certificate for ISO 9001:2008 for Quality Management System.

certificate for ISO 9001:2008 for Quality Management System.

certificate for ISO 9001:2008 for Quality Management System.


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A. Eligibility and Experience CriteriaParticipating firms should comply the following eligibility criteria. Tenderers should submit documentary proofof eligibility criteria, failing which the tender will liable to be rejected.(a) The bidder must have completed successfully three jobs of “Part Manual, Part Mechanized,Housekeeping, Horticulture, Security & Fire Fighting” in the reputed Hospitals costing not less than `2.50Crore per year in last five years ending 31 St March, 2012. The hospital experience should include atleast one of them be in Central/State Govt. Hospital/autonomous body/reputed private hospital withbed strength of 100 or above. Tenderers have to produce supporting documents/<strong>certificate</strong>s from theclients as per the Annexure‐4.(b) The annual turnover of the bidder <strong>for</strong> last three financial years ending 31.03.2012 should be` 10crore. Certificate of turnover will be enclosed with the technical bid.(c) Should possess Machines used in House Keeping work of book value of not less than ` 35 Lacs.(d) Bid should complete and covering the entire scope of job and should confirm to the General and Specialconditions indicated in the bid documents. Incomplete and non‐con<strong>for</strong>ming Bids will be rejectedoutrightly.(e) Should not have incurred loss in more than three years during the past five years ending 31 st March,2012.(f) Should possess valid <strong>certificate</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>ISO</strong> <strong>9001</strong>:<strong>2008</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Quality</strong> <strong>Management</strong> <strong>System</strong>.(g) Should not have been blacklisted by any Central/State/Govt. Agency and an undertaking to the saideffect may also be enclosed.(h) Conditionalbidsshallnotbeconsideredandwillbeoutrightlyrejectedinveryfirst instance.(i) Thebiddershallhavethefollowing Registrationsanddetailsofthesame beprovided intheTechnicalBid:PFRegistration:ESIRegistration:ServiceTaxRegistration:ValidLicence issuedbyRegionalLabour Commissioner,Govt.ofIndiaorshouldgiveanundertakingthatthebidderwouldobtainitpositivelywithin90daysoftheawardofthe work(j) Preference will be given to bidder who have following <strong>certificate</strong>s:‐(i) Valid <strong>ISO</strong> <strong>9001</strong> Certificate <strong>for</strong> Mechanized Housekeeping Services issued prior to 30.06.2012.(ii)Valid <strong>ISO</strong> 14001:2004 <strong>for</strong> Environmental <strong>Management</strong> <strong>System</strong>.(iii)Valid OHSAS 18001: 1999 & S.A. 8000: 2001 Certification as Mechanised .Housekeeping Services and Faculty <strong>Management</strong> Services1

Scope of work and special condition of contract <strong>for</strong> SICMechanised & Manual Housekeeping & Horticulture ‐ Annexure‐1(A & B)1. Daily upkeep, dusting and cleaning of all the floor areas including rooms, reception, security rooms,halls, corridors, conference rooms, lockups, washbasins, walls, grills, railings, doors, windows, fixturesand fittings including, lights, passages on regular need basis by providing proper tools, cleaningequipments, detergents/cleaning agents, disinfectants, scrubbers, naphthalene balls, repellents,sprayers, liquid soap, bucket, baskets, broom etc. of reputed brands like Johnson Diversey/EcolabHankel or similar brands shall be used.2. The make of Tissue Paper and Toilet Paper and shall be Seafold/Kleenex/ Snowtouch/Kleenexrespectively or similar.3. The cleaning equipments to be used by the contractor shall be of Nilfisk or Taski make or similar only.In case the machinery / equipment required to be used is not available, equivalent of the same qualityas approved by the authorized officers of the SIC, shall be provided.4. All the cleaning agents used <strong>for</strong> the project shall be biodegradable and environmental friendly so thatit does not cause any harm to employees’, workers and the object <strong>for</strong> it is used. It shall follow all themandatory National and International Standards of Chemicals.Essential ecological requirements <strong>for</strong> all the cleaning agencyShould con<strong>for</strong>m to International detergent legislation.• Should be Phosphate Free.• Should not be combustible liquid according to the regulations governing combustible liquid.5. It must be born in mind that functioning of work at SIC need to be started early in the morning andcompleted well be<strong>for</strong>e the start of OPD’s. Similarly some activities can be done after the OPD’s orduring holidays to avoid inconvenience to the patients.6. The contractor shall in close coordination with officials working in various rooms, committee rooms,canteens, pantries etc. shall modify working schedule if required as per user’s convenience. No extraclaim whatsoever on this account shall be entertained.7. All materials, T & P shall be arranged by the contractor at no extra cost.8. The contractor shall dispose off garbage, rubbish & other unserviceable materials and waste at theirown cost to the notified/specified MCD dumping ground and under no circumstance these shall bestacked/dumped even temporarily within the building or the surrounding premises.9. The contractor shall spray mosquito repellents and or resort to FOGGING with chemicals and <strong>for</strong> thisnothing extra shall be payable. The contractor has to carry out regular treatment <strong>for</strong> control ofmosquitos/insects/cockroaches and rodent/lizards with ISI marks odourless chemicals/spray in wholebuilding.10. The Contractor shall take at his own cost necessary Insurance cover in respect of staff and otherpersonnel to be deployed or engaged by him in connection with the a<strong>for</strong>e mentioned services to berendered in SIC and shall comply with all relevant labour laws as applicable during the contract period.Further the contractor shall indemnify SIC all acts of omissions, fault, breaches and <strong>for</strong> any claim ordemand, loss injury and expenses to which SIC may be party or involved as a result of the Contractor’sfailure to comply and obligation under the relevant act/law.11. The room fresheners shall be provided and sprayed in the OPDs, Doctor Rooms & AdministrativeOffices, Conference Hall and other important areas.12. The running and maintenance charges of machines i.e. cost of fuel, battery, lubricants, replacement ofparts etc. shall be borne by the Contractor and nothing extra shall be payable.2

13. During the conference/meeting in SIC Office, the Contractor has to ensure that workers andsupervisory staff as per requirements are present within the Centre till the end of function / meeting<strong>for</strong> which nothing extra shall be payable.14. SIC shall be fully empowered to withhold from the Contractor’s bill a sum equal to the amountrequired to meet the provisions of statutory requirements without giving any notice to the Contractor,if the employer finds at any stage that Contractor has failed to submit the evidence ofpayment/deposits and on demand from the statutory authorities, the amount shall be paid by theemployer to concerned statutory authorities.15. <strong>Quality</strong> of WorksThe Contactor must strictly ensure the proper quality of work by deploying suitable technicallyqualified persons. A log book should be maintained <strong>for</strong> the purpose and Contractor must obtain thesignature of the authorized officer of SIC daily in respect of individual works undertaken. However,<strong>Management</strong> In<strong>for</strong>mation <strong>System</strong> reports as per <strong>ISO</strong> are to be generated on monthly basis by thecontractor <strong>for</strong> reference of MEDICAL SUPERINTENDENT, SAFDARJANG HOSPITAL.Security and Fire Fighting ‐ Annexure‐1(C)(a) The bidder shall deploy adequate number of security guards with supervisory personals in each shiftin an around the Sports Injury Centre.(b) Itwillbetheprimaryresponsibilityofthefacilitymanagementserviceprovidertoprotectthepremisesfromdamage,actofsabotage, generallaw and order situation under control during all the time.(c) Theserviceprovidershallberesponsible<strong>for</strong>quickandresponsiblereactiononanoffsitesituationincaseofemergencyarisingoutoffire,theftandorunlawfulactivityatSportsInjuryCentre.Themanpowerdeployedmustbetrainedinovercomingsuchsituation.(d) The FMS provider shall provide Ex‐Serviceman Personnel to safeguard office properties, building,materials and equipment etc.(e) The FMS provider shall bear all the expenses incurred on provision of torches and cells, lathis andother implements to security staff, stationary <strong>for</strong> writing duty charts and registers at security checkpoints and record keeping as per requirements.(f) If as a result of post payment audit any overpayment is detected in respect of any work done by theagency or alleged to have done by the agency under the tender, it shall be recovered by the officefrom the security agency. If any underpayment is discovered, the amount shall be duly paid to thesecurity agency by the office.(g) The FMS provider will ensure that the guard posted on duty should be conversant with the lay out ofthe building, fire safety system along with telephone nos. of nearest police station, fire station,hospital etc.List of all security guards, supervisors along with name of the agency & address to bedisplayed in the security post.The general safety & ensuring fire safety of the premises is the responsibility of the FMS Provider.Manning and <strong>Management</strong> of Human resource <strong>for</strong> the SIC ‐ Annexure‐9i. The Manpower required on monthly basis shall be identified by the successful bidder.ii. Complete detail with their CV tabulated as per approved <strong>for</strong>mat along with brief comment onexperience and suitability shall be submitted to the SIC against each trade of the manpower required.iii. Thesuccessfulbiddershallarrange<strong>for</strong>selectionprocesstobeconductedbySIC <strong>for</strong> the shortlisted human3

