Notes from the Underground - Penn State University

Notes from the Underground - Penn State University

Notes from the Underground - Penn State University

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<strong>Notes</strong> <strong>from</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Underground</strong>me now that, owing to my unbounded vanity and to <strong>the</strong>high standard I set for myself, I often looked at myself withfurious discontent, which verged on loathing, and so I inwardlyattributed <strong>the</strong> same feeling to everyone. I hated myface, for instance: I thought it disgusting, and even suspectedthat <strong>the</strong>re was something base in my expression, and so everyday when I turned up at <strong>the</strong> office I tried to behave asindependently as possible, and to assume a lofty expression,so that I might not be suspected of being abject. “My facemay be ugly,” I thought, “but let it be lofty, expressive, and,above all, extremely intelligent.” But I was positively and painfullycertain that it was impossible for my countenance everto express those qualities. And what was worst of all, I thoughtit actually stupid looking, and I would have been quite satisfiedif I could have looked intelligent. In fact, I would evenhave put up with looking base if, at <strong>the</strong> same time, my facecould have been thought strikingly intelligent.Of course, I hated my fellow clerks one and all, and I despised<strong>the</strong>m all, yet at <strong>the</strong> same time I was, as it were, afraidof <strong>the</strong>m. In fact, it happened at times that I thought morehighly of <strong>the</strong>m than of myself. It somehow happened quiteDostoyevskysuddenly that I alternated between despising <strong>the</strong>m and thinking<strong>the</strong>m superior to myself. A cultivated and decent mancannot be vain without setting a fearfully high standard forhimself, and without despising and almost hating himself atcertain moments. But whe<strong>the</strong>r I despised <strong>the</strong>m or thought<strong>the</strong>m superior I dropped my eyes almost every time I metanyone. I even made experiments whe<strong>the</strong>r I could face soand so’s looking at me, and I was always <strong>the</strong> first to drop myeyes. This worried me to distraction. I had a sickly dread,too, of being ridiculous, and so had a slavish passion for <strong>the</strong>conventional in everything external. I loved to fall into <strong>the</strong>common rut, and had a whole-hearted terror of any kind ofeccentricity in myself. But how could I live up to it? I wasmorbidly sensitive as a man of our age should be. They wereall stupid, and as like one ano<strong>the</strong>r as so many sheep. PerhapsI was <strong>the</strong> only one in <strong>the</strong> office who fancied that I was acoward and a slave, and I fancied it just because I was morehighly developed. But it was not only that I fancied it, itreally was so. I was a coward and a slave. I say this without<strong>the</strong> slightest embarrassment. Every decent man of our agemust be a coward and a slave. That is his normal condition.37

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