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<strong>MARKING</strong> <strong>SCHEME</strong><strong>PAPER</strong> <strong>101</strong>/3<strong>ENGLISH</strong><strong>1.</strong> <strong>The</strong> composition in the paper is intended to test the candidate’s ability to communicate inwriting. Communication is established at different levels of intelligentibility,correctness, accuracy, fluency, pleasantness and originality. Within the constraintsset by the question. It is the linguistic competence shown by the candidate thatshould carry most of the marks. In factual essay, attention must also be given to theformat, tone and ability to follow instructions.Examiners should not hesitate to use the full range of marks for each essay.It is important to determine first how the essay communicates and which category A,B, C, or D it fits.Use the marks below to classify each essay• D CLASS: <strong>The</strong> candidate either doesn’t communicate at all or his languageability is so minimal that the examiner practically has to guess what thecandidate wants to say.• 01 – 05: Practically no valid punctuation. All kinds of errors “BrokenEnglish”• D – 01 – 02: Chaotic Little meaning whatsoever. Question paper or somewords from it simply copied.• D03: Flow of thought impossible to follow. <strong>The</strong> errors are continuous.• D + 04 – 05: Although the English is often broken, and essay full of all typesof errors; He can at least guess what the candidate wants to say.• C CLASS: <strong>The</strong> candidate communicates understandably but only more orless clearly. He is not confident with his language. <strong>The</strong> subject is oftenundeveloped. <strong>The</strong>re may be some digressions. Unnecessary repetitions arefrequent. <strong>The</strong> arrangement is weak and the flow jerky. <strong>The</strong>re is no economyof language Mother tongue influence is felt.• C – 06: <strong>The</strong> candidate finds it difficult to communicate his ideas. He isseriously hampered by his very limited knowledge of structure andvocabulary. This results in many gross errors of agreement, spelling misuseof preposition, tenses, verb agreements and sentence construction.• C – 08: <strong>The</strong> candidate communicates but not with consistent clarity. Hislinguistic abilities being very limited, he cannot avoid frequent errors insentence construction/Structure. <strong>The</strong>re is little variety or Originality. Verybookish English, links are weak, Incorrect and repeated at times.• C + 09 – 10: <strong>The</strong> candidate communicates clearly but in a flat uncertainmanner. Simple concepts, sentences forms are often strained. <strong>The</strong>n may be awe ruse of clichés, Unsuitable idioms. Proverbs are misquoted ormisinterpreted. <strong>The</strong> flow is still jerky. <strong>The</strong>re are some errors of agreement,tenses, and spellings.• B CLASS: This class is characterized by greater fluency and ease ofexpression. <strong>The</strong> candidate demonstrates that he can use English as a normalway of expressing himself. Sentences are varied and usually well constructed.Some candidates become ambitious and even overambitious.www.kcse-online.info0

<strong>The</strong>re may be items of merit of one word or one expression type. Manyessays in this category may be just clean and unassuming, but they still showthe candidate is at ease with language. <strong>The</strong>re may be tendency to under marksuch essays. Give credit for tone.• B - 11 – 12: <strong>The</strong> candidate communicates fairly and with some fluency.<strong>The</strong>re may be little variety in sentence structure. Gross errors are still foundoccasionally, but this should not be over punished by the examiner.• B – 13: <strong>The</strong> sentences are varied but rather simple. Straight forward. <strong>The</strong>candidate doesn’t strain himself in an effort to impress. <strong>The</strong>re is a fair usagevocabulary and idiom. Naturally and effortless. Some items of merit.Economy of language.• B + 14 – 15: <strong>The</strong> candidate communicates his ideas pleasantly and withoutstrain. <strong>The</strong>re are errors and slips. Tenses, spellings and punctuations are quitegood. A number of items of merit of the whole sentence or the whole“expression” type.• A CLASS: <strong>The</strong> candidate communicates not fluently but attractively, withoriginality and efficiency. He has the ability to make us share his deepfreedoms and emotions and enthusiasms. He expresses himself freely andwithout any visible constraint. <strong>The</strong> sample gives evidence of maturity, goodplanning and often humour. Many items of merit which indicate that thecandidate has complete command of the language.<strong>The</strong>re is no strain, just pleasantness, clever arrangement and felicity ofexpression.• A – 16 – 17: <strong>The</strong> candidate shows competence and fluency in language use.He may lack imagination or originality which usually provides the “Spark” insuch essays. Vocabulary, idiom, sentence structure, links variety areimpressive. Gross errors are very rare.• A 18: Positive ability, few errors that are felt to be slips. <strong>The</strong> story orargument has a definite impact. No grammar problem variety of structures. Adefinite spark. Many margin tasks.• A + 19 – 20: <strong>The</strong> candidate communicates not only information andmeanings but also and especially the candidates whole self, his feelings,tastes, point of view, youth, culture. <strong>The</strong> ability to communicate his deep selfmay express itself in many ways: Wide range of effective vocabulary andOriginal approach.2. Introduction - expect a general Introduction looking at the role of the press and how itfails the society.- expect a specific one briefly looking at the people’s messenger – how itmisleads the society.(i) Selfish- That the cost of reconstruction of the baths would be financed by the small tax payers(ratepayers)- This mekes them change their opinion about Dr. Stockmann’s report.(ii) Indecisive/Easy to manipulatewww.kcse-online.info1

