The Navy Vol_64_Part2 2002 - Navy League of Australia

The Navy Vol_64_Part2 2002 - Navy League of Australia

The Navy Vol_64_Part2 2002 - Navy League of Australia


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Intelligence. Surveillance, andReconnaissance) resources on newand existing air. land and sea assets• Upgrade older assets until newships, aircraft and systems arefielded• Provide more capable systems withgreater speed, longer endurance, andbelter onboard working spaces, allwith a common integrated supportinfrastructure that will significantlylower operating costs.• Design, build and deploy ihe first <strong>of</strong>a new class <strong>of</strong> cutters for the CoasiGuard - the National Security Cuiter(NSC).ICGS' long-range Deepwatersolution will transform the force intomission-designed, fully integratedassets with complete life-cycle support.Submarines forMalaysia<strong>The</strong> Malaysian Ministry <strong>of</strong> Defence hasawarded European naval shipbuildersDCN International and Izar a contractlo build two medium-size Scorpenesubmarines.A Cutaway model <strong>of</strong> the Scorpene submarinebeing acquired by Malaysia. (DCN)<strong>The</strong> two new-generationconventional attack submarines (SSKs)will be built jointly by DCN and Izar.<strong>The</strong> first, to enter service in 2007. willbe assembled in Cherbourg (France) andthe second, to enter service in 2008. atlzar*s Cartagena shipyard in Spain.<strong>The</strong> Scorpene SSKs - alreadychosen by the Chilean <strong>Navy</strong> (two unitscurrently in production) - feature state-<strong>of</strong>-the-art developments derived directlyfrom France's submarine buildingprograms. <strong>The</strong> Scorpene <strong>of</strong>fer excellentsize- and cost-effectiveness ratios.Designed for missions ranging fromanti-submarine and anti-surface warfareto special operations and intelligencegathering. Scorpene SSKs featureadvances in hull shape and modularconstruction plus a range <strong>of</strong> state-<strong>of</strong>-thearttechnologies. <strong>The</strong> combat systemcombines proven weapons handling andfire control with a complete sensorsuite. It is not known at this stage if AIP(Air Independent Propulsion) will beadded to the contract.Dutch submarine joinsfight on drugs<strong>The</strong> Royal Netherlands <strong>Navy</strong> (RNLN)has revealed that one <strong>of</strong> its Walrus-classsubmarines has been deployed tothe Caribbean to conduct covertsurveillance missions in the fightagainst drugs.HrMs ZEELEEUW has beenengaged in detecting, tracking andreporting suspect ship movements(including suspicious speedboats) <strong>of</strong>fthe coasts <strong>of</strong> Colombia and Venezuelasince May. using its towed array sonar,hull-mounted sonar and above-watersensors such as periscopes andelectronic support measures masts.HrMs ZEELEEUW worked jointlywith Dutch P-3C Orions. frigates andother patrol assets assigned to the areain order to relieve USN assets for theWar on Terror.<strong>The</strong> 2,800-tonne diesel-electricsubmarine has also taken part in a US<strong>Navy</strong>-run Prospective CommandingOfficers Course <strong>of</strong>f Puerto Rico, actingas sparring partner to the Los AngelesclassSSNs USS HARTFORD andJACKSONVILLE.Greece orders fourthType 214Howaldtswerke Deutsche Werft (HDW)has won a EUR700 million (US$695m)contract to build a fourth Type 214 airindependentpropulsion submarine forthe Hellenic <strong>Navy</strong>. <strong>The</strong> boat, like two<strong>of</strong> three already on order, will beconstructed at the HDW-ownedHellenic Shipyards in Skaramanga nearAthens.A German Type 212 starling sea trials. <strong>The</strong> 212and 214 share many similar features.FEARLESS forBrazil?It is understood that the Brazilian <strong>Navy</strong>is negotiating w ith the UK to acquire theformer RN amphibious assault shipHMS FEARLESS.FEARLESS was the last steampoweredship in the RN and retired fromservice in March <strong>of</strong> this year after 37years <strong>of</strong> service. During its final eightmonthdeployment the vessel operatedin the Gulf as part <strong>of</strong> Exercise "Sail"Sareea II' (see THE NAVY <strong>Vol</strong> <strong>64</strong> No. I.pp 24- 28) and then participated inOperation 'Veritas'. the UKcontribution to the US-led OperationEnduring Freedom.Currently alongside at PortsmouthNaval Base. FEARLESS is due to moveto a lay-up berth in the base pending afinal decision on its disposal.A British Army Lynx flies past the LPD HMSFEARLESS. FEARLESS may be sold to Braziland see out her days in the South Atlantic, whereshe is no stranger having seen extensive serviceduring Ihe Falklands War. (RN)It is understood that Brazil isinterested in buying both FEARLESSand its decommissioned sister ship.HMS INTREPID, which has been laidup at Portsmouth Naval Base for severalyears as a source <strong>of</strong> spares, with theintention <strong>of</strong> further cannibalisingINTREPID to provide a source <strong>of</strong> sparesand components for its sister vessel.However, there are now contraryindications that while INTREPID will beused as a source <strong>of</strong> spares, the ship itselfmay not form part <strong>of</strong> the sales package.India and Franceconduct naval exerciseIndia and France conducted joint navalmanoeuvres in the Arabian Sea in mid-May as part <strong>of</strong> Exercise 'Varuna II".their second bilateral exercise in asmany years. Held <strong>of</strong>f Goa. this was thefirst time a French aircraft carrier hastaken part in a joint exercise with theIndian <strong>Navy</strong>.Participating in 'Varuna