clips 6 the tern€n! thcy l{@ pilol tc$ed in rhe<br />

DeMnent of Sp@ial Educatio. 10 cbeck on their elfeclive.6s. Illh pilol tsring<br />

wa @ndwled on slud.nls virh hwiDg impaim€nls. The detajl of this pilol Gsring<br />

On verbal requcsl l4 sludmts oltwo eh@ls a(cnded rbe pilot rcst.<br />

A sp€.'.11y lFined r@her ttudft Mding &d witing by uing $e vid@<br />

InpLne.tilg TrcatD€trl (Vid@ clipc) ro Experib€d.l C.oltt<br />

L Th. t@hq inlrcdwed lhc ropic vab.lly by wi(ng il on thc bo..d.<br />

2. Thc vid@ clip of rh. actual silution on lhe lopic was shoM lo lb. $udenB.<br />

3. Slud€nls werc skcd lo li€w thc clip cdetully.<br />

4. Thc @her 6ked lhe siMdls to Eite nboui whal |hey had ob*ded in rhe<br />


5. AffGr Biewing rhe win@ d*dptro6 of rlc $udcnls th. rqch.r sho*td<br />

th.n ! sredad d*npdon ofthc vid@ clip. Tl'e slqddd d.$tiPtion 6<br />

rrrucrucd in thre ro fou *nrd..s,<br />

6. Te&ha ead dd explained lhc i.xl !o lbe sludots in by $ing lh. 'totel<br />

Conhuicslion nethod.<br />

?. Thc !c&hq sked iic studds ro Frd th. srdddd |ext<br />

8, ln oder lo expod dE rnowlcdg. ofrhc sudors ard to dcveloP tlrcir Erding<br />

a.d wilin8 ability, the r@hq .srcd rhe sntd.lts lo t€ll *hal cls dcy had<br />

obs.Bed in lh€ clip, which ws! not coleted in slmd{d texr<br />

9. Al this st Se<br />

p€er lulodng 4 6 lffing t chniq@ wa appli.d lo explore<br />

Nimm v@bulary oI thc atud4ts- The te&ho Irciliidl€d th. P@ess by<br />

psvidins d@wgcEor ad posirivc f€d b&t.<br />

| 0. Th. relchr helped lhe sruddts to ma&e simple et€n6 aboul llE vido clip<br />

Tl. leach€r rEde special eflons |o t eh El€vel enlenc. sltuctfts dd<br />

ll.In this com6tion thc stud.lts wt encounged lo nake md coNct fi€<br />

s.fim* @llaborariv€ly wilh lhe l@hq helping lhd io d.vcloP s.nlcnes<br />

wnn cotd 8rud d messry.<br />

By lollowing lh* insu!.tiod a esion of 15 oinu|s *6 hcld it |ne<br />

depdtn.nt Es a pan ofpilol 1esl.<br />

Th. Esulle ofth€ pilot lest clcdly .slablished dDl:<br />

L The conr€nlof the clips wa v.ry r.lev&l to the stud€nls.<br />

2. The snution did .ele6te ihc l.u'trg pllr{s.<br />

l. Th. ptces of l@hing vid€o clips 6 prcpced abovc @!ld be hMsed<br />

wirbin lnc l€nsd ofcla Friod i

Sol.ctio! oa Er! O6ig! (Prc TBGPort TBt Conlrel GnuD n€sigr)<br />

ExFrin@tal d€sigrs de sd !o.sLiblish a 661 [nr!g. b€twen @B ard<br />

elfecr on lhe bdis ol @pincal .vidoc.. TlE lrue erp€iim.ital d€signs (Cubell &<br />

Stanley. 1963) plovidc lobusl nees lo co.nol thc threals lo inlemnl validity ol6e<br />

experimenl. The expoimeir is iitemauy valid if the obsw€d difd€ncs on<br /> vdiable N a diecl esult of nsipulalion of independent ldiable, hol<br />

sone olher leiable (Gay, 1992).<br />

Tbe exleml vaudny efc6 b thc condilioDs thal $e es!l$ de Ceneraliable<br />

or applicable 10 greups rnd cnviDmdts o sidc ofthc axpennod snine<br />

For lhis sludy one of thc iruc cxF ihmt l dcsisns, Prelesl-Posn€n Conrol<br />

Grcup d6ign w6 elecl.d. Thc PEtcal posnd con[ol Sroup dsiS! is bas€d on tso<br />

goups bolhof *hich ft fomcdby ddon Ni8rtu . Bo$ gtouPsNl6t€dprior<br />

ro and followirg li.atrnfll (CnPb.ll .t d. 1963; F.l(n, 1958; Fishet, 195 t icay, 192;<br />

Kirt, 1982i Keppel, 1982; Philliptl9?6)<br />

Rrliood. aor D6ig! S.lediotr<br />

!-iteralu€ revis* indicat€s $al silhout co tolling lhe inlemol thdtts<br />

validity, d experiDolal d.sig! cMot poduce v.lid tnowledge. The rhr€als<br />

i.t€n.l validily i! prctesl-postlesl contrcl group d.si8n sEh a: hislory. m5tu*tion,<br />

lesline, iNtlwe.nion, slatistical cgGssion. sel4tioh ed seleclior-naluation<br />

inlerrcdon de coorolled by conducling pie-tesl, tshdom selection al all levels sd bv<br />

looihg expenm€nbl grolp dd control Boup<br />

95<br />

(Bdlow et al. 1984; Car, 1992r<br />

A .lelailed dc$ription of @nFol thd M q4isd duins €xp€nnem is give.

ln contrel greup d$i8r, hislory is ontolled by intodu.irg a<br />

coflrol grcup, Any th6t Day.f..r th€ perfoMc. of cxperinol<br />

!ro!p on eill sinildly afleci thc @Dlrol 8roup. Tbis Pioc€s will oeultalize<br />

th. In rhb wly history is 6i[oll.d by .qualiziog th. condnio.s of<br />

.xFrih.nt l &d control 8rouP.<br />

MrNr.rior .rd Tdlilg:<br />

MdtMrion $d cnirg tl!6ls wrc conttou.d by loming rwo Sroups, lt w.s<br />

swed lhal oy cbe8.s d!. to matwtion or Brine would simllL.susly llle<br />

pl&c in dFimntd &d @n$ol8roup.<br />

ltte insrruhor.lion rhMr w 6ily @nlroll.d by nd$ng fic condilion for<br />

dE @nl,ol of inrft scsion hislory. Thc ! M basd on suddf s BpoB<br />

|o ldid ad Gli.ble inslrun@r srch $ URWT.<br />

Statistrcal ESrEsion a mr.ll.d by h.ving pEL$ of.xFlincatal !d<br />

conrol 8Dup. Alrholsh tudom *lc1io. auhe thc cqualig or vei&& of bo$<br />

eDups. PE|csl $06 d h.lp in rulins our $c polsibl. .xrEn€ s'€8. Thc<br />

mdimm ed mininh sEs on pElcst \,@ 17 sd 14 wi$ m.s ud $edard<br />

deviation 23.53 ed 5.4E Esp€.tivcly.<br />

Sel4lion ws Dor a thear$ of Ndonizrioo. Ttu Endon scl4tion<br />

ws Nmed on d| lcst two 51.!$, fiBl the foftation of two grcuPs ircn the sple<br />

dd s* of lr.aln€nl 10 0!. .xp.ridcntal 8roup. any Possible diff€ene<br />

beiweo tvo Smups bsa. of difiGnli.l sel4tion h .liDilatld lhDugh<br />


Exp€nEn|al bon lity wd co rolld by havi.g lh. pretesl dd @ntul<br />

goups, Sioce no subjel bn $e exp{imcn! ftonaliry bemc iftlevm 4 a $Eal<br />

S.le.liob Irt€nctiotr Mrtlntior:<br />

Seleclion natulior iote!&lion *6 conlroll.d by conlrollins rulMtion md<br />

slecdon indeFidenlly as discus&d above<br />

Rrndob S.l4tiot of lh. S.bPl.<br />

A smpl€ of30 sludens, l0 each (5 fon.le 6d 5 .ule) fren erade 6, 7, dd 8<br />

sere slelted rudonly fion a 1o!al of ?0 elud.nb, emlled in tnes lhEe sades of<br />

tE Hana FoDdation Acldmy fo' th. Llhot.<br />

Tlx nve Dale &d fivc atudoli with hding impsim€tl of rch gnde<br />

(toral 15 studdrs) w@ Nisncd |o 4h (cxFrinMlal ed @nEol) ercup mdon v<br />

The @hplere ptoes of edoFianion s m!d. m the foUowing sreps:<br />

a. As a fist s|ep a lisl ofall lhc studcft in cls 6$, 7$ rnd 8u oflhe Hana<br />

Foundfiion Acatlery E obrlincd,<br />

A nMbd ws si€t)cd to *h nm. in $c |Gr'<br />

Pap€r slips @ntaining nubcs wc prcpated for t&dom draw<br />

In oder to dnq 30 sludents (hak and femal4 d a croup<br />

ien srud€nrs tmm<br />

each clss *er r.ndonly s.l.cted. File stldob non each cl6s were agen<br />

selccled r&donly to fom iwo Stoups Ge lhe t ble I ll)<br />

on lie bdis of above mcniion d wdon sel6lion of studen$, two gtoups<br />

conpnsing 15 studchls w.E fomed.<br />

TEotuenl w6 signcd lo on. SrouP<br />

of a eacb goup is givo bclowl<br />

or the otha f by nipping a coin The lisl

Ttblc: 3 l l<br />

@Sr, No Id Cod. CL. GMD<br />

l----- t<br />

2<br />

l<br />

5<br />

7<br />

I l0<br />

i;<br />

ll<br />

l5<br />

I6<br />

17<br />

t3<br />

I9<br />

22<br />

25<br />

27<br />

23<br />

29<br />

t t0<br />

tl<br />

t7<br />

IE<br />

26<br />

21<br />

35<br />

l6<br />

31<br />

50<br />

5l<br />

53<br />

------7_-<br />

7"8<br />

B<br />

B<br />

69<br />

. A slsds for tl|e d(pdim.rd go!p.<br />

. B skn& for @nrol Sroup<br />

T.bL 3 12<br />

R.plk.hqt ln Eq.nndbl Ctu p<br />

Si No ID cod. CL.r R.!.rb ID Cod.<br />

I<br />

2<br />

27<br />

34<br />

HcrD€nicip io in lndi& gud 20<br />

l0<br />

Lll6 o foUoeing rm studdE sq! EPL.ld dtreW! ddom elelion lgtin<br />

in rbc 6r .nd f clas.s (fchsL !did) dlr. ro lheb @.Millbililv fd 0F<br />

qFimot nenEDh..d cod6 e n@tioicd iD T!bl.l-12.<br />

s@n an r ln. lFt sq $o lru&nB of rh. dpdi|mr emup lot l@E fo. ! 0<br />

days fron th€ eh@l duc to then p.iend G{sod.It y 9w rcpl@d bv ttb n4<br />


3rud.nl3 md rh. @ co lu.r.d on thce stu&trk un&r 3imile condrlio.s 6<br />

dr€ orhca. I* tuw cpl&mnt in thc cxFriGrl grcup w6:<br /><br />

Tvo Repl@ek nts in E pzrinend Arcup<br />

Si No PBioo.ID Cod. Nd Id.od. S.tet.rl No. Clsl<br />

41<br />

The dcmoSnphica of $. splc swh at d.8c of h.dirg l6t .sc<br />

of on5.t of l6s .1c., e sisn<br />

in (ArD.ndir I).<br />

R ldoE! otTa[.B<br />

Ttu t.shcB v@ m.lomly *lclcd fioh fou r.clF6 vho wE q!.lifrd lo<br />

tab thc Urd! 3ub.i4l. O& r*ler v$ tuiontly si8r.d 10 thc @nttol eoup *hilc<br />

tlE s@nd 6 sisn€d to ttre erpcrimnbl greup. Bo$ wE .xFi@€d f6.le<br />

lcehs of6. Udu le8ug. in lh. s.fu *h@1.<br />

lFTdt<br />

Th. Ud! Rading ed Wntrg Tdl d.Elopcd itr ttis !tudy M u$d i. th.<br />

To(@nl<br />

Thc | 5 vido clip6 boscd on rt.l lif. silurion *ith Utdu c{ptioning wE ucd<br />

b thc dpdin nt l goup s a ftlrlrcni ro !o.h lsditrg sd witiiS sLlk lo tlE<br />

childtE with hding inplimor for 30 d.y3 'nE @nrol greup w t lgnr slfu<br />

@ or wirhod the vid@ clip6 viih 6u.l tc!.hing mihod. Thc tcxt &$ribiag 15<br />

@! life situdons *s laugh by $ing robl cotnnui€iion nclhod Phorclogiql<br />

!r!l4ss vs slso provid.d duing thc insltuc$on No in.g.s or vid@s wF show<br />

to thd. Th. @nlbl greup Eembl.d I ltlditional &.f cl6! Mth av.tsgc lcaching<br />

lg3ding mviremcnr. M.joi.tcp6 of$alrD@t hlvc alEady bh hcnioncd abov.<br />

Dd.r lhc he.ding of inplcnoting ftltnol for<br />


Pdt-Tra<br />

A Dar 16l w dniliratld .fLr ilpldouing tqtnatt io. l0 d!r!. TIE utdu<br />

RanlinS !d Wfiiig T.n s u!.d.! tL F.tt6l, 'Ifi tcoG M! @DFrd lo 5.c<br />

Oc difr.r€dcc on tlF b.!b of posncn by |Mi!8 ind.pcidcnl sd. l-ctts. Sinile<br />

@hD.dloo *a, nadc ! 6c tim of th. Fri6t to !.c *tElh.r bolh gr@F w.|!<br />

hohoSc@a o.6G vEi.bL ofintdBl &d th.G w m 3i3td6c{tt dif.tst dilrs<br />

Nr[ fltpoa!.i,<br />

Th. followins Dull bypotlBi! 8 d h a nE crFindd deign, it,<br />

PEcn-Pocld Cdtol Gdp D6ign:<br />

t0o<br />

Tha. b m liifot dir@E! on Utdu Rs.litrg r|td writing Tet<br />

tle cxFind|ld .n l @!d grouF,

ChaPter IV<br />

ANALYSIS <strong>OF</strong> DATA<br />

aier Nssms ofcontent validiiy ald admioislering the Urd! Reading dd<br />

wriling Tesl lo a lE8. suple th. next step vs to evaluslE dt qulity of the lest in<br />

tems of precisioh ih m.asuing the F fo'fuc. ol lcst lalcB on a continuw of<br />

ability 6 dehoNtral.d in thc, Th. Urdu Readitg ed Witing Tesl wd<br />

adninisr€cd b a lege spl. of sixrh, evci$ ed .ighl gta&s studflLs with dd<br />

sirnoul hedinS idplidcnt bo$ boys ed gidr a d€$nbcd in D. cb"pls lll. TIF<br />

c .ria *nich wcE ucd fot *ledng eood iths ircludcd a dificulty l€vel bet*6<br />

o I ro 0.7 &d a discrinislion ind.x rct l.s tnq 0.20. All irem (r ihc dehil of<br />

$leliotr in dEpt r lll) lhd @uld rct n er tlt *l.clio! @Lda EE ejatd-<br />

Following th. criLri. 154 good ild from lh. pilot lcsl wc slccled dd six|dn<br />

Ew itcms wt ddeloFd ed orc ilo wB nodifi.d. h M b.lieved lhal ih. nem<br />

m€eting the abow m6li@ed cnldi! would fredion c|I*fively in { lagc smPle<br />

Tlr m.jn putpoF of field adninhualion lo ! ldcc sple 86 10 find our the<br />

dilleMrial Mdine ed wiing abilitics of childtn with ed withoul heding<br />

inpaimml. nis would 6lso h.lp 10 .sbblhh a bsclinc of the abililies in lhese<br />

studenrs. Anolhd reNon 86 lo ev.lulre iest iLms ed s whctbo the lesl wd liee<br />

fron oy bi6 againsr a ponion of lh. Dopulation s ihat the es!l$ of the tcsl N<br />

generaliable to enri'c populadon (A6iBi, 19E2, p. 3l ).<br />

'Ihe smple for fi€ld adminislr.lion ofthc tcsl c@si$ed on 49 (sp*i.l md<br />

ordiney scnook) in difer€ cities of th. Punjdb. Eflons wcE mde ro *lecr ute<br />

smple rtudomly lo naje it Bs rQes.nt.tiv. as po$ibl. oflh€ entit population Tbe<br />

smple of the stude.ts wilb h€sing qs moE thd 8elo of the €nliE<br />


population s sll sFcial sh@ls bwi.g Sradcs 6, t ed 8 me slecl€d for the dala<br />

collecdon fton all najor divisions of th. Puja!. A nch di6ny on inporitt si.l<br />

attribrs $ch 6 g.nd.r, elhniciiy &d wio Mnomic suha *a found ir rhe smPlc<br />

d sh@ls v@ distribur€d oll ovs th. P@j!b Povin@. Suh div.Eity n.k6 lnc t n<br />

@logic.Iy Flevet lo th. popul.lion.<br />

Sladsdiad tesls @ very h.lptul for clsoom re&h6 in mmPring lhc<br />

pertomu@ of$e sludenls wilh clcdly d€6ned Pamele6.<br />

102<br />

Eforls weE nadc lo<br />

sl.blhh basic peuereB for eslablhhins ba*line. These ptrmereB e basislly or<br />

lwo kind$ M@ ste sd sunda.d d.viation oltcsr $06 brcten dom inlo sex dd<br />

gade level dd the qulig of the t sr in t@s ol iG co6ist tcy and faimess to all lest<br />