esource.iv. The final selected / short listed manpower shall be deployed by the successful bidder <strong>for</strong> theper<strong>for</strong>mance of the facility management services on monthly basis.v. Thesuccessfulbiddershallhaveresourceinreserve<strong>for</strong>leavevacancy,replacement ordered by the SIC andany other reason requiresubstitution.vi. The successful bidder shall provide all manpower deployed through facilitymanagementservicesrequired/approveduni<strong>for</strong>m andshallbe responsible<strong>for</strong>their per<strong>for</strong>mance.vii. The basicwagesetc.totheindividualpersonnel deployed on outsourcing basisshallbedecidedbythehospitalandbiddershallarrange<strong>for</strong>disbursementofwages,paymentofstatutoryduesallcomplete asperprevailingrulestothemanpowerdeployed <strong>for</strong> the facility management services andclaim during the succeeding month along with their facility management charges along with all otherexpenditure towards over heads and pr of it.viii. The proposed services required and its assessed quantumshallbeasperAnnexure‐9.Howevertheactualpayment and its statutory dues shall be paid to the successful bidder on the basis of actual cost of theservices per<strong>for</strong>med and quantified on monthly basis.Annexure‐1(A, B & C) gives broad idea of work to be undertaken at SICInstructions to Bidders1. The tenders shall be submitted in a sealed envelope, super scribing the tender Notice number,description of work and due date of opening on the cover without fail. The envelope should contain (i)Technical Bid (ii) Commercial Bid separate small envelops. The said two envelops shall be sealedseparately and super scribed as Technical Bid (Envelope NO.1) and Commercial Bid (Envelope No.2) andput in a large envelop, which is addressed to “Medical Superintendent, Safdarjang Hospital, New Delhi”duly sealed and it shall be deposited in the TENDER BOX kept at DDA Office, 7 th floor, SIC Building,Safdarjang Hospital, New Delhi.2. The prescribed Tender Forms will be made available till 14.08.2012upto 10.00 AMfrom the office ofDeputy Director (Admn.), SIC on remittance cost of Tender (Non‐Refundable) amounting to `1500/‐either by crossed DD drawn in favour of Medical Superintendent, Safdarjang Hospital, New Delhi of anyScheduled Bank or any Nationalized Bank payable at New Delhi or depositing tender cost in theAccount Section of Safdarjang Hospital during the working hours till the a<strong>for</strong>esaid date and time.3. In the technical bid no price shall be mentioned. If the same is done the Tender is liable to be rejected.4. The two envelopes shall contain in<strong>for</strong>mation as under:‐(a) Technical Bid (Envelope No.1):‐ The first sealed envelope should contain details of the general matterpertaining to tender viz, Earnest Money, Details as required to qualify <strong>for</strong> Eligibility and experience ofthe contractor which is asked in tender as per the Annexure‐3&4.(b) Commercial Bid(Envelope No.2):‐ This sealed envelope shall be marked as “Financial Bid” and shallcontain the Schedule of Rates duly filled and signed as per the Annexure‐6.5. Earnest Money amounting to ` 5,00,000/‐ (Rupees Five Lacs only) should be deposited in the <strong>for</strong>m ofDemand Draft/Pay order/ Bankers Cheque issued by the Nationalized Bank/ Scheduled Bank in favour ofMedical Superintendent, Safdarjang Hospital, New Delhi. Earnest Money in any other <strong>for</strong>ms exceptmentioned above will not be accepted.6. The Bidder is advised to acquaint himself with the job involved, visit Site & examine other prevailingconditions, climatic conditions, labour, power, water, material availability, transport andcommunication facilities, environmental regulations, laws and bye‐laws of local Statutory bodies, Govt.of Delhi & the Govt. of India and collect all in<strong>for</strong>mation that will be necessary <strong>for</strong> preparing the Bidand entering into a Contract.The cost of visiting the Site and collecting in<strong>for</strong>mation <strong>for</strong> the purpose ofsubmission of the Bid shall be borne by the Bidder himself.2.0 TRANSFER OF BIDDING DOCUMENTThe Bidding document is neither transferable nor non‐refundable.4

3.0 COST OF BIDDINGThe Contractor shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of its Bid, and theMedical Superintendent, Safdarjang Hospital, will in no case is responsible or liable <strong>for</strong> those costs,regardless of the conduct or outcome of the bidding process.THE BID DOCUMENTCONTENT OF BIDDING DOCUMENTS4.1 The service required, bidding procedures and contract terms are described in the bidding document. Inaddition to the Invitation <strong>for</strong> Bids, the bidding documents include:Sl.NoAnnexureattachedContents of AnnexurePageNo.1. Annexure‐1 Scope of Work (Annexure‐A, B & C) 15‐202. Annexure‐2 Forwarding letter 21‐223. Annexure‐3 Check list 23‐244. Annexure‐4 Past service experience Pro<strong>for</strong>ma 255. Annexure‐5 Resource Requirement 266. Annexure‐6 Financial Bid 277. Annexure‐7 Pro<strong>for</strong>ma of Bank Guarantee towards Per<strong>for</strong>mance Security 28‐298. Annexure‐8 Checklist <strong>for</strong> processing of bill 309. Annexure‐9 List of outsourced staff 31‐325

4.2 No column of Check list should be kept blank or over written. Blank column and over written would beliable to be rejected without any clarifications.4.3 The Firm is expected to examine all instructions, <strong>for</strong>ms, terms and specifications in the bid documentscarefully. Failure to furnish any in<strong>for</strong>mation required in the bidding documents will liable to rejection oftender without seeking any clarifications.5.0 PREPARATION OF BIDS5.1 The bid shall be written in the English/Hindi Language. In case the bid is written in any other languagean English Translation should be accompanied, within that case, <strong>for</strong> purpose of interpretative of the bid,the English Translation shall govern. Similar principal will follow in respect of all the enclosures of Bid.5.2 Bids shall be submitted in the prescribed Bid pro‐<strong>for</strong>ma as per Annexures2,3,4, 6, 7 &8. All the columnsof the prescribed pro‐<strong>for</strong>ma at Annexures2, 3, 4, 6, 7 & 8 should be duly filled in and signed. No columnshould be left blank whether quoting <strong>for</strong> any item or not.5.3 The Contractors are advised in their own interest to ensure that all the points brought out in thechecklist are complied with in their Bid, failing which the offer is liable to be rejected.5.4 The Agencies should clearly mention Office Address, Telephone & Fax Numbers and email address of itsDelhi/New Delhi office.5.5 All pages of the Bid documents should be typed and signed by the bidder or a person duly authorized bythe contractor. Copy of Notarized Power of Attorney to the signatory, who has signed the biddingdocuments, should be attached along with Bid documents.5.6 The bidder should submit an undertaking that “I am/we are withdrawing the printed terms andconditions of our agency and agree to abide by the terms & conditions of the tender enquiry of SportsInjury Centre, Safdarjang Hospital”.5.7 The complete Bid including the prices must be clearly typed /written in indelible ink.6.0 PRICE SCHEDULE/FORMAT6.1 The price Bid should be submitted as per the prescribed <strong>for</strong>m as Annexure‐6. The price should bequoted in Indian Rupees only.7.0 INCOME TAX LIABILITYThe contractor will have to bear all Income Tax liabilities both corporate and personal tax/Liability of thepersonnel deployed by him.8.0 PERIOD OF VALIDITY OF BIDS8.1 Bid shall remain valid <strong>for</strong> 180 (one hundred and eighty) days after the date of Bid opening.6

