GirosMex SA de CV

GirosMex SA de CV

GirosMex SA de CV


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32. The parties acknowledge, un<strong>de</strong>rstand, and agree that this plea agreement will be filedand become part of the public record in this case.33. The parties acknowledge and agree that the United States Attorney's Office andAntitrust Division are free to notify any local, state, or fe<strong>de</strong>ral agency of the <strong>de</strong>fendant's conviction.34. The <strong>de</strong>fendant un<strong>de</strong>rstands thatpursuant to the Victim and Witness Protection Act andthe regulations promulgated un<strong>de</strong>r the Act by the Attorney General of the United States, the victimof a crime may make a statement <strong>de</strong>scribing the impact of the offense on the victim and further maymake a recommendation regarding the sentence to be imposed. The <strong>de</strong>fendant acknowledges andun<strong>de</strong>rstands that comments and recommendations by a victim may be different from those of theparties to this agreement.Further Action by InternaJ Revenue Service35. Nothing in this agreement shall be construed so as to limit the Internal RevenueService in discharging its responsibilities in connection with the collection of any additional tax,interest, and penalties due from the <strong>de</strong>fendant as a result of the <strong>de</strong>fendant's conduct giving rise to thecharge alleged in the ininformation.EFFECT OF DEFENDANTS BREACH OF PLEA AGREEMENT36. The <strong>de</strong>fendant, by its duly authorized representative, acknowledges and un<strong>de</strong>rstandsif the <strong>de</strong>fendant violates any term of this agreement at any time or engages in any further criminalactivity prior to sentencing, this agreement shall become null and void at the discretion of thegovernment.If this plea agreement is revoked or if the <strong>de</strong>fendant's conviction ultimately isoverturned, then the government retains the right to reinstate any and all dismissed charges and to fileany and all charges which were not filed because of this agreement. The <strong>de</strong>fendant, by its dulyauthorized representative, hereby knowingly and voluntarily waives any <strong>de</strong>fense based on the9Case 2:08-cr-00062-RTR Filed 02/25/08 Page 9 of 17 Document 2

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