It.D a!.tri! ol th. Fin.l T6t<br />

Table 4.1, 4.2, 4.1, 4.4, 4.5, ud 4.6 show rhe 6ults of dE ilen mlysis ol<br />

th€ l7l tuns ofrhe final res( Sepad. a wU a @mbire aElysis for tlE enlie<br />

sple B made for lhe pon A ord B ofthc The cril€rion usd ii ihe finol iLD<br />

dalysis ws simil& lo lhe cril€rid usd in ihc pilot rcst. The ilm ealysis of bolh<br />

populalions of pan A md B rcflcet d 8@d cliabilitis Reliability for hedin8<br />

stude.ts (lan A = .92, md fo. Deat = .90) dd in Pan B (HemnC studols = .93, ed<br />

Deaf = .93). Reliabilities in @mpositc salysis ol the 1386 sM€nls for both pans<br />

reE (A = .94. B =.98). lt ws nec.ssqy lo mat the selftlion or rejeclloh ofit m in<br />

$€ linal re$ on the t6is of @npGia dalysis. o'r rhe bais of mmPonle 4dysis<br />

dE itens 2,4,2r, 35, 38, 54, 58,66, dd 7l fron Pln A (hlving disimimtion l.s<br />

rh& .25).nd ir.6 2,3,4, 5, snd 39 fiom B Pln<br />

(wid! tle di$imimtion I€s ths<br />

.25) w€E ajeted s e@l nem- Th€s ncms could hare ben dopped in nmhcr<br />

Mlysis, but on tle bdis of niSn rebbilily of thc lcsl &d a polential $cal lo conht