8.2 In exceptional circumstances, prior to the expiry of the original Bid validity period, the MedicalSuperintendent, Safdarjang Hospital, New Delhi may ask the contractor <strong>for</strong> a specified extension in theperiod of validity. The requests and the responses shall be made in writing. The Contractor willundertake not to vary/modify the Bid during the validity period or any extension agreed thereof.Contractor agreeing to the request <strong>for</strong> extension of validity of offer shall be required to extend thevalidity of Bid Security accordingly.9 .0 BID SECURITY/ EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT(EMD)9.1 Earnest Money amounting to ` 5,00,000/‐ (Rupees Five Lacs only) should be deposited in the <strong>for</strong>m ofDemand Draft/Pay order/ Bankers Cheque issued by the Nationalized Bank/any Scheduled CommercialBank in favour of “Medical Superintendent, Safdarjang Hospital, New Delhi”. Earnest Money in anyother <strong>for</strong>m will not be accepted. Earnest money should be submitted along with the Technical Bid.9.2 The Bid Security shall be <strong>for</strong>feited by MEDICAL SUPERINTENDENT, SAFDARJANG HOSPITAL, NEW DELHIin the following events:a) If a bidder withdraws its Bid or impairs or derogate from the Bid in any respect during the period ofBid validity specified by the bidder on the Bid <strong>for</strong>m.b) In the case of Successful bidder if the bidder fails:(i) To sign the contract as per tender terms & conditions.(ii) To furnish Security Deposit/Per<strong>for</strong>mance Security (Per<strong>for</strong>mance Bank Guarantee) within 30days of notification of such acceptance.9.3 The Bid Security of unsuccessful contractors will be returned on finalization of the Bid. The Bid Securityof successful contractor will be returned on receipt of Per<strong>for</strong>mance Security.10.0 Original Bids submitted in the tender box as specified in the tender documents will only be considered.Telex / Telegraphic/Telefax/Xerox/Photocopy etc. Bids will not be considered.11.0 MODIFICATION AND WITHDRAWAL OF BIDS11.1 Modification of Bid will not be allowed at any stage after closure of dateline <strong>for</strong> submission of Bids.12.0 Notification of award12.1 Prior to the expiry of the period of Bid validity, SIC will in<strong>for</strong>m the successful bidder by registered letteror by fax, about the acceptance of Bids.12.2 The notification of award will constitute the <strong>for</strong>mation of the contract.13.0 SIGNING OF CONTRACT13.1 The successful contractor / authorised Signatory required to sign agreement with THE MEDICALSUPERINTENDENT, SAFDARJNG HOSPITAL, NEW DELHI within a maximum period of 30 days from thedate of contract. Until the contract is signed, the LOI shall remain binding upon between both parties.7

14.0 PERFORMANCE SECURITY14.1 Within 30 (Thirty) days of the receipt of notification of award (NOA) from the THE MEDICALSUPERINTENDENT, SAFDARJNG HOSPITAL, NEW DELHI ,the successful contractor shall furnish theper<strong>for</strong>mance Security/ Security Deposit of ` 20 lacs in accordance with conditions of the contract, inthe per<strong>for</strong>mance security <strong>for</strong>m provided at Annexure‐7 of the bidding documents.14.2 All correspondence <strong>for</strong>m Contractors/Contractor shall be made to the Office of the THE MEDICALSUPERINTENDENT, SAFDARJNG HOSPITAL, NEW DELHI, AurbindoMarg New Delhi‐11002914.3 All correspondence shall bear reference to Bid/Tender number.15.0 Duration of contract period:‐The initial contract shall be <strong>for</strong> one year and may be extended,with mutualconsent,uptoa maximum period of three years on satisfactory per<strong>for</strong>mance of the firm on year to yearbasis.16.0 The Manpower requirement and Machine required <strong>for</strong> the a<strong>for</strong>esaid contract is given at Annexure‐5.SPECIAL CONDITIONSCOMPLIANCE OF LABOUR LAWS:1. The contractor shall at his own cost comply with the provision of labour laws, rules, orders andnotifications whether Central orState or local as applicable to him or this contract from time to time.These Acts/Rules include without limitation to the followings:a) The Minimum Wages Act, 1948 with Rules, Orders and Notification issued thereunder from timeto time.b) The Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923 with Rules, Orders and Notifications issuedthereunderfrom time to time.c) The Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972, with Rules, Orders and Notifications issued thereunder <strong>for</strong>mtime to time.d) The Mines Act, 1952, The Factories Act, 1948 or the Shops and Establishment Act, whichever isapplicable with Rules, Orders and Notification issued thereunder from time to time.e) The Payment of Bonus Act, 1965 with Rules, Orders and Notifications issued thereunder fromtime to time.f) The Payment of Wages Act, 1936 with Rules, Orders and Notifications issued thereunder fromtime to time.g) The Employees’ Provident Fund & Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 with Rules, Orders andNotifications issued thereunder and these Schemes frames thereunder from time to time.h) The Employees’ State Insurance Act, 1948 with Rules, Orders and Notifications issuedthereunder from time to time.i) The Interstate Migrant Workmen (Regulation of Employment and Condition of Service) Act, 1979and the Rules framed thereunder.j) All other Acts/Rules/bye‐laws,Orders Notifications, etc. present or future applicable to thecontractor from time to time <strong>for</strong> per<strong>for</strong>ming the contract‐job.2. All employees’ of the Contractor shall be employees’ of the Contractor, SIC, Safdarjang Hospital, NewDelhi will not have any liability to engage them at any point of time nor can they claim any right <strong>for</strong>employment in SIC, Safdarjang Hospital, New Delhi.8