- Mr. D’ mellowMoneyman had sought advice from him regarding the letter to Mrs. Fernandes but afterreceiving the advice he says he has already handed her the letter.Introduction - general statement introduce the essay (2mks)3(b) Introduction- <strong>The</strong> country described in the play is under military rule- <strong>The</strong> military is responsible for the gross abuse of human rights4 X 3 = 12MKS- Soldiers under the government raid Stella’s school, raping the nuns and the girls.- Odie is tortured by the soldiers when he goes to ask for his father’s body to give him adecent burial.- Odie’s father is assassinated for allegedly spitting on presidents portrait.- Wak is forced to leave the country, when he realizes that SRB were looking for him. Heplanned to give a lecture on Democracy. His right to express himself is violated.- <strong>The</strong> military meters violence on those who hold peaceful demonstrations e.g. theuniversity students.- Any other point that touches on abuse of human rightsConclusion: 2mks)Any statement i.e. a recap of the above points.3 (c) <strong>The</strong> NovelHomestretch by Velma Pollard.Using Velma Pollard’s Novel Homestretch, show the truth in the statement,“East or West, home is best”.Introduction - explain meaning of proverb.- Despite David and Edith being away from home for 30yrs they decided to go home toJamaica. Away from their home their relationship grows apart, back home they get close.- Brenda’s character changes, when she first arrives in Jamaica from England. Afterspending time with Laura and Anthony, she begins to understand her country and likes it.Plans to bring West Indies children for a tour.- Away from home pressure make people get insane. E.g. Miss Betty’s daughter. <strong>The</strong>y goback home to recover.www.kcse-online.info3

- Although woods village is in a terrible state, they do not long to go back to England.Antony who loves Jamaica in its poor state says they would love to settle and bring up hischildren in Jamaica.- Weather- Culture- Conclusion (2 mks)- Language presentation (4mks)3. (a) Half A Day and other StoriesIntroductionExpect the candidate to cite a situation where opportunism backfires on the face ofthe perpetrator and faces some negative effects.(2m)(i) Took advantage of other lowly paid civil servants to lend them money to exorbitantinterest rate and a service charge.Consequence - still led a miserable life as he did not own a car thus would walkall over the place holding his umbrella like a walking stick in spite of boasting as therichest man in Apana.(ii) He intended to get sexual favours from a spry young African Miss late one evening.Consequently, he broke his leg and had to be taken to a grade B hospital where thepoor are treated for free. It took long for a proper diagnosis to be done and his leghad to be put in a plaster.(iii)When he was admitted at the hospital, the Diases had to take care of him. He tookadvantage of their hospitality by refusing to eat African dishes thus they had toprepare his meals. In the absence of Diases, he ordered the father and son on whatsort of meals to cook. Consequently, when he breaks his other leg, he is abandoned atGrade B hospital for he could not pay for his upkeep.(iv) Upon discharge from the hospital, he moved in with the Fernandeses. <strong>The</strong> printing shopwas just about to be auctioned prompting Mrs. Fernandeses to borrow four thousandshillings. She is unable to repay the loan forcing Moneyman to write an abusive letterto her. Consequently, he is beaten up by the second born son after turning up forsupper. His other leg is broken and later abandoned at the Grade B hospital.Expect a relevant conclusion showing that if only Moneyman were grateful for theassistance given to him, he would not have been abandoned at the hospital.Expect four well illustrated point citing the situation and consequence for mark3:3:3:3 = 12IntroductionContentLanguage2 marks2 marks4 markswww.kcse-online.info4

Conclusion2 markswww.kcse-online.info5

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