lElidity in drcpping th*<br />

turth€r analtsis- Alt rcw<br />

t0l<br />

irc6, ir w&s d.cid.d ihal all ilem sbould bc ircluded in<br />

itcm, howv.r, in B p6n of th. t sl wE @pt€d dw to<br />

lheir god diitrculq md di$nmi@tion indies dd e e0@Ld a bold itds in th€<br />

lable 4,6. Thc detail irem ealvss dc D6ened ir table 4,1 io 4.6,<br />

2 006<br />

I 059<br />

t3 0.o<br />

22 0.30<br />

25 0.9t<br />

26 0.86<br />

32 0.35<br />

0,25<br />

0,10<br />

0.21<br />

0.17<br />

0.t0<br />

0.10<br />

0_32<br />

0.3t<br />

0.21<br />

0,13<br />

0t3<br />

0.22<br />

0,31<br />

4.02<br />

T.ble 4.1<br />

lkk Andtrsh of Part A (HeoinE gudents)<br />

Xeliabilitr= 0.92, Ntnb{ ofstud ts: 693<br />

85.41'<br />

22.94<br />

11.69<br />

71.95<br />

55.56t<br />

31.46<br />

1t.37<br />

20.20<br />

0,8?<br />

lt53<br />

l.7l<br />

t7 t2<br />

ll39<br />

,.90<br />

2237<br />

2t2l<br />

88.89'<br />

1.32<br />

51,95<br />

9.24<br />

18.13<br />

c1.26.<br />

15.37<br />

11.85<br />

10.10<br />

't_65<br />

I|.l l<br /><br />

4.31<br />

9t,20.<br />

2a.28.<br />

12.27<br />

6!.92.<br />

l8,l0r<br />

92.93r<br />

l].19<br />

B.7l<br />

3.51<br />

3.17<br />

7.22<br />

5.19<br />

4.l3<br />

25.<br />

29.t5<br />

15.21<br />

l.0l<br />

31.33i<br />

3.12<br />

l0l<br />

1.33<br />

11.33<br />

t.33<br />

4.13<br />

0.29 2,31<br />

1.30 2.39<br />

I l.3l 7.16

It r Difi,I!4 DiG b.t r Dbt A D!'L D Di.t. C Ditt D Misirr<br />

5l<br />

5l<br />

53<br />

61<br />

63<br />

7l<br />

t2<br />

73<br />

73<br />

l0<br />

0.&7<br />

0.37<br />

031<br />

0.92<br />

t.62<br />

0.35<br />

0,34<br />

0,72<br />

I<br />

2<br />

l<br />

0.19<br />

0.3 |<br />

0,13<br />

0,2t<br />

0.25<br />

0.13<br />

0.22<br />

o,l9<br />

0.21<br />

0.t2<br />

0.12<br />

0. t3<br />

0.53<br />

0.31<br />

0.51<br />

0.22<br />

0.t6<br />

0.36<br />

0.40<br />

0.35<br />

I t.93<br />

2,02<br />

3,15<br />

361<br />

3.51<br />

1t.76<br />

28.a6<br />

tt,42<br />

9,38<br />

2.16<br />

3t.23'<br />

2t,54<br />

29.00<br />

21.21<br />

l,6t<br />

3.03<br />

10,32<br />

5,61<br />

6.3t<br />

11.72<br />

19.19<br />

2.39<br />

2-11<br />

3.46<br />

53.391<br />

64.25<br />

40t3<br />

3.51<br />

I t_54<br />

t6.33<br />

14.72<br />

831<br />

12.15r<br />

lt93<br />

Tabl.4,2<br />

Ien ln4lysk Pa B (H.tin9 grd.,ts)<br />

Nuhber ol9rdentt= 693, Relidbtlity: .9i<br />

0.87<br />

0.92<br />

76.11.<br />

750<br />

l.0l<br /><br />

93.221<br />

6.78<br />

2_t1<br />

4.t1<br />

t2,12<br />

2t.93<br />

86,15.<br />

2.49<br />

9.18<br />

61.621<br />

l0 to<br />

3,12<br />

7.65<br />

.33<br />

5.19<br />

0.1I<br />

0.21<br />

0_n<br />

t.0t<br />

t.t9<br />

5.61<br />

202<br />

0.41<br />

0,12<br />

0,29<br />

0.29<br />

0.4)<br />

0.29<br />

0.29<br />

104<br />

2,02<br />

2.t6<br />

1n<br />

2.02<br />

2.49<br />

5.34<br />

3.61<br /><br />

r0 68<br />

7.22<br />


105<br />

lr.r tlfi.dtrh'L:<br />

3<br />

t2<br />

t5<br />

t7<br />

l8<br />

2l<br />

22<br />

23<br />

25<br />

27<br />

23<br />

l0<br />

ll<br />

3l<br />

l5<br />

16<br />

37<br />

33<br />

5l<br />

0,89<br />

0.&)<br />

0.71<br />

0,J1<br />

0.58<br />

0_51<br />

0.12<br />

0.51<br />

0.61<br />

0.6t<br />

0.78<br />

0.57<br />

0.86<br />

0.60<br />

0,@<br />

0.69<br />

0.81<br />

0.t3<br />

0.30<br />

0-9l<br />

0.86<br />

0.E0<br />

o.1t<br />

0.61<br />

0.?9<br />

0.52<br />

0.68<br />

0.66<br />

0.71<br />

0.14<br />

0.21<br />

o.2a<br />

o.l5<br />

0J3<br />

0.28<br />

0.23<br />

0.14<br />

0_28<br />

021<br />

0.22<br />

o21<br />

0.t8<br />

0.37<br /><br />

0.20<br />

0.28<br />

o.26<br />

0.32<br />

0.29<br />

ot7<br />

025<br />

olJ<br />

0.53<br />

0.53<br />

OJ?<br />

0.61<br />


I<br />

7<br />

l<br />

3<br />

t<br />

l3<br />

t5<br />

t7<br />

0.12<br />

0,52<br />

0,t8<br />

0.50<br />

0.t6<br />

l|d D|ftqltyl.dq<br />

69<br />

n<br />

13<br />

17<br />

73<br />

32<br />

33<br />

a6<br />

87<br />

33<br />

0.52<br />

0.52<br />

0,33<br />

0.33<br />

0_16<br />

0.57<br />

0_43<br />

0.58<br />

0.64<br />

058<br />

0.51<br />

0.55<br />

o50<br />

0.21<br />

0.33<br />

0_22<br />

0.14<br />

0.20<br />

0.52<br />

0.51<br />

0.65<br />

0,68<br />

0.61<br />

0.63<br />

0.63<br />

0.61<br />

0.63<br />

0.32<br />

Tablc 4.1<br />

h.nAnalrsLt Pot A (D.alstu4e s)<br />

R.liq\hy ofttc T.$= .m trmbq olArde s= 693<br />

o.29<br />

0.27<br />

0,20<br />

0.55<br />

030<br />

0.10<br />

22<br />

20<br />

27<br />

22<br />

t0<br />

u<br />

22<br />

21<br />

2a<br />

l3<br />

I3<br />

22<br />

\2<br />

u<br />

20<br />

II<br />

t2<br />

Dir|. D<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

i<br />

0<br />

0<br />

t06<br />

8<br />

6<br />

9<br />

5<br />


107<br />

IreD Ditf.lld. Dir{. bd.r Dt4 A Dbr. g DLL c Dic D Mi8i4<br />

l3<br />

t9<br />

2l<br />

22<br />

2l<br />

25<br />

29<br />

3l<br />

t2<br />

ll<br />

35<br />

33<br />

t9<br />

5l<br />

5l<br />

71<br />

0.33<br />

0.24<br />

013<br />

0.52<br />

0.16<br />

0,22<br />

061<br />

0.25<br />

0.23<br />

0.55<br />

0,23<br />

0.5t<br />

0zt<br /><br />

0.63<br />

0.4t<br />

0.51<br />

0.52<br />

l8<br />

l3<br />

ll<br />

32<br />

t3<br />

29<br />

24<br />

26<br />

l9<br />

l6<br />

t7<br />

20<br />

l9<br />

2l<br />

33<br />

l3<br />

t5<br />

I5<br />

ll<br />

25<br />

21<br />

l3<br />

22<br />

33<br />

26<br />

20<br />

32<br />

t3<br />

3I<br />

22<br />

20<br />

]ll<br />

25<br />

t3<br />

20<br />

t7<br />

z7<br />

2l<br />

t4<br />

t3<br />

t2<br />

t2<br />

ll<br />

3l<br />

t7,<br />

26<br />

21<br />

32<br />

22<br />

2l<br />

l3<br />

301<br />

3<br />

22<br />

23<br />

;;<br />

t2<br />

3l<br />

t4<br />

l3<br />

26<br />

29<br />

t7<br />

t2<br />

20<br />

t2<br />

l3<br />

0<br />

0<br />

6<br />

l3<br />

3<br />

3<br />

8<br />

ll<br />

;<br />

3<br />

9<br />

3<br />

5<br />

7<br />

3<br />

3<br />

3<br />

9<br />

t2<br />

3<br />

t0<br />

9<br />

t2<br />

t2<br />

ll<br />

ll<br />

ll<br />

t2<br />

t3<br />


lb Dill, |td. Dbq bdq DtlA Dirr. B Dtr.C DhD Mira.i<br />

12 0.31<br />

2l<br />

3l' o<br />

7t 0.42<br />

28<br />

l2<br />

30<br />

a tl<br />

15<br />

0.22<br />

t7<br />

ll<br />

30<br />

3t<br />

017<br />

7<br />

1<br />

t<br />

6<br />

8<br />

IO<br />

t2<br />

l3<br />

It<br />

t6<br />

l3<br />

20<br />

2l<br />

22<br />

23<br />

25<br />

26<br />

27<br />

30<br />

3I<br />

12<br />

36<br />

37<br />

0.58<br />

0-68<br />

o.52<br />

26<br />

23<br />

2l<br />

20<br />

27<br />

29<br />

2\<br />

22<br />

20<br />

Tlble 4. 4<br />

It k A8ltsi.t Pet R (De4&ud.,ilt)<br />

Reltabitit, of the Tat= AB, NMbet oI ltudents- 693<br />

0.3<br />

0,91<br />

0.3t<br />

0.83<br />

0,6n<br />

0,60<br />

0.23<br />

0.23<br />

0,t3<br />

0.12<br />

0_29<br />

0.t9<br />

0,25<br />

022<br />

0.26<br />

0.24<br />

0.t6<br />

0,25<br />

0.16<br />

o.23<br />

0.16<br />

0,13<br />

0.1I<br />

o.t1<br />

o.l0<br />

0.22<br />

0.12<br />

021<br />

0<br />

0<br />

6<br />

0.3,<br />

0.29<br />

0.21<br />

0,29<br />

0,52<br />

oJ8<br />

0_59<br />

ot6<br />

0.51<br />

0.57<br />

0.36<br />

0.6,<br />

0.36<br />

0.13<br />

IOE<br />

\2<br />

ii<br />

t2<br />


109<br />

llr Utr*t|k<br />

3t<br />

,rc<br />

12<br />

a3<br />

45<br />

,ll<br />

50<br />

52<br />

a<br />

54<br />

,6<br />

5t<br />

.||<br />

6l<br />

62<br />

6l<br />

6!<br />

6<br />

61<br />

6.<br />

@<br />

m<br />

7l<br />

1a<br />

15<br />

n<br />

tl<br />

vt<br />

to<br />

,t<br />

E2<br />

It<br />

o2l<br />

007<br />

ol3<br />

ot0<br />

0t1<br />

0.or<br />

0,t1<br />

olx<br />

ot0<br />

olll<br /><br />

0.05<br />

o.oe<br />

0,08<br />

0.05<br />

0.1[<br />

0,16<br />

lLlT<br />

0.@<br />

0.01<br />

0'l}2<br />

0,00<br />

oto<br />

o.lt6<br />

0.03<br />

0.lo<br />

0.05<br />

0.44<br />

ooo<br />

0.00<br />

0.lx)<br />

o.lrl<br />

oot<br />

0n1<br />

0r"<br />

0,01<br />

oc,<br />

o.tx,<br />

0.00<br />

o.lD<br />

0 0i)<br />

otl)<br />

0,d)<br />

o.lx)<br />

o.ot)<br />

ootl<br />

0.00<br />

0.q)<br />

0,t'o<br />

or0<br />

o.r|t<br />

0.t2<br />

0.t5<br />

03'<br />

0,17<br />

0,t?<br />

0.ll<br />

ot0<br />

024<br />

o|l<br />

ot5<br />

rLlt<br />

0.09<br />

0.t I<br />

oB<br />

0,26<br />

o.2l<br />

ott5<br />

0.€<br />

0.06<br />

0.00<br />

0.ll)<br />

ott<br />

o.l0<br />

rL|l<br />

0.1I<br />

0.ll<br />

0,00<br />

0.t o<br />

0.lI)<br />

0,00<br />

o.l,l<br />

o0t<br />

0.I.t<br />

olt<br />

ot2<br />

0.0tt<br />

o.llt<br />

0.|D<br />

0.00<br />

0,lxt<br />

o,lt0<br />

oJo<br />

orit<br />

0,00<br />

0tro<br />

oJo<br />

o,u,<br />

oilt<br />

It<br />

t6<br />

a7<br />

al<br />

t9<br />


indics Ih* ncm do ml appoh y nd lhe sicria of. good im tor dl. aur.<br />

tlEy hrction v.ry well in ce of [@in8 students $ shoM ubt. 4.2. Zro indies<br />

onD ind'4k l&r or qtlng sbiliry |o respond rhe* il€m b) Lbc deaj sludenr!.<br />

7<br />

l<br />

l2<br />

r3<br />

2l<br />

23<br />

26<br />

23<br />

l0<br />

]I<br />

32<br />

In nue 4.4, th.F @ nubcr ofitcrB Mtb zfu rlisininatior ed dillculry<br />

0.09<br />

0.33<br />

0.35<br />

0.32<br />

0.63<br />

0.32<br />

0.?l<br />

0.63<br />

0.22<br />

Table 4. 5<br />

Len Akalrlsx Put A (All Stt.tentl<br />

Total Sttd.nts= 1386, RelbbnirtoltheT6t= 94<br />

0.25<br />

-0.03<br />

0.14<br />

0.72<br />

13.8J<br />

23.86<br />

32.90'<br />

31.59<br />

J7.31<br />

r6.09<br />

32.t2<br />

l3ll<br />

431<br />

21_79<br />

7.58<br />

23_10<br />

32.!2<br />

t3.69<br />

2t.9t<br />

17.39<br />

t7.10<br />

t6.02<br />

21.79<br />

ta25<br />

2t.18<br />

22.58<br />

11.90<br />

3l.l9r<br />

tt_20<br />

32.13i<br />

15.58<br />

15.51<br />

3.03<br />

9.U<br />

32.32<br />

|l13<br />

22.94<br />

20.92<br />

23 74<br />

ll.t1<br />

30.31'<br />

0,00<br />

0,t4<br />

'3.46<br />

8,59<br />

ll0<br />

5.61<br />

3.95<br />

6.91<br />

310<br />

4.t3<br />

|l69<br />

l.0l<br />

9.38<br />

413<br />


Ir.!q Ditt l.d, Di* I.dd Dlrr. a DLr a Dirt, C Dbr D MLrln!<br />

5l<br />

7l<br />

0.51<br />

0.65<br />

0.62<br />

0,62<br />

0.63<br />

0.63<br />

0.70<br />

051<br />

o,76<br />

0.53<br />

0.70<br />

0.30<br />

-0.11<br />

0.51<br />

0.52<br />

0.68<br />

078<br />

r0.32<br />

u.82<br />

3_37<br />

t1.24<br />

\4.29<br />

2t.14<br />

20.42<br />

30.33<br />

t6.31<br />

t6.61<br />

22.13<br />

r8.69<br />

9.33<br />

1.22<br />

t3 04<br />

19.5t<br />

l3.ll<br />

t2.84<br />

t5.95<br />

l].06<br />

16,88<br />

21.71<br />

'l.30i 20.27<br />

10.63<br />

592<br />

12.12<br />

20.61<br />

53.61<br />

12.34<br />

25.54<br />

23.16<br />

t3.54<br />

22.58<br />

2t 02<br />

22.22<br />

23.52<br />

t4.76<br />

10.82<br />

10.32<br />

3.51<br />

12t2<br />

I6.31<br />

11.13<br />

20.85<br />

20.t3<br />

t4.46<br />

I5.30<br />

8.10<br />

t4.t0<br />

9.16<br />

rt03<br />

24.79<br />

41.271<br />

9.52<br />

12.55<br />

Tsble 4.6<br />

ten Arullsis oJPart B (All Sttdenx)<br />

Nunbi ofStu.te t = 1386, R2liability ol tta Teg- 0 98<br />

2 0.33<br />

0.33<br />

4_13<br />

9.3r<br />

(),53i<br />

5.34<br />

o.22<br />

0.36<br />

0.14<br />

0.22<br />

0.14<br />

0.22<br />

0.22<br />

lll<br />

6_20<br />

6.0,6<br />

5.61<br />

6.85<br />

6,X8<br />

6.ll<br />

1.43<br />

9.18<br />

395<br />

9.1<br />

t0.63<br />

7,22<br />

6.11<br />

9. t6<br />

3.30<br />

.33<br />

938<br />

9.13<br />

3.21<br />

ll04<br />

1t.62<br />

t2.27<br />

39t<br />

6.78<br />


lt2<br />

1<br />

I<br />

,<br />

t0<br />

l2<br />

ta<br />

l6<br />

t7<br />

ll<br />

t9<br />

N<br />

2l<br />

u<br />

6<br />

2l<br />

a<br />

30<br />

3l<br />

32<br />

t1<br />

3t<br />

38<br />

39<br />

a2<br />

a5<br />

47<br />

4l<br />

a 50<br />

JI<br />

t2<br />

59<br />

6o<br />

o7s<br />

0,52<br />

d6.<br />

o55<br />

0J8<br />

057<br />

0,27<br />

il!5<br />

|tt<br />

0.50<br />

or9<br />

04<br />

0t7<br />

0.,t6<br /><br />

0x<br />

0,5r<br />

027<br />

03t<br />

039<br />

0s<br />

0J3<br />

0,a!<br />

o53<br />

0J6<br />

04<br />

o56<br />

0.54<br />

ora<br />

0,51<br />

0r,.2<br />

037<br />

0.13<br /><br />

o.r3<br />

0,4<br />

035<br />

0,30<br />

o..I<br />

0J8<br />

0,a6<br />

oj,r<br />

0.17<br />

0,20<br />

o.3a<br />

o!5<br />

0.1<br />

o,t6<br />

052<br />

0.5!<br />

0Ja<br />

0,al<br />

0.6t<br />

oJa<br />

0.69<br />

0J9<br />

05.<br />

0.66<br />

0.15<br />

oo<br /><br />

ot1<br />

o16<br />

0,49<br />

0J!<br />

0,?0<br />

o.12<br />

o.n<br />

0ll<br />

o,9t<br />

0.u)<br /><br />

otl<br />

o'l<br />

0.17<br />

4,M<br />

o.7,6<br />

ot1<br />

0.t6<br />

0.&)<br />

0.n<br />

ltI9<br />

oto<br />

0.t6<br />

0r5<br />

0,7t<br />

0.46<br />

0,q)<br />

oa6<br />

otl<br />

0r5<br />

0Jtt<br />

o.57<br />

0.,6<br />


63<br />

32<br />

3l<br />

u<br />

35<br />

33<br />

o.u<br />

0lt<br />

0.35<br />

0.t3<br />

0ll<br />

0.t2<br />

0.23<br />

0.24<br />

0.29<br />

0.J2<br />

0t2<br />

0.20<br />

0.23<br />

0.25<br />

0.15<br />

' t he dq.utD aad d,ynnitutio; ;d.<br />

ont modi|i?d iten are hghtisht.d n r 6<br />

'tbte<br />! of Rrr S.oE irlo T-5.06<br />

081<br />

0.72<br />

0.89<br />

0.39<br />

0.83<br />

0.62<br />

0.67<br />

0.61<br />

0.34<br />

0.82<br />

059<br />

tuw $ores wee conven€d ino Z-$orcs &d lhen into t.scoE (M= 50. SD=<br />

15) befoe using lheh for developing noms. Thh ttusfomarjon hctped in<br />

nomolizing $e sorc di$ribuion.<br />

M€.r rd St.!d.d Deyi.iior otth. FinrrT6t<br />

r'.ble 4.7 cptwltl rhe m.s dd de srhd{d devidlios of lhe Urdu<br />

Reading md Vriling T6l baed on t-eor€.<br />

Mertr lnd St idr.d for D..fci.t! rbd Boyr<br />

Table 4.7 pese s rhe difemcB in lhe m€d fld srrldard d*iaton oflhe<br />

boys dd girls with b.&ing iDp.ime ofcl.$ 6, 7 ed E, This m€m md shitard<br />


dcvidion ]re calculaled by conr.ninS thc taq $o€ of thc atudctrls inlo z_sot Uu1<br />

dd th€n !o a t-scorc. A stand.rd valw of SD= 15 ed M= 50 wa latcn lo calculale<br />

rhc t'$oE. Tte fomutd for c.lculating z.sE ed rsrc w a follows-<br />

(2. sTDv) + M6 oR (zvdwr l5)+50<br />

I4<br />

on th. b6sis of t-eoB, th. dd ne.Ld dcvi.tion of @h das wd<br />

calculd.d with refcrenc. b ex ed rnd. lcvcl,<br />

T.blc 4 7<br />

Cakula'ion oJ ard Standad D.vption oICId$ 6, '. 3<br />

o,o,s<br />

c.H.r.<br />

B.O.S.<br />

B.H.t.<br />

64.!t<br />

65,10<br />

4t9l<br />

12.14<br />

5.01<br />

t,5<br />

5.13<br />

t.9<br />

r0.38<br />

6,2t<br />

tt<br />

lo<br />

31<br />

30<br />

G.O S 63.,14 12.2t ]l<br />

G.H.t.<br />

B_O.S<br />

6.H.1.<br />

G.O.S 1l.44<br />

G.H.t. 42.88<br />

B.O.S 70,t1<br />

a.H.t.<br />

' G.O S (Onk fis' diniry S.h@b)<br />

'G H.l. Gnk virh Hdiig |mt<br />

' a.O.S. (BoF ftum diiny S.hok<br />

. B H.l. (Bor: with H*nB hprmd)<br />

C.lcdstion of th. ncb &{t 3irn&!d dcviatiotr of thc girb witb h€ding<br /> in ds VI show thll Fdomde<br />

]I<br />

't2<br />

l0<br />

31<br />

28<br />

33<br />

89<br />

87<br />

6t<br />

(M= 40 70, SD= 5 01) 6 b€tter<br />

th& $e dsmlc boye wilh h.dirg inPaireni (M=39 97, SD=5.5) Dlc<br />

pe.fomde of si s wi0, h@iog inPlim. in cls ? (M= 42.00' SD- 5 13) is<br />

slislr0y betld lh6 thc boys wilt h.qiry€ ofs.ds(M=4l.9l SD=<br />

6.3). IrE Fdommce of $c sift with h@in8 in 8tr cles {M= 42.E8<br />

SD- 5,9) i3 b.nq ths thc pdfome4 of boys wilb h.sing i6paim.n1 of clss 3

(M= 41 64, SD= 6.21). Ovenll perfomd@ of girls witi hwing inpaim€nl is bcn€r<br />

thd th. boys of the sm. cl6*s,<br />

Tb. CoDp.rnor of Me.!t ttrd Slr rrd Dwiilior ol Ordinry S.b@k<br />

The compdson between Mtus md Stand&d Deviadon of sMlenls wilh<br />

h.din8 inpaimcntboth g s ed boys rd ofsrud€nrs ofordinary $hools sho* rhal<br />

Esllr of studoa with hdidg ihpainoi is low rhe rh€ euk of h.siag Fe^ of<br />

the smc *x od clss. For qmpl. Oc Me4 of eiils vith he&ing iopaimeol (M=<br />

40.70. SD= 5.01) is lowq thm the mean md of he&ing girh (M= 64.33, SD. 12.44).<br />

M.m (42.00) dd SD. (5.1t) or sirls wirh hdrin8 inp.imor off cls is lcs rhd<br />

lhc M6 (68.44) dd sD. (12.21) oIhqine si s of s. cl6. Th€ p.rfo'rue of<br />

tne girls wid heeing impoimcnr of ctN 8 (M= 42.88 od SD= 5.9) shows lhar il<br />

vas lower lh& rhe Mes (71 .44) ud SD (9.97) of gnk ofordindy $hooh.<br />

fte conpoiso! wilhin rhe boys of€lass.s 6, 7 rd 8 aho shows tbe difteEne<br />

on tbe bais of h@ ord eed,rd daiarion. fte p.rfom&ce of thc boF virh<br />

h*ins impaime in 6d cl4 k lowe (M= 39.97, sD= j.5) the thc hwins Dees<br />

(M= 6s.10, sD= I 1.74) of @c ctss. Ite diflercnce in clss 7 shows thar rhe (M=<br />

4l .93. SF 6.1) of boys wjlh hrjng iEpaimcn n Ls rh& lhe boys of $e ordinary<br />

$h@ls (M= 67.38, SD= 12.t4). The FrfotMe of lhc 8s cls boys wilh hding<br />

thpaimcnt (M= 41 .64, SD= 6.21) is aho lowo lhe the hding students of lhc sme<br />

dss (M= 70 ll, sD= r0 38).<br />

OveEll th. Frfomecc of Bift virh hceirg iftp.imcil in all cld*s is<br />

bctter the 6eir @utc4er boys brrt lowr rho rhe h@ing girts of rhe sme gnde.<br />

And tunher the pcrfomece of rhe bols wilh heuing imp.iment is lower than the<br />

deaa girb ed lhc heann8 boys of ordin .y schools i. s ctses.<br />


S!!!.!t St|.|d.t<br />

T.blc 4.7 pr.s.nl3 th. lunnly 3Llitlica d|osirS th. trs& srtrdrd<br />

dryi.ri@, Dininun scoc .nd nainM 906 *hicvd by tt duddt|! of borb<br />

Irolp. (wirh .d wilholt lailg) by s ,nd E d.. SEh | 3uhn ry iqblc h.lF to<br />

conFfr mjd sgm4l! of tlE Fpul.lion oi dE bcais of {ri! p.rfoM on th.<br />

Udu Rc!.li!g &d vdtinS Tcst will .*[ ollE ,<br />

N.rrrc of.h. DhFlb!.i@ d Cc.pdli. SoE .!d Sort of tl. CLr!6<br />

TIF din ibuloi! of tgl .4o8, .lp.cidly of legc spl6, g@6.Uy<br />

.pproxirot! | heariiS di'lribmid. H.iring difibuton is t sylmcltiol b.ll tupcd<br />

.ue. Th. nc{. .nd n.di& in r ha.in8 di!tribuli@ tr! lelr.d !r dE dt6<br />

bislins ttc b.llsltrpcd .n! i o $o id.nncd slnpc] TIEE b m asidion<br />

bciwa rhc M.lily of lhc dirtibuton od thc qudity of . l€1. A! t mnq of f*1,<br />

! nm6 dirtibution $@ yicEt r high.r Elilbility with. Sivcn 3d ortcai n m.<br />

|l6<br />

Ebcl (1979) lhd "16r @NltEto! *ho point with Fid. [o thc<br />

b.lutitully mmd diltibudor of sB th!! lkn tcn icld! Dy h. 6in8 ! t l$<br />

nlndnd of qudity (!.213)." Rlponils 0r dbrihtion of $d€ vr3 dcsnlbh in<br />

otdlr to f&ilitd. dE utLr d tt ug of tllc td in hluu|g judgtD.rts .tout !€ Ls<br />

(lhmc.d, l9EE).<br />

Trblc 4.8<br />

chatut |i$i.t dS@E Dijhibttlo$<br />

Ch$6 Toal M 8D l\ldbr M.d. $6!6 Klirdit<br />

6<br />

1<br />

265 39,90 5,54<br />

265 41.93 6.32<br />

3940<br />

41.72<br />

8 265 4t.62 6.2t 4r.0E<br />

.970<br />

.439<br />

.?30<br />

t.ll<br />

.031<br />

t.2t<br />

Tlblc 4,E !B.n!r nc.r!, E ditrr mo& !t!m* lrd kudo3b ot dE<br />

cmDorit sE s.t sB ol lhc cl.s tmdy 6, ?, &d E Thc !l4Es k !<br />

4l<br />

38<br />


n6w of 6'1mary of ! disriburioo. wlEn thc ffi @ "railcd oft' in orc<br />

diBrion, the disr.ibution it sid ro b. slcsed. The slcmcs is ncedivc when th€<br />

sor€s @ clust rcd towod the uppq (!ighl) end of lh. cwe ConveMly, lhe<br />

disnibuiion h posirivcly stcstd if sc e pilqi up<br />

't rhc low (lcfr) od of th€<br />

cufl€. Tablc 4.8 w6 @npiled Eins SPSS eftwe which giv* deere dd dift.tio!<br />

of lhe *M€ss. A skemss of C0.75) ees lhe soe @ piled up at dic uppq end<br />

Mrh a &gF of 0.75 wilh a 6nge of -l b + I (0.0 b.inS lrE ak€@ of sleffi)<br />

(Clds & Sta.ley, 1970, pp.9l-9). nrus the sk€u.$ or rhe t$r ror rhc clss 6<br />

Eprcent thal the &si ws . bii 6y for this clds. Sm. is the ce for dss 7 (.439)<br />

Kunosh eprcs.nk rhe p€al€dnes otthe cw., Th. cw. has s ldge kunosis<br />

whm sp.cad of s@E is lc$ dd sn.ller vahe of st rdatd devition. Thc dhtdbution<br />

wirh hiSh p.!t or kuriost is callcd Lflokmiq *id! hdins p@t is D.ekfijc, and<br />

with low lat cwe is call.d pldykunh. A lo.g bilcd distibutio. shos positiv€<br />

tunosis whcl% ! flar ropped disr.iblrior indides a rc8adve kunos's.<br />


I<br />

rltuF 1,1. Onphical RlpFsldution otscoB of Cle 6<br />

Thclurostuofchs6r!?iB t{r it i! lliSh{y t.llokutic po.iriEty Cc,Fd<br />

ed i.diql€ t hdrilg dkrildoo of lh. st (Ftge<br />


t<br />

i'<br />

Hbbgran<br />

I|gor. ae C.qbicll RlFe'r.doo of Sor! ofclls ?<br />

Th. 8.ehicd rcpEsal:tio! of tbc s@r.! in clas 7 !h@ lhd il b n.!.10<br />

lcFolodic ddherin€dimibdidofit rotB(Fig@4.2).<br />


Hbtoerrn<br />

rrslr! 43, CtrFhic.t RlpFsraiion of SclG ofcL$ E<br />

T!. ti$ogm of clsr E FElt rtrr tbc h!ro,i! L 3tiglrly Botunic .rxl<br />

slbs . h@ile dirribdion oflhe slr for fic r.rr r.tft (Fi8w 4.3).<br />

Pat.ldL Rdr aor ConF4- $.ott of Cbt 4 7, rd E<br />

P@orile lcorcs d thc cmpoliE by 3.x md gn& arc sivd in t ble 4.9.<br />

Pd@tlc tut ir ! ruobd rtor indicdB rtc !.rc@tr€c of sB i! lhe stDL<br />

distdbuiio flning bclow tbc poinr ,t whicl th. gilo $or. ti6. p@dnite .ul6<br />

Flvid6 e .dditiorl diric io mt j'dgD.dr i! iirsFld!8 tt 9.e of lt rdr<br />

ur.F. Thcy s bc ud fo! seni!8 ,lrdud! for a pdicub soup d rrll.<br />

Pdslild e hcbtul b uldqg c@rd$B udg !tuddr. of greuD! by<br />


ing thc Frfotll]l@ of a gtuup 4s ! EfeMe- T.ble 4.9 indiel6 th€ scoEs<br />

ahieved by sudenb wfi esFcr ro g.nd.r ed gEd..<br />

Tlble 4.9,ndisGs rhal rhe sE! rheved bJ lhe h*ing lrd d*r$ldenB<br />

tc nol sinild to ore 4othr dd $e $oFs &hiev€d by rtE stud€nls wirh h.qing<br />

inpaimenl @ lower rhs th. s@6 of hcding studors in ordiMy *hool.<br />

Tabb a 9<br />

Per.e"tile Ran*J fo the Reading an.l Writing Tst b! Ser and Qmde Led<br />

S.or Glrtr B.F Dqa D..f ci r Bot: Dal D{.f cirt Aoyr D..f Dot<br />

Ginr ao}' Gitu EoF Gt.h Bos<br />

t3<br />

37<br />

33<br />

32<br />

73<br />

72<br />

7l<br />

62<br />

58<br />

95<br />

9l<br />

33<br />

35<br />

3l<br />

'13<br />

62<br />

tz<br />

29<br />

9l<br />

92<br />

90<br />

33<br />

86<br />

30<br />

13<br />

62<br />

60<br />

53<br />

ll<br />

27<br />

23<br />

t00<br />

99<br />

99<br />

93<br />

t0o<br />

93<br />

33<br />

72<br />

63<br />

33<br />

27<br />

2l<br />

20<br />

I<br />

88<br />

34<br />

30<br />

71<br />

10<br />

63<br />

65<br />

5l<br />

3!<br />

23 100<br />

totl<br />

98<br />

93<br />

93<br />

gl<br />

a2<br />

63<br />

l6<br />

!4<br />

ll<br />

29<br />

2t<br />

20<br />

l6<br />

t2<br />

34<br />

32<br />

7l<br />

5l<br />

5l<br />

'17<br />

36<br />

t3<br />


56<br />

5I<br />

!9<br />

t3<br />

t1<br />

J5<br />

t4<br />

l3<br />

32<br />

I<br />

l0<br />

25<br />

2<br />

2<br />

I ;<br />

5<br />

I 2<br />

o<br />

8<br />

I<br />

n l3<br />

12<br />

id<br />

3<br />

3<br />

'l<br />

2<br />

2<br />

I00<br />

lm<br />

93<br />

u<br />

58<br />

t2<br />

l9<br />

l5<br />

I<br />

2<br />

I<br />

98<br />

89<br />

33<br />

7I<br />

25<br />

r3<br />

tl<br />

I<br />

l7<br />

l5<br />

3<br />

7<br />

l<br />

l<br />

2<br />

2<br />

2<br />

tl<br />

12<br />

3<br />

6<br />

t<br />

5<br />

;<br />

t<br />

l<br />

2<br />

2<br />

I<br />

I<br />

99<br />

92<br />

a7<br />

3I<br />

58<br />

5l<br />

42<br />

1<br />

2<br />

I<br />

93<br />

93<br />

93<br />

9I<br />

81<br />

85<br />

43<br />

ll<br />

23<br />

l3<br />

P.rc. ile R.!rr olct !! 5, 7, & I i. Ordi!.ry Schoob<br />

Aebb 4,10 shom lhrt rhe $oEs &hiw.d by th€ hq{ing eins dd boys in<br />

cls 6 e alno$ similr ai 1006, 75s, 50d , dd 256 p.'@I!lca,<br />

56<br />

Score Perc.htil.s oJClaN 6<br />

a<br />

2<br />

8<br />

6<br />

5<br />

l<br />

l<br />

2<br />

2<br />

2<br />

I<br />

I<br />

ll<br />

5<br />

!<br />

2<br />

2<br />

5l) 75<br />

100<br />

66<br />

53 73<br />

I<br />

I<br />

7J 88<br />

'lbble 4.1 I indicals our srce ehieved by the gins ed boys ofclbs 7 b dc<br />

ordin&y $hmls rc alno$ sme ro q.h orlrr dt 100p, 75u ed 25'F@ndtcs.<br />

87<br />

95<br />

36<br />

3l<br />

3l<br />

72<br />

55<br />

5l<br />

4l<br />

't7<br />

22<br />

3<br />

2<br />

t22<br />

D<br />

95<br />

9l<br />

5o<br />

33<br />

3<br />

6<br />

5<br />

l<br />

2<br />


Howd. 0Fy m slightiy diffcmt a1 5d pd@til.. Th. s6 m .boul ridl& on<br />

lh€ b6is ofg.nder in clas 7, which showcd lhal lhe lest wN quite 6y for both male<br /><br />