3. The contractor shall have a valid license obtained from Licensing Authority under the ContractLabour (Regulation & Abolition) Act, 1970.4. The contactor shall submit the EPF Code number obtained from the authorities concerned in termsof the provisions of the employees’ under the Employees’ Provident Fund and MiscellaneousProvisions Act, 1952 and the Schemesframed thereunder.The contractor shall maintain all records/registers required to be maintained by him under variouslabour laws mentioned above and produce the same be<strong>for</strong>e the Statutory Authorities as and whenrequired. These shall amongst other include the following:i. Muster Rollii. Register of Wagesiii. Register of Deductionsiv. Registerof Finesv. Wage Slipvi. Register of Advances5. The contractor shall also submit periodical reports / returns to the various statutory authorities asrequired under the Statute(s) governing contract such as the Contract Labour (Regulation &Abolition) Act,1970, Employees’ Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Act,1952 and theSchemes framed thereunder.6. The contractor shall provide kits/liveries to his employees’ if any, required under law.7. If any of the persons engaged by the contractor misbehaves with any of the employee or patient ofthe hospital or any other persons attending SIC, SAFDARJANG HOSPITAL, NEW DELHI or commit anymisconduct with regard to the property of the SIC, SAFDARJANG HOSPITAL, NEW DELHI, thecontractor shall replace them immediately.8. The contractor shall not engage/employ persons below the age of 18 years. The worker should bemedically fit in all respect. The agency should also ensure Periodic Medical checkup (PMC) of itsworkers at its own cost. The agency should provide all the protective gears required to workers.9(a)9(b)Thecontractor shall issue appointment letters to the persons engaged by him <strong>for</strong> deployment underthis contract and, a copy thereof should be submitted to MEDICAL SUPERINTENDENT, SAFDARJANGHOSPITAL, NEW DELHI <strong>for</strong> record.The contractor should deploy one Facility Manager to manage the deployment of persons engagedunder the contract and to ensure proper working. No extra cost will be paid by SIC, SafdarjangHospital <strong>for</strong> facility manager.10. The contractor shall get the antecedents of the persons engaged by him verified from Police Stationconcerned and produce a <strong>certificate</strong> in this regard to MEDICAL SUPERINTENDENT, SAFDARJANGHOSPITAL, NEW DELHI within 30 days of awarding of contract.9

11. The contractor shall deploy adequate number of persons <strong>for</strong> execution of the work undertaken oncontract regulating their working hours and weekly off within the statutory limits. No workers willbe allowed to per<strong>for</strong>m duty more than one shift in 24 hours.12. Workers deployed <strong>for</strong> cleaning of toilets, OT should be specified <strong>for</strong> the area and will not per<strong>for</strong>mduty in other places. There should be different uni<strong>for</strong>m code <strong>for</strong> each of above specified area.13. The Company/ Agency shall provide uni<strong>for</strong>ms (all weather) and Photo Identity Cards to theworkersengaged at agency cost. No deduction should be made from the monthly wages of theworkers deployed by the agency <strong>for</strong> this purpose. SIC will not allow any employee of theCompany/Agency to work inside the Hospital without uni<strong>for</strong>m.14. Apart from requirement mentioned in the scope of work MEDICAL SUPERINTENDENT, SAFDARJANGHOSPITAL, NEW DELHI reserves the right either to increase or decrease the scope or work, as perrequirement.15. Biometric Attendance <strong>System</strong> must be installed by the contractor at own costin hospital premises<strong>for</strong>daily attendance in all shifts and details should be sent by email after an hour of the commencementof each shift which should be followed immediately by hard copy to SIC Authority.16. The Agency will also provide the area wise deployment of worker to designated authority at SIC <strong>for</strong>each shift within one hour after deployment of manpower.17. Maintenance of the sanitation of assigned area of the SIC would be the responsibility of the agency.The work per<strong>for</strong>mance evaluation & monitoring of housekeeping services provided by the agencywill be supervised by authorized team of SIC.18. If Cockroaches/ Rodents/ Lizards / Insects are found during inspection, a fine of ` 1000/‐ (Rupeesone thousand) per default will be imposed and will be deducted from any amount payable to theagency.19. Any Legal disputes arising out of this contract will be subject to jurisdiction of High Court of Delhi.20. The contract can be terminated by the Medical Superintendent, Safdarjang Hospital by giving onemonth's notice without assigning any reason. The agency, if so desires, can terminate contract bygiving clear three months’ notice.21. All the documents should be attested by a Notary/ Gazetted officer.22. SIC will provide the office‐cum‐store in SIC premises <strong>for</strong> official purposes only at free of cost.Electricity and water supply is also provided by the SIC, Safdarjang Hospital free of cost, which will bestrictly used <strong>for</strong> maintenance of sanitation of the SIC only.23. The SIC will not provide to the agency any machinery equipments, chemicals/ cleaning materials andother disposables required <strong>for</strong> maintenance of sanitation of SIC premises.10

24. All logistic of the store items including equipments should strictly be maintained by the agency.Authorized team keeps the right to check the store any time without any prior notice.25. No enhancement in the agreed rates will be allowed during the contract period. Minimum wageswill only be enhanced in case the same is enhanced by Delhi Government /Central Government asthe case may be.26. The bill by the agency to be submitted upto10 th of each month <strong>for</strong> the previous month along with allthe <strong>certificate</strong>s/documents as follows:(i) The wages of workers <strong>for</strong> last month credited to their bank account on _________ and thedetails of payment along with bank account nos enclosed.(ii) ESI/EPF/Service Tax/Other statutory dues amounting to `_____ <strong>for</strong> the month of (previousmonth) deposited on _________ (copy of challans to be enclosed).(iii) Employee‐wise detail of ESI, EPF contribution paid is to be submitted every quarter.(iv) Undertaking that all statutory labour laws including Minimum Wages Act is being compliedwith.(v) Proof of payment of service tax (Copy of paid challans to be enclosed).(vi) The service provider must ensure that entitled wages of the workers are credited to their bankaccount on or be<strong>for</strong>e 7th of each month. Service provider will not be given any relaxation inthis matter.(vii) The service provider should submit the bill in accordance with the above time schedule. Incase, he fails to submit the bill by 3rd of the month, even then he has to make the payment tothe workers on or be<strong>for</strong>e 7th of each month.(viii) The contractor shall compulsorily issue the salary slip to every personnel working under him.IIPAYMENT PROCEDURE1. The payment to the agency will be made through ECS facility. The Agency should intimate the ECSdetails of Bank immediately after award of contract to Accountant, SJH, New Delhi.2. Disbursement of wages to individuals through ECS/cheque only. Cash payment will be not bedisbursed in any circumstances to the workers. The details of Bank Accounts & Accounts Number ofeach employee’s should be submitted to hospital authority along with documentary evidence ofpayment made to employee along with the monthly bills.3. The contractor shall submit monthly bills to, DDA, SIC, SAFDARJANG HOSPITAL, NEW DELHI intriplicate along with the documents as per the Annexure‐ 8 on or be<strong>for</strong>e 10 th of every month.4. Income Tax shall be deducted at source at the time of payment to the contractor in accordance withthe provisions of the relevant Acts as applicable.11

PENAL TY CLAUSE(a).A penalty of ` 5000/‐ per day on the 1 st occasion will be imposed by the SIC authority <strong>for</strong>any breach of contract. In case the lapse is repeated again, the extent of penalty will bedoubled on each such occasion and show cause notice will be issued. The decision of thecompetent authority of this hospital shall be final and binding upon the Agency.(b).Penalty would also be imposed in the following conditions:‐I) If the personnel are not found displaying photo identity Card.ii) If the personnel found indulging in smoking/ drinking/ sleeping during duty hours.iii) Per<strong>for</strong>ming duty by a worker more than one shift within 24 hours.iv) If the Agency is not able to provide the requisite number of personnel, a penalty <strong>for</strong>shortage of attendance will be imposed, to the extent of double the wages, per day <strong>for</strong>each absenteeism.v) Penalty will also be imposed if the behaviour of any personnel is found discourteous toany person or otherwise in hospital.(c).If any of the authorized officers of the Safdarjang Hospital certifies that the per<strong>for</strong>manceof the Agency is unsatisfactory, an amount as shown below shall be recovered from thebills of the agency <strong>for</strong> the said calendar month:‐(i) A Penalty upto` 5000/‐ per floor or part of the floor per day will be imposed if anypart of floor found unsatisfactory.(ii) ` 1000/‐ per machine per day will be imposed if any machine found out o<strong>for</strong>der during contract period.(iii) ` 5000/‐ per day will be imposed if the worker are found not using proper/specificchemicals <strong>for</strong> cleaning.(iv) ` 1000/‐ per default will be imposed if Cockroaches/ Rodents/ Lizards / Insects arefound during inspection.12

