Tuition Payment Policies - ADVANCE (PDF) - D'Youville College

Tuition Payment Policies - ADVANCE (PDF) - D'Youville College

Tuition Payment Policies - ADVANCE (PDF) - D'Youville College


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Financial RegulationsFINANCIAL LIABILITYWhen you register, you are responsiblefor all charges associated with yourregistration. Failure to attend class doesnot relieve you of your financial liability.OFFICIAL WITHDRAWALSOr LEAVES of ABSENCETo officially withdraw from classes, youmust file a Leave of Absence/Withdrawalform. Financial obligation and tuitionrefunds are based on the tables below.TUITION REFUND PERIODStudents who officially withdraw withina module will have their cost for thatmodule refunded as follows:First week.......................... 100% <strong>Tuition</strong> refundSecond week......................66% <strong>Tuition</strong> refundThird week............................33% <strong>Tuition</strong> refundAfter the third week there is no tuitionand fee refund for that module.You are responsible for tuitionand fees stated unless you haveofficially withdrawn from thecollege. Non-attendance does notconstitute withdrawal. Withdrawalsmust be processed through theregistrar’s office.QuestionsSTUDENT BILLINGStudent Accounts Office • 716.829.7877PAYMENT PLANTMS • 1.800.356.8329FINANCIAL AIDFinancial Aid Office • 716.829.7500REGISTRATIONRegistrar’s Office • 716.829.7626STUDENT HOUSINGResidential Life Office • 716.829.7698Visit our webpage atwww.dyc.edu/student_accountsfor more information.<strong>Tuition</strong><strong>Payment</strong><strong>Policies</strong>Advance and MBAProgramsTo view your bill online log intoyour STACI account at www.dyc.edu.

Due DateYour payment is due as indicated onyour bill.<strong>Payment</strong> Options1. Online <strong>Payment</strong> PlansD’Youville <strong>College</strong> offers a convenient,interest-free monthly payment plan inpartnership with <strong>Tuition</strong> ManagementSystems (TMS) to enable you to moreeasily afford your education expenses.This is an alternative to large annualor term payments and helps limitborrowing.• Choose 5 or 4 monthly payments,due on the 20th of each month.• Available for a small non-refundableenrollment fee ($35 per semester or$65 per year).• Access to interest-free monthlypayments through TMS andD’Youville <strong>College</strong>’s webpagewww.afford.com/dyc.• No credit search.• <strong>Payment</strong>s can be made in U.S. fundsby check, MasterCard, Visa, Discoveror American Express card.• Direct debit (ACH) can also bemade using a checking or savingsaccount at a U.S. bank. (If you are aforeign student, including Canadian,you would need to have a checkingor savings account at a U.S. bank toparticipate in the ACH withdrawalpayments.)2. Online <strong>Payment</strong> in full• <strong>Payment</strong> in full can be made online24 hours a day/seven days a weekthrough the D’Youville <strong>College</strong><strong>Tuition</strong> Management Systems (TMS)webpage, www.afford.com/dyc.• <strong>Payment</strong> in full using MasterCard,Visa, Discover and AmericanExpress.• Direct debit from a U.S. bankaccount with a nine (9) digit routingnumber can also be made.3. <strong>Payment</strong> in full can be made bymail, by phone or in person in theStudent Accounts Office, KoesslerAdministration Building, Room 211from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday -Friday• Cash (U.S. funds only)• Check or money order madepayable to D’Youville <strong>College</strong> inU.S. Funds only. Please write yourstudent ID number on the face ofthe check or money order• Master Card, Visa, Discover andAmerican Express.International <strong>Tuition</strong> <strong>Payment</strong>sD’Youville <strong>College</strong> has partnered withpeerTransfer to offer Innovative and astreamlined way to make internationaltuition payments. With peerTransfer youare offered excellent foreign exchangerates allowing you to pay in your homecurrency and save a significant amount ofmoney as compared to traditional banks.Visit www.peertransfer.com/school/dycto begin or call 716.829.7877 for moreinformation.Late <strong>Payment</strong> PenaltyFinancial Arrangements must becompleted one week before the startof each semester. If you have notcompleted financial arrangements bythat date, you will be assessed a $225late fee. The college considers financialarrangements complete when youhave accounted for the balance due asshown on the enclosed student bill byeither paying making your payment infull or setting up the payment plan withTMS.ChecksAny check returned by your bankwill result in a $30 charge plus anyadditional fees charged by foreignbanks to your account.Financial AidIf you are receiving financial aid, yourestimated awards are noted in theestimate column of your student bill.If your aid appears incomplete or youhave any questions, please contact theFinancial Aid Office at 716.829.7500.

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