6l<br />

60<br />

T.blc 4.1|<br />

S@re Paqtiles inckas 7<br />

50ri<br />

70<br />

66<br />

T.ble 4.12 shows $!1 st@st similq s@6 s@ obLi!.d by 8u gade ejrls<br />

a.d boF sr ?5150m, lnd 25u pcadtiL eith a stishi dilTeMce b€ing found al rhe<br />

7a<br />

7E<br />

S.des P.r..ntiles i. Cl6t I<br />

Girls 19<br />

86<br />

72<br />

Ovqall the scorcs oblai@d by h.ding srudenrs (both rule od ienah) i!<br />

dN 6, 7, ed 8 dlet 6.t rhe &sl M sligldy @y. Tne disF8ioi of sres<br />

indiclca lh.l lh.E ya mt nmb ditrcm. in tI€ perfomdce of th. girls ed boy3<br />

P.|@l . R trLe ol Clr$ 6, 7, & 8 i! Stai.l ScLmL<br />

Tabl€ 4.ll shows 6ai $ors otn in€d by the gnk wirh h€&i.g impcim€nr<br />

&d boy3 wid heei.g ihpaimot in clas 6 de alnosl simild to eeh othd a! the<br />

75o, 50o , ed 25d pcdndlcs *nib .r th. IOOIh FMntilc ! sligt d|Iclm w6<br />

79<br />

89<br />

9l<br />

90<br />


25rb<br />

11<br />

36<br />

Table 4.13<br />

Scores P{centihs olthe Deal in Clas 6<br />

4l<br />

40 41<br />

Tabl. 4.14 slDs thar sEe obtained by lhe gnh wilh h{ing impaimcnl<br />

dd boys in clss ? E. almosl sinils lo .mn o1her ar the 1000, 75d, 5Od ed 25s<br />

co,wsite<br />

Cirls 39<br />

38<br />

Table 4 14<br />

in Percertiles oflh. Deaf in ct6s 7<br />

'cores<br />

5l,rh 7S 100<br />

42<br />

Table 4.15 shows lhal s@rcs obiiined by $e girls &d boys with hesri.g<br />

ihpaimflr in da 8 e .lnon sinilu to @h olhd sl 100D, ?51 50$ dd 2js<br />

Girls<br />

45<br />

S@rcs in Per.enriles otDeal i, Clus 8<br />

!5rb 50 15 100<br />

39<br />

37<br />

The $06 by sins ed boys win hc&ing imp6imc in atl cls6<br />

indi@te lhdt tn€ r.n wa of niddle difiicully level for rh6e srudc s. Howev.r rhe<br />

scorcs obraioed by stldeiis with hFing impaim€o ofrhe ditrcEnl cl6s6 d. not<br />

hrch diff@ lo eh orh.r. Th. l.$, h.s" thccfoE, fliled ro dmirc tlE<br />

45<br />

56<br />

59<br />

60<br />

6l<br />

60<br />


PogEsive @ding snd Fiting abilid6 wnh up*.rd mobilly in levcl, nr<br />

major Fe. could b€ thar rhe lev€l of cading ed wirine devdoFd .t sixlh Ead€<br />

does not i@t!s wirh $c agc od due 10 poor t rching. Tlr incrw in ne&<br />

soE with agc ed smde for n€ring studotl Gabl. 4,7) supp.rir rhis dsdprion,<br />

P.r.dtil. Rnkr of Boln Gmupr i! Cl.s 6, 7, E<br />

Tabl€ 4.16 irdical.s thal rhe Frfotue<br />

125<br />

of rh. girls Mth h€{ing ihprimor<br />

is belt€! in class 6 ar the 25ri,50o, & 75o p@entile ss @npacd ro boys bll slighly<br />

low ar rhe lOOn peEentil.. In cls T lhc Frfomecc oflne g r 6 onpaFd !o<br />

boys is slighdy lord.! dU F@nilcs, However the perfoftec€ of the Sirls witb<br />

he&ine impaimcnr od boys is lowcr the th€ girls ord boys of rhe me cls of<br />

Tic compui$. in cls 7 mong the girls &d boys wirh hcding imp.imenl<br />

weal.d th.r rh. boys pcrfom stighdy h.n* tbo th. 8ins al rh. 50d, 75$ ard tOOd<br />

percentile &d lower at 25s percentile. Howeve! rbe cohpuNon mory ne No<br />

Smnps showc

H,l. Girh<br />

H.l.Boys<br />

H.l.Cirls<br />

H.L Boys<br />

H@io8 Cirls<br />

H.t. Gnh<br />

H.l. Boys<br />

Table 4.16<br />

PereeaiL Co"puitorc tn Both Grcqi i" Cl6s 6, 7, & I<br />

25r!<br />

56<br />

37<br />

58<br />

36<br />

6l<br />

39<br />

60<br />

l8<br />

39<br />

6'<br />

31<br />

6<br />

66<br />

40<br />

10<br />

6<br />

74<br />

72<br />

orhci things cq@I, th€ orcnll low p.rfomdc of tbe studenrs eilh<br />

h.eing implimeni on |he Udu Rading @d W.iling Tdl @y indicare lh.I rhe<br />

qldity of td.cheG .nd dtcn rehile b fr infqior ro rhfl ofstud.nrs wirlun h.rins<br />

impaimot, The cgss of this to* qudity €duc.rional slaid.rd Day include<br />

ireffcqivc rad parsive cuiculm ad d. *ial scgEr.ti@ oflh.* sludcnrs.<br />

73<br />

43<br />

7E<br />

7a<br />

77<br />

19<br />

45<br />

EE<br />

56<br />

E?<br />

6l<br />

89<br />

59<br />

9l<br />

50<br />

86<br />

63<br />

90<br />

60<br />


Although €aons wr Dadc lo @.suud a test of @ding rd qili.g irdependd of<br />

at pani.ulir cldiculm, th€ rol€ of curiculm in crealin8 lemi.8 opp.nmitcs cu<br />

OurcoDB ofloclr Crelp Dl*!r!Ion3<br />

F&s grcuF discusioN neld .l fou diferenl cni€s indiqted rhal<br />

tlD weE leehine Urdu wcrc not iI lacl |{sugc t.achc6 bul wes only using<br />

t€achirg Eelhods holily r€lier upon Jol€ leming wiihout redlizine ils in-<br /> fte rsch€'s did mr @lie 6€ crci.l inponlM or 6e Udu<br />

lmg@ge in building commbicadve conp€t€ne. Ihis ale shoed the poor<br />

*nsidaniotr of lhe lehc6 toward th. Elional lug@ge, ils e and ib nl€ 6 a<br />

comnmicadon bol in th€ fwcrional til. oflhe chil.lEn with n€ding inDqime of<br />

fie @e socicty. Mosl of oEm wee working wilhour O. loowlcdge ol nodeh<br />

n.thods of l*hing E ding ett nilins stilh. They $ sF*h<br />

developneni, Total Conmuicarion, lip rcading, copying fDn rle h@rd ed usc of<br />

si8n langu!€c rere rhc nelnods of hlglagc d.v.lopnor. Th.y ds bcliev.d<br />

lhat those childb did not bave tie se lqel of abihies with lmg@g€ like rh.n<br />

heding pee6 of rhe sc age, gndc &d sex. b-facr, they h€ld s diileent proilc of<br />

their $udeols. Ihcy vi*d crding sd Miling s . pad ol rheir rcufinc i.sfircdon,<br />

@lher thm a sp€cially taugh skill. Mosl of lhen respondcd thal thc un"availabilily of<br />

sudio vi$l ai& 6 a najor esrlicdon lo dw€lop rading.nd wirins skilts dong<br />

childtn wilh heeine impaifr€nl. Duing rhese dieussions rhe panicipant sug8csred<br />

thar ficE wa need !o onducr rcfBh* in,sdie @Urs ro inlrodue nodem<br />

ne$odr of legu,Ae teehing paniculady ro th. dcai TlEy ale popo$d ncw<br />

lextbmk cooraining picloriol conteDr. Th€y suggcsled ihat in all schoots lhe fi61<br />


lhree ye8 of $hooling should @nentale on only on th. de!€lopDql of rcading<br />

ud wilins skills 6ther thm reaching ooH iubjels.<br />

t28<br />

Ir w6 notcd thal iidividual ctfoft *E bong nadc at diffemr locarion ro<br />

inpove lmsuage leaching. Howelcr, lh. inpacl of such elforls is slill 10 be secn on<br />

fic preie of ldguSe lruhing. Or lre bais of thse di*ussions il would sem<br />

ihpemtive lo onduct crpdimls b rryout dfre@r ndhods of ldguge lcehins.<br />

The n€thods ro be experinenled musl b€ b&d on kmwledS. $d €xperiencs oa the<br />

childrc. wi$ he&ing inpaiment ed this musl be bNed on $cial inremcrion &d the<br />

Drtr Anlytir of ln.<br />

The design and rationale for lh. el€clion of the video clip experinent w6<br />

disussd in chaptq IU. nE oalysh !d rhe results olthe experine e pre*nled<br />

hm. TIE min purpGe ol rhis exp.rincnr 6 b try oul, under tnE exp€nncnlsl<br />

condilios vid@ clippins 6 a new te(hin8 nelhod lo dev.lop reading $d qriling<br />

skills @ong childcn with h*ing inpaiment in Palisld. This €xFriBenr ws<br />

@nducled by sel*ring rh€ pe|c$-p6nc$ c@r.ol Sroup d6ign. The Hdfu<br />

Foundation Ac.deny for lhe De.f w4 eleled for th€ €xp€rim€nl dre lo lrge<br />

numbcrs of sludenls in lhe 6ri, ?1r sd 8rr' clsss dd il was e6y for E*drchcr lo<br />

lbm th€ @ntrcl &d crFdne gnups. Following $e sbndard pr$edu€s of 8rcup<br />

sel*don tlE fiBt pErst oarhe bolh goup w6 condEled, Onc nonrh lr€alnenr w6<br />

lhen gilo lo bo$ golps sd s posl w6 h€ld aner lbh lrcatn€.t. Th. detail<br />

snalrsisolpe ad posr r€sl is describcd belos:<br />

Alrtlir ol PFT6a<br />

Table4.l7 sho*s ln m€N dd s|lnddd deviaion ofrhe pE-test. Tablc 4.18<br />

sbows lnal the csults of Levne\ tesl for equliry of veidces which indicated thar

vdidc6 of rhe two groups iot sieniticmtly dife@r in re.ding (F=3 51, p =<br />

.071) dd wilins stills (F=0.45 p = J0). Also no ditr€Ene *$ foud in thcir prc.<br />

tol composire s6E (F=3.38, p = .076). The 6ult5 of ind@sdql smple i"icsr<br />

showed th.l1herc m no siilicmi dil&Erce bets€s two Med ( = 0.19, dF28,<br />

p - .84) on rn of Eding, wirirS (F . 144, p = .88) !d rord sr (F .19. p = ,84),<br />

Tlblc 4.17<br />

Descriptiw Statistics of &perimntal and Conttul Crctps (Pre T.!)<br />

srd.<br />

Tdr Grorp N M D.vl.tior Std.EmrM<br />

Reading L^pennen@l 15 ll20 4.17 | 07<br />

Conuol 15 2.82 .72<br />

wriritrg ExFrinenr.l 15 10.67 4.ll 1.06<br />

Conml 15 10.41 3.44 0.88<br />

Composif. Expqimd'al 15 23.1, 6.79 115<br />

Conbl 15 21.3! l-99 1.0]<br />

Tablc4,l8<br />

Indepe"dent sadptes t-Test on Prc-T*t olE ptinental dtul Cokiol Gloup!<br />

rrloe's Tesi for Equality<br />

ofvdiea3 nl5l for Equdny of Ms<br />

F P. I df P (2-l'il.d)<br />

l.5l .07t .25 2A .80<br />

0.45 ,50 ,1,14 28 .88<br />

1.38 ,076 .19 28 .E4<br />

Th€ above 6uls, $erfoE, indicale lhdt lhft wd no si8niff@t diffc!.he<br />

in lh. rcoding fld Miting sldlh bcn4o conlrol md cxperiDot l goup on peGst. ln<br />


othd words, rhc cip.rindal dd @nnol Irout<br />

Rcading and Wriin8 Tc$,<br />

atrllyrb of P@t-TBt<br />

I30<br />

v@ similu in p.rfomffie on Urdu<br />

Table 4,19 shows the nes ed lLrnd.rd .levisliotu of post1es1. Table 4.20<br />

shows $e 6ull5 of Latrt lesr fo. .qudny of vdi&es. Il i.di@16 thal th.<br />

vdjs|@ ofthe le 8rcups m nol silrilicd y difernt in @ding skill (F=1.07, p =<br />

.09). In Biti.s $. signifi@l diferncc was foud i. vdiec.s (F= a.89, p = 03).<br />

Siglificdt diillrcne w6 als foud in v&i4€s on tot l *oE (F=1,44, p = ,000).<br />

rlE esulrs ol i.d.p.nd.nt sbple r-|esr sho*ed 0ta1 rheE ws $i6@l difcMcc<br />

b.twen two n ds ii relding skills (F 3.21, p = .003, df =28). the esulls al$<br />

showed tlBl thec ws a sigillcmt diff.dce in witine skilb (l- 5.3?, P = .000, df=<br />

2E) .nd conposit $oe ( t= 4.54, p. .000)<br />

'IrE Esulls indi€le thar thw € sigD6@l diffeltre in thc EadinS skills<br />

ed wiling skills as weu 6 in omposilc $oe b.twen thc cxP.timenlol ed @nlol<br />

gbups Tn€ ealysh of pre and posdcst showed tEl the u. of vido clippins w.3<br />

cfl4tive in le&hing Eading snd wilinS skilk !o childM wnh hdine inpomot<br />

The null httotidis claiming.o significdt dfdnc bctwd exFdmot2l<br />

md conbol eroups on posne$ of Urd! R.adirS dd Wridng Tcsl la, d€Efoe,<br />

rej€cred. Irr video clippile @Ood rm.d to b€ d eff€crive method in 0eehins (du<br />

Edding dd qiting lo childrb witn h4ing inpoim@1.<br />

Table 4.21 shos the €fell of ZPD ir.aerent. A Sain s@e of 44 50 in<br />

readins,4988 in wiiirg dd 15,40 in composne scoc cl.4ly indicale lhat ZPD<br />

bed lr€ah€nl i.e, video dipping bed instrution hd s$c6sflUy enlHc.d lh.<br />

I@ing of th€ srldall wirh nai.g imp&mdr wnn lne hclP of po$stul sdnuli<br />

md tubnng by the rble ps they . 4cd inlo the zne of poxinal developmmt.