Annexure‐1(A)Scope of work – Housekeeping worksScope of housekeeping service area 7450 sq mGENERAL SCOPE OF WORK:Providing identity cards to all staff/housekeeping personalsProviding uni<strong>for</strong>m of approved colour and style to all the proposed manpower.Daily sweeping and wet moping of all floor area on continuous bases with quality floor cleaning lotionCleaning and moping all toilets and bathrooms at regular intervals with quality cleaning materialsProviding urinal cakes in urinals/filling up liquid soap in wash basins/using disinfectants daily to keep all thearea hygienicCleaning furniture with dry cloth.Cleaning and sweeping public utility areasDusting and cleaning of glass doors/windows light, fittings, exhaust fans, sign boards etc.Cleaning all telephones including intercoms and super phonesPolishing, buffing and cleaning of marbles, ceramic tiles and various other stone surfaces.Collection and disposal of garbage, waste papers and hospital waste at regular intervals tothe refuse area /incenerator of SafdarjangHospital from:-A. Waste generated from the sanitation work of the SIC.B. Waste generated from hospital clinical, OPD and OT activities.C. Waste generated by support services like CSSD, Laundry, Kitchen, Cafeteria, Laboratory and RadiologicalServices outsourced by the SIC.Cleaning of overhead water tanks once in six months and annual cleaning of UG tank and the pump house.Common House Keeping work of SIC :BEFORE OFFICE HOURS ( Morning 6.30 to 7.45 hrs)Clear dustbinSweeping and cleaning of each floor toilets and other utility area like lift, staircaseClean telephones and disinfectCheck <strong>for</strong> maintenance like bulbs, switches, furniture damage etc Dust the office-windows, tables, doors,pictures and other surface etc Check <strong>for</strong> cobwebsFill water if requiredCheck <strong>for</strong> stains and spots and necessary cleaning <strong>for</strong> their removal.Vacuum and mop the area as required.Brasso the name boardsWater the indoor plantsClean the drinking water points on each floor.Sweeping and cleaning of area surrounding to Sports Injury Centre and disposal of garbage and waste in therefuse yard / incinerator of Safdarjang Hospital.13

Rearranging hospital furniture in the waiting area and other rooms, hospital utilities like stretcher, wheel chairetc in its designated placesDURING OFFICE HOURS (BETWEEN 8.00 TO 7.30 HRS)Replenish water if requiredClean the table tops after coffee / tea sessionClear dust bins and ashtrays if usedCLEANING AND SANITZING OF THE BATHROOMS and toiletsCheck the area and clear dustbinsReplenish toilet rolls, tissue papers, face towels etcCheck <strong>for</strong> hand wash solution and replenish the same as requiredCheck the WC and the urinal <strong>for</strong> its cleanliness and cleaning as and when requiredPut urinal cubesWC to be scrubbed thrice a day – morning afternoon and evening to eliminate water marksCheck <strong>for</strong> water pressures in taps, WC’s, showers etc and reporting the problems <strong>for</strong> necessary repair etc.Floor to be scrubbed and moped to keep the area clean.Washbasin and WC seats to be kept clean and sparking at all timesDry vacuuming of all comers, Crevices, counter bottoms and other areas requiring the same jobDamp mopping of all stairs twiceCleaning of all other exhibited display counters once dailyDamp mopping of glazed floors twice a dayDry vacuuming of carpets and piling up of carpet once a dayToilets scrub clean floors twice a week.WEEKLY PROGRAMMECleaning of all electrical fittings / Lights / Fans etc Cobweb removalGlass cleaning with poles and squeezesWet scrub all floors and vacuuming to dry upDETAILED SCOPE OF WORK FOR IMPORTANT AREASTITLE: Cleaning of patient rooms and wards.Purpose: To keep the room clean and neat.Procedure:Waste collection and disposal daily morning and after lunch time.Dusting and sweeping of the room be<strong>for</strong>e doctors rounds. Toilet cleaning and antiseptic moping after thedoctor’s rounds.Cobweb removal, cleaning of fan and light fittings are done when the time of discharge and when required.Dusting and application of disinfectant of furniture, windows and telephones daily morning.While cleaning the discharge room all dust and cobwebs to remove and scrub floor by long handled scrubberswith soap solution. Also application of disinfectant.14

Additional cleaning other than routine cleaning as and when needed. For Ex: Vomiting on the floor orelsewhere, blood and body fluid splashes.TITLE: Housekeeping in ICU / pre and post OT area AND OTSPurpose: To keep clean so as to prevent infection and improve Aesthetic sense Procedure:1. The assigned housekeeping staff works in the respective area under the supervision of the Nursing staff,but directly reporting to the housekeeping supervisor.2. Dry dusting of the patient unit and all furniture, equipments and floors.3. Wet moping is done with soap and water daily.4. Antiseptic cleaning is done as per the direction of the Nursing staff.5. Toilets to be cleaned twice a day with antiseptic lotion.6. Additional cleaning as and when required.7. Arranging all activities of coordination with other agency in taking out soiled linen, medicalequipmentsetc <strong>for</strong> washing and sterilization.TITLE: Cleaning of outer area – Scope of work Housekeeping1. Daily cleaning of Paved Corridors with dust controller and periodic deep cleaning and washing withhigh pressure jet.2. Daily cleaning of Roads with road sweeper and periodic deep cleaning and washing with high pressurejet.3. Daily cleaning of Green area with sweeping.4. Daily cleaning of Grills and periodic washing with high pressure jet.TITLE: Housekeeping of public floorPurpose: To keep hospitals clean so as to prevent infection.Procedure:1. The assigned housekeeping staff works in the respective area under supervision.2. Proper disposal of garbage.3. Sweeping and moping <strong>for</strong> floors, wall comers, windows etc. Daily with detergent)4. Application of disinfectant.5. Dry dusting of wooden surfaces.6. Periodical cleaning and checking of toilets. (Hourly checking of toilets)7. Other than routine cleaning there may be additional cleaning which may be needed as and whenneeded.8. Fans and light fittings are to be cleaned weekly once or when necessary.9. Wash basins are to be cleaned with cleaning powder every morning and as and when required.10. Ceiling is dusted to remove cobwebs and dust accumulation every week.11. Daily cleaning of glasses, glass doors and dusting of aluminium railing and frames.TITLE: Cleaning of GENERAL Toilets.Purpose: To keep the toilets clean so as to prevent infection.Procedure:1. The assigned housekeeping staff cleans the toilet two times a day with antiseptic lotion. Also cleaningof toilet will be done as and when required2. Cleaning is first done with soap solution and water. Areas to be cleaned are closet, floor, walls andwashbasin with prescribed sanitizer.3. Ceiling is dusted to remove cobwebs and dust accumulation.15

