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Faculty MembersFaculty Spotlight: Dr. Lygia HolcombDirec<strong>to</strong>r/Pr<strong>of</strong>essorJean Leuner, Ph.D., RNInterim Direc<strong>to</strong>r/Pr<strong>of</strong>essorvMary Lou Sole, Ph.D., RN, CCNS, FAANPr<strong>of</strong>essorsHolcomb also worked with the <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong>Angeline Bushy, Ph.D., RN, CNS, FAANEducation <strong>to</strong> develop the charter for a NapFord Charter School in Parramore, <strong>and</strong> shecontinues <strong>to</strong> provide consultation <strong>to</strong> the school.In addition, she <strong>and</strong> a faculty colleaguedeveloped an innovative family wellnessprogram for the school.Karen Dennis, Ph.D., RN, FAANKaren Dow, Ph.D., RN, FAANMary Lou Sole, Ph.D., RN, CCNS, FAANDiane Wink, Ed.D., RNC, ARNPVirginia Wirtz, Ed.D., RN vIn April 2003, Lygia Holcomb was honored atthe UCF’s annual Founders Day celebrationas the recipient <strong>of</strong> the University <strong>Excellence</strong> inPr<strong>of</strong>essional Service Award.Holcomb has an exemplary record <strong>of</strong> service <strong>to</strong>the School <strong>of</strong> Nursing, university, community<strong>and</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>essional organizations. She is the leadfaculty member for the nurse practitionertrack, <strong>and</strong> she challenges students <strong>to</strong> developsignificant population-based service projects,which benefit community residents.She was chosen as a National Organization<strong>of</strong> Nurse Practitioners Faculties (NONPF)Fellow for 1999–2000, in recognition <strong>of</strong> hercontributions <strong>to</strong> graduate education for nursepractitioners. In 2000–2001, she received the<strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Health</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Public</strong> <strong>Affairs</strong> <strong>Excellence</strong>in Graduate Teaching Award.Holcomb has participated in clinical practice atthe UCF/LSCC Clinic in Leesburg. She hasprovided services <strong>to</strong> the Orange County SchoolSystem, Teenage Pregnancy Prevention (TAPP)<strong>and</strong> Frontline Outreach. These volunteeractivities contribute <strong>to</strong> the health care <strong>of</strong>medically underserved areas.Each year, Holcomb participates with facultymembers, students <strong>and</strong> the community in amedical mission <strong>to</strong> Honduras. She wasinstrumental in developing the program sothat local residents are taught basic medicalself-care <strong>and</strong> self-help skills. She was recognizedby Theta Epsilon Chapter <strong>of</strong> Sigma Theta TauInternational for her outst<strong>and</strong>ing leadership inthis area. Recently, she has collaborated with theFlorida Solar Energy Commission <strong>to</strong> developprojects <strong>to</strong> meet the health-care needs forresidents in Haiti.Associate Pr<strong>of</strong>essorsEmma “E.J.” Brown, Ph.D., RN, CSValerie Browne-Krimsley, Ed.D., RNJacqueline Byers, Ph.D., RNErmalynn Kiehl, Ph.D., RNJean Kijek, Ph.D., RNJudith Rul<strong>and</strong>, Ed.D., RN vFrances Smith, Ed.D., RNAssistant Pr<strong>of</strong>essorsMaureen Covelli, Ph.D., RNJannie Gichia, Ph.D., CNM, RNLygia Holcomb, D.S.N., RN, ARNPNancy Rudner-Lugo, Dr.PH, M.P.H., M.S.N.Janice Peterson, Ph.D., RNInstruc<strong>to</strong>rsMary Lou Brunell, M.S.N., RN vGlenn Hagerstrom, M.S.N., ARNPvHer contributions <strong>to</strong> the department, theuniversity <strong>and</strong> the community are noteworthy.Holcomb volunteered her time <strong>to</strong> help start aGraduate Student Nursing Association at UCF,<strong>and</strong> she served as chair <strong>of</strong> the Student <strong>Affairs</strong><strong>and</strong> Graduate Committees. At the universitylevel, Holcomb served a four-year term as amember <strong>of</strong> the Undergraduate Course ReviewCommittee <strong>and</strong> served as a member <strong>of</strong> PresidentHitt’s task force on student health fees.Holcomb is active in many pr<strong>of</strong>essionalorganizations, with a strong commitment <strong>to</strong>the Florida Nurses Association. She is currentlypresident <strong>of</strong> District 8 <strong>and</strong> is beginning asecond term on the Board <strong>of</strong> Direc<strong>to</strong>rs <strong>of</strong> thestatewide group.Linda Hennig, Ed.D., RNErica Hoyt, M.S.N., RNTerry Kyle, M.S.N., ARNP vPatricia Lafferty, M.S.N., RNBarbara Lange, M.S.N., RN vPatricia Leli, M.S.N., RNVic<strong>to</strong>ria Loerzel, M.S.N., RNSusan Pelliccio, M.S.N., RNElizabeth Rash, M.S.N., ARNPv14

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