Tablc 4.19<br />

Dewipttve Stathtics olE pqinsntal and Coitrol O.oups (Post Te )<br />

l5<br />

l5<br />

l5<br />

l5<br />

l5<br />

l5<br />

M<br />

57,70<br />

42.!7<br />

60.55<br />

39.53<br />

59,13<br />

40.95<br />

14.88<br />

10.91<br />

t2.04<br />

9.t9<br />

l2.ll<br />

2.44<br />

2.81<br />

310<br />

2.17<br />

9.67 2.49<br />

T.b|.4.20<br />"d."t san*s rTest on P6t-T.s! of Exp.tik nat atd co'nrct Ctu'ps<br />

3.O1<br />

4.89<br />

.09<br />

.03<br />

.23<br />

1,21<br />

5.17<br />

4.54<br />

Enect oIzPD<br />

1A<br />

2a<br />

M SD<br />

D.20<br />

57.70<br />

10.67<br />

60,55<br />

2J.13<br />

59.t3<br />

4.17<br />

14.88<br />

4.\'<br />

t2,M<br />

l2.<br />

P. (2'iailed)<br />

.003<br />

.000<br />

.000<br />

44.50<br />

49.88<br />

35.40<br />


AdDi.hhlioo ol T.!l i! Lower Cl^k]<br />

Aier the analysis ofdc cl4ses 6, ?, dd 8, it ws foud ihal ihe M.e of thc<br />

dcal sMcnls @ still low whd compd.d to th. studols oflh. ordi@y schoob. It<br />

B difrculr to @mparc lhe pdfofrMc of rtu&nls wii! hwing npdmot with<br />

irt of h.aile studa s bec.E of tnc hug. drspanty in Du pc- ll wa,<br />

ficEforc, decided lo rdninistcr the Urd! Rodilg ald Vnring Ten b ordin ry<br />

nuden$ of .las6 thG, tuu, &d fiv., TIle Esulls indided lhal ihe pc otrMe of<br />

lb. slud€Drs vilh h@ing impoimor of 6i cl8 B .or sie'lificsdt diff.Fnt fioD<br />

ihal of the sludenls of class I of thc ordiD.t schools (F 1.48. p - l3). lhc<br />

p.dommce of studoh wilh h€ding impaimcnl of clFs 7 o. thjs Urdu ReadinS 4d<br />

wririrg Tesr wa not sigrlilicmtly diffcrcd Aon snrd€nls of ds 4 of ordjndy<br />

$h@ls (Fl-E35, p =.075)- Th€ Eldi.g .rd Miring skills ofsturLn|s qnh hcai.g<br />

ihp.inot of cbs eidr w low ths clas 5 or odin'y sh@l(F 2.?2. p =<br />

.000).'IlE c@p@ien of |)lcs ed !l${ta.d devi.lioN of dNs 6, 7. ed 8 of<br />

h€ding inpaird dd dNs 3, 4, and 5 of odiDry $hools is givo in idle 4,22.<br />

r*b 4,22<br />

Conpafiso" of M aad Stahd*d Devidtions with LNet Cl6es<br />

GrouD M..! sD , Sir'<br />

H6ing (lll) 4l_19 9.82 1.48 0.ll<br />

41.\ 13.42<br />

Cla lV vt, Clrs VII<br />

46.06 ll|l o0?<br />

'.57<br />

60.07<br />

5t.60<br />

t5.t9<br />

17.6E<br />

t5.28<br />

l.8l<br />

2.12<br />


Chrpter V<br />



To bs lit€ral€ but b. a prioriry, This exp€Llion alplies lo childrcn with<br />

n dinS ihp.imdt living in s anhuity. Rc*eb qeals thd tn€ readin8 md<br />

wiring skills ol childrd wifi h.eing inpdme v@ not lrc lncn heuing pt6,<br />

&d 6!l $ey lag bebind in then pqfofrde on @di!e and wiling 4 conp&€d lo<br />

thch hdil8 @ut rprtu. The mjor pu.poF of edEalion for dEs childcn is lo<br />

dcvclop re.ding ed witing skills lo such e exlenr that lh.y c& eaily use lbese<br />

skills in their functional life. But ufonoaicly, rh.i. poor rcading md wilin8 stilh<br />

do not Fdn<br />

ll3<br />

rhem tc, erm comuicdtc baic lif€ ne€ds prcp€rly to olh.B in a<br />

@hhunt *hich is not able !o @ siSn legug.. ChildrB wilh h@i4 inpdmc<br />

f@ this difflculty ml b@@ of lhcir iDn €nl shon@nirg bln ols due lo outdtt€d<br />

nc$ods ol te&hine in sch@ls. Moy lqch.d al$ have rigtd belieis lhat dese<br />

childrcn ce hol perfom like lhe heoing pee6 ol theii sme age nd grade. Such<br />

tninking Eslricls $ese l€&h6leming ofrew melhods. Th€ imbility to use sign<br />

le8uag€ ceates a comdication sap hwn the ldch€6 ad the t.ugh l.ading lo<br />

p@r co8nirive developmdl. As a Fsult d& 3tud.nls sith hdiry inPaim.nt rcrc<br />

not .bl. !o ha|cr basic vocabuldy io dcrclop sding @npehotion dd wi en<br />

expie$ioi in Urdu. All childten wilh heeng inpaimenl like theit hc&ing<br />

should be able 1o use radins md qiling skills for $eil basic n*ds ol life<br />

Unfonumtely, sv€n ane. prolong scbooling lh.y w€r€ nol lilerate enough to m@l<br />

necds for deir imlioml life. This $udy ra conduded to id.ndry lsts $al<br />

could b. $e ttes of their poor dcr.lopmcnl in &ademic atills (elding dd<br />

snin!). thn sbdy rc slidcd by lhe folloeing qudtio6:

l.<br />

2.<br />

3.<br />

Ce a vslid ud t€liabl€ Urdu R€adi.8 .nd wntins Tcn bc dcv.lopcd fo.<br />

childrEn with huins<br />

whar w rhc c@al level ol @di!8 ud wiling of childrn wiih hdine<br />

iDpaimcnl in the Urdu legug. studying in cldses 6m {uolgh 8d?<br />

Ch pecnlile d*s b€ .Lvelop€d to iner!€t lhe individul eorcs on Urdu<br />

Reding Md wning T€s1?<br />

4. Ce vid.o.lippi.g be elldti!.ly us! for l@bjns rsdins od wiring i!<br />

Urdu lo childEn *nn h€{ing impaimenf<br />

5. wh.t rccomendaiioE @uld b. made lo imprcve the exhdng rcaching<br />

Itring poc*s of $e urdu ldguagc?<br />

Th. fiBt questioo @ &sercd by developing Urdu ReadinS ud wrili.S<br />

T€$ for t. childcn wjtn hdins imp.iment of clas 6 to 8. To esw€r rhc sond<br />

qudion fou focs ercup dlsNioB w?rc h.ld ar Rawalpini, LihoE, Mulh, dd<br />

Fais.l.b.d. The sw€r of lhe lhird question ws given by @tullt el.c0.g @l life<br />

sirudions dd by pEpding vid@ clips !o be lsed in expenm..lll leaching. The<br />

bunh queslion ws e$ered by condeting d expqinent by using. Prclest-posiesl<br />

conrrol goup d.sien. The lndines of .rch $ep l'k n in this cs.$h wc givm<br />

bclo*, ln fie.nd, Rolmod.tions w.r madc for inprcvdcnl ofrcaching leaming<br />

Srbn.ry ofTeli Co.ttructiotr Ptu.d!rc<br />

134<br />

Thc rcvicw of the lileralw led to e und€slmding ih8t lh. Pocess of<br />

l&guae. dcvelopmenl in children qi$ hedine inpaiment C llmdt se as in<br />

hding p..6 bul m.thodr of l@hir8 ce bc dff@nl. As @nparcd lo h.dins<br />

childro th.y w sicn ld€r4e! !o bst $e code of the onePrs tud! ddEr lho<br />

the !sih8 $ud. Thoueh fiey nay lollow gramalicar

Beption. Th€ se they produc. do nol r€nel a compehension of concepls in<br />

Urdu d @mpared lo D@s ofsme drc md 8lndc (HM@d & Beo, 2006).<br />

In lhis sludy eiloris wcrc made to a$Bs rcading md witilg stills of childrcn<br />

wi$ heeins impaimenl in Urdu. For this purpose . Urdu Reading Md Writing Test<br />

was developed for the childM wilh h.ding inpaimcnr ofclass 6 ro 8. This lest ws<br />

d€leloped oi rhe b6h of v@abuldy us€d i. redl lifc situions. In this lest a toIll of<br />

249 it€ms B@ developed on lh. b6b of Fal liie silutions. Te roms (A and B)<br />

w prepsr.d b6ed on the* irm. In borh A ed B lom lhe $rutued, Esrriclai<br />

od liee $ponsc itcns rcrc dcvelop.d. Fom A conpli$d 84 sLuchrcd ed 58<br />

Fslticled ed fee espoM n m. Fom B compded 50 $ructu€d ed 57 rc$ictd<br />

and frc. 6pos items. Th. lag.r populadon of lhis ld ffi fi. sludenrs of 6", ?"<br />

dd 8'g6&s in |he public ed pdv.rc schools fo. tllc hc&ng dd slu& s wirh<br />

h@ing imFimqt in th. P6jab Pb!'.cc. Both foEi or fic test w@ pilor r4ted-<br />

'nE quliv of! l€sl depdrds Won $c qudny ofih. iicms il @nlaitr. O.lhe bais oI<br />

d@jlcd ilem an lysis fom th€ pilor I 55 itchs we eleted lor thc nial lesl of<br />

Eldins sd witins. olr 16r booklel wa pcpdd on $c bsis oftw par$ (Pan A<br />

6 for Eadins dd Pln B I for wiing). A iotal of 8l slruclured ii€Ds w€E<br />

sl€cled for the Pan A of th. rcsr &d m {crc scletcd fot rhc P&t B. T}e fiml U.du<br />

Relding &d writng qs in 49 sFcisl dd Plblic shooh of<br />

children Rith ad witlro hedi.g inpaimcot<br />

Fidirg! of thc Andyrls<br />

The Urdu Reading ed Writing @nsistd oflwo pans. Ptrt A oflle tesl<br />

m developed !o ne6or€ eiding lbilities of$. childc. wilb md wilbout h€ding<br />

impainenl. Pan B of rhe tcsr ws dev.lopcd to mca@ thc wiling abilities ol lh€<br />

both gtolps. Pan A md B wcr Mlyz.d€ly ao! bolh goups dd then a<br />


conbine @lysis w6 Dade 10 c.lcularc th. r€liability of the resr 'Ihe diabiliti$ oi<br />

t€sls de pGdted b.los:<br />

Rcliability ofth. Tsr (A p6n) for th€ H@ing Stud@is: 0.92<br />

R.liability ofthe Tsl (B p{n) for the H@ing Sndoll: 0.93<br />

Reliability ofthe Tesi (A pefl) for rh€ H6ing Inpatud Snrdenls: 0.90<br />

Rcliability ofthe T.d (B pan) fq de Hcdirg lDpliftd Stud€nls: 0.91<br />

Reliability ofthe (A pan) for the All Siudc si0.94<br />

Reliability of the Tesl (B pan) for lhe All Sludenllr 0.98<br />

Tb€ findirgs of the test &dFis jn neds od simdatd devialions of dll<br />

l The nem {d slanddd d€li.tion of gitls wilh h@ing inpaimenl in clGs 6<br />

weE M=40.70 di SF5,0l whc@ lhe n.s and standard d.viation of<br />

boys wilh hding inp.imdl wE M = 39-9 4d SF 5.5.<br />

2. The m€s ad srandlrd dai.tion of gids *ilh h@ing ioFimol in cl6 ?<br />

weE M=42.00 ed SD=5.1 I whccs Ue nees Md slaldard devialion of<br />

boys wirh he&ing impaim.nt M = 4l .93 ed SD= 6 3<br />

3. Th€ nffi md sla.dard deviadon of Sirb wnh heeing impaimcnt in cl6s 8<br />

wG M=42.8E md SD=5.9 wher6 thc n es ed slanddd devialion of boys<br />

wirh h@ing inpoimenl ets M = 41.64 md sD= 6.23.<br />

4. Th€ !'lem &d s|,.ndnd deviadon of 8nk *ith honng impaincnt in cl6s 6<br />

werc M=40.70 and SF5.0l {h€6lh. !|t.u.nd srordad dcviation ot<br />

h@inss s w M = 64.33 &d SD= 12.44.<br />

5. Th! med dd slardard dwialiotr of gids wilh hcsins iDpajmqt in cla 7<br />

w@ M-12.00 dd SD=s.I 3 wbeta rh. ncds md sl:.dd devialion of<br />

heding girh weE M = 68.,14 dd SD= I2.21 .<br />


6. The nffi sd sred.d dcviarion ofSirls wilh hsing inpai@.nt in cless 8<br />

wft M=42.E8 sd SD-5.9 rtms lhe n@s ed st{.latd ddiation of<br />

h4ing 8 s w€re M = 71.44 ed SD= 9.97.<br />

?. TIE '1.s &d 3llddd daaarion of boF -ilh hdins i6p6i@Dt in ds 6<br />

wde M= 39.9? and SD= 5,5 wh@s lhe n€es ed s$lded devialion<br />

h@ing bots M- 65.10 &d SD= l l.?4<br />

8. The mcu &d s!.nddd dcviation of boys with hwing in clds ?<br />

w. M= 4l.91 dd SD= 6,1 wbd6 ihe m€ds dd slantkd d.viliion<br />

h€ding bots M= 67.38 ed SF 12.14<br />

9. IlE meds ed !Lndard deviaion ofbots *ith heeng inpameir in clss 8<br />

wd M= 4l.64 drd SIF 6 23 *tE@ th. n.s dd st nd'rd dcvianon<br />

he@ng boys M- 70.1 I 6d SD= l0 l8<br />

! O. The htu ad sllddd dcvi.tion of bovs wilh h€{ing iDPaimdl in cla 6<br />

w€ts M= 19.97 dd SD= 5.5 wh€6 th€ D.s ed st'rddd d'viation<br />

heding gills M= g3l ed SD= 12.'14<br />

I L The m.s ed 9,nd!td dcviarion of bovs *ith hding impaim'nl in clN 7<br />

werc M= 41.93 dd SD- 6 l wh@s! Ue means md $4dard deviaiion<br />

h{ing girls M= 68.,14 &d SF | 2 21-<br />

12. Thc ne@ md slddffd devialion of bovs tith h€&ing inPaimenl in clas 8<br />

weE M=4l.64 ed SD= 5.23 whds dEncN4d st' dddelillid<br />

heding gi sM=?1.44ed SF99?<br />

Th. Buelint Psfom'rce<br />

lJ7<br />

Thc bslift pcfol]Mc. on d. bsis of m.s dd sbndtrd dcviarion *G

L nr. p.rfoEDace ofgirls with h*ing inpa,rncnt in cla 6 va h.u.r the<br />

h@iog ,npdEd boys.<br />

2. Thc pdfo't)1!m of girls with h..nng inpsimnt io ds ? wa b.tler $&<br />

h.ding imp!ftd boys.<br />

3. ThGF fom&c. of glk with l6iDg ispdDqt i. dN E w b.nq thd<br />

h6in8 inpdr.d boys.<br />

4. Thc Frfome.<br />

of girb enh h..nn8 inp.rmdl in cls 5 % Mkcdly<br />

low thd thc hding gift of th. sc chs.<br />

t. Thc Frfomffc of sirls with hdi.g imFimdt i! claet 7 eis t'lrrcdly<br />

low tha lh. hdins 8nk<br />

of thc me ds.<br />

6. TlF Frfomffi. of girk wirh hdirg ihpoilbsi i! cbse 8 * turedly<br />

loM tne tn. hg&ing dds of th. srne d6.<br />

7. TIE Frfomae of boy! *ith lsi.s iDpai@nl in cLs 6 *s D.!lc.Uy<br />

lo@ th4 thc hding boy3 of tlE slm ds.<br />

E. Th. Ffotl)lare ofboy! rith hcains imp.imcnl in clN 7 ws rm low'<br />

9. Th. Frfott)lle<br />

of boy! *it|l lEuing inpaimcnl in .lN E ws @lrcdly<br />

loM the thc hding boy! of tlE !.m ds.<br />

10.'nF F om.e ofbols {i(h hcriDg inpsidncnr ii cla 6 w6 lo*i ihd<br />

lne h.{in8 Bi r of @. d$.<br />

II-Tn p.domlee of hdns ihpajltd bor5 ir cl6 ? wa nd*.dly lo*cr<br />

12. Thc p.{ommc of bor with hding in clN E ws ale low.<br />

tho th. h6ing girb.<br />


I L Ovenll the p€rfomece of 8nh<br />

with heding inp.inent in all cbsss is<br />

sligltly bener lh6 dei @ut rp.n bots enh h.ri8g iDpoimcnt but loE<br />

rbd th€ hedng boys dd girh of $e of1h€ sme clases,<br />

14. Ovdall perfolfue of lhe boyt wi$ h@ine is slidtly low€r<br />

thd rhe delf girb md ha*edly low.r iha the lirlr ed boys or aU cl6s ot<br />

P.Mr .Rrll3forCoEp6il.S.odof Cl.s6,t,udE<br />

ll9<br />

P.l6tile $orcs on rhe oDposirc tesi by ex sd gEd€ *€re pRpoEd. Tnc<br />

perfoMcc ol the botl grcups in Frcentilc<br />

rants wa louod 6 below:<br />

1 Th. so6 achid.d by th. hding gitls @d boys in cl6s 6 wrc alnosl<br />

simil&at lo0$, ?5s,50d md 25d p.rotiles.<br />

2. Thc scoEs &hi.v.d by the sids sd boys ofclNs 7 in d. ordin ty school3<br />

tr*.lmosl sme rhm al 100o, ?td ed 25s pe@nlil6. Howvd. rhey wts<br />

sli8htly difercnl ai 50d percendle.<br />

l. Alnosr sinild $orcs wE oblan d by girb &d boyt in clss 8 al 75", 50",<br />

dd 25d p.@nlile whels th.E wN a sliehl diffeEnce lound on lOOs<br />

4. S.oEs oblaincd by fie gins qidr hding inpaimdl std bot3 in clas 6d<br />

w.e alnost simild lo @h od.r ai 75d, sod &d 25s pe@Dtles wheEd al<br />

lOOrFrc4tihsliSl drtfeltrc$s loud in *oc<br />

5 S@rcs obtained by ihc grds vilh hding inp.imc ai bovs in ds 7s<br />

wde aln$l simild to eeh other ar I oou, ?5$, 5os ed 25u F@tliles<br />

6. scorcs obbincd by lb€ g s *ili h€ding inpaimenl ed bor in clas 8d<br />

weE dnd simils 10 @h olh.r al 100d, ?5tr, 50tr .nd 25$ pe@tiles

8.<br />

llc $06 obraD.d by sirls wit hqils impaitu 6d bors in all dNs<br />

iodicat. rhal th. ldt M of m.diw dimculty lev€l for $es stud.nts.<br />

Howve. rhe srcs obiaincd by n ring inplied sndotr of ihe diif.Mt<br />

clGses w.r€ nol mucn difercnr to eeh other, TIE ren h6, theEfore, failcd lo<br />