4. Toilet brush is used <strong>for</strong> cleaning the toilet.OPERATION THEATRE CLEANING AND SEGREGATION OF WASTE1. Orientation to the assignment2. Checking and maintaining inventorya. Linen inventory that includes sending and receiving dailyb. Daily inventory of cleaning equipments like mop with stick, water pusher, waste pusher, brush etc.c. Checking the availability of cleaning solution.d. Checking the availability of color coding bags and maintaining the stock.e. Cleaning the operation theatre whenever necessary.f. Checking and reporting of any damage or repair of cleaning items.3. Daily cleaning of operation theatrea. Morning first cleaning the OT with liquid soap.b. Second, cleaning with Bacillocide special 2% that is 20ml in one litter water.c. In between cases clean Bacillocide special 0.5%.d. If there is any spillage of blood in the floor use I % Sodium Hypo Chlorite <strong>for</strong> 5 minutes and useseparate mop stick and clean properly.e. End of the list initially clean with soap and water and then with Bacillocide special 2%4. Weekly cleaning of operation theatrea. End of the week that is on Saturday OR AS DECIDED, after all cases clean the operation theatrewith liquid soapb. Then with Bacillocide special 2% including sidewalls and cleaning also.c. Fumigation of OT with <strong>for</strong>malin using OT care machine 37% <strong>for</strong>maldehyde 280ml/1000 cubic feet.5. Segregation of waste and proper disposal of waste in the appropriate containera. Yellow bag <strong>for</strong> infected dressing materials and blood contain items.b. Black bag <strong>for</strong> all paper waste and kitchen waste.c. Pink bag <strong>for</strong> all plastic items. E.g.: Anesthesia item include E.T. Tubes, syringes etc.d. Blue bag <strong>for</strong> soiled linen directly to CSSD.e. Grey bag <strong>for</strong> non-soled linen.f. In case of any infected case, send the linen separately in a bag and in<strong>for</strong>m Nursing Staff/Supervisor<strong>for</strong> proper disposal.6. Final disposala. Non infective wastes (collected in black bags) are disposed in a landfill.b. Infected solid wastes and human anatomical wastes (contents of yellow bags) are incinerated.c. Infected plastics (collected in a pink bag) are disinfected and shred. Plastics cannot be incinerated, asthey produce dioxins when burnt, which is known to be carcinogenic.d. Sharps are rendered non-recyclable by mutilating them using heat.16

Annexure‐1(B)Scope <strong>for</strong> gardening and horticulture services approximately 1 acre plotWatering, weeding, and mowing regularly.Top dressing pruning of the plants.Periodical spraying of pesticides and fungicides and fertilizers.Renovation of old lawns.Planting of seasonal varieties of flowers.Nursery maintenance in the campus like-potting, re-potting, propagation activities, compost preparation.General maintenance work like pot & plants in the building (150 indoor plants).Regular flower arrangements on all receptions and in Sr. Officers rooms and other strategic locations likeConference / Meeting rooms as when required.To arrange bouquets periodically <strong>for</strong> Senior Officers & VIP visitors on requirement basis.17

Annexure‐1(C)SCOPE OF WORK FOR SECURITY SERVICES :Area to be covered: Security and Fire safety <strong>for</strong> Complete Sports Injury Centre, all floors and its securityaround the Sports Injury Centre from external threat round the clock.ADMINISTRATIVE RESPONSIBILITY1. To assign duties to subordinates & allocation of post keeping in view the security requirements.2. To deal with patients/ visitors, guide them as required.3. Inter department co-ordination <strong>for</strong> day to day complaints from operations department.4. To ensure material/ assets are physically verified while coming in & going out of the premises. Tomaintain In/ Out inventory control register.5. Manning, checking and keeping watch on the complete premises of SIC from Control Room (ThroughCCTV) located in ground floor.6. To take regular rounds of the premises & ensure security measures are adhered.7. Thorough knowledge of emergency procedure.8. Conduct briefing on personal grooming, inspection of shifts, uni<strong>for</strong>m, equipments and fitness <strong>for</strong> dutyof the Security Guards.9. To ensure the safety of visitor’s/ employee’s vehicle.10. To check security log book daily.11. To keep the Security Manager appraised and in<strong>for</strong>med of conditions and security activities in theHospital.12. To take charge of investigations of all reported thefts, crimes, injuries or any unusual incidents; makesnecessary reports to document incident.13. To ensure staff is punching in & punching out their attendance while coming in & going out of thepremises.14. To ensure implementation of company standards as mentioned in Security standard procedure.15. Safe custody of all the documents handed over.16. Any other job assigned from time to time by the concerned superiors.17. Inspection and check and readyness of fire fighting equipment on daily basis and maintain them <strong>for</strong>ready use in case of emergency.18. Locking all office space and other hospital area after office hours, switching off all utilities like lightfan, AC etc. as per requirement and depositing the keys with control room on daily basis.18

Annexure‐2Format of Forwarding letterFORWARDING LETTER(To be filled in by the tendering party on official letter head)The Medical SuperintendentSafdarjang HospitalNew Delhi.Tender Enquiry No.Date & time of opening of TenderSir,With reference to the above Tender Enquiry I/We are submitting herewith our tenderdocuments.The Tender documents are duly paginated and contain from page No. 1 to ________A checklist chronologically indicating documents attached in original/copies duly attested byGazetted/Notary Officer as per Conditions <strong>for</strong> applying the tender.Checklist:Sl. No Description Bidder’sResponse(Yes/No)1. Name of the Company/Agency : (full addresswith Tel. No. & Fax No. Head Office and Delhibranch office)2. Registration No. of the Company/ Agency underState/Central Govt/Labour Deptt of Delhi, or anyother Organization Administration or any otherGovt Organization,if yes, please attach Copy ofRegistration3. a. Employees’ Provident Fund RegistrationCertificateb. Employees’ State Insurance RegistrationCertificatec. Duly acknowledged copy of Income Taxreturns filed during the previous threefinancial yeard. PAN Numbere. Service Tax Number and duly acknowledgedcopy of Service Tax return filedduring theprevious financial yearf. TAN (TDS Account Number)g. Whether tenderer is sole proprietor.ReferencePage no. indocuments19

h. If not a sole proprietor, whether partnershipdeed of the firm is attached.*Please attach attested copies of abovedocuments4. Contractors Past Services (Experience) Pro<strong>for</strong>maas per Annexure‐45. Copy of annual report of past 3 years withROC (Registrar of Companies) receipts dulyauthenticated by Chartered Accountant.6. Copy of Annual Turnover of` 20Croresper yearduring last three financial years(Please attach copies of Balance Sheets dulycertified by Chartered Accountant)7. Valid Demand Draft/Pay order/ Bankers Chequeissued by the Nationalized Bank/ Scheduled bank infavour of Medical Superintendent, SafdarjangHospital, New Delhi8. Whether tender documents is Paginated completely9. Undertaking that “I am/we are withdrawing theprinted terms and conditions of our agency and agreeto abide by the terms & conditions of the tenderenquiry of SIC, Safdarjang Hospital”.10. Copy of valid <strong>ISO</strong> <strong>9001</strong> Certificate <strong>for</strong> MechanizedHousekeeping Services issued prior to 30.06.2012.11. Copy of valid <strong>ISO</strong> <strong>9001</strong>:<strong>2008</strong> <strong>certificate</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Quality</strong><strong>Management</strong> <strong>System</strong>.12. Copy of valid <strong>ISO</strong> 14001:2004 <strong>for</strong> Environmental<strong>Management</strong> <strong>System</strong>.13. Undertaking in the stamp paper to the effect that theagency has not been blacklisted by anyCentral/State/Govt. Agency.14. Notarized copy of power of attorney to the signatory,who has signed the bidding documents.I undertake that “I/We accept all the terms & conditions given in the tender documents”Name & Signature (s) of the tenderer.(With stamp of the firm)20

Annexure‐3CHECK LISTThe bidders are advised in their own interest to ensure that the following points/aspects in particularhave been complied with in their offer failing which the offer is liable to be rejected.1. Please tick whichever is applicable and cross whichever is (are) not applicable.2. Please sign each sheet.3. The check‐list duly filled in must be returned along with the offer. No column should be leftblank.Sl.No.Description1. Name of the Company/Agency : (Full address with Tel. No. &Fax No. Head Office and Delhi Branch Office)2. Registration No. of the Company/ Agency under State/CentralGovt/Labour Deptt of Delhi, or any other OrganizationAdministration or any other Govt Organization, if yes, pleaseattach Copy of Registration3. a. Employees’ Provident Fund Registration Certificateb. Employees’ State Insurance Registration Certificatec. Duly acknowledged copy of Income Tax returns filedduring the previous three financial yearsd. PAN Numbere. Service Tax Number and duly acknowledged copy ofService Tax return filedduring the previous financial yearsf. TAN (TDS Account Number)g. Whether tenderer is sole proprietor.h. If not a sole proprietor, whether partnership deed of thefirm is attached.* Please attach attested copies of above documents4. Contractors’ Past Services (Experience) Pro<strong>for</strong>ma as perAnnexure‐45. Copy of annual report of past 3 years with ROC(Registrar of Companies) receipts duly authenticated byChartered Accountant.6. Copy of Annual Turnover of` 20 Crores per year during lastthree financial years(Please attach copies of Balance Sheets duly certified byChartered Accountant)7. Valid Demand Draft/Pay order/ Bankers Cheque issued by theNationalized Bank / Scheduled bank in favour of MedicalSuperintendent, Safdarjang Hospital, New Delhi8. Whether tender documents is Paginated completelyBidder’sResponse(Yes/No)ReferencePage no. inthe offer21

