Power Grid Analysis in VLSI Designs - SERC

Power Grid Analysis in VLSI Designs - SERC Power Grid Analysis in VLSI Designs - SERC

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2.5 SummaryIn this work, we address real issues being faced by large designs. Automatic toggle generationeases usability as well as improves accuracy. Hierarchical analysis helps in hierarchical designwhich is common methodology to handle design complexity.38

3 Power Estimation3.1 OverviewAccurate Power Estimates are necessary at various stages of the design in order to make correctarchitectural, implementation and cost tradeoffs.[61] Architectural level tradeoffs are higherlevel and involves software or instruction level power modeling or high level activity numbersfor different blocks to do implementation tradeoffs. Many times weighted averages are used toidentify best cost options [62-65]. Once the design gets converted to structural net list andPhysical Design starts, Power Estimation mainly drives package design, PG network designand lower level power minimization. In this case, power dissipation is described as below.P = (A*C*V^2*f) + (τ*A*V*Ishort) + (V*Ileak)WhereA = activity factorthis specifies the amount of switching at various internalnodes of design. Note that ‘f’ is clock frequency which is readily available formost designs. Activity factor specifies about how much a node toggles per ‘f’transitions of clock. The activity factor can be derived from simulation patternsof the logic.C = capacitanceInterconnect load capacitance or wire capacitanceV = dynamic voltagevoltage at which the logic operatesf = frequencyclock frequency at which the logic operates39

2.5 SummaryIn this work, we address real issues be<strong>in</strong>g faced by large designs. Automatic toggle generationeases usability as well as improves accuracy. Hierarchical analysis helps <strong>in</strong> hierarchical designwhich is common methodology to handle design complexity.38

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