sFsi difirntial achicv@eal iD @ding ed wiiing dc 1o age ed grade<br />

I.vsl. O.e posiblc .xplanalion ol lhis facl could b. that l.v.l ot ldguge al<br />

sixth giade dos nor€s Bith the age ed Edde dle lo p@i leaching The<br />

irc|le in n6 $6 *iln !3. dd eI?& of hcding nudcnts (Tabl. 4.7)<br />

clcdly slppons fiis Bsumprion.<br />

The p.'fo@ of 0r. girls *iih hcdids impaimor is slishdr b€ner in cl6s<br />

6s et 25$, 5Os, & ?5d percenril. s c@pd.d ro boys bu slislily lowd ar<br />

l00u p.@nlile. In clss ?s ihc pdfomm@ otlhe gjrls s conpaed ro boys<br />

is sliehdy low on all FeollB, Ho*wer rhc Frfomscc of lhe girls with<br />

he&ing impaincnl ed boys is low€r thm the 8nk md boys oilhe smc class<br />

9. The conpaiien in clas 7 mong the girh wirh heding imprim€nl ed boys<br />

n wa foud lnal thc boys p€rfom slighdy b€n{ $n ihc girls at 5Ob, 75b sd<br />

IOO$ FBnlilcs but lower .t 256 Fecotil.. Hoftv.r ue comp{Non<br />

b€lw..n 0!e iwo g6ups shoeld $al th. hcding sn|dots p€rfon€d bcn€r<br />

lbo th. hding impaiEd stud@re in U. @. ds ,nd of ffi gdd.r.<br />

10. The scor€s ofgirls with h€ei.g inpaimot were bener thm the bots in cl6s<br />

3 on.ll lml Ftqliles and Ener rhal gnk Frfom slighlly h.rtd rh& tlle<br />

boys wilh h3&in8 inpaiment. WheEd the ercup conpdison o. aU<br />

FtMtil6 showcd mkdly low perfome@ oI tn Sirls *ith hc&ins<br />

inpaimdt &d boys $u theii hc&ing pe6.<br />


I L Th€ Fsull of rhe 16l indimld thd the r.$ s6 osy fo. lh€ studots ol<br />

ordiEy *hmh @mpdEd 10 srudenls with bsing idpaitmen,<br />

12. Th€ ou.ll low Frfomde of lh. $u&nls Mth b€din8 impaidst on Udu<br />

Readine ed wririnS Test cledly indiqt€s thal $e qulily of lerches ed<br />

rh.n tdching G fa infenc !o $ of snddr *idDul h@ing inpain€ -<br />

'l he causs of this low quality educational stand.rd nay include inefectivc<br />

and parsive cuiculm .nd sial sgrc8.tion of thce sl]rdeitt. Although<br />

effois were mede ro conslruct a icsr ofqdiog ud wilin8 indep..denl ofmy<br />

pdiculd cuiculm, yet thc nl€ of cwiculw in c@ing lming<br />

opportuities cm hadly be ovd enphdi*d.<br />

Srdd.ry ofrnc Fcur Grclp Di!@riotrt<br />

The oalysis of lhe Urdu Reading ed Writins T6t sugg6led lhat children<br />

wilh h.&ing impaime s wd laa8ing behind $.n beuin8 coulelparu of $e de<br />

age, grade md sex. Ano fib obwatiotr the Es€dchq decid.d to conducr f@wd<br />

sNup di$usion ro Ereal rbos a&€.r $ could h.lp ro iddifr lhe plobtms f@cd<br />

by ilE te$he6 of childr.! with hedinS iDpaiments. To f.cilibte rh* di*usiotu<br />

lbu mjor cnies such s, R.w.lpindi, MdrrL L.noE srd Faielabad ee *l€red.<br />

Outcon. ol All Focu Group Di|cusio!!<br />

The oulconca offi.F di$aioB @ gireo below:<br />

L Th€ leschcs qho wcE te..hing Urdu wc nol in frc1 efeclivc l$<br />

t*h€u heaB th.y h€vily feused upon 'rc& lminS" wilhour Ealizilg<br />

ils in+fitcliv.ness. An "inBge hehoriation oflhe text minen on rhe board<br />

trd al$ foud in som. plaes.<br />

2. The te4hs do nor @lize th€ ihporracd oflh€ Urdu leguge in building<br />

mmunic.nw compdfte. lhis de showd thc Door siriation of the<br />


).<br />

5.<br />

8.<br />

1e&he6 loqdd lbe !.lional lalguge, its us€ ed its Dle 6 a comuication<br />

nrdiM fd the childra r ! h.aing inpai@nl ro live ind€Fnddtly in the<br />

M6| ol tic rdhc6 eE mrking wioDut thc knowl€dge of mod€m n thodt<br />

ofle&hins eading dd widng skills.<br />

'nE n6r popul& spploahs ircluded Total Comuiqlioq lip Eadirg,<br />

copyine fbn the bodd, ed ue ofsign leguage for teaching ldguge,<br />

'It€ tc@h6 ole b.lided thn ile childc. wilh h€sing impsiment did io1<br />

have lhc sme lercl of abilili€s for l€ming hrgue€ lilc their n€ding p*6<br />

142<br />

of lhe se ag.. ed sd. They actully hcld rery low qp€ralion of<br />

Most of th€ r€&h6 Eponed $sl audio vhud aids vce nol av.ilebk i.<br />

*h@ls. Thcy fourd this a @jq Esrricrion to develop F.ding dd miring<br />

skilh dong children wilh hedinS inpajdent,<br />

In di$usioN thc plniciponr sugg€sted a.c.d ro @ndwr efe*er in sdice<br />

coues to inrrcdlcc modm methods of losuse teachins paniculdly to rhe<br />

They also preposd thar ns l.xtbooks co.bining picbn.l conl€nl should b€<br />

dcvelop€d md inat all sheb dealing wirh h@iog impaimefi should<br />

co.centBte fits1 thrcc t@s of *hmling for th€ developm€nl of reading &d<br />

wiring skius oDly B$q leachins orh{ subjccts.<br />

9. lndividual efons @F being h.rL ar diffcEnt l@don to inprcw<br />

teching Howver, lhe inper of srch e|folt! is slill lo b. sen on prerjce of<br />

ldguSe rea.hinS in Patis|.d.

$!DD.ry of rte<br />

On tbe bais ofihc lindings oflh..bove mentioned le developm.nt n wG<br />

desi{bb fioudt 10 coDdrct m €xpcrine 10 nyout , new Fe1hod of lmeuag€<br />

lmhing. The nelbods [o bc qFrimot'td, n 6 decid.d to exploir Ue kmwlcdgc<br />

8d expqi..ce ofchildrcn with hedirg inpaim€nl thrcudr ecial i erelion ed th€<br />

Fildingt of th. ErFriE.rl<br />

The Esults of Lcvene's tesl lor .qulity of vaddcs ahich indicaled thal<br />

vdiec.s of th€ two gtuups wft.ol si8nifi@{y .hfl.Bt in Eding (F=1.51, p =<br />

O7l) ed witing skills {F{.45 p = .50). Als no di|Iccmc @ foud in lpn pr<br />

lest composite eore (F=3 38, p = .0?6) IX€ Esults of independenl suple l-tesl<br />

showcd $a1ih@ ws io signifi@i dif&rence b€tw@ two Me4 (i = 0,19, dF28,<br />

p = .84) on tcsl of r€adin& sirilg (F .144, p = .88) drd tor.d se (F .19, p = .E4).<br />

The abovc Gsults, thftfor, indicate that thcrc wa.o significal difiqence<br />

in th. rcading and Miling skilh belwcctr control od exp.rine.tal goup on pelesr<br />

The Bulrs of L.vme's lesr for .qoaliry ofvuid@3 on posn€sr indi6l€s, $ar<br />

lhe lsliances oflh€ two Sroups de .ol significmtly difleEnt in @din8 skill (F=3.0?.<br />

p = .09). In wiring rhc sisnjfi@r diff.cne Nd loud in vm.@s (F= a.E9, p =<br />

.01). Si8nifi@t dlldtu€ 16 sls foud in vdimc6 on robl src (F=1.4. p =<br />

.000). The resulis of i.depende smple rE$ show.d thal lheE was siSnific&l<br />

di|Ieane belwo two m.s in @ding slills (F 3.21, p = .003. df =28). The 6ults<br />

al$ show€d dml thd€ wB a signinc&r dif1itwe in widng sLlls (F 5.17, p = .000,<br />

dt! 28) dd codposite eores ( t= 4.54, p, .000)<br />

Th. esulls indicltc thar th€E Fa lignin@l difI.lre i! lh. E.din3 md<br />

wilin8 skills 6 sU 6 in composiL sc on posn6r<br />


Thc dalysis ofprc md po$ test showed thal the ue of vid.o dipping !6<br />

efeclile h caching Gndin8 ed writins skilh.<br />

\44<br />

Conpsi$n of clls 6, ?, rnd E of h€din8 imp6iEd wnh $e n@s oa<br />

cl$ss 3, 4, 5 of ordindy sludents show no sienificdt difference Espstilely.<br />

ZPD.ppr@h dhugh virlo clipping nrftd out lo i. dneloping<br />

rcodins ed milins skills of studcnrs with hding inpaim€nl. Gain scoEs on<br />

'eadins (44.50), witins (49.88) md @mposile (35.40) w€E ioud a d eidence to<br />

CoNlBio!g<br />

Th. followirg onclBios v@ dEM ion thc .lata @llcl.d in lhe ficld by<br />

Urdu R€ading fld rvnd.g Tcsl. foos group discusjoB, md dFriEdralior<br />

L Th. Urdu R€adin8 md WnlinS Tst is a valid ed rcliabl. m4@ lor lhc<br />

s*s$€ of Eading ed wiring slilb dong childter with dd wirhoul<br />

hding inpaimen studying in clas 6 to 8.<br />

2. This Urdu R.ldine dd Writing Tcsr h.lps to dififfitial€ rh.<br />

perfomes of rtc childFn wilh dd widDut h*ing inpaime.r<br />

siudying acrc$ 6h to 8D.ls6 on ihe bsh ol achic!.mol s@rcs on<br />

Urdu Reading 3nd Wridng<br />

3. No gehder bias wa fomd in lhe lest s! lhe girh dd boys perlom<br />

4 Te&hing of loguee in th. $h@ls for the n€ding inp.iftd n6 not al<br />

th€ sue sldddd 6 conpdr.d 10 lhe rcaching lo ihct hedne p.$.<br />

Sp@ial rwh.E ale sho*ld a lek of knowl€dg€ lbout t€@hin8<br />

methodologhs wi$ Fged to lqching in Urd! F.ding and wriring

5,<br />

6.<br />

Seportc rcms should bc led lo inr.rprct lh€ Frfolma of rMcnrs<br />

wilh hedinS inpdmqt on th. Urdu Rending md W.iling T€st.<br />

This srudy endd wirh a posirivc odcone with the I ol vid@ Clipping<br />

beiig fourd e clT€dr meth.d fd r@hin! Fading sd MilinS skills lo<br />

the chil&n wiih heding inpaimot.<br />

The ZPD appoeh for the devclopn€ of eding od qiiirg b bied in<br />

lhis study on studds wnh h@ine ihpdmm MoF su

ehievemenr s@rcs on rh. M.sopolirar Achievd€nt T.5l ml€n by studenls 13 !o 2 I<br />

yes of .g.. Kelly (1995) sirled thlt qlil d@f Eldc6 *hieve l!@.!bl. ldel of<br />

strt .ric conFt€nce, n is dimcul for $m lo tully capilalia on thcii v@abula.y<br />

146<br />

Hmed sd Boo (2006) onduled a sudy in which difiwnl m€lho& ol<br />

i€adin8 ed triting werc applied b see their conp@live etrecdven s in teaching<br />

Esding dd Miri.g to slld.nts eilh hding inpain€nl. The mo s@E ot pal4t ol<br />

l0 $udds wirh heeine inpaimen w 39.?3 wnh a shndanl dcriaioo or ll.4l,<br />

which is cxlrenel, lou But aftq one monlh's lruhing the posl t€sl sa 55.36<br />

wirh a sLrdlrd dcvidion of 16.33. lt ddly iadiel.s tb,r stud.nts *w nol<br />

pGvioNly laught €frrctiv€ly ed th@ w.s a need to apply effective tdchiog m€tho.Ls<br />

R@no.nd.rioB<br />

Followine rcconmendalions werc made on tbe bsh of findings of lhis sludy<br />

L A hssiv€ effon sbould be Dadc to brinB aboul tunda.flt l Efoms in rhc<br />

2.<br />

3.<br />

Mys lrng@ge is laudl ro childe. wi$ hding inpament pariiculdly to<br />

$os vho srudy in sFcisl $hdls<br />

Ldguge leach.$ should be eivcn sFcial pre{.(ie 6 w.ll as in{ewicc<br />

r.dining for €fistiv. Idguge lschirg to childr.o with h@ing impaiment.<br />

Tb. Urdn Readin8 erd Wdiog T6t my be ed for pocte cElutions e<br />

thar inefective pogtmhes c& be idenliffed sd inFoved.<br />

Thc Urdu Rcading .rd WndnS Tcsr sbould b. n[de luilabl. al low osr fot<br />

individlal dd greup adminislration with s f@s on @nrinuous ihprcvencnt<br />

oflcai throueh G.eb &dd.v.lopDe &liviti.s.

t47<br />

5. Th. srsrB of ldgu.g. c&hirg dFuld sl$ bc .v.luted i! otEr Fovioces of<br />

Pati*.! iD or&r to dlvdo! !.tioa.l nl)|d<br />

6. tiw sr |@lr drdirl 3hoold D. FE rd imrporadrg lbc of<br />

vid.o clipping for dlssmn @Bhpti@.<br />

?. T€ stould trt 10 e lhe vid@ .liDpi!8 witl c.ltidinS c ! t@nitrr<br />

mcthod to dqclop thc Urdu FnlinS .!d wift8 .bilili6 ,tMs clnld@ wiur<br />

!dir8 iDpatDo .<br />

8- FurllEr $di.s lhould bG @d|xLd sib ! ltt8. mdc aiz. lo cdnb Ur<br />

nDdings ofthis shllly.