9. Undertaking that “I am/we are withdrawing the printed termsand conditions of our agency and agree to abide by the terms& conditions of the tender enquiry of SIC, SafdarjangHospital”.10. Copy of valid <strong>ISO</strong> <strong>9001</strong> Certificate <strong>for</strong> MechanizedHousekeeping Services issued prior to 30.06.2012.11. Copy of valid <strong>ISO</strong> <strong>9001</strong>:<strong>2008</strong> <strong>certificate</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Quality</strong><strong>Management</strong> <strong>System</strong>.12. Copy of valid <strong>ISO</strong> 14001:2004 <strong>for</strong> Environmental<strong>Management</strong> <strong>System</strong>.13. Undertaking in the stamp paper to the effect that the agencyhas not been blacklisted by any Central/State/Govt. Agency.14. Notarized copy of power of attorney to the signatory, whohas signed the bidding documents.(Signature of Bidder)22

Annexure‐4Sl. No.Name & Address ofClientPAST SERVICES (EXPERIENCE) PROFORMAPeriod from_______ to_______Whethercompletedsuccessfully, ifnot give reasonsBedStrength ofthehospitalValue ofcontractNOTE :‐EXPERIENCE CERTIFICATE FROM CLIENTS TO BE ENCLOSED ALONGWITH THISPROFORMA.Signature of the Contractor/authorized signatory____________________________Name ___________________________________________________Seal of the Company____________________________23

ANNEXURE- 5RESOURCESREQUIREMENTTheContractorshould havefollowing machinesandequipmentattheSIC premises.Useofmanpower<strong>for</strong>operationswheresuitableequipmentisidentifiedshallnotbepermitted<strong>for</strong>weekly/deepcleaningSl. No. DescriptionNos. required1. SINGLE DISK SCRUBBER MACHINE 32. AUTO SCRUBBER MACHINE 13. WET/DRY/VACCUM CLEANER 34. HIGH PRESSURE JET 15. PETROL LAWN MOWING MACHINE 1TOTAL 9Numberofmanpowertobedeployed-105Sl. Manpower Description MorningEvening NightNo. of staff requiredNo.1. Facility Manager 1 - - 12. Housekeeping Supervisors 2 2 1 53. Housekeeping Boys 30 15 5 504. Attendants 15 - - 155. Gardener 4 - - 46. Security Supervisor 1 1 1 3 (One in each shift)7. Security Guards 14 8 8 30 (14 in 1 st shift, 8 each in 2 nd & 3 rd8. Facade CleaningExpertshift)2 - - 2Total 110Signature ofTendererwithSeal24

ANNEXURE‐6FINANCIAL BID FOR FACILITY MANAGEMENT SERVICES ‐ HOUSEKEEPING,HORTICULTURE, SECURITY AND FIRE FIGHTINGName of the Tenderer: ……………………………………………………Type of manpowerI. HOUSEKEEPING SERVICESRate perMonth*(Rs.)TotalNos.Amountper monthABCII.ABIII.Trained Housekeeping Staff – Manager, Supervisors,Houseboys/Girls & Attendants as per Annexure‐5Charges <strong>for</strong> providing and maintaining machines, equipments, toolsand tackles, small or big, cleaning materials and aids any otheritem(s) that may be required <strong>for</strong> fulfilment of the contract <strong>for</strong>Housekeeping as per scope of work (refer Annexure‐5)Charges <strong>for</strong> providing the services <strong>for</strong> Pest and Rodent controlincluding manpower, equipment and consumable chemicals.HORTICULTURETrained Gardeners (male/female) as per scope of work (referAnnexure‐5)Horticulture, Manure, Plants, Implements, Seasonal Plants &Flowers, Seeds, Seedlings, etc. <strong>for</strong> fulfilment of the contract as perBid document as per scope of work at Annexure‐1(B)SECURITY& FIRE FIGHTING SERVICESA Manager, Supervisors & Trained Security Guards (male/female) asper Annexure‐5B Charges <strong>for</strong> providing and maintaining machines, equipment, toolsand tackles, consumables and rental charges <strong>for</strong> equipment requiredto per<strong>for</strong>m the services <strong>for</strong> fulfilment of the contract as per scope ofwork (refer Annexure‐5)IV. Charges <strong>for</strong> administration of Facility <strong>Management</strong> Services <strong>for</strong>manning and management of human resource as per Bid documentbut excluding cost of actual services payable to individual humanresources supplied all complete as per Bid documentV. Service charges/ fee which should include:All expenditure on providing managerial /supervisory/ administrativeservices by all means to get the work done through deployedhousekeeping staff.Total of I, II, III, IV & V* The above rates are inclusive of all taxes, levies including ESI contributions, EPF etc.No Service Tax will bepaid as per the Govt. of India notification no. 15/2005 dated 07.06.2005.Note:1. The contractor is to quote the rate in INR two decimals.2. The rates are to be quoted both in figures and words. No over writing or cutting is allowed.Date:Place:Signature of the Contractor with Seal25

Annexure‐7Pro<strong>for</strong>ma of Bank Guarantee towards Per<strong>for</strong>mance Security.PERFORMANCE GUARANTEERef. No. ________________________________To,MEDICAL SUPERINTENDENT,SAFDARJANG HOSPITAL,AURBINDO MARG,NEW DELHI –INDIABank Guarantee No _______________Dated __________________________Dear Sirs,1. In consideration of MEDICAL SUPERINTENDENT, SAFDARJANG HOSPITAL, NEW DELHI, havingentered into a CONTRACT No. ________________ Dated _____________ (hereinafter called ‘theCONTRACT’ which expression shall include all the amendments thereto) with M/s___________________________________________________ having its registered/head officeat ___________________________ (hereinafter referred to as the ‘BIDDER’) which expressionshall, unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof include all its successors,administrators, executors and assignees) and MEDICAL SUPERINTENDENT, SAFDARJANGHOSPITAL, NEW DELHI having agreed that the BIDDER shall furnish to MEDICALSUPERINTENDENT, SAFDARJANG HOSPITAL, NEW DELHI a per<strong>for</strong>mance guarantee <strong>for</strong> IndianRupees ……………………….. <strong>for</strong> the faithful per<strong>for</strong>mance of the entire CONTRACT.2. We (name of the bank) ____________________________________________ registered underthe laws of __________________ having head/registered office at ________________________(hereinafter referred to as “the Bank”, which expression shall, unless repugnant to the contextor meaning thereof, include all its successors, administrators, executors and permittedassignees) do hereby guarantee and undertake to pay immediately on first demand in writingany/ all moneys to the extent of Indian Rupees. (Infigures)______________________________(Indian Rupees (inwords)__________________________) without any demur, reservation, contest or protest and/or without any reference to the BIDDER. Any such demand made by MEDICALSUPERINTENDENT, SAFDARJANG HOSPITAL, NEW DELHI on the Bank by serving a written noticeshall be conclusive and binding, without any proof, on the bank as regards the amount due andpayable, notwithstanding any dispute(s) pending be<strong>for</strong>e any Court, Tribunal, Arbitrator or anyother authority and /or any other matter or thing whatsoever, as liability under these presentsbeing absolute and unequivocal. We agree that the guarantee herein contained shall beirrevocable and shall continue to be en<strong>for</strong>ceable until it is discharged by MEDICALSUPERINTENDENT, SAFDARJANG HOSPITAL, NEW DELHI in writing. This guarantee shall not bedetermined, discharged or affected by the liquidation winding up, dissolution or insolvency ofthe BIDDER and shall remain valid, binding and operative against the bank.3. The Bank also agrees that MEDICAL SUPERINTENDENT, SAFDARJANG HOSPITAL, NEW DELHI atits option shall be entitled to en<strong>for</strong>ce this Guarantee against the Bank as principal debtor, in thefirst instance, without proceeding against the BIDDER and notwithstanding any security or otherguarantee that MEDICAL SUPERINTENDENT, SAFDARJANG HOSPITAL, NEW DELHI may have inrelation to the BIDDER’s liabilities.4. The Bank further agrees that MEDICAL SUPERINTENDENT, SAFDARJANG HOSPITAL, NEW DELHIshall have the fullest liberty without our consent and without affecting in any manner our26