II' wereFrench aircraft carrier CHARLES DEGAULLE and the guided-missiledestroyer CASSARD: India contributedthe Rajput (Kashin ID-class destroyerINS RANVIJAY and Godavari-cl'assfrigate INS GODAVARI. French SuperEtendard and Rafale M fighter aircraftand four Indian Sea Harrier FRS.5l'salso took part. India decided towithdraw INS VIRAAT. its only aircraftcarrier, from the exercise at the lastmoment because <strong>of</strong> tensions withPakistan."As India is a democracy and has apowerful navy, it's important for us toexercise with it and build up confidencein areas <strong>of</strong> mutual interest." said RearAdm Francois Cluzel. the French taskforce commander.Indian Minister <strong>of</strong> Defence GeorgesFcrnandes visited CHARLES DEGAULLE on 14 May with Chief <strong>of</strong>the Indian <strong>Navy</strong> Adm MadvcndraSingh. <strong>The</strong> aim <strong>of</strong> 'Varuna II' was toimprove defence co-operation andinteroperability between India andFrance.Argentina seeksaircraft carrierArgentina has again articulated itsaspiration for an aircraft carriercapability, despite the country'seconomic disaster.Argentina has been without a carriersince 1988. when the UK-builtVEINTICINCO DE MAYO was retiredto undertake a US$200 million refit,which was never completed due tobudget cuts. In the mid-1990s Argentinawas <strong>of</strong>fered the French aircraft carrierCLEMENCEAU. but could notafford it.In 2001 Brazil <strong>of</strong>fered its ownageing 17,500-tonne carrier. MINA1SGERAIS. following its acquisition <strong>of</strong>the SAO PAULO (ex-FOCH). for onlyUS$2 million, to be used for training<strong>The</strong> Brazilian Majestic class carrier MIN'AISGERAIS with an Argentine Super Etendardlanding. <strong>The</strong> Brazilian and Argentine navies airarms arc developing a joint air group to operatefrom Brazil's new aircraft carrier. SAO PAULO.purposes. However, the <strong>of</strong>fer wasdeclined because <strong>of</strong> the carrier*?inability to launch any <strong>of</strong> Argentina'saircraft fully loaded.<strong>The</strong> Argentine <strong>Navy</strong>'s aims to buildan aviation-capable principal ship, witha displacement <strong>of</strong> 15.000-20.000tonnes, to be built in the next decade,comes under a project called 'PlanApolo'.While plans arc being formulatedthe air arms <strong>of</strong> Argentian and Brazilhave conducted another joint exerciseto hone and retain carrier air powerskills.Between 1-5 May. surface vesselsand aircraft <strong>of</strong> the Armada dc laRcpublica Argentina (ARA) took part ina joint exercise. ARAEX <strong>2002</strong>. with theBrazilian <strong>Navy</strong> <strong>of</strong>f the Argentine coast,vessels included Brazil's Clemenceauclassaircraft carrier SAO PAULO (A12). For five days Super Etendards andS-2ET TracKers operated alongsideBrazilian A-4 Sky Hawks from theflight deck <strong>of</strong> SAO PAULO.Since the exercise both navies havebegun talks to create a joint Brazilian-Argentine air group.Since 1998 half <strong>of</strong> the Brazilian<strong>Navy</strong>'s combat pilot trainees have beentrained by the US <strong>Navy</strong>, the other halfby the Argentine <strong>Navy</strong> in its NavalAviation School at Punta Indio.However, due to costs and a Brazilian<strong>Navy</strong> assessment <strong>of</strong> newly graduatedpilots, which demonstrated that thosetrained by the Argentines performedbetter, the Brazilian <strong>Navy</strong> plans to sendall <strong>of</strong> its fixed-wing combat aviationtrainees to Argentina.Aegis Baseline 7.1testing completeLockheed Martin Naval Electronic &Surveillance Systems (NE&SS)-SurfaceSystems has completed equipmenttesting <strong>of</strong> the latest iteration <strong>of</strong> the US<strong>Navy</strong>'s Aegis Weapon System, knownas Baseline 7.1.<strong>The</strong> Arleigh Burkc-class guidedmissiledestroyer USS PINCKNEY(DDG-91) will be the first ship toreceive the Baseline 7.1 fit. withinstallation planned to take placetowards the end <strong>of</strong> this year.Major enhancements have beenmade within Baseline 7.1. includingtheatre ballistic missile (TBM)detection and tracking, improved littoralwarfare capability, and increased targethandling and detection sensitivity.This latest Aegis system configurationalso includes the new AN/SPY-1 D(V)radar, and further migrates the overallsystem to a commercial <strong>of</strong>f-the-shelfcomputing architecture. Offering muchimproved performance in clutteredlittoral environments. SPY-ID(V) alsoincorporates a new Linear TrackProcessor to expand capability to theTBM defence mission.First South AfricanMEKO corvettenamed<strong>The</strong> first MEKO A200 corvette for theSouth African <strong>Navy</strong> (SAN).AMATOLA, was named at theBlohm+Voss shipyard in Hamburg on7 June.<strong>The</strong> first and third corvettes are tobe constructed at Blohm+Voss inHamburg, with HDW building thesecond and fourth <strong>of</strong> class in Kiel.Blohm+Voss will conduct sea trials forthe AMATOLA in November, followingwhich it is expected to be transferredin late December to South Africa.<strong>The</strong> SAN plans to commission theAMATOLA in August 2004.<strong>The</strong> SAN MEKO A20()s are to befitted with eight EADS AerospatialeExocet MM 40 Block II surface-tosurfacemissiles, a vertical-launchingsystem with 16 South AfricanUmkhonto surface-to-air missiles, arefurbished 76mm Oto Melara gunmount taken from the SAN's Warriorfast-attack craft and a 35mm dual-22VOL. <strong>64</strong> NO.ITHE NAVYTHE NAVY VOL. <strong>64</strong> NO. 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