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Utdu Dcpdhdr<br />

Uni6iry of rh. Pujob, LaloE, pari$rr<br />

4, Dr, Au.anSaib Alangi.<br />

Alsirlc Pref6er<br />

Unilsiiy ofthc Pejab, LatoF, patjslaD<br />


AppendirB.<br />

Urdu Reading ond Writing Test<br />

DircctioN lor T6l Adoi ltr.riotr<br />

Urdu len of Reading ed W.irinS is a cog.ilive paper-Fncil tesl to €slablish<br />

t. $ud€nr's Eading and witing stilh in Urdu laigu8.. Th€ lesl is nmt for 6'<br />

rluough 8" gade sndeils including nom.l ed childro wirh honne inpdmenl,<br />

bolh boys &d girls Td tus aboul 90 oinuts for childM with h*ing itpaimmt<br />

lnd 45 minutes for nomal childEn of sc .8c sd 8rEd6.<br />

Prior to th€ T6r Adpinbrndo!:<br />

Malc sE you have rhe following matnal wilh you:<br />

. Tesl b@kler for $e te&hd<br />

. Test bookler for all srldcnts.<br />

. Black/Blue baU points fo! all studcnls ro conplele fie lesl.<br />

. wltcb 10 follow the rinc.<br />

. An anendmce sheel<br />

Plese b€ fmili& wirh lhe di@dons of rhe t€sl booklet befoE lh€ test<br />

adminislralion. lt wiU b. helDlul if you li6t conpl.le the ri8]tl side of the lest<br />

b@U€t s it includes 0E bsic infomalion aboul the slld€nls.<br />

Ad6i.isr.ri@ tne T6l:<br />

Disr.ibme the resl b@klets to nud.nrs. Malc sE tha! ach student h6<br />

Eccived rhe lee boouer, rho sy:<br />

Op.. yom rdt bootler .d rrii. your mra<br />

<strong>OF</strong>n the r€sl bmuet to denonstratc it for the stud€nts. Male sue thll 4ch<br />

sode.r h6 wiu€n the nde. If all studcn$ finished, ey:<br />

Now wnt.lboutyolr"t.r", Aho uc tlo 3igo ir childr$ sirn h4ring<br />

intrirDetrr do mt follow your diretioot. But b€ c.rcful lbtl 3igbt *ill noi be<br />

us.d rs usreB bec.lsc lh€ Duryose oltlit let i! ro rss$ rhe @ding rnd<br />

sririrs skilb. Thdd 3igns {ill only bc $ed to clo$ lhe di.etiors lo Ddsrsrrnd<br />

ChNk ro male sE thal lhe studcnts has fouowed lbe dddons Then say:<br />

Now rrite your clss rnd school nrn.,<br />

Mat sw thal all the stu.lenrs havc complct d all lhe tlenographic inlomation lt<br />

No* bovc to tn€ 3rnple qu6rio!. R..d tn. quBtion .trd shm th. ooc<br />

hdr circlcd .uwei Abo dcnolltnrc rh. d.dplc qlBtior or tn bo.rd if<br />

Slop hre ad 6k" is thet &y qu.slior how !o cncb th. 'nswer nf, rh€ resr<br />

boolde, A6w€r tne quesrios md then p@e.d:<br />

Nos mov€ b rbe rd b@kl.L lbi! l6t bookLt ba t{o p.n!. riBl P.n i!<br />

for rhe re.dirg rld eeobd lor lbc rritiry tot. rinl p{r {A' bs 8l qucslioot<br />

rnd.ll qu6tiors trc ba.d oo Drltidcchoie ilcN. om option is con€ct in<br />

siven three or four distr.clers. You lo circl€ "ny otu oflhen Tso circl0s in<br />

onc qlestion will be credit o! *rotrg on$er, You htve ro onpler. thb Prr or<br />

lhetelr iD 4s minorec, After rhir prn you will b€ sNen 10 ninules b*&.<br />

Make suE that au the students have conprehended lhe insrucrions. Now<br />

nolc to second pan ofd€ lest booklct<br />


Prn "8" tas m qu.llio.r Tt€!. qu.dlon! rre b.ssd or d.sle line or<br />

shorl 6riy type .!scrs. I! (|ilr p..t your follo*ibg *rtti4 rkllh will be<br />

. tlor n..lly lhe word! rre wridon wilb corrsct rpellinsr<br />

. To sh.r extctrt lh€ conecl ^.riencer gnnn.r lc uscd l. tbe scnr€lces md<br />

. Lyourn.itiog is intelligibl€ or noi,<br />

For thb pfit you will b. givcn 45 oioutc!. There rre torrl l7l iteDs itr rbis<br />

tsr booklet, Yo! hrv. to .ohplctc lb. ted bookld itr rpo sillings. You<br />

ould rNr€rrll of rhe quetlon! h tbc given rine p€.iod. Try ro rNwer<br />

ev€ry qu6iion. Re.d c.r.frlly . quictly lo lh.lin..lfyou rr.<br />

rdrbl.lo rnsw.rr qu.stio!, ikip itud ptu..d ro rhe rsiqu6tion. No{<br />

you Dry stln your rsi<br />

Pemil ile sludenit sullicie dm (90 minlles 1o children wi$ dd sithoul<br />

h@ine impdmcnt.Wrn thc rinc h up rnd $c s$denfs finisbed rbfl sayl<br />

B. sur., yorr .rw.d .F circl.d rd you [.v€ wnder clqrb b.for. you<br /> lumed th. rd booLl.t b.forc you L.v.. Tn.rk you for your @opcnrior<br />

Collor rhe tcsr bootlels. sr lhlr you havc @Ualed sll $e len<br />

b@kleis wiih ihe circulat d ancndee shccr.<br />

Note C<strong>IN</strong> or subjer t eh6 ofchildm with h6ins ibpaimcnt will not<br />

adnini$er inis tesi bu dE hircd ed t$iNd edurion reeh€E wirh the<br />

Estrhcr will apply th. l€sl ir speial and B.n dl sh@k.


Soi,nii ift:khJr Resc]rch lllsiil Lrte<br />

t.rniver.ry il Inc !!nrnb oraid'c Azri Cri,p!tr,,nir<br />

Plft M!, :0424230211.9cs3t5 mdl dirdiid-pl8yridM<br />

cot{, Dqf & D.fetirc Hein8 H4b sch.ol fo! aoys,<br />

S!tj.d- F,dl Arlttuweto!&dt tt,/,lte 6a frdntf.n<br />

Mn Hu|le Bno o A.isrd Prof@.!d. tn. D du&d or$n D.96rttEl<br />

i.ted to @ndel Aesl of Uldu Ratt'!8 ed Writ'b8 to cLe Vl, VII dd Vll Thb 16r<br />

wil b. qlrninilro.d in you !ch@l on 02-l-2006 .t 9:00 h lhtrp.<br />

t muld pprsi.r. it if )$<br />

!d!.oy .lbt nt ro tdDjdlla dF l! r to cl|6 6, 7<br />

You coopsalioi, in lhk 88tr4 will highlv b€ E pEoill'd

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----------------------,---------------.39<br />

-,,: e', * )2t",-/-8., r. y'v. -di4.t l *, i/2 !. I d .so<br />


Sr.<br />

List ofP{rticiprting Schools io Field Test<br />

c.!1. DcaI ed Defenve H6ns sch@I, Ano4<br />

2 C,orl. Oirls Hi<br />

l coM. Sch@l for Hqnng Inpaited childrcn, Bilsl ToM,<br />

ffi<br />

5<br />

9<br />

to<br />

ll<br />

t2<br />

l3<br />

l4<br />

l5<br />

l6<br />

t1<br />

l8<br />

l9<br />

n<br />

2l<br />

22<br />

23<br />

Nil<br />

diilEid$trot roirhc uoyr. ctqbq!<br />

sb!!!!P!L-<br />

Coq. Schoolfor Hcmg lhp&Ed Childnn Sheil'huDura<br />

189<br />

Isffi.Ul.Nisd S.hool lot D€f, Faisalabad<br />

ctrls sr@rh4 Schoololsp4ial Ldhation.l asaltbad<br />

60{-.<br />

coil3iifi6 s"t'.ot oisp""iat Eduarioi(Bovt fo' Hee'ng<br />

lhDlied, F&ehb.d<br />

GiilEjGi H,sh schol, Jinn n cobnv' Fah'labad<br />

'-coq.<br />

hbd Mod.l c, s Hld!9b9LIj!94!4,19!43!4<br />

Fed.dl Co!1 Chohcron SPeid ( dt rlorHdng InparB<br />

GFsdrot tor ttq'ioe Irnpsi'td (Bovs+ sd9' club R@d'<br />

RaliD Yd Kho<br />

Irigrr s"troot hr soyt, Mul'r-tmdpu, Ldawrla R hin<br />

--cot<br />

Y{ Khu<br />

Cor1. Hid Schml, Low ln@nc s.n€re No r' uu6nanelob.l.<br />

R.Y.Khd<br />

S.rrodbt<br />

I Co!l. DesISchool, Sdeodha<br />

fi::.n".h.n F.d.'d con. sch@l Sqsodha<br />

col1. C.nFal Mod.l sch@l lor Bovs s.r8pdra<br />

Dffil;Got) sp""ial ea@tion c@r€' Johdabad<br />

Khsh.<br />

Dd-u-r-rsren(rruuro,c!4aila!!9l99!-!!!E!I!.!!!!!!ab<br />

Olor. - .-<br />

Co{. S@n&d Sch@l of SDeial L{saron ld }l@8<br />

lmDsitd Oko<br />

Co\a. bl@ia Hirh School,N.wcampE ukdr<br />

co"1 schmr ror tlE E4JlsEl4Dq-

Nil<br />

Nil<br />

Gou S.h@l for Dc.f&d D.fc.tirc ChildFn, Gujml<br />

25 Fcdcil Sp.cili EducJio[ CcDt . tor Boy!" tu9+llmhod<br />

26 Go\a. bbn.bld S.lool for Bo!s, O{'/3, bl@bad<br />

21 Gor'l. S.h@l for Hding ltnpsrnd childt a s*u cMp,<br />

2E Gow I d + Seonday School fo! Speial Ed@tion (H.<br />

InpriFd), Sari$d<br />

29 Cou. Girk Hida S.cddlry Sch@|, Fa&d Toh, $hiwd<br />

l0 Govt. Conpr.hcBirc HiSlt sch@l for aoyt F.F.d ToM.<br />

ll Co( Def sd D.fetivc S.h@j, Gu8D$€|.<br />

J2 N.tioNl Sch@l for 0r D.d, S.n lit ToM, Ousmwd.<br />

Covl. M.T. Hid Schol for Boys, Cu8tuwb<br />

l4 P6ls cdt r fd D.dchildFr L.IFE<br />

shrliM speirl EdErtio Cok tor dc Hdnr lmpliFd,<br />

t6 Gor'l. D.rfrld Dcfcct,v. Hieh S.h@I, Chubu$, Lshod<br />

31 Hma Foulddio Ac.ddv for tb. D..I, ,oh{ ToM, Llnm<br />

l8 Cola. S@d!ry Hirh Sch@l lor D.!nBot!), Gulbcr*" bnm<br />

l9 OoM. Ci'ls Hirl Sch@lToushiD. kl6<br />

40 Gort Hiri.r S@nd.!w &hool for Bot!, Llhc<br />

AI -Khrn SDcci.l Eduio S.h@l(NcO), Multd<br />

42 Gofl.Hiin Sch@l for Hc&iis lnpdtld Cnk" Mdrs<br />

4l cov1 School of Spcid Etluc.lio{H.lmp.iEd),Shah-Rurne-<br />

Govl' Net LLm Hirh Scltul for Boys, Mllun<br />

45 Coq. q s HisD S.h@l,No.I, Nsw& Sh.r , Mulran<br />

Oovr. Dcsf dd D.f.ctt Hdins Sch@I, Kau<br />

Oovl. SBiil Edw.tion cdr.r for Ddl KhdDur<br />

NiI<br />

48 Suli.n b.h M.rk ?. SDeid EdNarion Cdk, S.d.r Jheg<br />

49 Gst. El@nr.ry School $r.lir. ToM, ,nau<br />


Fau GFrpDnrslb!<br />


In ini! fo* soup disusid .fons Mll be Mdc to u!.fold tLe dislins<br />

lehilg Fa.ii6 of $G tdh.B of studeds with h@i!C iopqi't@t<br />

B.foF @vi.e a!.d bdc c s@ @h c@idadiN *bic! w h. t€li iD bild<br />

vbjlc @rdudirg focs goD dil.6ior<br />

. Th. go9 sill E..r fq lboll 90 nitur6,<br />

. TIF soup vill @rt i! 6re ro.ig!r lrii.ipo s<br />

. odly Lneugc (Urdu) l.ebas oI rlu.kd|3 wirb h.dirg inpaim@t wiu<br />

plnioilol i! ltF di5oaid bascd on poportio@E EpEe ltion ofg@der,<br />

qp@ac., .trd loq!6.<br />

. Q!61ioB sill bc odcEd n@ go@l io sFcific eeding to l}c ntul<br />

|9!ia! ro uiltaio rh. i.LEd ott FniciD&ti<br />

llF rlgEta eill b. th. boddtd .!d r r*eb sistd eill LL lh. Fr6 of<br />

di$Bion fq in d@lh .ollsis ofr!. dis..@ .t ! Lcr c4!<br />

Followitrg will bc opoine r!@16 b.lN e*ins dE qestdtu.<br />

. th"rk you lor slaing sre ol yM rlublc iise io sl'e you dFnm.s wilh<br />

. W. *ill hoDr rou ti@ ty orrhg s@ thd w fiDilb ou tdl wiibi! tdt 90<br />

. ldcardutins.rtgEldef.diffi of vi&oclitP|lgnrclliladdinS<br />

ud sidig stilk t ohild.E eil! hailg iE eE@t<br />

. Do yd rild ifw audio/vftLo raF lhi3 fd ou @td!? v. will not sh.G lb.<br />

rrp€s hu eydc.<br />

. B.foE w sa.n di@$id brieny iftodu@ y@ s.ds&ning nm lt. risl sid.<br />

. A p{t of lhis sludy r.qEE tlE! ra.lirg rlhods $.d by r,. tabd6 i! rhc<br />

obatus of &rfctftna s[.old b. Efold.d ltmuA! ! disw bed on<br />

. od eforu vilt nor bcs ey tlir ifyou do .ot lGticipde in t<br />

di$ion ed ro1 snline 10 sh{. yN cxp€ridce wilh olh.B.<br />

. Arl inflm.tion w. @[.ct is @fiddrial, I hopc lbb *ill holp to q€I 6!clt.<br />

. Ary quBlio b.for w sert?<br />

. B. sW.rcry@ dsB&d 6rdpl.& rb. intoE rior d $. sigr W 3!d drd<br />

inrrodrd cl orha.

Report of Focus Gmup Discussion rt Rrwslpindi<br />

on l4-l-005<br />

F cilftaror: HMm Buo<br />

Di$si@ @ shn.d *ih rh€ Firidon from $c Holy Qua. Followjne<br />

patlicipsB were Fesdr in the discusion,<br />

PtufcsrDr, Abdul H!h..d,!4 D.porh ofspeial EdN.tion pinicip6Gd a a<br />

sFciql tu€sl lo obs€F. thc dieEsion<br />

Sir Std Ac..lery(Spdirl Edoqtio.) Rrr.lpbdi<br />

2 B.Ed /14 Ed. Sp(bl Education<br />

l B.Ed. /I D.//M.Ed. Speid Educarion<br />

Hsu A..ddr (SFiil Eduodor) R|*rlpidi<br />

2<br />

CovL S.[ool for Hqrtlg hpriEd, Sr.!, R"rrlpirdi<br />

B.A./T.D.<br />

2 B.A',D,<br />

Gorr Spel.lEd{c.llo! C6te. for H..ritrg lEpi.!d, H-9, LhDrb.d<br />

2<br />

M.A. lslmic StudieJ Diplomr in Aibic<br />

Di$ssion m hcld urdd the followinA agdda to ufold difi.renl l€ehi.8<br />

nelhods $.d by ites t sh6 ed fo. t.ehing Fatling sd wiling ptoblms they<br />

wm focing duing dEii tcehins.<br />

Coni.rllD ud ruhclio.t<br />

Ir wa generally iolizd lbat rh. syllabB is @l sr.nd{diad md il v&i6<br />

fron sch@l to eh@l for rh. childrer wirh heajng iDpaimdt, Tlcy poi ed out th.r<br />


den major mphasis is or the conpleio. of the co6e enent in d giri rin€ Bthd<br />

da 10 develop mDFen Nion ofcach @nccpl or @nienl. They ale $e issw<br />

dEl cuiculh is nor in liB witb $c cuiculm tor nmd child!.n. It ha no<br />

Elarionship with lh.n p@tical lilc, TlEy e .llored to oodiry dy pfi of rhe<br />

godl cutul$ 4oding to thch ce or nsd of the child. No corsidenlioG de<br />

given lo dev.lop or hie sp.cialisl r.&hs for t€&hlng of Urdu ldguge. The<br />

pdri.ip&ts fcX rh.t teching ofEnglhh l$guee is $ 6np€nd ro t aching<br />

Urdu ldgugc pbb.bly b@e ofdif.El pslcholin8lisrics. No speific losEee<br />

insfialioN de foUowed by th€d duing tlFir re.cning lo d€v.lop Urdu Eldine md<br />

wilioS skills mong childM with hding inpaimenl. some populd llElegies such<br />

d slory leding, ue ofndativ. naididl or .Falive witing werc eported by the<br />

As rhe mjor f€E of fie es*rcb.r M b unfold lhe cxbling icahing nelhods<br />

of lhe teaches of childrcn wilh hesinS inpaim€nl, following mcthods qet reponed<br />

by $ese le chcrs i. rhe di$6sion:<br />

Coping iion lle rhite hoard.<br />

Us. of total connuicaion<br />

U$ ofsigr leguagc wilh lah card<br />

I-ip qdinc<br />

Per ub;ng(only cport.d by on. $h@l t sh6 !o ehc .xl€nD<br />

U* of lif. md pFctical exp€ncnccs of lhe $lddll (only Eponed bt onc<br />


Mosl offie r@hes weE nol alre of @y Bodem nelhod snch I *hole<br />

le8u8. mstruction. €xplicit code @phsis insfuction, int€Snlion ofwhole ed<br />

explicil code ophais imrrucrioE or TVA n€rhod which @uld help lo dclelop<br />

tunctionol colmunic.lion (in @eplivc dd expresive mode) skills i. childreh wi$<br />

A,V. Aidr or lrlrnction.l Mirerirl<br />

During dieusion il B mrd rhll no$ of rhc t eh6 w@ Nilg<br />

cdds, chsns md bla.k board s Eachirg aid duins then instruclions. Mosr of tncn<br />

nenlio..d non avail.bility of modd audio visual aids lit 1V,, v.C,R, V.C_D.,<br />