obligations hereunder to vary any of the terms and conditions of the said CONTRACT or toextend time of per<strong>for</strong>mance by the said BIDDER(s) from time to time or to postpone <strong>for</strong> anytime or from time to time exercise of any of the powers vested in MEDICAL SUPERINTENDENT,SAFDARJANG HOSPITAL, NEW DELHI against the said BIDDER(s) and to <strong>for</strong>bear or en<strong>for</strong>ce any ofthe terms and conditions relating to the said agreement and we shall not be relieved from ourliability by reason of any such variation, or extension being granted to the said BIDDER(s) or <strong>for</strong>any <strong>for</strong>bearance, act or omission on the part of MEDICAL SUPERINTENDENT, SAFDARJANGHOSPITAL, NEW DELHI or any indulgence by MEDICAL SUPERINTENDENT, SAFDARJANGHOSPITAL, NEW DELHI to the said BIDDER(s) or any such matter or thing whatsoever whichunder the law relating to sureties would, but <strong>for</strong> this provision, have effect of so relieving us.5. The Bank further agrees that the Guarantee herein contained shall remain in full <strong>for</strong>ce duringthe period that is taken <strong>for</strong> the per<strong>for</strong>mance of the CONTRACT and all dues of MEDICALSUPERINTENDENT, SAFDARJANG HOSPITAL, NEW DELHI under or by virtue of this CONTRACThave been fully paid and its claim satisfied or discharged or till MEDICAL SUPERINTENDENT,SAFDARJANG HOSPITAL, NEW DELHI discharges this guarantee in writing, whichever is earlier.6. This Guarantee shall not be discharged by any change in our constitution, in the constitution ofMEDICAL SUPERINTENDENT, SAFDARJANG HOSPITAL, NEW DELHI or that of the BIDDER.7. The Bank confirms that this guarantee has been issued with observance of appropriate laws ofthe country of issue.8. The Bank also agrees that this guarantee shall be governed and construed in accordance withIndian Laws and subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of Indian Courts of the placefrom where thepurchase CONTRACT has been placed.9. Notwithstanding anything contained herein above, our liability under this Guarantee is limitedto Indian Rupees. (in figures) __________________ (Indian Rupees (in words)___________________ ________________________________________ only) and ourguarantee shall remain in <strong>for</strong>ce until __________________________ . (indicate the date ofexpiry of bank guarantee)Any claim under this Guarantee must be received by us be<strong>for</strong>e the expiry of this BankGuarantee. If no such claim has been received by us by the said date, the rights of MEDICALSUPERINTENDENT, SAFDARJANG HOSPITAL, NEW DELHI under this Guarantee will cease.However, if such a claim has been received by us within the said date, all the rights of MEDICALSUPERINTENDENT, SAFDARJANG HOSPITAL, NEW DELHI under this Guarantee shall be valid andshall not cease until we have satisfied that claim.In witness whereof, the Bank through its authorized officer has set its hand and stamp onthis _____________________ day of ___________ 20______ at ____________.WITNESS NO. 1__________________(Signature)Full name and official address(in legible letters) with stamps……………………………………………WITNESS NO. 2(Signature)Full name and officialAddress (in legible letters)________________(Signature)Full name and official address(in legible letters) with stampsAttorney as per power ofAttorneyNo.Dated …………………………………27

Annexure‐8CHECK LIST FOR PROCESSING THE BILLThe following documents should attach with the bills <strong>for</strong> processing:‐i) Proof of deposition of statutory levies like EPF/ESI etc. (with a list of individual namesand amount deposited in their accounts.ii) Proof of payment to his personnel <strong>for</strong> the jobs completed during the previous month.iii) Attendance generated by the biometric machineiv) Per<strong>for</strong>mance pro<strong>for</strong>ma duly verified by the authorized officer.28

Requirement of Trained Manpower at SIC to be filled up on Outsourcing/Contract basis.Annexure‐9The requirement of the Manpower, Educational benchmarks and responsibilities of Manpower tobe engaged by the SIC during the period of contract shall be as under:‐S.No.Category ofManpowerRequiredEducational Qualification / Job profile1. Consultant An experienced officer of minimum Under Secretary levelhaving thorough knowledge of Establishment and Financialmatters. Preference to be given to a person having workingexperience in Health Sector.No. oflikelyPost012. HR Manager MBA in HR with relevant experience. 013. Staff Nurses B. Sc. / M. Sc. in Nursing <strong>for</strong>m a recognized Institution/University with minimum of 1‐3 years’ experience of workingin the Operation Theatre and the Ward in a Govt./ Pvt.hospital of repute.124. Receptionist Graduate from a recognized University, excellentcommunication skills both in English and Hindi, andproficiency in computer.025. Secretary Should be Graduate with Excellent communication skills andgood computer knowledge. Should have diploma in secretarialpractice with proficiency in English. Responsible <strong>for</strong> day to daycorrespondence of the office, making presentations and otherfiling jobs.026. Data EntryOperator10+2 passed from any Board/ University recognized by theGovt./ State Govt. plus one year diploma in computerapplication from any reputed Institute and experience ofworking with office software especially, database/spreadsheet software.107. BiomechanicalExpertB.Sc./B.Tech in Biomechanical Engineer or a Post‐Graduatefrom any recognized University/Institution.0129

8. Fitness Trainer Graduate from a recognized University, Excellentcommunication skills with pleasing personality. Should becertified Fitness Trainer and having relevant experience. Skillin the application of Fitness trainer, rescue techniques. Alsoresponsible <strong>for</strong> Gym operations.029. Masseur Holder of <strong>certificate</strong> in physical therapy or Spa treatment, withminimum 2 years of work experience as Therapist/ Masseur ina reputed Pvt. Hospital/ Institution.0210. NursingAttendant10 th Passed with 6 months of experience in working with aGovt./ Pvt. Hospital of repute (minimum 50 bedded hospital),<strong>certificate</strong> of training in First Aid. Age between 18‐35 years,medically fit, Character antecedent police verified.5011. Section Officer Retired Section Officer from the Govt. of India having relevantexperience in the branches of Establishment, Budget andAccounts preferably experienced from a Health relatedInstitute/ Organization.0112. Assistant Retired Assistant from Central Govt./ Autonomous bodyhaving relevant experience in the field of establishment,budget and accounts preferably experienced from a Healthrelated Institute/ Organization.0213. Barber 8 th ‐10 th Passed with minimum of two years of workingexperience.02Total 8830

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