ONTARIO - Postsecondary Education Quality Assessment Board

ONTARIO - Postsecondary Education Quality Assessment Board

ONTARIO - Postsecondary Education Quality Assessment Board


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<strong>ONTARIO</strong>:a global leader in quality assuranceDALE PATTERSONA MESSAGE FROMTHE CHAIR AND FROM THE DIRECTORThe <strong>Board</strong> had a very busy and productive year in2006-07. In addition to its work of assessing andmaking recommendations to the Minister on newapplications for consent to offer degree programs,the <strong>Board</strong> also received applications for renewal ofconsent from a number of Ontario Colleges of AppliedArts and Technology, whose consents were due to expireat the end of 2007. The <strong>Board</strong> and its Secretariatworked closely with a committee that hadrepresentation from all of the CAATS that haveministerial consent in discussing the procedures,criteria and other matters relating to the applicationsfor the renewal of their consents. A CAAT renewalhandbook was produced, eleven renewals werereceived by the end of 2006, and the <strong>Board</strong> is nowin the processes of assessing these.TERRY MIOSIThe <strong>Board</strong> was also engaged in a variety of other activities, including thefollowing:<strong>Board</strong> RecommendationsWe received a steady stream of applications for consent to offer both undergraduateand graduate programs. These came from public and private institutionsfrom outside Ontario, private institutions within Ontario, Ontario’s publiccollege, and a new public university whose degree-granting authority hasnot yet been declared. In 2006/07, the <strong>Board</strong> made 30 recommendations tothe Minister: 12 relating to Ontario Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology;12 to the University of Ontario Institute of Technology; 4 to private universities,and 2 to public universities, these included 15 new programs, 12 programchanges, 1 honorary degree and 2 were for the use of the word‘university’.Championing Collaboration - Promotion of Shared Standards andProceduresIn Canada, postsecondary education is a provincial/territorial responsibility.Therefore, the direct funding of postsecondary education institutions and theaccompanying quality assurance mechanisms are provincial/territorial responsibilities.Each province and territory has its own system of postsecondaryeducation institutions, and there are no common or national quality assurancepolicies and programs. However, it has become apparent to jurisdictions overthe last few years that it is important to have a set of consistent and coherentstandards at a pan-Canadian level to facilitate mobility and transferabilitydomestically and to increase understanding of Canada's postsecondaryeducation institutions internationally.At the initiative of the <strong>Postsecondary</strong> <strong>Education</strong> <strong>Quality</strong> <strong>Assessment</strong><strong>Board</strong> of Ontario, the quality assessment agencies of Ontario, Alberta andBritish Columbia scheduled a symposium in 2004 to discuss matters of mutualinterest with regard to the issues, standards and technical procedures oftheir respective quality assurance agencies, with the intention of harmonizingthese wherever possible in order to promote the maximum level of mutualrecognition.Invitations to this workshop were also sent to agencies in the other provincesthat might also have an interest in QA issues in higher education. The interestwas significant, and workshop participants also included senior governmentofficials from higher education ministries from a number of provinces.2

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