Mdtim.di4 activiiy bed books, b6al icad€rs, etc. io Oen en@F.<br />

ln discussioh sooe poblem wcF reponed by the teechcn wbicb crate<br />

hurdl.s for dEn ro develop lesu.gc or tsldine ed siting sldth uonB fie chitdren<br />

wilh hwjrg inpaifr€nl. SoD. ofd€€ probleDs se r@orred below:<br />

. Adninhfttiv. pessuc is lo covct rhe co .nl Brher rhd ro dcvctop rhe<br />

comprehc6ion in childrcn.<br />

. No sland..d cuiculw is qvailable for O. childrd ,[ funher creare the<br />

prcbl€ns in d.veloping de knowlcdge in hwina inp.iEd childEn like tn.<br />

nomal counler pans.<br />

. Delay.d adnisiou in the eh@ls ofcliktln wilh hding inpaiment<br />

peludes rhc lmguage developmen in childrcn as lhcy had pd*d rhe<br />

lMgug€ d.velopbot shg. witlEul dy lcMitrs dd @nc+r fomario., G<br />

retoned by<br />


The llschcs wrc no1 snsitivc to thc pbbl€ns th€y wcrc faing in t mhing<br />

Urdu legugc. Th.y emed very stisficd with whal they wcrc doing in clMms<br />

douen lhcy t@w the linitalioB of0cir Glchines. TIE inpo.t ot n.w knowledg. on<br />

lheip@ri.eqadlhoslnorexisrc .Th.ttldnioNinellerivcmcthodsof t€aching<br />

Urdu were taicn $ gr&led. Then lqchiig, thd€for, ws noi prcbl.natic, nE<br />

d€siE 10 led moE lo imprcve w4 d!i.d oul.<br />

Di$Nsion €rdd *it! th. rctds of thuls to tb€ pani.ipanrs by the<br />

Report of tr'ocus Discussior Held st Multatr, on 07-012005<br />

Flcitibtor ElDn BDo<br />

This discNion v3 strt d witb rh. @illrion of som Holy Q'm ves. A<br />

fomal rhd*s ws sid ro all panicipdl!. Speial thants wc for thoe who<br />

DarliciDared in this discNsion liom Khandal nd SarliMl, t !€r on f&ilibtor<br />

desnbed thc .ll guidelin6 of di$usion to pdlicipDts.<br />

FoUowing cFcl-.ble Lachqs ioh diff@l $hmls *d p!!gl !t this di$Nion.<br />

Gorr. D.rl School fo. Boy& Sb.h Rrt-!+ Alrn Colooy, Mul.n<br />

sycd Milldam Jaltui! M.A. Educarion/B Ed] T.D.<br />

F.A./ C.T.<br />

a.A./B,Ed./T.D.<br />

Corr. D..f.nd Deaqrivr Hig! School lor Girb. B.hrrColony. Mullro<br />

B.A./T.D.<br />


2 B.A./I.D<br />

Co( Hisber S@nd.ry Sch@|, for Dai SdiBal<br />

l B.A./T.D.<br />

2<br />

Coq Schml for D€f, Khscwal<br />

This di$Esion wa held undcr following<br />

The pdnicipsts expt$ed 6eir e-stisfction on the exislor cuiculm<br />

tluSh in rn. cl$tums, ss il w nor stmddd hd no pE€ric5l uriliry kno*l.dge<br />

wilh Efdencc lo lives ol fi. chjldien wiih h@ing impaimol. Tc4hm said $at<br />

ln.G should be ody oE cuicdu for dll rhe irnn ioE. T@h6 felr . gcar<br />

pEssre lbr @mplelion of pr.erib€d curicdm 10 develop conpFheosion in<br />

srodcrrs. Il E.le fe! dat ftm€ndoB pF$@ on rh€ l4h.N M ro complere rte<br />

eontenv cMicllM in allocated dn€ ra$er to develop lhe conprbension in $ese<br />

sndcnls. I w6 rls oha.rycd dEt lqch6 w@ nol qualified in Urdu ldrgu8€ and<br />

the. a€ .o sp{ialists available io lhese i.slitutions, It ws als explorcd that<br />

l.lching of Englhh lsgug. I 4y 3 compaEd lo Udu lmguge tu rhc cl6s<br />

rooms as Urdu denedr applicolion ofdots qhich is nol Equired in Enelish. lt eas<br />

ale Edized thal l@heB \,ft rying to d.velop vqb.l or rcu|€ ltuing Etbe dd<br />

udenhding of rhe co.c.pts. Ir 16 realized that reehets wdc ralins lhe delayed<br />

.dhi$ioa ofiic studenls 6 ! ae ofpoor lbililies in d6e childEn<br />

GFcially FadinS ed witing skills. A! .xpaie@d t6her suSg.sled thar h@ins<br />


impaircd dude s should b€ sot to incl$irc ening ro dcvclop c.ding<br />

compehensioned eipressivewiting.<br />

The prdicipads .xpFsd th. nad lo iDpmv€ reahing nelhods in tne<br />

schools a il very few lcachd wqe uio8 the fl6h cdds, charts or nodels ro dev€lop<br />

rne udmiardin8 of@nepis with th€ir vcdsl insuEtiotu. Spqh d*elophent w6<br />

deerib.d 6 the nosl ihporldt ledilg b@aw eud avends is EquiFd ro<br />

dcve lop concep$ in srudcnk. Tolal conm uni cali on w6 als menl ion€d s q tcchniq ue<br />

of iNtndior. h wa ale obsry€d th.t pc4 lnbnng, vhole leguge iNrruction or<br />

dy oth.r modm n€lhods wE @t loud i. p@li@ by lh.$ Leh6.<br />

AudloVi !l Atu r! lmtrucrioul Toob<br />

Audio lisul lids or iBtrrDlioml malerial is always helptul lo dcvelop<br />

comcp|l ad @mui€tion slills in childrd witl h€ding impaimdt.<br />

Unlonuot€ly. in discu$ion ir @ foud thar the l&ility of audio visul aids w not<br />

ovailable in Dost of th. sch@ls whi.h ws d @s ol poor t &hing ol tbc racheG<br />

dd w*l l€oiry of lh. stud€nts.<br />

Firdins!<br />

The findinss of lhis nelirg wrc nol very nucb dilf€rchl fron lhe dieussjon<br />

h.ld sl tuwalpindi. Mo$ ol|he rea.h€6 g@ mr Ealizing thcir laull hr $c poor<br />

educ.tion of their sodcots dd EE bluins for non av5ilabiliry of sldddd<br />

cbiculD for tneir Gtudots) u-stisf&lory perfollm@. They w not inr.rcsred<br />

|(l improre th€ lflg@8e skills. The, rool $e @dilg .rd wiring 6 m iBttuction<br />

Eth€! tnm a stiU. This foa beliefof|hc teached m bdically b*oning. barier<br />

a a r.shioted @nnuicadon ir childrn with hdirg inpaimenr ed 10 lcs<br />

@dins md wiliry skills.<br />


Dieurion sdcd with th. *otd! ofthadr lo .ll plnicip.nrs.<br />

R€port of Focus Dkcussiod lleld rt L.bore, on 24{9-2005<br />

F&tllhtor: HuD.r.A!.o<br />

Di$Nion m s|.n d wirhthc Eit lio! tm Hory Qlm. The hciliraror<br />

welcomed lhe panicipdli dd d€$dbcd the enidclin s lor th. discwsion.<br />

Following rehc6 tom di tr@ $h6b *ftpr$ d this o.*ior<br />

SiNo.<br />

ErtrE Foood.llolr Acddt aor at. DaL Job.r TNn, L.boE<br />

I<br />

2 B.AJB.Ed/T D.<br />

covr. Derr .!d D.feriv. Hqrils sci;l ro. Bori c;ib;tit taarh;i<br />

2 S'il3i Muhsnnud Shahd M.A. Uild M.Ed. Special<br />

Itrmt.r fourd.tlon Acrd.oy for ln. D.rLCulbcrC, Lrborc<br />

I B.A,/T,D,<br />

2<br />

l<br />

Ioponllt lisl i8hrs ofdis di*sio. 4 gis bctov:<br />

The greup di$6*d vdiou prebltu includirA Miculm ofddf chitdrEn<br />

like othet both goups. The l.ach€s wcrc oplinislic for rhe acadcmic s a<br />

ln'gu!8. abililie of tle chjldrtr. h E ltlniicd in rhc di$6im thar rhc* chitdrh<br />

cm lcm like th. normal vith popo an nioo, h w6 dl$ explored tnar exisrins<br />


cuiculm is @t nltnS thc ba*cr !€.ds offie $iery a mosr ofue lcahcE<br />

lesen€d ln. criculw without obseFing the seq@nce dd relariomhjp of lhc<br />

info@ation, edich sho{s the seladon oflhc s.tenr &cordi.g ro e6e of Eacbeu.<br />

Thal tusly loss th. placdcal of the ledr cwi@lm by dr$ childrs. h<br />

was tound dEt n is .or $e faull oflhe childEn ifthey d. wirhout legua€c abihies<br />

or cMol express but mosl oflhe t@hs vce not awe wilh €fr*tire teehing.<br />

Th€ plnicipanc 9@ ukins rbe Edirg ed Miiing 6 Oe iGtmrion orhr ds the<br />

comnuication skiU. It wss .lso discus*d that if ealy threc yees of schooling of<br />

ihes childm @uld be fixed only for r.lding ed qiing sldU developftnr dlons<br />

tirh 6 l&guage 6w F$q the b .xtcnd rhe Micdm in b sn b *vo subjels<br />

in the classs by rn€ admi.hlEtio., rbcE hay b. reneksbl. inpovenent in lh€<br />

childFn. Bu1 drill of rc.dine ad wiring ws .okd !o b. noF iDporlarl in this<br />

E8ard. lt w$ di$usd thd pictorial cuicllM wB kmM lo te noE efletive wy<br />

ro dc!.lop expEssive stilh, It wa als @lired that lack ofbome anentoo and l6s<br />

life expenqc also pcludcs the Eading md Mitiig devclopnml in th.$ childro<br />

6 conped 10 nomal childrEr lat of rhc sigrs or sc sisns for e nny<br />

voabul&y honepls ws foud s solbd hurdle ro d€v.lop fdcrionat eading md<br />

wilin8 ltills in lb* cliLlEn. T@hing of English ws fourd ear s @DpaFd ro<br />

r.&hin8 of U.du legrEge.<br />

Followins @hnutatbn lehniqu* wilh verbd inrliDlioro tr@ foud in<br />

ptutic. by rne lachcB of childrEn wih h.eing impaimnl in dE €lN6l<br />

. Tolal @nnuication<br />

Sign l{guSe with oEl Delnod<br />

Copyine Aon thc while or bLct bo*d<br />


. Sp@n<br />

It ws found thal hosl of the iqche6 wd uing $e bleL b@rd 6 e<br />

in$rcdonal mrcdal. One terchd bld thai h. wd DWh sueesnn witb a child to<br />

delelop Mdine ed eiting with appli€tion of picl@s. Nolhing re obsened in<br />

reli&e of (nodem) .lecltonic or pdni (nuBlive madal) nedi5.<br />

. fek of langnaee te&hero<br />

. Lek of slordsrd siCN for U.du v@bul.ry<br />

. tsk ofhome .nendon md parcnt s cooF dion wil|) tehe6<br />

. No FovisioN<br />

oaaudio visurl Dalenab in de $h@ls<br />

. Non availability ofsr.nd.4t csiculm<br />

. Tlm€ndoE o elrqs on t !.h6 10 onplctc thc coltcit ir ervo<br />

to develop leeuse &d coftmuicaion abilities in thee childFr<br />

. Shon tinc alloetion(3s minur.9 for the buldir8<br />

tiDe mlh€r<br />

nouen fie t&h€s wre noi sp4ialiad ii the lmguge subj.cls but w€t€<br />

o ininic for lhe cbildrent aad@ic skills. Thc l.&h4 expr€sed rhen concem for<br />

l&k of kmwledge for rh€ speillc n.tho& of legug€ d€vclopDdt 6 they had no<br />

idd ho* to B h@ir8 ai& itr i$lrFlio.s lrd ils inpacr in lh. lming of th€<br />

childrEn. N€€d ofa srsrdsdiz.d logsg. csiculu M fcll lo dw€lop Eadins dd<br />

wirilg slills in wly de ye6 of$hmling r bd ine io lach nx to Fvcn<br />

subj4$. Again English leaching ws loud 6icr ihe ie&hing of Udu languge.<br />

Feilny ofaudio visual lidr u not povided by 0E adlDinisiration bul a presu€ on<br />


t€eheB ws f.ll ro complete th€ @urc co .nt wilhour dy u&ist nding in childEn<br />

Repo of Focus Discussion Hcld rt, on 1,t03-<br />

2006<br />

F4iul.loi HuE.n Btdo<br />

Dieu$ion $rned Lon the tloly Que. The f&iliiaior wel@m€d rhe sll<br />

particip6n rnd d.*nb€d th€ di$usion guid.liles 10 all oflhcB.<br />

Following plnicipuls wr pllgr ar rhis @abn,<br />

Gorr. De.f .d d.'idn. Hqrilg (GirL), Popl6 Colotry, FrL.hb.d<br />

2<br />

Govt. Dol.!d lr.Ldivc Horilg School tor B.yr, Tu.l*.L BiCi ct.., Fri..l.b.d<br />

B.A./I,D.<br />

M.A. Ed@1ior/ M.Ed.<br />

rr|aD-!l-NL.n .sdeEy lor th. Daf,<br />

Di$sion h.ld e@.ding ro following !gend!:<br />

B.A-l T.D/ M.Ed. Spei.l<br />

B.A/I.D.<br />

B,A,/T.D,<br />

B.A./8. Ed.<br />

As oh.R.d in Oe di$ssion daimun lmche6 BeE on lhe opinion that<br />

c@icllm is nol lhc sme lite rhe nomal children ed il should b.lhe me, it was<br />

als @lizld th.t fic ofcEd cuiculm k lcngthy &d n should b. lhon 6 @np6Ed<br />


to nomal childter. Mct ollhe teachd *@ nol tn€ leguage leach€E ed ale s.E<br />

nol awde with difier laBudg€ m.tbo& lo !e&h theh s not€d by the facilirator, It<br />

was also holed thal leebes eE not tuUy .wde wilh the gramd of rbe ligns md<br />

we nissing the sig6 for 0!. Urdu sight qord' It M ale nol€d ild ndimm<br />

i@hc6 wrc btinS ds66s s a €e of ls pding rnd wiling .bililie mong<br />

the childrs. l'licb E6 tunlq cEling curiculm c@pEnsioo prcblms in<br />

th€h? No aft.nlion B pajd by lhc$ tc.cheB on the Crimnd .bihy of th.e<br />

childFn 6 i wd Ealized 1ha lh@ childcn ould not nak€ gmtical entcnc€s<br />

du. lo $eir shon nmory dd no abilily of lhkning. Lrck of teacheas i.diridual<br />

atleolioh o lhese childen ,le creat! lhe problen ofcompehdsion of $e coiftnt 6<br />

nol.d in ihe di$ssion. Ii w also B.lizcd rhn it is eat for th€ childe. wirh wly<br />

.ec lo utd6llnd tbe @nicnl c @hpqr.d to lhe elder stud.nis or studoB who g.r<br />

ln. l{. ldmission. Tbe h.ililalor rle nord thar leelr6 B@ @r sing fie @npl.l.<br />

sirns of a *ird.e in the cl6ses.<br />

Following lcmhing l{hriqus pith dilterenl m.thods weE in pEclice ds<br />

ufold€d in th€ disusion.<br />

Tolal @mmuicaiioi wi$ lat@ ncthod<br />

U* of cns. 0asn cardi ed modcls<br />

Sign lagu2ge !o $re .xl6l<br />

Speific to sercral apprcmn ( brc.I doM of omplele words in to paft)<br />

. Bldck board Miting ed copy iioh il<br />


203<br />

In Uris discusion it w mted thd host of thc r*h6 we uing lhe h.lpine<br />

natdial i. th€ir iostrucrions wh 6 fl&in cards, nodels, picturca, black holrd bul<br />

non. or llem he.tiorcd se of ey el€cEonic m€dio like VC& T.v., vCD.<br />

Mlltimedis. elc. which als rtleLd the ron avaiLbiht of fice cquiFnmrs in rhe<br />

ln discusio. sone prcbhms were reporled by the leacheF Rhich weE lhe cause<br />

of l6s loguee or relding lrd {iiing stilb mong $e cbildEo wnh h@ing<br />

impaiment. Some oflhes probleN e Eponed b.low:<br />

Non availabifty of $arddd cwiculu<br />

. No prcvieion ol ludio visurl aids<br />

. t&k of leeho'3 inr.6l and nodwrion<br />

. ljck of field visiLs io inctts th. experiocc, ofd€ clnldrcn<br />

. h. .dmisiotr ofth. cbildrq h rhe $h@h<br />

. Non @operarive bchlvior ofth. peds<br />

Ir w6 foud in rhe disclssioo rhrt tEech.s we€ *irhoul ey la.Suge<br />

sp..irlry d kll d w@ ml al,@ qith th€ r€qunEd me0Dds of @ding &d qnins<br />

d.v.lopoenl in these childEn. Mosr of then weE raking th. deofness.s a les<br />

tldin8 and wiiting aliliiy in th* chjldFn, Shon hdory or ler @eniljon (which<br />

is wong F ccptioh by rhcs r.rch6) w6 the b6ic E6on of l&gu8c defomiry of<br />

thc* childre!, They EE not *6iliv. for iocliomt Eadirg sd mirins skjlh of<br />

tlcs cnn&rn a they 9@ $yins dEl 0Ey @ undcBbrd lh. in sisns which<br />

EE again wnhoul oy perfccdon. Total comunicadon w4 thc besl wat !o develop

t!. t!.dirs ed wililrg.ljll! i! lh6. c.bik!!d Eh th.n lh. ctjfira wr! wilhoot<br />

ey r.lding ed exprerlivc witing s @ted by th€ facililalor in the disusion, Non<br />

.vaihbili9 of tlE !E

Panel of Erperts for VNlidatior of Video Clipg<br />

t. Di. N4n-Udd- Di!<br />

Asecille Prcf.r$t<br />

I$tinn€ ofEducrion ed Ars.$l!<br />

Co6al UnivcBily,<br />

Dq! bo{il KhIr P*ilro<br />

2, Dr, Nairs.ltm<br />

AsirIlnt<br />

D.pdiedt of SFcial E(llrc{rion<br />

U.i@iry of lh. K.Irni, Itu!.bi, P.list n<br />

l. Mr. Shrlid Mrhn@d<br />

Inslilule ofEducaiion &d Reseh,<br />

Uoivsity of6. Pujlb, rrho|!, P.tiira<br />


D.nogr.pbic l.fomrtio. of SrDplG Sel.ct.d for E!P.nn.!t<br />

Md. rah d t00lI: i, 'i9'' d<br />


i iitCJu Etprnznb! s,o'ry'B ltand lot contut gtoup' E Nonol H.m8

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