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<strong>Public</strong>ationsE.J. Brown, Ph.D.Bushy, A. (2002). Ethics in ruralAragon, E., Bur<strong>to</strong>n, V., Byers, J.F.in obese, postmenopausal African-Brown, E.J. (2003). Doublewhammy: <strong>Access</strong>ing, recruiting<strong>and</strong> retaining the hidden <strong>of</strong> thehidden. Journal <strong>of</strong> Ethnicity inhealth care environments: Whathealth pr<strong>of</strong>essionals need <strong>to</strong>know. Geriatric Care ManagementJournal (GCMJ), 12 (1), 7-10.& Cohen, M. (2002). The effec<strong>to</strong>f a critical pathway on outcomes<strong>of</strong> patients following carotidendarterec<strong>to</strong>my. American JournalAmerican <strong>and</strong> Caucasian women.Journal <strong>of</strong> Geron<strong>to</strong>logy, 58A,M181-189.Substance Abuse, 2 (1), 43-51.Brown, E.J. & Brown, J. (2003).HIV-prevention outreach in Blackcommunities <strong>of</strong> three ruralNorth Florida counties.Bushy, A. (2002). Internationalperspectives on rural nursing:Australia, Canada, United States.Australian Journal <strong>of</strong> Rural <strong>Health</strong>,10, 104-111.<strong>of</strong> Critical Care, 11 (3), 250-258.Aragon, E., Farris, K. & Byers, J.F.(2002). The effect <strong>of</strong> harp music onself-perceived anxiety,pain <strong>and</strong> satisfaction, <strong>and</strong>Nicklas, B.J., Ferrell, R.E.,Bunyard, L.B., Berman, D.M.,Dennis, K.E. & Goldberg, A.P.(2002). Effects <strong>of</strong> apoliproproteinE genotype on dietary-inducedchanges in high-density<strong>Public</strong> <strong>Health</strong> Nursing,20 (3), 204-210.Bushy, A. (2002). Overview <strong>of</strong> aWeb-based rural health issuesphysiological variables in patientswith vascular <strong>and</strong> thoracic surgery.cholesterol in obesepostmenopausal women.course. Rural Mental <strong>Health</strong>,Alternative Therapies in <strong>Health</strong>Metabolism, 51 (7), 853-858.Jemmott, L.S. & Brown, E.J.27 (1), 33-37.<strong>and</strong> Medicine, 8 (5), 52-60.(2003). Reducing HIV sexual riskamong African-Americanwomen who use drugs: Hearingtheir voices. Journal <strong>of</strong> theAssociation <strong>of</strong> Nurses in AIDSCare, 14 (1), 19-26.Brown, E.J. & Jemmott, L.S.(2002). HIV prevention amongJacqueline Byers, Ph.D.Sole, M.L., Byers, J.F., Ludy, J.E.,Zhang, Y., Banta, C.M. & Brummel,K. (2003). A multi-site survey <strong>of</strong>suctioning techniques <strong>and</strong> airwaymanagement practices. AmericanJournal <strong>of</strong> Critical Care,12, 220-230.French, E., Sole, M.L. & Byers, J.F.(2002). Hurricane preparedness: Acomparison <strong>of</strong> nurses’ needs <strong>and</strong>hospital disaster plans followingFlorida’s Hurricane Floyd. Journal<strong>of</strong> Emergency Nursing,28, 111-117.Dennis, K.E., Tomoyasu, N.,McCrone, S.H., Goldberg, A.P.,Bunyard, L.B. & Qi, B.B. (2002).Self-efÞ cacy targeted treatmentsfor weight loss in postmenopausalwomen. In E.R. Lenz & L. M.Shortridge-Baggett (Eds.),Self-Efficacy in Nursing(pp. 80-94). New York: Springerpeople with developmentaldisabilities. Journal <strong>of</strong>Psychosocial Nursing <strong>and</strong>Mental <strong>Health</strong> Services,40 (11), 15-21.Jemmott, L.S., Jemmott, J.B. &Brown, E.J. (2002). Reducingsexual transmitted diseasesamong African-American youth:A cognitive behavioral theoreticalapproach. In L.L. Hayman, M.Mahon & R. Turner (Eds.), <strong>Health</strong><strong>and</strong> Behavior in Childhood <strong>and</strong>Adolescence: Cross DisciplinaryPerspectives (pp. 233-258).New York: Springer PublishingCompany.Angeline Bushy, Ph.D.Bushy, A. (2002). Cyber learning:A primer <strong>to</strong> get you started. OnlineJournal <strong>of</strong> Rural Nursing <strong>and</strong><strong>Health</strong> Care, 2 (2), 1-2.Unruh, L. & Byers, J. F. (2003).Hospital downsizing: Internationalexperiences <strong>and</strong> perspectives.Nursing <strong>and</strong> <strong>Health</strong> Policy Review,1 (2), 117-151.Byers, J.F. & Stullenbarger,E. (2003). Meta-analysis <strong>and</strong>decision analysis bridge research<strong>and</strong> practice. Western Journal <strong>of</strong>Nursing Research, 25, 193-204.Polizzi, J., Byers, J.F. & Kiehl, E.(2003). Multiple-gestation infants’NICU co-bedding versus traditionalbedding outcomes. Journal for<strong>Health</strong>care Quality, 25 (1), 5-11.Smith, L. & Byers, J.F. (2002).Gene therapy in the post-Gelsingerera. JONA’s <strong>Health</strong>care Law,Ethics <strong>and</strong> Regulation, 4, 104-110.Sole, M.L., Byers, J.F., Ludy,J.E. & Ostrow, C.L. (2002).Suctioning techniques <strong>and</strong> airwaymanagement practices: Pilotstudy <strong>and</strong> instrument evaluation.American Journal <strong>of</strong> Critical Care,11, 363-368.Maureen Covelli, Ph.D.Aragon, D., Ring C.A. & Covelli,M. (2003). The inß uence <strong>of</strong>diabetes mellitus on pos<strong>to</strong>perativeinfections. Critical Care NursingClinics <strong>of</strong> North America,15 (1), 125-135.Karen Dennis, Ph.D.Nicklas, B.J., Dennis, K.E.,Berman, D.M., Bunyard, L.B.,Sorkin, J. & Goldberg, A.P. (2003).Lifestyle intervention <strong>of</strong> hypocaloricdieting <strong>and</strong> walking reducesabdominal obesity <strong>and</strong> improvescoronary heart disease risk fac<strong>to</strong>rsPublishing Company.Karen Dow, Ph.D.Dow, K.H. (2003). SeventhNational Conference onCancer Nursing Researchkeynote address: Challenges<strong>and</strong> opportunities in cancersurvivorship research. OncologyNursing Forum, 30 (3), 455-469.Kuhn, D. & Dow, K.H. (2003).Quality <strong>of</strong> life issues in breastcancer: Concerns, challenges <strong>and</strong>opportunities. In C.R. King & P.S.Hinds (Eds.), Quality <strong>of</strong> Life: Fromnursing <strong>and</strong> patient perspective(2nd edition). Sudbury, MA:Jones & Bartlett.Dow, K.H. (2002). Existing <strong>and</strong>emerging endocrine therapies forbreast cancer. Cancer Nursing,25 (2S), 6-11.12

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